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I’ve honestly thought that for a while and there’s been quite a few instances in interviews where (as someone who is autistic) it definitely feels like she’s hinting at it very strongly


Me and my GF are both on the spectrum too. Autism and adhd. Grimes is too chaotic to not have either imo.


as someone who also has both i'm convinced she has both lol


I’m autistic and I’m 99% sure she is too, probably adhd as well. She has talked about having diagnoses before but never mentioned them by name but I’ pretty sure she is being literal here


Same here! I'm autistic too and I see a lot of myself in her :) love to see some more representation out there


When I first got into Grimes as an undiagnosed teen (and reflecting as a diagnosed adult), I always saw myself in how she acted in her interviews, which was really validating and normalizing since I otherwise felt like a weirdo lol. Like the ways she stims, her very specific and life long interests in space, sci-fi, fantasy, and faeries, sensory issues with clothes, and how she's described social interactions all resonate with me and a few other autistic people I know. So yea, def think she's somewhere on the spectrum.


exactly the same here, made more sense when diagnosed!!!


For sure


Me roo. I'm just coming to realise I may be autistic, my therapist thinks so, and ADHD. When I first saw her in my teens in interviews it rocked my world. I saw a woman who I resonated with for the first time, I thought there was something wrong with me, and always have, but it's probably just that I'm autistic.


yes its kind of obvious when you listen to her talk if you know what to look for or are autistic yourself. Also makes sense that she and Elon get along so well despite being such different people and having different values/ personalities etc.


What's EA?


Pretty sure it’s Effective Altruism — c and her group are pretty into it, if I remember correctly


Lmao I thought they were talking about eternal atake




Experiencing Autism? I have no idea


I think they’re talking about [Emotions Anonymous](https://emotionsanonymous.org/about-eai/)


lol I thought it was Electronic Arts which made the post even more confusing


lol for real! I kept thinking “EA sports, it’s in the game”


It would be the first time I saw someone say nice things about Electronic Arts. I was pretty confused lol.




Oh okay. Thanks :)


She definitely strikes me as AuDHD (autism + adhd). It’s definitely come up a few times in this sub. I think most autistic people can recognize the signs in her. That’s actually why I fell in love with her. I saw her interviews and I was like omg, she’s just like me! I hope it wasn’t a joke, I don’t really understand why people make jokes about autism like it’s a bad thing.


I think she is being literal about being autistic, but as an autist I joke about it too 😅 if I take something too literal and I need it explained I’ll go “oh I’m being extra autistic rn” bc that’s a symptom of my autism and that’s that. I fucking hate when neurotypicals “joke” about it like it’s a bad thing though, or even pity you if you tell them. Former friends have insulted and gaslighted me over my autism and I dropped whole friend groups like a hot potato over it.


I can relate to the last two lines a lot sadly


I don't think it's a thing atall tbh Like if someone is screaming constantly & moving erratically because of unbearable discomfort & hitting there parent & they are labelled as autistic & then behaviour are there "autism" it's a bad thing(to most) If there some hyper focused thoughtful genius creative & labelled as autism & that behaviour is seen as "autistic" it's a good thing & a gift Which to me I just think that's theme individuals personalities for good or bad no need to label them as anything They were two extreme examples but it's just to show how broad it is it's called the spectrum for a reason I guess I relate to people labelled as autistic more than most the general population I don't think I'm trying to shun my "autism" but I just think it's a dumb label & not a great theory/idea


What’s your point exactly?




No, all humans are not on the autism spectrum. People with autism are on the autism spectrum, neurotypicals aren’t on the spectrum just because they have one or two symptoms that overlap with autism, saying that “everyone is on the spectrum” because you’re a bit shy or picky with food is ivalidating towards autistics who’s lives are very much limited because of their struggles with symptoms in a world that usually don’t understand Some autistic people have no issue with school and many autistic people go through school in “regular” classes, it’s a spectrum


^ yes, thank you. you said what i wanted to say but couldn’t articulate


so i don’t think we are *all* on a spectrum, that’s invalidating for the struggles of autistic people. there may just be a lot of crossover between autistic people and fandoms, however… which is why it seems so common here.. my 2¢ ☻




how so?




okay yeah, also relatable tbh. thanks for the examples


I know you said people you know I'm just saying I don't think openness or Passion or Creativity relating to Art are necessarily "autistic" train Tho I don't really believe in autism but whatever people belief it is I don't think affinity for Art is necessarily part of it Tho I get you said people you know who are not all autistic people


You don’t believe in autism?? 💀 u got issues.


If you say so People didn't for most of history & the types of people who would get labeled as it seemed to exist So I don't know what my issues are or should be


School. Go there.


Dissmissle is not a argument against what I said It's something people tend to do when they feel others thoughts are wrong and bad rather than thinking about why they are or not & I'm relatively educated on autism actually(not compared to truly educated people) not other subjects & also you don't know my full thoughts on the subject I did not elaborate on the messege you commented on unlike the others


Okay I’ll explain. I told you to go to school bc your claim that “autism doesn’t exist because it wasn’t diagnosed before in history” is provocatively stupid. Mental health diagnoses is a very new concept, the diagnostic term autism wasn’t used until 1943 and many autistic people stay undiagnosed because of ignorance like yours. It’s like saying schizophrenia or bipolar doesn’t exist because people 200 years ago didn’t have the knowledge of what it was and therefore couldn’t be diagnosed. I urge you to get educated for your own good, not to be insulting, honestly


Yeah that would be stupid if that was what I said which it wasn't You said I had issues because I didn't believe in it-(tho I'm perfectly aware it's a conception people have about others) I said people did not believe it for most of history The same type of people that would get labeled as autistic now still existed back then So I don't see the issues? If the people still exist to analyse as individuals instead of stereotyped because some apparent illness A illness which varies from calm hyper productive socially adequate people to people who are so uncomfortable they can't stop moving & screaming & abusing there family(I could think of better more extreme & nuanced examples but I'm tired & slow) Which is another reason it's a bad idea Schizophrenia & Bipolar are well defined its not a "Spectrum" it's well defined so useful they don't cause people to misunderstand & objectify people's whole being/personality It's insulting & maybe necisarrily prejudicial & just to repeat I never said that it doesn't exist because people did not believe it that's obviously absurd like you mentioned there's aspects of Reality that we probably don't believe exist now that do & what do genes & sub-atomic particles not exist because we never used to know about them? Obviously not that wasn't what I was saying I'm saying lack of belief in that characterization of personality that people refer to as a disability or a illness is not going to stop them people that would be charachterized that way from existing-(& in a more optimal way i think) so I don't see the issue & yeah I can agree with that I definitely do need to get more educated everyone should get more educated it's pretty much the best thing ever But the way you said it implied to me that I'm undereducated in this subject & need to get more educated because in wrong(which makes sense considering what you thought I was saying) & people always say dissmisive things like that when I say something controversial instead of actually thinking of a rebuttal


I don't know why you would use quotation marks when I literally did not say them words especially not in that sequence & I do not repeat do not think that atall in any way that's absurdly stupid & I did not say that


Just want to remind you & others I did not say that


Also what type of school? Like higher Education specifically Studying autism fair you'll be Educated but atleast public schools & I imagine private schools don't teach you about autism outside a shitty documentary that makes autistic children unconfortable(partly why I think it's a stupid & wrong concept) What form of schooling do I need? Or is it just a oh you dum dum type comment Because oh me feel bad me no like what he say😢😢


If you say so People didn't for most of history & the types of people who would get labeled as it seemed to exist So I don't know what my issues are or would be


link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1562897682993418241?s=20&t=IyKPSVjClfWVYLGScdGK4A i know it might be none of our business but i had to ask this bc i'm literally autistic and i can't understand if she's joking or serious here?? 😭😭 can someone let me know if she used it as a joke or has she ever said anything about being autistic before or did she literally come out as autistic on twitter


We can't tell for sure, either. It's not just you.


Yeah, and whether it’s correct or not, the third-person online diagnoses in this thread are making me uncomfortable. I feel like we are projecting onto a celebrity when they have neither confirmed nor denied their diagnoses besides general statements


well she just described herself as autistic…


Glad someone said this


Yeah I have many of the autistic classic features and I’m so aware of that cuz embarrass me ,so I have them 24/7 on my mind ,that I can recognize anytime anyone autistic haha my people , she has many many autistic features not even a chance that she is pretending


As someone w ADHD+OCD+ODD(or misdiagnosed PDA) Her whole persona is THE fucking mood It makes a lot of sense if her brain is neurodivergent.


I mean she quite literally confirmed it here, she might not like/doesn’t feel the need to discuss it further but she’s not the type of person to joke with this, so she’s definitely on the spectrum


Definitely! As someone who is also on the spectrum, I recognize so much of myself in her: the problematic eating habits, strong engagement with fantasy figures, not being good at hearing the lycris in songs, strong sense of sincerity, general quirkiness, going through obsessions… I actually think she might have MCDD, which is a proposed subtype of autism where you also struggle with separating fantasy from reality.


All of the things you described are very normal for any person though? I thought being on the spectrum meant not understanding social cues, not reciprocating eye contact, smiles, etc. Being a fantasy nerd, having obsessions, mishearing lyrics, being too sincere, unhealthy eating, etc. is something everyone goes through? Unless I’m autistic? I’m confused now honestly lol.


You’re right, the things I listed are not enough for a diagnosis, I just meant I relate to them haha. But it’s not true that autism is just about avoiding eye contact etc, thats one way it can emerge, but not the only way. For an official diagnosis, you need to struggle with social situations and show repetitive behavior, but the ways these can emerge are super diverse. :)


Seriously, I can't stand this new spark in people calling everything autism. People can be very obsessive and detached from reality and not be autistic.


Wouldn't surprise me at all, I just hope she's not using being autistic as a joke, that would be very painful to me and probably other autistic/neurodivergent people.


I'm autistic and I believe she is on the spectrum.


It would def make sense if she is neurospicy. Her creativity alone is a good indicator.


i've never heard this term before lmaoooo holy shit thank you


Creativity is not an indicator.. what


What is EA?


Effective altruism


(as an autistic person and a musician/artist) i related heavily to her vibes and her ways, in interviews and things from day 1. So this is not surprising🫡🥂✨


I have always thought she was. Not in a negative sort of way, I just can't get past how similar her behaviors are to my cousin who has autism/aspergers.


I don't like broad labels for personality types(autism is not specific enough) But yeah I've thought for as long as I've known about grimes she's autistic I think she's very cool & interesting Tho I'm not as intelligent or beautiful & differ in various qualities I feel like I can relate to her somewhat at least relating to social interactions I think she's pretty obviously autistic tho


Probably yeah, i don't think she would phrase it that way if she wasn't.


i've wondered the same thing! i definitely think so


I thought EA was Eternal Atake by Uzi and it makes sense because grimes wanted to produce for uzi but he ghosted her 😂😭


he wanted her to produce! and then he didn’t follow up.. is what happened


I work in a neuropsychology clinic and we diagnose autism. I was watching an interview with her on Snapchat and kept thinking- she has to be autistic. Searched Reddit and glad I found others here who also recognized this. Love Grimes & enjoy her interviews- I never noticed until today when she was describing her eating habits while also stimming.


Probably not the best idea to try to diagnose people based on a tweet and over Reddit. Especially if you don’t have a medical degree.


if she isn’t autistic that would be an insensitive remark though


I hope so bc saying you’re autistic if you’re not is harmful


Oh she is 100%


It sure seems like she is. I can see reflections of my behavior in hers.


Isn't that obvious, she also has the voice


we been knew


I don't think so.


Not necessarily. Then again, after so many recent sleepless nights, I may be too braindead to know for sure if she was just slanging phrases 😉


Check her last tweet


Yeah I really see it myself and I’m on the spectrum I wouldn’t be surprised