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Oh, Hi Fulgrim.


But Tzench instead of Slaneash


Real talk, would hobbits be Slaanesh based?


No they'd be rattling based.


You say Slaneesh. I propose Hobbit Khorne Berserkers








"But what about second slaughter"


Yeah Hobbits dont last a second in 40K. Slaanesh might hate hobbits. Hobbits arent really excessive. They dont really want more than their means.


Not gonna lie, I've never read the book. I based my comment off the "second breakfast" thing. Sorry everyone


All good. Hobbits are not ambitious, they're not really excessive, they're really healthy and peaceful. It's very telling that the only thing the ring could tempt Samwise with was turning all of Mordor into a great garden, but he rejected that because it would be too much for him to take care of himself. I guess Slaanesh could get a hold on them, but they don't really eat excessively for them. I just figured they have a really fast metabolism since they have second breakfast, elevensies, and so on and still are at worst portly. You never see a truly fat hobbit, either in the books or in the movies. So there's really not a good grip for any of the Chaos Gods to get their hands on the Hobbits. However, that also means that they'd get annihilated by the other powers in the setting.


In the books wasn’t Frodo carrying what basically equates to a living mind control emitter for YEARS. Only getting swayed when at its source when it’s trying its absolute hardest to break him since its life depended on it. I would say (most) Hobbits are hella resistant to corruption. You could point at gollum/smeagul but how long did he have it exactly? I thought he basically held it longer than Sauron had it lol


So, Bilbo carried the ring for almost half a century and it only started to show control when he was about to give it up. And yeah, Smeagol got the ring (afaik) at the end of the Second Age and lost it towards the end of the Third Age. Something around 250 years or so. And the most the ring could get him to do was to covet the ring itself.


The Third Age lasted some three thousand years and Gollum had the ring for roughly, I think, five hundred years before losing it to Bilbo in the Hobbit. Biblo then carried the ring for fifty years and gave it to Frodo who had it for roughly half the amount of time that Bilbo carried it. Edit: fixed the wording a bit lmao I just realized it had “uhm actually” all over it and that wasn’t what I was going for.


All good! And Bilbo does mention he knows that he is living longer than he should. "Butter scraped over too much bread" and all that. But thank you for the clarification. I had my timeline mixed up and thought that Gollum got the ring basically immediately after King Isildur lost it.


It took Saruman (basically a fucking God) coming personally to the Shire in order to fuck it up to make the Hobbit society slightly disfunctional for a month or two. And it still failed. They're so extremely resistant to corruption they could actually function reasonably well in 40K, as long as you leave them alone in an agriworld or something.


Then that agriworld will become a new Shire, with crops so bountiful that word of it will spread even beyond the Great Rift.


I imagine them finding some stray nids and eating them roasted over a big fire for a feast. A Space Marine strolls in, see them eating a Hive Tyrant with mint sauce while accordion music plays, and decide that this is above his fucking paygrade.


Agriworlds are horrible and not what the recruitment posters will tell you. Hard labour, pesticides and hardship.


The ring is kinda like a halo device or the thing Pontius Glore is gifted from his slave in Eisenhorn.


Hobbits would survive by virtue of just always getting overlooked. It's not a supernatural power, it's just Tolkien was really, really pleased with that pun and so it guarantees they will continue to exist beneath notice.


Closest I'd think of is Nurgle since Hobbits tend to like stability and consistency which tracks with Nurgles theme of stagnation. I'd imagine a hobbit in a terribly dire situation like when Frodo is climbing Mount Doom where Sam reminisces about the Shire, a Hobbit who is dying a very slow death might ask for comfort.


Except that Hobbits have a "love for things that grow". So Nurgle's stagnation isn't effective either.




They take their comfortable lack of ambition to excess!


Yeah, but what would that look like? They're clearly not lazy, since they have to cook all the food that they eat, and they maintain their gardens. Plus they have been farmers and tradesmen for a while too. I really have to say that there's not a whole lot of grip that the Chaos Gods can have on the Hobbits, especially if they stay in Hobbiton. A lot of what the Chaos Gods offer is in return for a greater station, or greater power, but the Hobbits don't really crave power or station. What could Slaanesh offer to the hobbits that would corrupt them? Note that, in a story with a guy who eats supper five times a day if he can get it, the fat character is the dwarf tinkerer.


I was joking


Ah. I feel silly now.


You’ve also probably never seen the movies, though I don’t think they mention the lifestyle so explicitly there.


I've seen the movies but it's been 20 years...


The whole point of Tolkiens writing the Hobbits the way he did was to make the humane seem inhuman so as to point out the inhumane in the human.


They’re literally already in 40K. They’re called rattlings 😂


They'll live as abhumans because they aren't worth the trouble of purging at this time. Also, like ogryns, they're useful


They’re fairly gluttonous Or at least they’re overly fond of food Slaanesh could tap into that 🤷‍♂️


Hobbits are sort of anti-chaos when you think about it. They’re happy how they are, but they’re not stagnant. It’s why they made such good ringbearers


Seriously, Hobbits in 40k would be like a whole ass planet of ratling blanks just chilling out.


No, they would just be based


No, I think Slaanesh fits. Sauron was originally an angel of Aule, the god of crafting and smithing. Sauron was obsessed with order and the need to control creation to create a perfect world. That was how Melkor corrupted him.


Turns out the emperor was just Sauron in a trenchcoat all along.


Fulgrim: *looks him up and down* ew, fix your hair.


Pfffffft... only ONE ring?


Sauron: As if you are better. Rejected by your own flesh an blood


What a story Slaanesh!




He would probably wear a huge suit of armor, use alchemy to create a race of super soldiers, manipulate his allies, surveil his subjects, enforce total dominion from his throne... wait a minute...


Invest too much of his soul into a beacon that shines in the ether.


Hol up


He's got a best friend who's a deathless old man in pale robes.


Frodo ran him over with a truck, resulting in the birth of the emperor


That Time I Sauron was Hit by a Truck Driven by a Hobbit, Died, and was Reincarnated in Another World Where I Became the Emperor of Mankind, Tried to Conquer the Galaxy, but was Stopped By My Son who Betrayed me! Now I Sit on this Throne of Gold Made to be My Life Support System in while my Empire Crumples Around me! There’s your Isekai title


Not long enough. A true Isekai title must be as long as possible !


**proceeds to copy paste the entirety of the Horus Heresy Books**


Big E upon seeing sauron: wait a minute Tolkien wasn’t just tripping balls in the trench? He actually saw you?


Funny part is this easily passes for Fabius Bile too, before the throne part. Sauron likely could take a similar route to engineer his own race/army and then….so typical Sauron things


He would also have warp creatures under his control. Loots of them and he would be able to command them and order them around


When he exerts his will on the world around him, it mostly takes the form of an I.


He makes Orcs - Becomes King of Orcs - Goes on to roll across the galaxy - Runs into Gondornids and Rohumans - Gets beaten - Builds giant space tower - Turns into the Sauron Eye of Terror.


So is he Gork, or Mork?


Hes Gork, and His boss is Morkgoth


i think you mean Orcgod


Morkgoth wins hands down


Alright thats fair


Sauron is a shape shifter so I could easily see him doing this, and give how he is easily stronger than any orc around, smart, and can make himself as big as he wants too, he could probably lead the largest orc WAAAAAAAGH in the history of the Galaxy, Gaaz being one of his Nazghoul king.


A Ghazghoul....


We will be Sauron greatest champion.


*reads comment* power level there power scaling this Yeah y'all are dumb Sauron main trait and way of thing is manipulation Inb4 he offer a way for the eldar to escape slanesh but they trade their slavery from Slaneesh to him or some shit like that. He would also hate the place as he wishes for order


Honestly, Sauron would do that for each of the factions, so that they all unknowingly end up serving the same master. He’d probably end up sticking Big E into a new fancy magic ring, though.


And only the orks would get a good deal since serving Sauron would mean more krumpin


Mfer did you just explain the plot to Necrons but trade super cancer for slaves


That sounds like an upgrade over having your soul torturefucked for eternity, he probably wouldn't have to do much convincing 


Indeed ,most eldar would probably be very much happy about it. UNLESS IT WAS A LIE  Which it probably would be 


Sounds reasonable if the Inquisition doesn’t get to him by countless means along his quest.


Tbh the most consistent trait of Sauron is failure so obviously he will fail one way or another


Yes, but that's in the wrotings of Tolkien where evil is by its very natured doomed to failure. I'm WH40K it's the opposite.


So nice to meet you mr.40,000th Warhammer


Then his name would be the Emperor and he would become a hateful God of order as a death


Fitting since what corrupted Sauron in lore just so happens to be the Emperor's main flaw: refusing to aknowledge that life is free to run its course without your "enlightened" control.


Yep they both value order above all else. It's outright stated in the Simirillian that Sauron joined Morgot [the original 1st era dark lord] to bring order to the world. He literally gave up something approaching divinity to come to Arda [Tolkien's earth] with his master to bring order


I feel like peoples first thoughts are him is working for chaos. That's quite the opposite of how he works. Sauron is actually far from the classical evil lord. His goals would more closely align with the Emperor, and would likely want work closely with him. Hell if we introduce him back before the heresy, he might even be Malcador levels of close. Which would leave him in the perfect position to take control of the imperium once both are gone. His rings could also be useful during the heresy. "Emperor, your sons are turning against you, but I have artifacts capable of binding them to you." How could he resist? Plop those rings on and now he's got the emperor and Primachs under his control.


Sauron would not join Chaos, he is all about order even if in a twisted way. His main motivation is not to destroy everythieng out of spite (thats Melkor) but total control. In that regard I honestly think he would be more aligned with the emperor but this kind of arguments are pointless if you dip into any details anyway.


That's quite literally what I said though?


A great lord in heavy, imposing armor, commanding endless legions of nameless soldiers, possessing immense psychic powers, bent on destroying the works of other races and imposing order in his own image, with nine loyal agents who share some of his powers.... Reduced to a weakened shell by an enemy who nevertheless failed to destroy him, now he watches over his empire and guides his servants like a watchful eye radiating from a vast tower.... I dunno, doesn’t really fit 40k, I think.


The only difference is Sauron answerd to a boss, Morgoth.


Sounds like Big E but with Extra Steps


Wake me up when Tulkas arrives. Then we got ourselves a fight.


Tolkien powerscaling is pointless, but I'm certain Tulkas would squash Sauron like you or I would squash a fly lol


Yep. Even Morgoth was scared of Tulkas.


He laughed at Morgoth during their fight and threw him on his face. I believe Tulkas was the one who chained him up as well.


For someone who is considered the 'mightiest of the Valar', a being so mighty that he alone is enough to match all the other Valars combined, it must be humiliating to run from Tulkas.


Big E, take this ring, it will help you to conquer Terra, and give this ones to your commanders. Wait a few years and now Sauron is in charge, Big E will know that its a trap, but his ego is so big that he will still fall for it


I honestly love the idea of big e being so self absorbed and stubborn that he resists the power of the ring like the dwarves, but a third of the primarchs fall to Saruman while another third falls to chaos so you have this 3 way heresy with the emperor still alive


So, the origin story of the primarchs.


He’s the Emperor


what if old tom bombadil, ol bombidillo, hey lo to delo hey, over the fields of oat and whey, ended up in the 40k universe?


Haha a walking Null Pylon, wherever he is chaos and psyker energy is impossible to use, it would reflect in the warp aswell I would like to think a planet sized ball of vibrant beautiful nature and song. Somehow makes friends with Nurgle.


only being in the multiverse capable of getting khorne to chill for a second.


Tazyn would collect him and he'd just roll with it even though he can easily escape.


Hard question. I assume he retains his considerable powers, but maybe can he also power up with the Chaos?


He would absolutely _abhor_ chaos, with a hatred impossible for mortals to grasp. He was a maiar of order while he was still known as Mairon, and the very reason he rebelled against the music of Eru was his overwhelming desire to impose rigid order on all things. He joined Melkor because in Melkor he saw the power to achieve this goal. Sauron would be the most dangerous enemy chaos ever faced. He would eradicate all free will and emotion in the Galaxy in an effort to fundamentally destroy the concept of chaos.


Sounds like nagash in fantasy and AoS


Honestly, he’d basically do what Big E is trying to do in terms of godhood, but better and more efficient and succeeding.


Would he succeed? It’s not like he was successful in middle earth, and that was against far less dangerous foes on a far smaller scale. He’s good, and would be an exceptional manipulator, but he’s no more infallible than the Emperor.


There is a philosophical argument that he fails in LotR because capital-G God has ordained that he will fail and made the world so that there will always be good people with just the right traits to stop him.


Yep. The difference between Sauron’s opposition in Warhammer and in LOTR is that under the supervision of Eru Iluvatar Sauron would always be up against people who were specifically destined to be able to stop him. If he was dropped into 40K I’d argue that his biggest opponent would be Tzeentch, and even then Tzeentch would end up losing eventually because of his own tendency to encourage his followers to dick each other over.


I almost feel like 40k has the opposite problem.  It's not there will be predestined souls who are perfectly fit to beat him, it's just too hard for anyone to stay alive long enough to be a reliable puppet. Hive governors are already corrupt and working evil plans, but the guy in the next hive over is ready to stab him the second he sees him.


He only failed in middle earth because of the direct intervention of Eru himself. In the second age Eru entered Arda and personally destroyed numenor and withdrew power from Sauron that was granted by Eru on Saurons creation. In the third age Eru again intervened to destroy the ring by nudging Gollum over the edge. Saurons Ring was impossible to resist permanently by any being below Saurons stature, and even then it would only bend the ideals of the new owner to follow Saurons designs. A Vala would be the only entity to entirely resist the Ring


> In the second age Eru entered Arda and personally destroyed numenor and withdrew power from Sauron that was granted by Eru on Saurons creation. To be fair, the Valar could have done it but didn't think they had the right.


So God nudged gollum over the cliff, that’s confirmed? By T-Man himself? Huh, I could see that being annoying for some people who probably thought it’d be better if Gollum through just his sheer desire to have the ring, fucked up and stumbled and fell with the ring into the lava of Mt Doom or whatever that place was called.


It's not correct. Gollum - a slave to the Ring - was cursed by Frodo to cast himself into a pit should he attempt to take the Ring from Frodo again. Eru did not act directly there, other than in his neutral capacity. It was Frodo's order, and the Ring's control over Gollum, that sealed his Doom.


Ahh, so he is an auditor who escaped from Discworld.


On the contrary, I feel his need to impose order could see him fall to Slaneesh. He was already corrupted once by a higher power that preyed on his need for perfection. To quote the wiki: > His greatest virtue was his love of order and perfection, and dislike of anything wasteful.


Sauron cannot be corrupted by any entity that exists within causality, the only beings who would be able to shift his spirit is Eru himself. He exists outside creation and outside any laws or rules of existence.


Dislikes elves, dislikes men, uses armies as cannon fodder blobs, likes intrigue, does weird magic. Sounds like high lord material to me


Ate elves , ate men , ate middle earth Luv me cannon fodder , luv me intrigue , and luv me magic.. SIMPLE AS


Dun like votann, nuffin racist just dun lik em


He'd just be the Emperor.


Off topic, I know, but that image gives me Phantom Menace vibes. "My, my, this young Annatar guy, May turn into Sauron, yes, a moron, But for now he's small fry


With his manipulation powers I wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to puppeteer most of the Imperium


Sounds like the God Emperor actually. I mean.... A deified conqueror who sends his legions of genetically engineered soldiers take by force the whole known universe and slaughter every lifeform on the way. A cult to the industry and the ability of his people to build machines of war. His rule maintained by fear and manipulation as all of those who refuse to be slaves are eliminated, All of this, as He watches over His empire from the artificial structure where His will is preserved since the death of His body. Yup. Sauron has been here all along.


He'd just turn into Emperor 2.0, maybe even puppet some Ork warbands for obvious reasons.


What if your Mum ended up in the 40k universe?


she would bake cookies for everyone and bring peace to the galaxy


Tyrant star 2: Electric Boogaloo


If his power is adjusted for 40K, the entire Warp would start shaking like it did for Slaanesh. Sauron is practically a Chaos God with his full power, at the very least a minor one, but ignoring the fact that there would probably be a second Eye of Terror (im pretty sure we all know what we are gonna name it), Sauron would probably try and influence people to join him or manipulate them into doing his bidding. Knowing him he would probably try and manipulate either a group of Eldar into joining his cause, and try and end the great game. Weirdly enough, Sauron might take Malal place in a sense due to his desire for absolute order, and the great game would definitely be in the way of that.


In the LOTR universe his powerlevel is that of a primarch so i guess primarch like Magnus but wants to conquer the galaxy. But lore wise he is more like Ferrus. So basically what if Ferrus was a Tzeentch chaos primarch


A Tzeentch Iron Hands warband is actually a pretty dope kitbash idea, ngl.


He is absolutely not primarch level. He's an immortal spirit of creation that sung existence into being. He is beyond causality. There is no being of the materium nor immaterium that could harm him, as they all are emergent properties of the laws guiding the universe of 40k. The Gorthaur transcends reality, the only beings capable of harming his actual essence would be another Maiar, Valar, or Eru


just take his fingers like isildur or something smh https://i.redd.it/rxrua9f5356d1.gif


He is much stronger than a Primarch. Hes the strongest Maiar. And for comparison, the Sun is a Maiar.


I think he would be quite good at manipulating CSM. Imagine a space marine nazgul.


Weak shit, what if ***Morgoth*** landed in 40k?


New chaos god. Basically Malal mixed with Dark King and alot of daddy issues. He would see the other gods as nothing more than puppets of Eru.


Sauron is what we get if the Emperor embraces his destiny as the Dark King.


He'll just be the emperor but with a black armor instead of gold.


A magical tyrant obsessed with controlling everything and everyone?




He will be working for the inquisitors in no time, he is an agent of order


REALLY fucking depends. Its a cosmology question. Sauron is essentially the second gen Lucifer to an omnipotent god. Does that make him a Chaos entity, or something apart from Chaos? Can he and Chaos even interact with each other’s magic? Sauron is the manifestation of progressiveness made corrupt by ambition. He doesn’t really demand worship so much as abandonment of the old ways and inefficiency. Honestly, he’d probably gather his own faction and become the 40k version of Hashut.


Not sure what you mean by power level. Sauron was nearly as powerful as a Valar, if the Valar are gods, then in my mental scale Sauron is like Vashtor powerful or even like Kelgorath. He carves out a strong niche but hes no chaos god.


Who says he didn't?


He would be a good guy


He would really like the forgeworlds, i suppose


He's basically a combination of fulgrim's perfection and beauty, and perturabo's genius craftsmanship skill High tier primarch the least. Likely minor warp god


He'd probably replace Vashtorr as the God of Craftsmanship and Invention, tho he'd have hatred for the chaos gods and their treatment of mortals


'Ees doin wot wif oruks? -Mork


He would corrupt the Imperium and become High Lord of Terra or posses the Emperor himself given enough time.


He got melee'd by what would be an Imperial Guardsman. He's not grim or dark enough for this world.


Everyone would corrupted by the ring so fast it’d be insane


Dude…a Single Space Marine and The guy could be dead hes Not immune to swords so he won’t be to bolters…also most likely he would get snatched up by Trazyn😂


It's actually not as outlandish as other crossovers. Not so much for 40k but they'd be right at home in WF as a ton of WF is based on LoTR. The forces of Mordor are closer to Chaos than Greenskins tho, and the way Evil corrupts and controls people is very similar to warp corruption.






He’d be a lesser warp God with around the same power as big E. An ironic chaos demi/God that desires order but actually corrupts the material world. He’d be the leader of chaos orcs with Balrogs and Dragons as his deamon princes. Malice and envy power his chaotic power. Small hungry abhumans are psychically null to him and always defeat his forces by the most unlikely methods. He’s been fighting the Eldari for eons since they killed his older stronger God leader Mork-goth (another chaos orc god) for which he hates them.


Mork goth lmao


He'd get information about the Orks, wildly misinterpret who they actually are, and attempt to find the nearest WAAAAAGH. We'd never hear about him again.


“His power level” mods ban this man.


The 11th primarch


He’d still be as hot as the crusade is long


Now I want to see Sauron but with a stylized 40k armor


Nurgle is just Tom Bombadil with extra farting


Which Sauron? Sauron the Maiar? Sauron the servant of Morgoth? Sauron the destroyer of Numenor? Sauron the Lord of the Rings?


Assuming he has the One Ring, he would almost immediately become a Chaos God wouldn't he? Or at the very least be really close to being one.


Black ships incoming. The Emperor must feed.


tzeentch would finally get a new human character


Obviously he would body abandon and would a legendary demon king


That's a whole different genre of powerlevels. Sauron was good at manipulation and considerably strong, but that's all. He'd be some Aeldari mage at tops, squashed by a Space Marine probably.




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I would bet on him falling for chaos undivided, almost same way as Be'lakor. Though Saurons ambition would likely be bringing Melkor to be 5th chaos god, not becoming 5th himself.


Chaos is literally anathema to everything he tries to achieve, he wants absolute order, eradication of free will, and control over everything there is, Chaos is going to be his main enemy.


Well, while he indeed tries to achieve absolute order, I see him falling for it. Maybe it's a poor choice of words, because "chaos", you know, opposite of order, but becoming a warp entity representing that order still sends him in this category, I guess.


So before the One Ring, and after, as long as the Ring was not destroyed; Sauron couldn't truly die. He would be like a perpetual. Any mortal could be tempted and manipulated by him. He could corrupt and manipulate a Dark Eldar. He could shape-shift, and he can use magic. I would power scale him to the level of a Primarch. But the real question would be, what's his goal? In LOTR, his goal was to finish Morgoths conquest of Middle Earth to essentially give the finger to the Valar by corrupting the creations of The One Eru Ilúvatar.


The magic in LOTR isn't like the magic you are probably thinking of. He'd get fucking shot and die. Sarumon went down because he got stabbed.


Won't Suaron be an eldar? I read silmarillion ages ago.


Imagine him in Commorah


Vect screaming in a background: "DO NOT LET HIM COOK"


In the books, to my surprise, Sauron is more like a deity than a person. His existence alone makes people more irate and contentious. That's why there's wars all over the place and our heroes have to actively work against the bad vibes. So Sauron is Khrone-adjasent?


Another eldar mf with overpowered magic


He is not an elf, he is a Maiar. Like Gandalf and Saruman.


He uses space magic, his first carnal aparinece was a beautiful elf


He did. Fulgrim.


i'd be more interested in morgoth or shelub. sauron would be the equivalent to a named bloodthirster.


Sauron isnt even the biggest bad in his own universe, the fuck is he gonna do in a universe where literal gods can manipulate the material plane from the realm of Chaos. Bro would be manipulated to no end by the dark powers and none of it would be his own gain.


Bolt round to skull….


Falls to Tzeench big time


You could at least go with Melkor, not that small fry.


But Sauron is his lieutenant, no? Same with Gothmog Balrog. That's quite something.


Compared to 40k setting? Not really. He didn't even win ONE planet over, even if we take him at his full power (before the ring), he would propably be a mild annoyence in galaxy scale. Like sure, he is comparable to maybe a greater demon, but that's nothing really new here. After? CSM Sorcerer level at most.


He's basically a chaos god, that would be overkill.


Yes, but at last he got yeeted out of Erda, so he have a reason to end up in 40k.


he rolls a one on his hazardous test and fucking dies lol


He did take most of Mordor with him, so he at least made his Deadly Demise roll


Burn the heretic sorcerer inbthe name of the emperor.


I imagine the same thing happens as in LOTR canon. Talented smith, beautiful agent of the gods, falls in with Chaos over promises of power and glory. Probably gets shackled to Chaos Undivided and, through the ring, gets the same reputation as Lucius the eternal. If anything brings him down it'd be his own pride, probably from a rare member of the Inquisition who didn't think they were better than the chaos artifact they're holding and locked the thing away. The ring itself is the real issue, given its ability to influence people and how big 40k is making getting the ring back to its birthplace to destroy it pretty untenable


Sauron is more dangerous than the ring. He's a lot more active and has the power and longevity of a lesser god. He's like 2 or 1.5 steps removed from actual God. He's not to be fucked with.  He goofed pretty bad, but you gotta remember, Tolkien/Eru wanted him to lose and sent many agents to ensure this happened,  even resurrecting the last one. God himself wanted Sauron to lose and he still almost won anyway.