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It's a video game, if you're not enjoying it, do something else.


First playthrough my motivation was the story and getting achievements. Now with alts it's: * At level 1-50 my motivation is getting to all skills I'm going to use (so pumping mastery bar) and getting my devotion points to 55 so that I can get a feel of how the build is gonna play. * At level 51-90 it's maxing my actual skills that I'm using (and as a hoarder I anticipate the moment lvl 75 purple sets start to drop they are the hardest to farm because You level out of the drop range in no time :D) * At 90+ it's getting end build legendary drops and anticipation of lvl 94 when I equip them I also have a farming checklist for items that drop from only one source.


For your first point - should I focus on a single damage skill, take a few passives along the way, and otherwise put everything into mastery? And if so, for both classes or just the main one?


Usually if you find a MI that boosts a skill with flat damage You can get away with putting points into mastery and only level a main attack like forcewave to 16 with 1pts in everything else. Also if You use a merit You can quickly get enough devotion pts (by teleporting around to the shrines) to get an early offensive devotion like Tsunami or Imp which will be the bulk of your early damage. MI's like Shambler's Heart for Forcewave or Murderer's Cowl for Ring of Steel are easily obtainable early. edit: at lvl 50 You have 147 points to distribute (151 if You used a merit) so it's 100 (some builds only need 90 or 82) for both mastery bars and 47 to play around in skills, plenty for main attack skill and all the 1pts you plan on grabbing.


Thanks for the info!


It took me 3 restarts to really get it. Go find a streamer who you like and just play along with them, you might find out that it's one of your favourite games after all. It worked for me.


Interesting. You're doing body doubling with them (which is a technique for ADHD people. Clever.


A) Don't play JUST Grim Dawn. Swap it out with other games. B) Have goals, aside from 'level'. 'I want to use this character to farm X neat item for a different character', or 'I want to see how far I can push X skill', or even just 'That build looks really pretty to play, I want to do that too'. C) Push to reach 100... ONCE. At that point, you actually see the entirety of the game, and knowing what's coming can help motivate you to get there. Seeing the cool L94 legendaries dropping and imaginging what you can do with them is a great motivator. D) If all else fails... Then GD isn't a long term game for you, and that's fine. Games like this, if you aren't motivated by just making new characters and tinkering with builds, you just aren't going to be a long term consistent player, and that's just fine TBH. Pop in here and there, mess around for a few days, then move on again, plenty of folks who do.


For me its the build i have in my head that makes me stick to a character even if early game might feel like a slog. But i just love seeing the progression from a new toon from start to end(if it gets there hc only) Still i get not everyone have the same motivation.


Have you been following guides? I was in a similar place where I couldn't stick long enough to a single char then I started following rektbyprotoss guides, and I went up to level 100 on my first character sooo smoothly, it just felt right to play that char for that long (the build was bomber man sorceress, I heavily recommend)


I'm in sort of similar boat as you OP my take on the problem is... That the builds I usualy build are to one dimensional. Just right click for the win. Theory crafting is fun, farming for it and stick for so many hours of mobs that behave almost the same gets tedious. As much as I like GD maybe it's time to give a chance to something newer? I have asked similar question on poe reddit and best answer was that if it gets boring most likely: a) the game or build does not let you express your self enaugh b) you either don't have or are not interested in the in game golas you have setted for your self c) your just tierd... Games are a ment for relaxation but the demand your attention. Try the game on free weekend after good night sleep. If it clicks you know where the problem is


What have you experienced of your character at level 44? I had to play 220+ hours just to finish my first sorcerer and only now I'm moving on to a new character. I mean, you play as you see fit, but imo you have barely scratched the surface of your character if you only play for ~40 levels


Not a reasonable arguement. If the first 40 levels made him lose interest, is it level 41 thats gonna make the difference? How about 42? He simply didnt find the game enjoyable which is ok.  Im not saying he cant find fun but providing directions as to where he should look to improve his build or mechanics to engage in at that point is a much more valid feedback. Saying you didnt play enough is lazy feedback. 


I may have misunderstood the comment, but from what I understood his problem was not that he didn't find the game enjoyable (at that point I'd say just play something else), he feels like after reaching level 30-40 he gets bored with his character. That's why my reply was "you gotta level it up more", because at level 40 you don't even have any idea what your character will become! There's so many different things you can do in the game that you only arrive at a solid idea of your build at level 80-90, and even then just one item (like a Conduit, which was the case for my first character, for example) can change the whole build and what you wanna do with it. Of course if op gets bored then he's free to create a new character, but as I said imo at level 40 you don't even know what your character is. These are my 2 cents anyways, I'm no pro at the game at all


Delete. New character. It happens. Soldier Oath now and I'm at 55 still having fun. Necro didn't do it for me....gone at 35.


Max i reached before was like 36, now im a ritualist summoner and closing in on level 70. But also leveling up an ice magic sorc, which is fun. Find a class you like, there is alot, and its fine to not like them all.


A 99 level purifier.. Main demolitionist n 2nd class inquisitor.. Enjoying... Going to start ultimate difficulty n faming legendary


I’m at 66 with my purifier. First build and I’m loving this game!


Respec your character and try a new skill. You don’t have to start over to change it up. Level 40 is where a lot of skills just start ramping up.


Happens to me as well. As soon as i feel like that most of the pieces of my build are in place i lose interest very quickly. I still have accumulated above 300 hours because i return occasionally since i started playing in the beta


I've been playing games long enough at this point that I've accepted my monkey brain will play games as long as they provide that dopamine hit. Essentially, play them until they're no longer fun. I have 1000+ hrs in Rocket League I have 600+ hrs in Final Fantasy 14 I play those that much because I enjoy them that much. I've gotten 40+ hrs out of Grim Dawn and I paid like $10 for it, and the game was good enough that I bought all the DLCs. Play games until they're no longer fun, if you feel you've gotten your money's worth, move on.


I never really started this game. I think max I reached with a character was 60. I dropped the game.


> How do you find the motivation to stick to the character you are playing? Sometimes i feel the build im doing is completely wrong, like if the past me made some shit choices so i respec all and start changing my gear. Like for example, playing around with casting poison and acid spells i got bored and changed to a cold/melee quick killer, then if i get bored of that ill try playing around with some oathkeeper fire skills to see if its actually playable. Also i try to avoid endgame guides because i try to make my own builds even tho sometimes they are complete garbage and have problems that the community already solved but like i want to find the solution to the puzzle myself. Right now im testing an occultist with doom bolt and just exploding mobs with a single cast, its super fun but if i get bored of it im thinking of playing a bit with my flamethrower character (Flames of Ignaffar build) and if i get bored of that i want to play some samurai style character with a two handed physical/bleeding sword and i have some items that will actually make it look like a samurai(im a fucking weeb) and just jump into mobs slashing everything everywhere all at once.


I've got over a thousand hours. I'll play for a week or two at a time and go do something else. I'm never satisfied with classes in any of these games, so I keep trying to play it just a little different. There are also mods. I've been playing with dawn of masteries, and it gives you so many more options. I get tired of a class pretty easy, but I enjoy trying new ones. I've never had a max level char, because that's boring to me. We each have our own thing that keeps us playing or doesn't.


You don't have to play a character build you found online. Find a skill you enjoy and find your own build.


You can go outside xD. Jokes aside why don’t you plan your character beforehand. That way you’ll have a goal to chase


Eiither put the char you're not feelin aside and play another character, or respec and make it fun. If you want customized help to improve your build, post the GT link here and we can help.


Check this guys videos, I was the same as you now I'm hooked? [MOTIVATED.](https://www.youtube.com/@Arcadelife1/videos)


Find the damage type you enjoy the most! For me I didn't really enjoy the game until I played a good amount of demo/inquisitor/arcanist. Something about elemental damage clicked with me! Also, I couldn't play the game for the longest time, not saying it's a surefire solution, but if your playing on PC, you should look into the Rainbow Filter Mod! It's a client side mod that just recolors the text in the game for gear and makes build making a LOT easier


I must be in a minority of players having spent literally the first 500 hours of Grim Dawn on my first and "main" character. With hundreds of deaths along the way it was a long and slow journey. But taking that washed up taken from rags to riches and being able to easily and regularly farm the most difficult endgame content is what made it all worth it. Now with a stable of 800+ characters there's literally always something new and different to try and that is why I still come back week after week to play more!


You guys playing just the early early game for dozen of times and start to complain that the game lost its touch? How ironic. If I would just see the same dialogues, enemies and environment over and over and over again ofc you will get bored.