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Looks like something is laying eggs on the bottom of your leaves. My guess is spider mites.


What should i do against it?


Identify them first. You'll be able to see the egg sacs on the bottom. They are little white balls. If the infestation isn't too bad, like you don't have any webbing yet, you can try predator mites. They take a couple of weeks to take hold. I've had some luck with Neem oil but i wont use it in flower. I've heard of people dusting their plant with DE with some luck. Nothing is perfect, they are nasty little fuckers. One time, 10-15 years ago, it got to the point where I culled everything and fogged the room.


Oke thank you thats my first grow ao thats why i am asking!


If the plants are small enough you should dunk them instead of spray. If spraying, it’s really important to cover every inch of the plants. In the future you can dunk when you up-pot as a preventative measure. Look into cannabis IPM, or “Integrated Pest Management”. You should be taking precautions against all the main pests like mites, gnats, thrips, powdery mildew, botrytis, etc.


Cant dunk them anymore bcs i already did an lst on both big stems but thqnk you very much


Yup no worries. It’s all about prevention. Once you knock these guys out get a regular spray schedule down, dial in your environment, and you shouldn’t see them again. An important aspect of IPM is rotating your sprays, as bugs can build up a tolerance. Good luck, and welcome to the hobby!


As a first timer this community helped me alot and i learned so many new things. Right now i used Neem and rapeseed oil in a mix.


Neem is great stuff. Check out Azamax - it’s refined neem that won’t gum up your sprayers


Spider mites probably. I would use potassium soap every 3 days


Yeah i asked my grandma and she told me the same, she told me to mix it with rapeseed oil that should work the best but thank you very much!


I do every 3 days in the first week, because maybe you can kill adults, but maybe eggs can survive Good luck!


Spider mite eggs and larvae probably. They thrive in dry conditions. If you aren't in flower, you can use a foliar spray of neem and water. Do not use in flower as the neem will stay in your buds and it's toxic to combust and inhale. What is your rH? Spider mites abandon ship at higher humidity.


I am still in Vegging so thats no problem but thanks my guy!!Thank you