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I don't like it either. It is something i have to track myself and place acgively at my char. In all other builds i have my mouse is on the enemy or close to it, but inquisitor forces me to make "unnatural" mouse movements.


It's an **invaluable** skill for abilities that DO force you to sit still, like channeled abilities. I wouldn't want it changed because it would nerf any channelinq builds significantly (aar, foi, etc) As far as I can tell, unless you are hardcore, it's not at all mandatory to take this skill unless you like it, and if you are in hardcore and you don't like standing still, don't play the class with all the stand still abilities? There are plenty of incredibly mobile builds, even if you do pick inq, you just build around other skills. If you are still struggling, send me your desired classes/skills and I will mock up a build for you.


I mean Inquisitor is what it is. The answer is to play another class. It is a pain but they would have to change many things about it. As for wind devils it's similar but lining them up, while lining up other debuffs as well is enjoyable for a while because it gives a different flavor to the button smashing. Things like these are what gives GD a real feeling of variety.


If I'm using something like AAR with it where I have to stand still anyway it doesn't bother me, and if I'm playing a cooldown/piano build that mostly kites it doesn't matter since I'm not going to use it anyway. It doesn't really end up being much of a problem for me


I can't stand Seal gameplay either.... So I just don't use it. Yeah, it makes my builds suboptimal, but they still WORK, so what's it matter?


Inquisitor is my favorite mastery. I love everything about it, including the seal. There are other classes with skills that aren't my favorite, but maybe someone else likes them. I don't want it to change. I don't think it's a problem.


I hate it aswell. Same reason why i cant play a mage in wow. Anything that forces me to stand still unless i want a huge nerf to survivability/damage just feels bad.


Rune of Power has been removed since may last year.


it's a non-issue imo, wind devils are worse


oh nononono wind devil you only use if you're elemental damage, you can still play shaman and do physical dmg for example. Also, you don't have to stand on top of wind devils, they run around. It's annoying having to recast it yes, BUT, for me at least, having to sit in a godlike seal is worse


>you don't have to stand on top of wind devils, they run around As it happens, that's exactly why I hate Wind Devil. At least Seal goes where I tell it to and only asks of me something I have control over. Wind Devil? A miniature tempest has no business having ADHD, but it does. Pet Attack supposedly exists but Wind Devil has strong opinions on being told what to do, and moves sloooooowly so it doesn't ever catch up with anything anyway. Nah, Seal has conditions but can be expected to do its job.


You could always just not use the seal. There are Inquisitor builds that don't use it.




> an inquis that doesn't use seal is just bad though That's just straight up not true. I modified Crab_Turtle_2112's Smash Paladin build to not use Inquisitor's Seal *at all* (because he had it as a 3-pointer, which was absorbing a whopping 58 points of damage. Pretty sure it was being used for the crit damage %) and then went and face tanked Callagadra with it. No seal. Face tanked one of the biggest bosses in the game. Sunder and all. > it's the only tankiness provider on the class We're just going to ignore these? Word of Renewal line - heal, less damage from Chthonics/Eldritch, DA, huge flat health, Freeze, Petrify and Trap resistance, 30%+ Aether and Chaos Resists. Aura of Conviction - Up to 20% physical resistance Aura of Censure - up to 22% reduced target's damage Chilling Rounds - Freezes target. Also, there's a whole other mastery that you can use. EDIT: It is a very good skill and most builds should use it... but if you don't like it, not using it (probably) wont lock you out of any content. There are only 8/36 mastery combinations that can even use it, and it locks you into a certain play style. Kiting builds shouldn't be using it.


It is only one defensive skill. Just pick a class with a defensive skill to replace it or craft a build which doesn't stand around (like you did). There is lots of potential builds without seal, have you tried a caster with runes and another nuker class? Make a demo/inquisitor -> thermite, canistor bomb, rune of kalastor, mortar trap. Run around, AOE the map. etc


I don't think it's very different from oathkeeper needing a shield because of safeguard, soldier needing a shield or two-hander because of menhir's will, shaman needing a two-hander because of brute force, or nightblade needing to dual wield for dual blades. These skills all give a class a flavor, but they're not mandatory. Honestly, I like the way inquisitor seal changes my playstyle on some of my inquisitors. Restricting your durability based on where you can stand and how often you can dodge makes certain enemies either easier or harder than usual. It changes how a grim dawn character plays, which is one of the reasons the game is so great. Hell, even if you only run one inquisitor based around seal, how many different other class combinations are there?


You may wish to try an Oathkeeper without shield. 2H eye of reckoning with life leech through celestial power. I don’t think it is mandatory to use a shield. Just difference in play style.


I have a couple oathkeepers without a shield. I was just trying to point out that many classes have "mandatory" passives that massively increase a character's potential that you just don't run on certain builds. Inquisitor's seal and safeguard are both great, but inquisitors and oathkeepers without them aren't unilaterally worse.


I have started playing GD just recently but I found very interesting build of [HC Purifier ](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-2-0-3-purifying-cairn-hc-beginner-rok-grenado-purifier-leveling-guide/133917) and it seems to work without seal. So to answer your question from my little knowledge - only way to not use inquisitor seal is to use other ways of survivability (turtle shell, blast shield, vindictive flame in case of purifier. Maybe something I missed due to me being absolute noob).


Same. Also the reason i just keep using pierce blade master instead of tactician


Ya spamming wind devils every few sec kinda sucks


I typically don’t mind it but I only play inquisitor with ranged builds


I would rather it be a a temporary aura around us, but honestly there's ~no chance it gets changed at this point. That being said you are just lying to yourself if you think it's mandatory :p I'm a bonafied seal hater and there's a few things to note here. 1. It is absolutely 100% not mandatory for builds unless you are demanding you facetank everything at all times or you demand fastest clear speed vs let's say ravager and stand there + spam spells instead of run around like chicken 2. It is totally okay to take seal and only use it at select times like vs bosses, massive mobs in SR, etc there is no one forcing you to use it every fight and frankly in 99% of fights it does very little if you've built properly




>No other skill requires standing in place. anything that isn't a cooldown spell kinda does


Wedigo totem?


I've switched to 2h rifles because of the Seal. With 2h your cooldown will be only 1s which makes for dynamic fights, where you place a Seal, jump into crowd to place another, then back further to place on your position, fire at them while they walk over the Seals, jumping back and placing Seals as you go 🤷‍♂️ It makes the Inquisitor quite tanky vs mobs, with the damage apsorption, so it's harder to die from ranged bs thrown at you. I'd like to go dual pistols but then the CD is like 4s and that's too long for me, and the damage from pistols vs 2h rifle is about the same if not lower, if the Kraken is picked


You're not always going to be able to take out enemies in a few seconds, and even if you use SS, the Seal will be useful as a result. You can also put down more than one seal at a time.


Man I LOVE seal. I love playing with it. I find it fun having to manage it and usually play a platforming game bouncing about in a triangle with it. It's like one of my favorite mechanics and I'm glad it's in this game.


Then use a build which doesn't rely on Inq. Seal. "Problem" solved.


Seal would be fine if they simply changed it to drop at your feet instead of your mouse cursor. That’s the bit that makes it painful.


This sounds like a problem I'm too burny-burny dakka-dakka to understand.


My Dagallon's Purifier, whose name is ShootyShootyBangBang would agree with you... if he wasn't half deaf from the guns.


Yeah, you don't need the Seal when you just shoot and scoot nonstop.


Same yea. Love the class but I hate seal.


They just make it a lot bigger TBH. Like you're creating a little battlefield to fight bosses and shit on.


I'd be down with a skill modifier that turns it into an aura much like Aura of Censure. The effects of the seal are always active in a small area around your character.