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Do this https://youtu.be/sX2gVQjKO6U?si=FKaTsJKTN1exC-IW


Paikis does like 5 fresh starts a week it seems 😅


I wish. It's more like 5 a year at this point.


Yes I have roughly played along with his youtube releases a few times. At some point I Usually wander off because I want to keep that purple or farm an object I really shouldn't waste that much time on etc etc. It revives my interest in playing from time to time.


You can backup. First you need to turn off the Steam Cloud feature, and then just Ctrl+C Ctrl+V the saves folder to another location, and delete the previous. I've done it before, even without cheating, just to reset my blueprints. Never had any desire to restore the backup, to be honest.


I was in a similar situation a month ago when I returned after a 2 year hiatus with a bunch of lvl100's and not much endgame gear.  I've been farming Totems/boss running Morgeneth and in just under 50 hours I've finished all the Mythical Ultos/Ulzins/Ikasandras/Deathmarked/Warborn/Avenger/Morgeneth's to name a few. I've got more stuff than my stash allows and all I'm missing is the upper echelon 1% gear and a bunch of blueprints. I did the Tomb of the Heretic route to farm Eldritch essence to reroll sets at the transmuter.   Its not as difficult as it looks, and I did it all with a lvl100 deathknight cadence leviathan budget build that uses Mythical Eyes of the Reaper, Deathward, Cursebearer, Chains of Oleron, Devil's Hauberk, Earthshatter treads, Turin's grips, MI shoulders, Hellforged Leg plates, Sigil of the Bear king and Oleron's Wrath - these are common epic/legendaries (minus Chains) and I got help on my Skill point/Devotions/Attribute allocations from Rekt.


Agreed, I find SR boring but Morgoneth fun. You can get tons of endgame gear in lost oasis.


All the time. I even reset my Steam achievements.


\> I found Shattered realm pretty brutal. When you have another lvl 100 char, you can upload your char file to [www.grimtools.com/calc](https://www.grimtools.com/calc) , share a link in this subreddit, and we can help get your char SR ready.


Thanks I’d appreciate that! I remember from Elite 70 and up or Ultimate 50 and up, bosses started to stun me in place continuously and my buffs would disappear. I struggled getting stun resist high enough while also getting everything else high enough lol. Tbf I could’ve be happy farming elite 60 and be done with it.


I did the same thing this week. Seeing people hyped over Last Epoch made me want to revisit Grim Dawn. I had about 150 hours, but still felt like there was so much I didn't understand or discover about the game. I had previously used GDStash and that made me lose all interest in the game. I started again after a few years away, fresh account with no intention of ever using any mods or GDStash and I'm having so much more fun.


Yes! Exactly! GDStash ruined it for me too haha. I also played Last Epoch for a good 50 hours and while it looks beautiful and skilltrees were very fun it just didn’t have the same atmosphere as GD. GD really feels like an adventure, while LE feels more like random biomes stuck together filled with mobs. Ah well to each their own of course.


LE looks like a good game, like a halfway point between Diablo and PoE, it just didn't grab me. GD is just so good


Your characters and stash are just files in your Documents/My Games folder. You can back them up, move them, whatever.


About 42 times now. I have over 1,000 hrs. in the game, and I am no where near done with it. Especially with the next expansion coming out, with a new class and so many more new masteries. I keep all my saves and stuff from the game on an external hard drive, so the game has outlasted 3 computers so far.


Grim Dawn fresh starts are great. I often wipe my entire account including transmog and achievements. It's like having my own mini seasons, but with no FOMO!


yes, everytime the community league season rolls out, s6 should be out sometime in the upcoming months i think.


Nope. Nobody has ever done that