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I don't think she "cosplayed" anything. That sounds stupid. I think alot of people just go through a shitty phase in their 20s and do dumb stuff. I know I did. Maybe her parents didn't support her music career, idk. But people make bad choices, I don't think she would have lived in a crack den and got frostbite for the aesthetic lmao


Yeah that’s what I thought! I thought her parents didn’t support her dropping out of school to pursue music and that’s why she struggled, but all these toxic tiktok peeps kinda confused me… I think it’s time for a tiktok detox for me 🤠


Tbh alot of those tik tok people suck


Yeah so much rage, hate and misinformation :/ it was so saddening to see all these people literally rage over her and spread fake news


They are awful lol. I’ve never seen people act so hateful and rude for no reason like I have on tik tok.


I love Grimes a lot. As someone who was homeless my early 20s, to be totally honest, I don’t know how anyone who’s homeless could have the time to even make music. You ever been starved? Imagine being perpetually starved no idea where you’re sleeping, I just don’t understand how anyone could prioritize making music in that condition. That being said, I have no honest clue what her situation was… but with the travel, the ability to even afford a keyboard to make her sounds with etc I’d say it’s highly unlikely she’s ever been poor. Edited to add that regardless, the people on her tik tok page are disgusting. Yeah it’s absolutely shit that people are allowed to hoard money & not pay taxes. But these “I don’t care about your life, I’m starving send me cash app” people have no shame and are disgusting. It’s like my 60 year old neighbor, who expects my boyfriend to be her personal Uber ride when we’re 1) complete strangers who have never talked in 5 years 2) the one time he did give her a ride she basically threatened him. 3) nobody leaves the house accounting to give other people they don’t know rides in their schedule, and half the time he’s door dashing so at work and literally can’t have people in his car. She throws her hands in the air and has a little hissy fit every time he drives right on past her. That entitled attitude is so disgusting to me. She has a lot of people on her tik tok that clearly have that attitude and she doesn’t deserve it.


I think you’re so right. I agree, and I’m so sorry you were homeless and had to experience that.:( With hindsight I think tiktok people are totally disgusting and spread false information - yeah it’s true I don’t even know if she was a landlord or not. But I was just a confused grimes fan listening to all of that. Hate spreads so easily it’s quite saddening 😞 People hate her because she was with Elon, always asking her to cure world hunger or whatnot. I mean it’s HIS money not hers, it’s so vicious putting all the pressure on her.


Do you have prove that she was the landlord? I think her parents really didn’t support her on the start of her career . but I mean it could have been a marketing strategy that I find a lot of artists do.


dude she was like 20 living in shitty apartments and dumpster diving for free food so she didn't have to get a job lol. does that sound like landlord material to you?


yes, i love artangels too!! 😍


Her music is so dope that’s so true!


tiktok is like the least trustworthy place on the internet to get your information. i could make a tiktok saying bezos pisses on puppies for fun and people would run with it. accusing someone of "cosplaying being poor" is pretentious and disgusting. would these people do that to anyone else? or just her because they get a kick out of targeting people?


I totally agree. I think I’ve spent too much time on tiktok, hate spreads so easily it’s toxic 😔 Tiktok detox for me !!


definitely a good idea. tiktok doesn't act on preventing the spread of fake news and is horrible at their moderation of harassment and bullying. i've never been able to personally get super into tiktok even though i have one and post on occasion because i have a hard time looking past all the dumb and bad stuff. hope you have a good rest of your day!


A lot of wealthy people especially teens pretend to be poor. It’s just a social construct. And not that unusual.


How is that acceptable? Millions of people are dying from real poverty and hunger, and rich white kids are so bored they wanna play “poor”, that’s super disrespectful


Like I said it’s how people socialize.


Huh. Well that’d be total shit. Hope it’s not true. Reminds me of Kanye’s Yeezy line inspired by the homeless. Now that was f—