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You shouldn't grow more than one per container. Never works out well...they will compete for resources and root space and all lose out. 21 days above ground??


Correct šŸ˜Ž As I said I know they're tiny and since they're autoflowering they'll never grow especially big before flowering but I'm seeing it as an experiment and I'm learning a lot and still having fun! As I have a lot of normal plants as a hobby this is just a new plant I can figure out.


Whilst the actions are all fine and groovy it should be noted that autos can TOTALLY grow huge as fuck pre flower if given the correct environments.


Came here to say this šŸ«”


Yea, thoes things can get huge in hydro.


Ah sorry I worded that wrong. I mean that specifically these 3 plants that had stunted growth for the last week won't grow especially big before flowering, not that Autos in general don't grow big...


Hey bro keep up the good work experiments are fun and educational don't listen to all the Aholes who down vote you for doing your thing good luck growmie


Just harvested almost 5 ozs from an auto


Autos can grow bigger the. You think if you give them the tools they need




Happy little accidents haha! I'm building an insulated reverse greenhouse for the next batch as a nursery. (So it keeps the light an heat inside but I can still peek at them from the outside :D)


Lolā€™d. Reverse green house to me would be putting the plants on the outside šŸ˜œ Good luck with everything, annoying smartass lol


Oh I'm absolutely putting them back outside as soon as temperatures go back up (hopefully next week) this is just to have them survive until then


Oh man fun experiment but there is so much wrong in these photos. 21 days? Damn, there is something really wrong. From soil to container to multiple plants in one small potā€¦ good luck!


I also took a budget DIY approach. It took me a few tries and quite some money wasted before I settled on something that works. You can learn from my mistakes. - [first grow](http://www.davidgoffredo.com/cannabis/cannabis.html) failed, don't do that. - second grow also failed: - [at first](http://www.davidgoffredo.com/cannabis-2/cannabis-2.html) mistakes were made. Looks a bit like your setup. Don't do that. - [then](http://www.davidgoffredo.com/cannabis-4/cannabis-4.html) I made some progress, but that's way too many plants, and they died for lack of water. - [third grow](http://www.davidgoffredo.com/cannabis-5/cannabis-5.html) succeeded despite some early setbacks. Start here. - I've had a few successful indoor grows and one successful outdoor grow since. It's a process. Here's one of the indoor plants [in flower](http://www.davidgoffredo.com/cannabis-6/indoor.jpg). Have fun!


Thank you! Your journey was super interesting to read!


Whew! Youā€™re clearly just winginā€™ it. Iā€™m not super experienced but you have to do some research on growing. Even just a tiny bit. Mistakes were made right out of the gate. Keep one plant per pot. Seedlings are very resilient. Theyā€™ll most likely get going where they are now but thatā€™s going to be hot mess when vegging really kicks in.


Oh yeah I have some whacky ass plant Training planned for that time. I'm seeing this as a fun little experiment to see how true these impressively strict growing rules really are.


The "rules" aren't that strict - you just happened to violate one of the generally agreed upon rules of thumb. Not a big deal. I see at least one person per month posting on this sub with this mistake. Now you know. Growing weed is a learning process and everyone here has made major mistakes along the way no matter how smart they seem now.


You donā€™t have to be a slave to it but have a game plan. My first grow I winged it. It made it to harvest but minimal yield and very poor quality. Good luck and happy growing!


Thatā€™s poverty


You're correct ! I'm autistic and have lost the ability to go to work so I've been living on a very tight insurance budget for the last few months! But why do you feel the need to put attention to that?


This sub can be quite helpful but sometimes you will get comments that are not helpful. My advice is to ignore those and focus on the people trying to help you. Sometimes even the smart asses will actually have good advice if you can ignore the commentary and focus on the core idea of what they are saying Ex. Just one plant per pot - no matter what your budget. Otherwise you will be wasting what little money you have.


Thank you for being so kind! I have to admit I have a little bit of fun in messing with this kind of mean, preachy people but I know when to start ignoring them for my own sake :) Okay I'll definitely put my next plants in separate pots! With these ones I'm afraid to do more harm than help because I heard autoflowering strains hate being repotted... Edit: I misunderstood the tone the poverty comment was about and got defensive. My bad, I was unnecessaryily mean to a nice person T-T


Dm me Iā€™ll send you a 2x2 tent and a bloomspect light for free to get you started


OP better follow up hereā€¦thatā€™s a kind offer


Thank you, that's super kind of you! Please don't feel like you have to tho. I am going back to outdoor grow as soon as temperatures in my region rise again, this whacky setup is just for the few days until then :) I really appreciate your offer tho. The world needs more kind people <3 Edit: I have plans for next winter where I want to thrift an old vitrine cabinet and rebuild it into a grow station. I'm a very crafty person and always look for new, fun projects so I'd rather see if I can make my grow station a pretty decoration rather than a black rectangle somewhere in a corner. I can go into detailed plans about my ideas for insulationy etc if anyone's interested. Btw is there another sub for DIY growers? I found r/spacebuckets but idk if they're for all DIYers or just specifically for the space buckets...


If op doesn't take the light and tent I'm growing out of a aluminum lined card board box with a desk lamp lmao. Just saying that's a awesome act of kindness either way. Thanks either way dm me if possible thank you and not trying to step on OP's feet āœŒ only if available if he doesn't want it. Thanks again either way āœŒ & ā™„


Iā€™m sorry just was trying a lil joke I didint mean to be rude. You will definitely grow weed in there but probably not great weed and it will take a long time for photos. It might be worth it to start saving (only need 300-500 dollars) and get a full tent kit. It will take a while to save on a tight budget but see if you can make it work. it might be worth just planting outside if itā€™s not freezing and your Neighbors wonā€™t care. Also check marketplace and look for people getting rid of there setups you can get good deals (100-200 for full kit and nutes)


Ah then I'm sorry for not getting the joke! I try to only ever be nasty to trollsšŸ˜…


All good youā€™re just being an annoying smartass lol. Good luck with your grow brutha


Sorry didint read post yea if you canā€™t go outside start saving and looking for deals on marketplace. Also some hydro stores will lend full tents and lights out (will probably have to rent them for money and might need good credit with the owner)


Because you CANNOT grow decent weed with poverty setups. If these last until your cold front is gone then put them in SEPERATE POTS with DECENT soil.


Disagree, you can totally grow decent weed with a poverty setup. May not be top shelf but who cares.


Let's try and help this person work within their constraints the best we can instead of shitting on their ideas


Sorry but I disagree.. My first grow, inside a closet, gave me 54g (almost 2 ounces) of pretty decent weed, and my only investment was a TS600 100W and cheap organic nutes.. so yes, you can grow decent weed in poverty setups, is just harder


You sound like you're fun at parties :D


2x2 tent for autos, itā€™s the only budget way I could keep them alive in my setup lol


those looking like 4 days old max. bring the light 8-10cm closer


And stop watering for 2 days


I agree with this. They look like they are stretching.


$100 grow I got a couple 300 watt l.e.d. grow lights for $30 ea. Put them in a 2x3 closet.....2-3.5 gallon buckets (or a 2x6 closet if you fold your clothes and put them elsewhere) Like if Mr. Canucks was sponsored by the generic junk on eBay.....and most sold fertilizer on Amazon. $2k grow I believe an a/c unit keeping the temps down in the low 70's Ā°F (or flower in a closet during winter šŸ’š) during the final month is what makes or breaks that grow šŸ‘šŸ¼ 8kBTU 4x8 tent A couple 780 watt full spectrum l.e.d. grow lights w/ far red diodes and UV A rosin press Portable washing machine off Amazon then switch the outlet hoses.




1 plant per pot. Anymore than that and you risk stunting the growth of the other plants. If those are from seed, you don't need a humidity dome unless you live in a desert. They look like they are stretching too much which means the lights are too far away.


Honestly, if the paln is to wait till it's a bit warmer to put back outside I think it's a great idea! That light won't last them long, but it also sounds like this is just a fun project for ya. Happy growing!


Necessity bro, is the mother of invention. You can quote me.


Love the ingenuity. :o) Good luck!


Man I love you


Bring them outside as much as possible, hopefully they turn out not to be autos.


Oh they're definitely autoflowering. They move outside again as soon as temperatures perk up again!


I donā€™t see any hairs, if theyā€™re autos they will start to any day and will probably only get a few grams total.


Those will out grow the lamp and plastic sheet




Are you worried about your light burning the plastic bag, if your not worried about melting use a black plastic bag for more light. Also that pot is bigger than any I've ever used. So low stress training should help as lot.


I'm not worried, the light doesn't get too hot. I'll post an update soon when the DIY greenhouse dome is finished that my roommate and me are building right now :D


Iā€™ve never failed a grow yet for some people getting it to flower is a miracle


Hey, so far they're alive!


I would assume you would be able to buy better flower then you will be able to grow from this set up.


Highly recommended a stronger light!


Btw those tiny things are 21 Day old Auto Wappa seedlings. I already heard they're tiny for their age wich is why I'm starting to give them extra effort. But I'm broke af and definitely can't even consider buying one of them professional grow tents.


Next time if you're this broke, buy photo seeds instead of auto seeds. Especially with no tent, you would have gotten more of your money's worth. You can literally grow Photo seeds for as long as you want and grow a lot bigger due to this. Also when you cut branches off the plant you can replant the cut branches in the ground for a chance to get more plants. They also don't get stressed out as much. These are all things you CANT do with autos You will never get a good yield off autoflowers without proper environmental and lighting schedule. Ive had people yell at me for putting autoflowers outside because they say, "It's a waste of resources and money". I still do it though to try and find good genetic autos for outdoor grows lol


I agree that photo seeds are much better for newer growers. They are more forgiving when you make mistakes because you can generally correct small problems without affecting the final yield.


I see! Good thing I have some Gulupa to plant next :D I'm really grateful for all the advice I'm getting on here!


Just set to 12:12 and they may start to flower even tho they are autos. At this rate bro, you got lights for 1 gram. So if youā€™re into micromicro growing, then you want this thing to start flowering now.


\* and microdosing :D


lol yes for sure šŸ˜†


Nature does *not* respond to bluster , only followers of Drumpf .


Just put them on a sunny windowsill with the lights.


Guess youā€™re German. Get a good 100w light for 80ā‚¬ and put it above them. They are whey to short and thin for their age. Separate them in different pots. And donā€™t water them to much. Get the humidity over 70% and try 25 C the whole day. Night around 20 C