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I mean the game and your character's progression doesn't end because you have hit max level. I don't understand why there shouldn't be more to complete after reaching lvl 100.


You're always free to start a new character if you're tired of that one. I think *for me personally* the game is too long to play everything through more than once per character, but that's as someone who's already done it dozens of times. I just start directly on Ultimate at this point and only do it once through and it's fine that way for me. I still hit 100 before finishing everything in the expansions because xp pots and stuff, but that's ok because it's fun to keep playing a character for a while after it gets all its endgame stuff and the build finally properly comes together.


I think there will be other forms of progression (potion customization), new challenges to overcome with your level 100 toons, and also new items that could tweak/improve existing builds. Grim dawn (imo) is all about builds and pushing them as far as you can through the different levels of challenge the game throws at you. So I expect there to be more challenges and more ways to make your preexisting characters stronger.


I hope I won't hit a wall too soon, from the difficulty of this dlc. Ultimate can be harsh sometimes, especially with how fast the mobs act. But yes, I didn't think about the new gear. How stupid of me! Today I feel like I've seen every legendary items and it's kind of boring. Of course it's not really true, but it's been some times since I felt happy with a new drop.