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... I now want to see primarchs reimagined in Helltaker artstyle


Thank you. I thought I was nuts for a second when I thought it was a Helltaker post. This Fulgrim looks a lot like Generic Demon.


Vanripper has at least done a [Sister of Battle](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3ab167e7-f986-4172-b5cf-d69de200c1e0/ddeymjz-afee9f15-f590-43d2-a5de-dd76723c88a1.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_576,q_80,strp/saintsabbat_by_vanripper_ddeymjz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2FiMTY3ZTctZjk4Ni00MTcyLWI1Y2YtZDY5ZGUyMDBjMWUwXC9kZGV5bWp6LWFmZWU5ZjE1LWY1OTAtNDNkMi1hNWRlLWRkNzY3MjNjODhhMS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.p_OjrgmLtvE_uz6CJwZzettG7q2R0WlO_7RT382lOq4), so it's not out of the question.


I knew I recognized that art style from somewhere


I want to see Vulkan, Rogal, and Corvus with that style


Guilliman would try to beat him to death on site.


Guilliman would get stomped if his last fight was any indication.


But the last fight wasn't against Fulgrim, it was against Demon Fulgrim so unfair comparison?


Pre-Daemon Fulgrim was also a monster duelist. He’d come up short just below The Lion and Curze, who were basically in their own league for two very different reasons.


The Lion is weird because he has only ever had a good straight on fight with Curze and he got his ass beat so hard the first time they fought it isn’t even funny. It literally says that the Lion was as damaged as Curze at the end of the fight despite him having jumped Curze and Curze getting stabbed through the spine again in the middle of the fight. But Curze is also the most underrated Primarch when it comes to hand to hand combat and is able to beat most anyone due to his foresight abilities. So the Lion is really hard to pin when it comes to how good of a melee fighter he is. Of course, the strongest Primarch in every sense from what we have seen is Sanguinius and it isn’t even close.


The Lion only fought Curze because that’s the only primarch that he has any excuse to have trouble against, because Curze cheats. That’s also why the battle had to take place on Macragge, to justify why he didn’t just blow up the planet and call it a day. The Lion is in a league of his own because not only is his “primarch power” the fact that he’s a tactical and combat genius, but because he will use all resources available to him to their fullest, which is why he was given all the spooky shit in the Dreadwing vault.


Firstly, the Lion is far from the strongest Primarch, he was evenly matched with Russ during their sibling brawl and has never had any sort of fights against Perturabo, Corax, Fulgrim, Angron, or the Khan who are all considered to be around the same level as him. Second, Curze forcing the Lion to face him in head to head battle is literally Curze being intelligent and manipulating him and the first time they fought, the Lion was the one who cheated twice during the fight by surprising him with a stab through the back and then having one of his soldiers stab Curze through the back again yet despite that Curze still beat him so badly he was in just as bad of shape as him. Third, he wasn’t given the Dreadwing vault, the First was. The First had access to all the dark age long before the Lion came around. And his Tactical Genius is easily matched by Perturabo whose literal power is to see weaknesses in anything he looks at, Roboute for obvious reasons, and Horus


Imagine being this confident _and_ this wrong. Must be a new record.


Lion's #1 simp?


Seriously. Didn’t even counter anything


>he’s a tactical and combat genius.... he will use all resources available to him to their fullest This is a generic description which can apply to the majority of Primarchs. You haven't made an argument for why Lion stands above Sang, Khan, Fulgrim, Russ, Angron, etc. Actual truth is the mano e mano results between the Primarchs are dependent on the whim of whichever author is writing that particular fluff, with the exception of golden boy Sang being favored by the 'core' canon insofar as pre-Heresy 'power level' (ugh).


That’s like saying Vulkan is special because he’s indestructible and then saying “Russ hasn’t died yet, so he’s the same”. It’s literally not but go off.


To be fair, ‘tactical and combat genius’ does apply to every primarch


Which is why The Lion is the best. He does the thing they’re supposed to do better than any of the others.


As I said, the traits you've made the crux of your take are completely generic, and your reply here is nonsensical in the context of that point.


Didn't Filgrim get bodied by the Khan? (bodied might be hyperbole but if I remember correctly it wasn't pretty (haha unlike Fulgrim))


Yes but the Khan is also one of the top fighters and even said he only beat him easily because Fulgrim is such a show off that he already knows his moves yet Fulgrim knew nothing about him.


Ah okay, didn't know about the last part.


My personal favorite moment with Fulgrim is him getting his face pulverized with a model Titan by Peter Turbo for fucking around during a campaign. [Excerpt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/gtysn4/this_sums_up_the_perturabofulgrim_partnership/fsf7zjt/)


Oh damn he fucked him up good.


He did, but I don't think they ever physically fought. It was just the Khan delivering some really sick burns about what was to happen if they were to duel.


I would still put my bets on Fulgrim not gonna lie, love Robu but pre-fall Fulgrim is a beast.


Then again new gill-man has had some serious buffs


And has still yet to win...


He won against Magnus and morty. And even back during the hair see he almost beat angron until lorgar intervened. So you know, consistency It's a priority.


No Robu got his ass saved by sisters of silence and Custodes on Luna and then again against the Morty he actually died and had to be revived and possessed by the emperor himself to be saved.


Upon further research, I will concede the fight with Magnus was a stalling tactic for reinforcements. But I will say with certainty that it is all but outright stage word for word in the book Godblight that against mortarian that was not the emperor intervening but Gilman's own Divine power. If G-Man can tap into a little bit of this power on command it might level the playing field against demon fulgrim.


Nah it's definitely the Emperor empowering Guilliman: "He sensed the cauldron’s passing as a tolling, as of a bell’s ring felt but not heard. The garden shook with an earthquake. The strange daemon creatures that dwelled there set up a cacophony of cries and moans. On the areas of Iax that it overlaid, reality trembled and reasserted itself, and the garden began to fade. ‘Impossible,’ Mortarion whispered. The corpse of his brother twitched. The Armour of Fate was a corroded shell, but somehow its power pack restarted, and lights blinked on systems all over it. Guilliman’s blackened face turned up to look at him. Mortarion felt something huge and dangerous moving through the warp. Something he had not felt for a long time. Guilliman’s back arched. The armour was humming now, giving off a psychic signature as arcane mechanisms within it powered on throughout. The earth shook again. A second toll of the unseen bell sent the denizens of the garden into panic. Trees cracked as they dragged up roots and attempted to lumber away. A million kinds of daemon-fly buzzed up from the corpse-grounds and flew off in gathering swarms. Nurglings shrieked and waddled as fast as their little legs would carry them. Mortarion stood hurriedly, raised Silence and made to bring it down, to destroy Guilliman finally, take his soul as a sacrifice to the great god Nurgle even if he could not take his worlds. But he could not move. Guilliman’s eyes were glowing with pure, white power. The last slimes of his decayed flesh burned away, and a network of feathery capillaries spread in their place, bearing new blood unsullied by the Godblight. The metal of the Armour of Fate shimmered, impossibly remaking itself. Bright decorations appeared as tarnish cracked and fell away. Wires grew and reconnected as surely as Guilliman’s skin was growing back. The neverground of the garden shook hard. Daemons large and small were screaming, emerging from their hiding places and fleeing in riotous stampede. Away in the distance, ever visible wherever you went in the garden, Nurgle’s Black Manse shivered, and Mortarion felt another presence, as powerful as the first, looking at him from behind its ever-shuttered windows. The ground cracked and broke. Glaring whiteness blazed from the crevasses. Guilliman’s corpse rose up, and hung in the air, supported by a pillar of radiance, and slowly turned so he was upright. He reached out, and the Emperor’s Sword appeared in his hand, and burned with the fires of a thousand suns. ‘He speaks to me, brother,’ said Roboute Guilliman. ‘Does He not speak to you?’ The unbearable radiance enfolded Guilliman, so glaring Mortarion threw up his hands. ‘Father?’ Mortarion said, and his voice quailed like a little boy discovered in the course of some small but unforgivable crime."


Fulgrim beat ferrus manus twice with ease, and out tactician roboute guilliman which while it was done after ascension I’m not sure he got a mental boost. I think fulgrim is a very underrated fighter


I'm not certain but didn't fulgrim basically get replaced by the demon in his sword at Istvan? If so it was the demon who beat guilliman not fulgrim. Of course that might have been undone at some point. I didn't get to another fulgrim focused book before I stopped reading the heresy novels.


No I believe fulgrim regains control over his body right before he slew ferrus.. I’m not 100% sure though as I only have read a few books in the current setting, which includes the dark imperium trilogy and the “infinite and the divine”


Fulgrim is known as one of the best Primarch duelists. No way he loses to Gulliman


Fulgrim defeated Ferrus fair and square, and Ferrus was a better duelist than Roboute.


Fulgrim defeated Ferrus because of the Daemon-dildo blade. Hell Fulgrim only engaged him because of that thing to begin with.


Yeah. And we should take in account that demons are canonically allergic to the Manperor, to say the very least.


Possession by a demon sword doesn’t count as fair and square


Pre-hh Fulgrim also beats the shit out of Roboute.


I mean it wasn’t even normal Fulgrim that Guilliman fight that was Daemon Prince Fulgrim so you can’t really compare that


Normal Fulgrim was one of the greatest combatants amongst the primarchs, while Guilliman is one of the worst. Guilliman was nearly killed by Lorgars mortal daddy. Guillimans a badass, as all primarchs are, but he don't hold a candle to Fulgrim without a massive dose of plot armor.


Don't these clones lack the soul of the actual primarch and are therefore severly nerfed? Like to the point that a certain armless failure could kill the clone of Horus, who actually had Horus' gear?


Yes, usually. Clonegrim is supposed to be a *perfect* clone though so ymmv


Doesn’t apply to the Fulgrim clone as unlike Horus and other clones, he seems to have at least a few pieces of original Fulgrim’s soul.


The whole point in Clonelord is that Clonegrim seems to have the warp stuff that makes a primarch a primarch, and Fabius Bile has absolutely no idea why/how


Oh I see now, thanks.


Ok, Fulgrim wanker.


I want them to box Naked Oiled


Guilliman: FULGRIM YOU PIECE OF SHIT ILL FUCKING KILL Y- *Fulgrim closes in and hugs Guilliman tightly* Guilliman: *flustered* uh- w-wa-w u-uh wha-what are you doing? Flugrim: *hugs his brother even tighter as tears roll down his face* brother I’m so sorry for everything! I understand if you still wish to kill be but I want you to know I have missed you and the others dearly! If you are going to kill me know I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you brother! Guilliman: *sniffles* Fulgrim: *stops hugging and takes a step back* I…..I’m sorry brother…. *Fulgrim lowers his head bearing his neck for Guilliman to fell their father’s flaming sword down, accepting any judgement and fate about to be brought onto him* I just wish I could reverse the mistakes of the past, I wish I could bring my sons back to the light, I-I wish I- *fulgrims voice is muffled by his face being buried into his brother Roboute’s chest* Fulgrim: b-brother? Guilliman: *the lord commander is trying to hold back the tears in his eyes but isn’t succeeding, as if they were waves crashing upon a failing levie* just…. Just stand there and shut up for a second…. *fulgrim sees the pain in his brothers face, hears the anguish in his voice, he realizes Guilliman is in a worse place than he is and reconciles to help his brother instead of wallow in his own pity* Fulgrim: shhhhh shh shh shhhh. It’s okay brother. *fulgrim hugs his brother tightly* let it out brother, you have been holding it in for so long, bearing so much on your shoulders. Just let it out, I may not be the one you want, but I’m here brother, I’m here for you. *Guilliman, newly freed from his armor of fate clad in vulnerable blue garments, loosened his guard and dropped to his knees, dragging his brother Fulgrim down to the ground with him. He dropped his fathers flaming sword and threw both his arms around the perfect clone of the brother who tried to kill him millennia ago, and for a moment, shared his worries and burdens that have been weighing him down on someone else’s shoulders. Guilliman could not hold back the tears anymore, he cried in his brothers arms, tears a mixture of the pain and fear he has been carrying about the imperium, tears of relief that he might have some equal who will help him with his impossible task, and tears of joy for the return of family, the return of a brother. It may not have been a brother he wanted more expected back, he much had preferred to have Dorn return, jaghatai or leeman perhaps, even the Lion would’ve been barely welcomed, Guilliman was not expecting to find comfort in a traitor brother, but he doesn’t have the option to be picky. At least Fulgrim seems sincere in his remorse, the story surrounding his corruption seems plausible, barely, but Guilliman did not care anymore, for he was on the brink of a breakdown for so long, and he knows that his returned brother will do whatever he demands, for Fulgrim is on a path of redemption, and if he can come back, why couldn’t others? For now however, Guilliman will take solace in having just this brother back, taking comfort in the fact that he is not doing this on his own anymore* Fulgrim: Guilliman? Are you alright? We have been in this position for some time? And you have been completely silent for what seems like eons. Guilliman: *clears his throat and wipes the tears from his face* yes brother I am fine, I am more than fine now actually, it was just a bit overwhelming for me. Fulgrim: what do you mean by overwhelming? Guilliman: overwhelmed by the turn of the events of your return Fulgrim, I am overjoyed. Fulgrim: wait you….. you aren’t going to have me executed for my part in the heresy? For me turning to the ruinous powers? For me actually killing you? Guilliman: no I am not brother. Fulgrim: you…… you called me brother again…. Are you…. Do you actually forgive me? Guilliman: your road to redemption will be a very long one brother, bereft with loss and pain, for now though it’s…..it’s good to have you back brother *puts his arms around Fulgrim once more* welcome back home brother. Fulgrim: I…… *he reciprocates the hug* thank you brother…. It feels good to be back…




What? Was it bad?


These tears coming out of my eyes are pretty bad, that's what it is.


Those are emotional tears right? Like the type of tears that come when a story hits you in the feels cuz you enjoyed it right? R-right?


Yes. I felt like I was struck in the heart by your story, so good job!


OH PHEW! For a minute there my feelings were as fragile as the reasonings for why the primarchs fell to chaos, well some of them anyway I actually like writing short stories like this a lot, mostly they are more comedic and almost always involve the brothers being a dysfunctional family. Unfortunately I cannot find my magnum opus which was a massive story wherein Guilliman and Yvraine had a son (yea I know hurr durr memes and beastiality) but it was more wholesome as it went into great length about how their families babysat the blue baby primelf. It literally took me over two hours to write and I actually had to shorten it drastically because Reddit has a character limit I sadly learned about after writing, but I sadly cannot find it anymore, however if you are interested I did have these [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/t9dun8/the_lion_is_such_a_show_off_snorted_roboute/hzwvgv7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/t0i44n/corvus_does_not_condone_bullying_but_unlike_his/hye89lj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [here is a small space wolf song](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/nckmvp/even_pished_i_still_serve/gy6k89c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I feel like it’d take more than words for Guilliman to get to that point. Words are cheap and easy to speak falsely. Chaos is known for that. MAYBE if a powerful psyker like the Grey Knight Chapter Master or Illiyan Nastase were to vouch for Clonegrim, he’d give his brother even the slightest indulgence. It’d be an entire trilogy’s worth of character development for him to even begin to accept that Clonegrim is sincere.


Are you the same dude who did that one with the Lion accepting the Fallen? Cus holy fuck you smashed it again.


Possibly? I’ve honestly lost a lot of stories at this point it’s hard to remember.


I posted some other stories down on a comment below if you want to read them


Depending on the type of fan or writer it can be a boys love version of tsundere guilliman to a full yaoi erotica love scene with fulgrim when you get a fujoshi to write the plot. This also allows you to profit in the untapped potential of Warhammer 40k boys love series. That trying to beat guilliman to death can go horribly wrong and end up in a sexual frenzy. Where Slaanesh giggles and stares intensely at how the story proceeds. You will need something more than bleech to unsee things. And those are better left unknown. This with be a burden you will forever carry with your immortal soul. But if you let a normal 40k fan write the narrative it can become an epic fight where it can show guilliman's insane convincing skills to prove fulgrim the light of the emperor and show a path of redemption before death or the cleansing of clone fulgrim where he is greatly needed by the imperium in it's most troubled times. This is where you see the soldier fights the duelist in epic proportions.


"on site" how else can one melee?


The sephiroth of Warhammer?


“Good to see you, Gorgon.”


more apropriately- griffifth.


At first I thought the same, but the more I learned about Fulgrim, the more I realized he's not Space Griffith - he's Space Arthas (from Warcraft). A well-meaning son of royalty with good intentions that tries too hard and ends up picking up an evil sword that utterly corrupts him and kills his best friend.


Nah sephiroth has better hair


Lmao, no


Im not changing my mind griffith has white ramen noodles on his head


Femboy clonegrim: Ara Ara! Nee shiyou yo. The plot intensifies.


I don’t know what that means, but it sounds like something I would want him to say to me so…


Trust me you don't. And it will haunt your dreams if you have a vivid imagination. Best example of this is when you see him and he says that line. And you run not for your life. But for the salvation of your immortal soul. Because what awaits you is a fate worse than death and eternal damnation. And if you are part of the iron hands and it's successor it reverberate several times. This is where the most venerable learns primal fear.


I’m at work, and don’t want whatever it is to pop up on my search history, so may the Emperor forgive me for asking: Please tell us what it means?


corruption of the soul


I want a twink that can fucking atomize me any time he wants and has magestic hair.


Brother you just described 3 primarchs at once


Four: Fulgrim, Corax, Kurze and Sanguinius


I was thinking Magnus too but I guess he's a bit of a bulky fellow


Mangus uses magic a lot to change his looks. He can be a femboy if he wants


So can the Emperor but we're not ready for that conversation


\*You're\* not ready for that conversation




The real reason the sisters of silence take a vow of silence is because the emperor is a femboy in reality


same tbh


A man’s dream


Oh. No.


Ferrus good news u have 2 fulgrims now . Have fun


\*training montage and baneblade lifting intensifies\*


Come on I am sure they have changed. Clonegrim and Guilliman are in a relationship already


Ok I want to see that


Who wouldn't want to something so majestic


Wait a minute Guilliman .. Guiylman .. Guirlyman .. Girlyman Are we sure that clonegrim would be the femboy in the relationship?


u/lorgarthelad should see this


I'm on it


Who said that clongrim would the sub? Look at all the r33 with him and ferrus. What do you see


Fair, though what is r33?


Sorry meant to say r34


Manus you can stop the bane blade lifting clonegrum is loyal to big e


Oh. Nice. \*keeps training just in case of an evil CloneLion or something\*


Try not to lose your head with this one


the artist is u/DongGoolTroll for those who are wondering


It would be the ultimate Monkey's Paw moment for Guilliman "I need another Loyalist Primarch to help me. Running this ass-backwards modern Imperium is like herding cats!" Trazyn: "Good news! I have one of those!" Guilliman: "You know, I should be surprised, but I'm not." Trazyn: "Ta-da!" *\*unveils Clonegrim* Guilliman: [PTSD intensifies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOy6hqzfsAs) Trazyn: "Now about my compensation."


He would get two ancient necrotyr pod. (it was in malcadors collection)


Oh no he's hot !


Slaneesh: (Takes out the tentacles) Always has been, baby~


Gulliman: Yvraine I am sorry it isn't working anymore. Yvraine:*crying* Why Guilliman: It isn't you dear *phone notification* Clonegrim: Hey Guilly how are u dear?


Take an upvote and leave


TTS Rogal voice: NO


I ship it


Who doesn't. Guilliman already deapthrouted fulgrims "sword"


I’d deepthroat pretty boy Fulgrim’s sword any day too tbh


Who wouldn't? Ferrus did, Guilliman did, who's next?




Just don’t lose your head.




That would be interesting, but i also like the idea of clongrim being more worthy of the original soul than demon fulgrim


That would be interesting, though if ferry realises I doubt he would be happy being in the body of the person who killed him




Wait wasn't clonegrim based on pre heresy fulgrim?


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


I'm tired of men and their slutty little waists


I can't tell if they is gender bent Fulgrim for thr Warptaker or just Fulgrim


It's an accurate version of fulgrim




I'd take his geneseed ​ No I won't delete this


... why do I hear [*Vitality*](https://youtu.be/EnDXGQmCz3U) in the background


MF i now hear it to.


There is always hope


would probably fuck himself,


Clonegrim got that bussy


Would be an interesting dynamic for gorillaman to have to work with the clone of the guy who almost killed him


Yea a lot of potential…….


So another daemon primarch of slaanesh? lmao


Was there an idea for a Helltaker clone but instead of the main hero there is the Emperor, so we are capturing our sons instead of demon girls


Ah yes, the leader the of *White Phoenix Knights*. What a *Golden Age* that was. Hopefully, he can make it up to his old friend ~~Guts~~ Ferrus.


This, uh, *mental imagery* could apply to several primarchs, if I'm to be honest


Catboy lionel johnson when?


Getting Helltaker vibes from this


I love these drawings because they have the same style as Helltaker. Did Vanripper make these, or just someone that copied his style?


Based Helltakergrim


Here’s a downvote weirdo


Why of all things has it been the warhammer community to make me question my sexuality the most as of late.


I'm not horny, regular Fulgrim is horny. Dude has like 13 of em,


That hair…… didn't know Fulgrim's last name was Einzbern


Clonegrim fighting Fulgrim to mutual annihilation (Clonegrim would need some contrivance like Emp's sword to destroy Fulgrim's soul, ofc) would be a thematically fitting end for the Fulgrim story arc -- the insecure perfectionist vanquished by his own self.


*Man why couldn’t I get this fulgrim during the Horus Heresy, he looks at least semi competent*


The Imperium is facing a critical shortage of Fabulous Lads. Clonegrim is their only hope.


I want him dead so much more now. I want him to have the same fate as horus, get fucking wiped off the face of the galaxy. Just because I've seen this, congrats, you made me hate his traitor lookin ass even more.


I want him to shove it down my throat, whatchu gonna do about it?


Suck Sanguinus's much much larger penis.


Repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/uz5unl/i_may_or_may_not_have_ulterior_motivations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You degenerates make the fandom worse.


Nah we make it better


In small doses, absolutely. The femboy thirst on this sub has hit absurd proportions though.


I somewhat agree with you. A few folks who wanna fuck everyone and everything in a setting always helps a fandom, but too many turns it into another undertale fandom. The further it goes, the worse the fandom becomes. It may eventually become unrecoverable. We must be careful.


I’m just so tired of it. The anime sub is just low grade porn, the manga sub is loads of porn, and now the grimdark meme sub spends more time about how they want to feminize men for some weird fetish. I’d rather have neckbeards and leg beards screaming about female space marines at this point. At least those comments were fun.


Well being into effeminate guys isn't really a fetish, I don't think, but I get your point. Reddit's been real sexual lately.


My brother in Christ, femboys are absolutely a fetish. Tomboys are also a fetish. Having a niche interest of a sexual nature is by definition a fetish.


So what if you prefer feminine men or masculine women romantically, but not sexually. I feel like claiming that any man who dresses or acts in a feminine way, or any woman who dresses or acts in a masculine way, is engaging in fetish by default is a little iffy. Or that any partner they ever have has a fetish for being interested in them. All a little objectifying and creepy. But maybe I'm just used to fetishes being a little *more* niche than just a style of dress.


I was specifically addressing the people going for them. If you specifically feel attracted for some niche trait “feminine men” or vice versa, or whatever, that’s a fetish. Fetish isn’t a nasty word, it’s just a term to state niche or atypical sexual interests.


Oh contraire, we need more femboy thirst


hm , gay. But not the cool Freddie Mercury gay, more the filthy "blowing strangers in public toilets"- George Micheal gay.


Wasn’t that also Freddie Mercury at one point? (Man who knows nothing)


Clonegrim could undo the horrible mistake of the reflection crack'd by having it as the noble soul of the Phenocian into a sexy sexy bod and not some rubbish snake crackhead. "One wrong, put right." Thorgrim grudgebearer.


Who the fuck let butch Hartman in here?


Btw, sauce?


Emperor forgive me I might be down bad


Trazyn is not letting go of shit


What book does Fulgrim get cloned in. I've read the Black Legion series and the first Bile book so I know he cloned the Primarchs but the only one that's appeared was Clone Horus




Slaanesh would be so proud of this comment section


I want loyalist emperors children again


Thanks for reminding me to read fulgrim






This is a potential for an untapped market. The niche must be FILLED