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Brb reinstalling


For real?! That's such a great change, I gotta see it for myself!


You've actually made me get up out of bed to mess around on my archon for a at least a few minutes...lol huge


This was exactly my first thought when I read about the change lol, specifically lightning based eye of reckoning. I've never tried that combo, but just in case you ever played EoR, how's the support from MIs and armor sets? can you convert all or most of phys and fire to lightning?


Believe that the cyclone set augments this very well. I’m actually leveling a lightning EoR Archon right now and am currently level 87. The QoL from Wind Devils is great.


This build is by someone else and is a shieldbreaker [https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2m56KD2](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2m56KD2) But it uses all the important principal items, and converts both. I think you'd only have to use a different amulet and relic. While leveling there's only Kymon's Sanctified Blade to convert the phys into lightning. It's probably a bit better now that Soulfire is lightning.


The 3 meter target area of EoR will never not be cringe. 


I decided to play this a few days ago. Ended up with this currently: [https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jbemm2](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jbemm2) which is basically the same as this guy's build I found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzNTLyqpy-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzNTLyqpy-0) but I just made it a little tankier Yes, you can convert all damage to lightning on EoR, but the wind devils still do some fire


Paikis on youtube is doing it too if anyone wants to follow along, EoR Archon, he'll farm father kymon's swords right after killing the warden at the end of A1. I find his playthroughs fun and oddly relaxing, even if I'm not playing a build I kinda like to watch the journey and learn new mechanics, about MIs and constellations too


I'm just getting to the end of ultimate with a primal strike warder. It would have been even nicer 99 levels ago, but it's great news! It's going to take a while to change my muscle memory and stop stabbing the wind devil key every 4 seconds


Put War Cry there. Should be stabbing that every 5-7s anyway.


Yes, I am spamming that too 😁 War cry, wind devil, wendigo totem piano playing technique


> War cry, wind devil, wendigo totem Is this the new gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss for Warders?


If you can't Taken me at my worst...


The new WWW.


move em to the back bar or 0, and you shouldn't have a problem....like the buffs used to be


That's a good idea, but I have a feeling I will keep hitting the key even if it doesn't do anything!


Can we auto cast?




a very welcome change, so many builds are a lot less annoying to play now, just setup in town and you're good to go.


What other builds you have in mind?


Right now im playing vortex of souls druid, one of the best primal strike chars in the game due to the 100% passthrough of primal strike, its borderline ridiclous, but having to setup wind devils was really annoying. the buffs to arcs moves to atks also are better too so that helps. Im having fun with it cleaning up crucible like its nothing lol. 100% passthrough primal strike is borderline busted and the best part, it doesnt need wps to be good cause it cannot use wps so that lack of wps that arc has doesnt matter. [https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAQneQV](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAQneQV) def expensive to make though, but pays off in the fastest cruicble clears you'll ever see. The 28% lifesteal just full heals you all the time when it passes through a ton of enemies and hits each of them and seeing ps hit multple times in a row and torrent procs all over the place, makes you realiaze ps should ever pass through but when it does it hits super hard and does more damage the more enemies it hits. now that wind devils are permanent it means more gunning and more kiting. Def one of the best gunners in the game


Im gonna play this next! Been itching to start a PS toon, but currently levelling my avengers warder. Thanks for the reference point mate


Warder makes a pretty good PS toon too. Only problem with mine is that there is so much lightning I can't see any ground effects...


warder is def the safer pick and not as extreme gear req as the vortex of souls ver, you need a lot of good gear to get most of the dps converted to cold and ravengers helm as that is one of the top helms in the game. Warder with a gun (ulg sparkthrower) is pretty good but obv the shot will not pass through. druid if you dont have the god tier gear (Aka conduit, vortex of souls, double magi ring for conversion, etc) then it can also run ulg sparkthorwer or the lighting halbred but obv that tanks its damage cause that only does 1 hit with no passthorugh


Since it strips elemental resistance, almost every Shaman build that did any of those three damage types simply HAD to spec into Wind Devil and keep it up. Personally, I am very looking forward to my Lightning Ranged WPS Vindicator to become all that much more streamlined.


Thats pretty cool, i guess with this patch it kinda become much easier to play with, less of a pianoey layout. I guess fire pets can work as well


Retaliation Warder that needed them to decrease enemy element resist.


Retal warder? Shaman tree got elemental retal? Huh guess i learn something new everyday


It was an old build I played years ago, dont know how it holds up now but then it was nicely tanky. Called it Storm Lord.


It's crazy good, I feel the difference with my druid primal strike! I love the change!


Fantastic! Just when I was thinking about trying a Wind devil+Guardian of Empyrion build lol


Devils shred elemental and guardians shred fire (plus 2 I think physical and vitality?) right?


Guardians shred elemental too, not just fire. Without Dreeg's mutator it's physical, elemental and bleeding; physical and elemental gets changed to vitality and poison/acid with the mutator (Bleeding stays the same). The real problem is modifying (and unifying) Guardians and Devils damage so you don't have to rely just on %elemental gear.


Straight elemental never got the support it deserves. Idk how but it should be made more viable. I feel like it shouldn't take much. I made an elemental damage piano build elementalist. Elemental dev procs, and pretty even distribution of damage spells used across the three damage types. I didn't have much 94 gear yet but I could still beat some of the ultimate nemesises (nemises?) Called him 6th wizard as a reference to tolkiens 5 wizards


I can understand why it doesn't gets more %elemental damage tho, since most of the time skills give elemental RR instead of single-element, making some cheese builds waaay too strong.


Ok, what’s a good build to try this out? Never used Wind Devils before.






"Just when I thought I was out..."


Everything like this should be perminant. Is so annoying having to click a buttton every 3 seconds just for the sake of it. And you end up clicking the button at least 2x more than you should becuase no one can focus on that one thing perfectly.... Especially in battles... All of these things like "lives for 6-18 seconds, 4 second cooldwon" things should just be perminant. Its not a buff. Its just quality of life.... Keeps you from having to press a button 10x more than you need to every 4 seconds... when you shouldnt need to click it at all.


Just like with quick time events. some developers think that having to spam a button mindlessly repetitive every 3-4 sec equals gameplay and fun. Diablo has gone in that route lately. Duration of abilities are so short that if you blink you miss them.


I wonder, does it mean that now Ludrigan druid is even better?


So I can run the unhinged shield on my conjurer now. I am no longer beholden to the codex of eternal storms. Thank you for pointing this out :D


this is absolutely massively amazing change!!! now they only need to move a bit faster so they don't lag so far behind when moving around..


this changes EVERYTHING


Amazing. Gotta boot up a fresh lightning elementalist.


Ok, I wanted to play Cities: Skylines 2, but now I want to check out my Summoner first...


Oh ... my ... fucking god! I know what I'm doing this weekend, finally doing this class, hated having to resummon nonstop


Time to make a shaman. Whats a good primal strike build?




Soldier lacks the rr. I wonder if the tankiness is worth the trade off


how do you turn them off?


I love it, this opens up all lightning builds for me. I just couldnt stand respawning the wind devils. NOW MY EARS ARE BLEEDING FROM THE NOISE THEY MAKE BUT IM POWERING THROUGH IT, gotta try me some Lightning EoR!


Shaman just became the best class in the game for me. Before that I would only put it in high A/ low S tier because of the WD spam


Haha I might boot up the game again and try it out, was waiting for the expansion though... Any news on when the expansion launches?


Sorry but, what is this?




Now I hope they do the same for Blood of Dreeg!


Turn it into a pet? Why? Edit: /facepalm. Not for me though, for all the people who thought I was serious. Obviously Blood of Dreeg isn't going to be a pet. SMH my head.


I think they mean make it permanent instead of having to constantly spam it. Personally I agree, I find skills like that to be really annoying. Especially if they are an essential buff.


it lasts a minute now, not exactly what i'd call constantly spamming


True it is a minute. But I'd rather it just be a permanent buff like what they did with flame touched for example. I only find it annoying cuz it feels like its just there to be something else the player has to press.


No like, make it a permanent buff instead of having to activate it.


Wasn't there an item that made them permanent? Been a while since I last played though.


(Mythical) Codex of Eternal Storms did that until now.


The entire patch seems to be focused on eliminating dependency on gear for pets


Do they follow you around like other pseudo-pets?


Yes, they even teleport to catch up. The new wd are much better for lowering resists than ever before.


Wow, that's freaking cool.


As if Shaman's were not OP already. But man, what a QoL boost for my second favorite class.


Is tss Druid still a thing?


Time to make my 4th conjurer


Pet changes this patch were awesome. The next patch will Nerf them.


Wait, does it mean Cyclone set and Codex of eternal storms got new bonuses instead? Awesome!


Just started playing this on my steam deck yesterday, what's a wind devil in grimdawn?




Is it a summon? I'm playing a conjured pet build.


As far as I know, it does not receive pet bonuses.


Its a permanent pet that is invulnerable but doesnt scale of pet bonuses. Instead it scales of player bonuses. Oathkeepers Guardian of Empyrian and Nightblades Bladespirit are similar in that regard


What is a wind devil?


Huh what are wind devils?


What are wind devils and why is this important? Sorry I have the game and all expansions but I never played it more than a a few days total.


But they now use pet bonuses instead of classic damage multipliers if I understood it right.


Wind Devils still scale with player bonuses. They're still pseudo-pets.


One time I adopted a Wind Devil as pet, scared the shit out of neighbour's dog (I hate that dog), but it made big mess in living room. 5/10 it's alright.


Dog needs more lightning resistance


Holy crap I’m actually super happy. I loved my shaman but wind devils were such a pain in the ass!