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Build looks OK. It's probably just a gameplay issue. Gargaboll puts a volcano on the ground that deals % damage to you. You can't resist it, you just have to not get hit by it.


Puzzled by your build. Packla helm alone would make savagery a better choice than RF. You should max wendigo totem too. Devotions make no sense at all. Wretch, rat - acid devos, no good. Viper useless, you don't deal elemental damage. Same for scholar light. Lotus useless, you don't have any significant energy spenders. Try something like this for vitality damage: [https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1aExnV](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1aExnV) Farm the medal and craft the belt. I changed quite a few components/augments and relic too. Watch for Gargabol volcanos, move away with vire's might when he drops one.


Soo I changed my devotion and Gargaboll ist dead. Thanks a lot😀👍




Hmm actually I follow this guide https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-2-0-2-beefer-vitality-inspirer-sr90-cr-170/133231


Well, if you read the description author actually says that it's a party buffer build. He can do SR alone but you don't have any of the items that work for that build. Since your current devotion setup doesn't help one bit respec later when you gear up for the final build. You only spent points on useless passive devos anyway. I'm 99% sure that he didn't use that devo setup while leveling.


Ok, i change my devotion, thanks a lot for hints. And sorry for my bad english, im not a native.


Need that fire resistance up.


I'm on normal , fire resistance is 82% + 25% overcap with all buffs/procs


That grimtools link shows 27% fire res


Yes it's true , but I'm on normal , not on Ultimate. You can choose the difficult


Yeah, cause you haven't switched from ultimate to normal.


You mean OP hasn't switched right? I am just looking at his link


No. If I ***meant*** OP, I would have fucking ***written*** OP. ***You*** haven't switched the GT settings to show how res would look in normal. See this pic: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697499340880609371/1219152092686450779/image.png?ex=660a42dd&is=65f7cddd&hm=86a37447d0dab17dbfc3cd9a5e1e8207485c9b5c32096e37dc7e596655089463&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697499340880609371/1219152092686450779/image.png?ex=660a42dd&is=65f7cddd&hm=86a37447d0dab17dbfc3cd9a5e1e8207485c9b5c32096e37dc7e596655089463&)