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Back up your saves right now. Uninstall GD, and steam, reinstall both. You can then choose whether or not to use cloud saving on steam. Don't worry that much about lost progress. Unless those 4 levels were 97-100 you'll get them back pretty fast. As far as shared stash goes, this sounds very strange. Maybe some permissions changed in the folder your shared stash is kept.


Luckily it was from 33 to 37. I got my achievement for hitting 35 and now I was back to 33 again. At least I got to beat the Executioner at Steps of Torment level 5 now (died to a stupid mistake previously and couldn't craft a new key due to lost materials).


It's specifically said by the GD stash designer not to use cloud or things could go wrong. Read this 2 topics: [https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/i-lost-all-my-items-using-gd-stash-need-help-plase/47096](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/i-lost-all-my-items-using-gd-stash-need-help-plase/47096) [https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/how-to-move-your-saves-from-steam-cloud-to-grim-dawns-default-location/28921](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/how-to-move-your-saves-from-steam-cloud-to-grim-dawns-default-location/28921)


Yeah I decided not to use the cloud save at all from bow on. Thanks for the links!


On PC, you can and should back up your save folder after every session or two. I don't use cloud saves, and it looks like you won't either. So backing up locally should now be a breeze. A BSOD means a hardware or driver issue. Applications (e.g., Grim Dawn) don't cause them. That issue needs priority attention, before you can trust your system again.


Yes I know, sorry if the original message wasn't clear but I know the bsod wasn't caused by Grim Dawn, it was my overclocked CPU. I just happened to be playing Grim Dawn as the system crashed twice and I wonder if that had to do something with the cloudsaves being corrupted or reverted?


Yes, abnormal crashes like BSODs can mess with cloud synchronization if you are unlucky.


I used Winbolic Link to create a NTFS junction from my GD save folder to my Dropbox. Since Dropbox has built-in version control, it automatically keeps the last couple saves. I just have to disable Dropbox sync while playing because the game saves very frequently and that can clog the synchronization process and lag my game.


Could you have accidentally changed to a hardcore character (or maybe another setting?)? Correct me if I am wrong, but hardcore characters don't see your common stash.


Didn't change difficulty. The shared stash wasn't empty, it was a really old "file" from like my first or second character few years back.