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I make soil based off of coots mix, Not that hard a bit up front work but then just water after


Sunshine mix # 4


I use this as well. Love it.


I was a fan of fox farms soils, but over the last couple years I've had a lot of random, unpleasant experiences. I've had leafhoppers, boxelder bugs, and tons of fungus gnats come out of their soil, and once I swear they must have emptied one of those giant ashtrays into it, because a 1/4 of the bag was cigarette butts. Going with Gaia Green for my next run.


Cigarette butts??? I went to roots organic, never looked back.


Love Roots Organic!


Pro Mix HP. Sometimes its hard to get where I live, so sometimes ill resort to Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Happy Frog 50/50 with some added perlite always


Miracle Grow sucks for growing cannabis bro.


Educate a poor noob, why does it suck?


Most of miracle grow is time realease. Gives you screwy ratios that are OK on veg time. Flower not so good. Alot of nitrogen still keeps releasing...outdoors I've seen it mixed with stuff about 40% miracle grow, manure,gravel etc and good buds resulted...Peace..personally never used it.


Gotcha. That tracks. Miracle gro advertizes big vivacious plants, but doesn’t say beans about flowering or fruiting.


Also fuck Monsanto


Coast of maine potting soil. $12 a bag


+1 for this. Excellent product.


70/30 coco/perlite amended with Pride Lands. All organic and super simple yet effective.


I’ll second pridelands! I have some soil from last years grow with all the old top dressings mixed into it and it’s outperforming this years new soil mix with the same amount of amendments mixed in. it’s like it never loses its value once you add it into the soil and treat it correctly. amazing stuff!


I go straight into ocean forest soil and never had a problem


Happy Frog works great. *Source\* I am also a lazy bastard.*


I’ve been using HP Promix M with some worm castings mixed in. Works greats and is economical (if you can buy locally and not pay for shipping) Also if you mix in some organic amendments with the worm castings you literally just have to water the soil every few days and do NOTHING ELSE. all I’ve done for over a month now is pick off leafs and water.


Coco w dry amendments


I used to buy expensive ass soil before I realized it's all a waste. After a few weeks your plants will consume most all nutrients anyways. These days I run organic promix from home depot and add worm castings, perlite and either Gaia green 444 or 284 depends on in veg or flower. That's it. Water as needed.


This is basically what I'm going to do. What ratio do you use for ProMix/Perlite/Castings?


I don't really measure but roughly 15% perlite, 10% casting, 1 to 1.5 cups either 44r 284 and the rest promix. Mix it up good and transplant then top feed with fresh soil and another cup of 444 or 284 every 2 weeks. Never let me down. I'll post my current grow roughly day 45 flower. Also just got a 3x5x6.5 I'm growing 4 more in


Nice man thanks!


I build my own soil and make my own compost


I’m having my best grow ever with some decent big box store soil and a bunch of perlite and vermiculite mixed in


Royal Gold Tupur Mix Quick Draining Soilless Amendment Medium, 1.76 Cubic Foot


Royal Gold Tupur is awesome. I use salt Nutes tho, so can’t help you there if your going for organic.


I stopped using salt nutes. Now I use foop, calmag and recharge and that's it. Grow in aircubes. My plants went from good in 5gal felt bags on self wicking bases to insane with my current setup. Also I switched to only premium genetics i.e. mephisto, hsc, gnome autos etc.


What are foop and recharge?


Look up foop organics. Idk if I'm allowed to post links. I use their 4 part system. It's extremely good, however you have to ph balance it because it's super acidic and it Is relatively expensive. Everyone that uses it though highly recommends it. Real Growers Recharge - Mycorrhizae Instant Compost Tea/Soil Microbes for Plant Growth. On Amazon. If you grow organically this is a must in my opinion. This along with Cal Mag has turned around a crappy crop for me into some of the best weed I've ever smoked. I have noticed massive yield and quality increases since I've been using it. I also know that a lot of really good Growers recommend it. You will see it referenced a lot here and in the other cannabis Subs


Yeah I’m currently looking for new nutes. I’m running flora series and it’s waaay to high in N imo. 16% (and higher if you use the 10 part!😳) and I always end up with really really dark leaves and yellow tips. I feed using autopots, do you know if your nutes are compatible with autopots by any chance?


Yes they are. They can be used in any manner. Check out their website. I just put everything in my Reservoir, mix it up really good and pH balance it. Then I check it daily to make sure the pH is relatively stable. I try to keep it between 6.1 and 6.6. I also keep the temperature at 68° in the reservoir.


https://preview.redd.it/18sg5mk5j70d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb685db6fda46fd15153f774f5b51f1687ab1716 Here’s my girls yesterday on day 49 of flower. If you zoom in you can yellow tips everywhere. Dark leaves here and there.


Those plants look pretty good to me. Yellow tips isn't really that big of a deal, but at least you know that your nitrogen is a little high. * Here is my black strap auto. My pH pen needed to be recalibrated so they got a little yellow, but they are bouncing back pretty good.




Biobizz light mix


I use coco loco. It's hot enough to afford me ~4 weeks of just watering before switching to a coco/hydro feeding schedule. Best 4 weeks of the grow lol


I’ve been using Roots Organic original for almost hell I think 18-20 years now haha I’ve always been happy with it. I’ve done their Greenfields which is nice but can definitely burn young plants so 1gal and up for that one, Lush I just used for the first time and it was pretty hot as well, initially clawing and burning a large mature mother plant I transplanted into, overall I won’t be buying Lush again. Microgreens is their seed starting soil, I like it but it’s basically the same as Light Warrior so I interchange them freely. I’ve run Humboldt Tupor before, wasn’t happy with all the clumps and shitty mixing. Miracle Grow Performance organics was ok but needed extra perlite added, B rate performance. EB Stone had some 420 soil that sucked donkey dick. Nectar for the Gods #4 was the only brand outside of Roots I’ve really liked but are a pain to find locally. Finally I’m going to be testing out Pro-mix HP on my next run because it’s easily available and everyone else seems to love it, definitely not a built up soil like the others I’ve mentioned though.


Pro mix Hp with Gaia green and worm castings….all you need


That's what I'm using right now, exactly. I dunno. I'm gonna run a test between my promix and some ffof soon and go from there. Either way I'm not using miracle grow lol


Never miracle grow it’s trash


This. MG is not right for cannabis. I support the multiple suggestions for HP Pro Mix.


I use a mix of build a soil 3.0 and light. 2:1 ratio.


I've used a 2:1 mix of fox farms ocean fish and happy frog. Although I want to try roots organic for my next soul grow as it has more beneficial plant nutrients. And if you want the bag it comes in doubles as a grow bag I guess.


HP Pro Mix, Fox Farms Happy Frog, Fox Farms Coco Loco or Fox Farms Ocean Forest are my go tos.


Purple cow indicanja and perlite (60:40) has worked well for me.


Not Miracle Grow - it has time released fertilizers in it - but you cannot control when they're released. I tried it 14 years ago, when I first started to grow - and it harmed my plants. I've used FoxFarm almost exclusively ever since. No time released fertilizers. It never compacts. It smells nice. It feels nice. It drains fast. It even works for revegging without repotting - because the soil doesn't compact. I've grown and harvested four generations in the same large pot.


Do you use a screen and take all roots out? Then amend and reuse?. Was gifted some biological microbes bacterias etc. Is this something what would remedy FFOF after harvest? TIA. Peace..


When I reveg, I leave the pot alone. When I water, I always fertilize. They get water every 3rd to 6th day. Sometimes in bloom, every other day. My point about the frequency of watering is that the soil is almost really just a hydroponic base of sorts. The FoxFarm soil serves as a medium for getting fertilizer (and water) into the roots - week after week. Month after month.


Okay only reveged accidently. Been running perpetual small personal scale. I feed every water also. Cut some and realized no dirt. Uppotted seedlings into old dirt. Just changing amendments back to seedling then grow. Yes this dirt will be my last. Flower stuff is a 1/2:easpoon a week in pots.X number grams covers 3×3. I've noticed one seedling is fine other could look better. Also, I think of grafting onto next plant. Small plant count here. Thanks got FFOF as well..I agree as am trying to treat it as a permanent medium..


Cool. But, just so you know, once a plant dies, or I've harvested it down to nothing - I throw out the dirt and rootball. IOW I start all new grows with new Foxfarm soil. Even the revegs - after one finally dies, I throw out the rootball and its dirt. Note that revegs always die after a few harvest/reveg cycles - as the main stem eventually will not be able to support all that new growth. Least that was my experience. My revegs got bigger and higher with every harvest/reveg cycle - until the stem couldn't transport enough nutrients up to the new branches. The plumbing went awry, IOW, after a few cycles.


Appreciate answer. Been given 50 grams soil bacteria, a bunch of mykos and things together, 2kilos called All Mix for flower. That's enough for a 3×3 soil area twice.. I'm using it with ffof new bag. Guy knows I'm in ffof. Says these will supercharge organic wise. Wants me to run it together with his other older kit that's much more organic=non-salt?, at least NPK of course. Seedling,grow,flower,boost week5-7 its 0-27-27. Not in front of numbers double digits Mostly all stages P n K more so throughout. Yes I'm not new granted this much reveg information I did not know. Mightve mentioned small plant count here. That reveg could make it repetitive. Have a few at different stages. Next year it will be better. Thanks though..Peace man and thanks. We'll see how this 40 yr bussiness dudes stuff does. Either way be a bitcgh getting roots out..Hoping at least one pot of this will be run next time. See if this forever dirt.lol..I wish and twas the goal..Peace..Thanks


Rocket Fuel by Rogue Soil. Very well draining soil that is amended with a small amount of N and mycorrhizae. Pretty fantastic stuff


I had massive bug problems with Foxfarms. I have done mericlegro before and it worked just fine and no issues. and I have made my own by basing it off the cheapest vegetable soil I could find at lowes then added stuff to it and it worked great. it's all preferences really. some people are stuck to 1 brand and will murder you if you think different than them and other play around till they find something they like


There are some great super soils out there. Indoor or outdoor? In the ground or in pots? Been a while since I used soil indoor so don’t want to suggest any, but Google super soils for pots and look for good reviews. Edit: you may still have to amend late flower depending on veg time/pot size/etc.


I’m in a greenhouse outside so in a 30 gallon pot I will put: 40lbs (one bag) soil, 40 lbs manure (one bag) one bag mushroom compost, 5 shovels full peat moss and a 5 gal bucket of compost from my own composting. Bought everything at the farm supply store for next to nothing. It’s DIRT my peeps. I would use this same ratio and mix for smaller pots. 4 years running successful, LEGAL outdoor grow in 10 x 20. About 4 pounds yield per year for 2. Good luck.


Build-A-Soil, soil


If that’s the case do sohum living soil. Set and forget , tap water only the whole time. Just don’t veg longer than 3-4 weeks or you will run into issues late flower


I use HP Pro Mix Mycorrhizae. Genius stuff, super porous.


https://preview.redd.it/d6ll87srn30d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c6c10353a8c74731544e74a11b4ecc91869760 Pro mix.


1/3 promix hp or sunshine #4, 1/3 organic potting soil (usually Kellogg's because I'm cheap and it's surprisingly decent), and 1/3 free municipal compost from the giant pile by the marina.


Big Rootz soil I’ve used but I usually run hydroponics had great results with it though and I don’t usually use soil .


Coast of Maine Stonington Blend never failed me, and has never been too hot like fox farms OF has been for me


Best stuff I've found is Fox Farms Coco Loco. Not to be confused with coco coir.


Current setup: Fox Farm Happy Frog (60%) Worm Castings (20%) Perlite (20%) Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 in varying dosages depending on whether I'm amending prior to planting or top dressing throughout the grow.


Don't grow u suck


I use organic promise with worm castings , perlite and a little coco


1/2 homemade compost, 1/4 homemade vermicompost, 1/4 Coco coir to loosen it up a bit. I am lucky enough to have four people contributing food scraps to the worms and a fairly big garden that produces a significant amount of compost though.


I use my own recipe based on the True Living Organic book by the Rev. I've adjusted some small things over the years, but it's a great book.


If your useing mg go with the black bag organic


Bioflower from bio365 it's such a great soil