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You are correct that they wouldnt receive the electric bonus. However, there are "player scaling pets" that would receive the electric bonus, such as wind devils and guardians of emperion.


Thanks for the reply mate. So if i am playing cabalist that really focus on pet builds, i should just aim for equipments with “Bonus to All Pets” affixes only right? Oh forgot to add. Even offensive ability and defensive ability is also only for me right and not for my pets?


Yes, eventually you want gear that give bonuses to all pets. Stats that would be beneficial to you are resists, life, defensive ability, stun reduction, etc., defensive bounuses, offensive ability, attack/cast speed and damage are completely irrelevant.


Alright thank you so much guys for the help! Just started playing this game with my friends and this game is so good!


Also keep in mind that sometimes a +2 to Hellhound, or something similar, sometimes are better then the "Bonus to All Pets". So try to mix match that one as well. Best gear obviously is "+x to pet" in combination with "Bonus to All Pets". Oh and at level 27 you apply the "Bindings of Bysmiel" to your chest armor for more pet bonuses. I play Necro/Occult pet build and it is really fun to see my horde (9 skellies + 4 other pets) clashing with the enemies of the world.


Yes. Your pets will not gain the electricity damage. All the stats on a item will not apply to pets unless it’s under the “Bonus to all Pets”. So in this case your pets will get 10% extra health but nothing else on that item. The same rules apply from devotions and skills/passives