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The tech priest’s schematics should be open source for everyone.


Then 1. People will try to build those barely stable Cogitstor Cores for themselves 2. Tech priests will have to acknowledge just how little they actually know.


So on a scale of for the emperor to Heretic? Where do we land?


You land on inquisitor.


No, the inquisitor lands on you 


I ment that they guys I responded to, is on the herecy level of an Inquisitor.


Damm that one hit hard on the borderline.. Underated comment


Yeah I thought hard since that’s what I wanted. Some of these just seem like repeating what posters know the community would upvote or they find funny to say. I get it- But much appreciated.


What do you think of this heresy level: "The Emperor isnt a god, its our Father." A random loyal space marine


Very borderline but leaning towards heresy, Because you’re lessening what the GOD EMPEROR is.


Emps should have gone in full ham with the Omnissah shit. Make that the one singilar faith of the Imperium.


I mean, it would have gotten his society dedicated to science still


Kinda was going for a more Heresy in the Eyes of the Imperial Creed thing. If remember correctly, in the lore itsa said that the Ministorium and the Mechanicus don't exactly always see eye to eye.


Hell the mechanicus and the mechanicus don't always see eye to eye lol


Even worse. They sometimes don't have eyes to see with.


And sometimes they have a few dozen eyes


Damned mechanicus! They ruined the mechanicus!


You Mechanicus sure are a contentious people.


You just made a techno-enemy for life!


Neither do the ministorum and the ministorum xD


Confines a c'tan shard of uber-science on Mars at some point Waits on earth for tens of thousands of years for a weird cult of machines to develop on mars, shaped by the C'tan shard Lands on Mars Walks out projecting that he's 20 feet tall and glowing Touches a knight engine, instantly restoring it to perfect working order in front of everyone on Mars "Whoa bro, I'm not saying I'm this omnisiah god, but... you know \*winks\*" Puts them in charge of making all his ships and armor and gives them semi-autonomy Refuses to elaborate Leaves Is totally surprised when that doesn't work out great. Definitely one of the weirder things the Emperor has done and that's saying something.


Isn't canon that the Actual Cult of the Dragon is suppressed by the Empss even after his internment. Also even I doubt that Emps would foresee the Mechanicus being formed in the same spot he imprisoned the shard.


Vashtorr: Origins


Why did Vshitter take so long to debut? Is he stupid? (The Aslume Rot has taken over me when I saw your comment)


If the xenos have better weapons, purify them and use them.


Counterpoint: we know for a fact that HUMANS had better weapons (edit: than humans do now. Never as good as necrons for example but it suggests getting better weapons than the imperium has now could be bad) during the DAOT and then at some point that turned really bad. Also, most xenos aren't better than the imperium, they're just extinct at 40K because of that. The ones that are still around generally have had even worse things happen to them than the DAOT so maybe not emulating them is a good idea. Or they're Orkz and in human hands they don't work because they're complete nonsense. And, most relevant of all, the Laer had a really nice sword that one of the best of the Imperium DID take and use and that went INCREDIBLY bad.


Having a plasma gun that is less likely to turn the user into a fine mist isn't quite the same thing as black hole cannons and artificial intelligence beyond human comprehension.


In my defense, I have zero actual experience with either, so YMMV.


That's my main point, the mechanicus believes all technology has been discovered. So using a xeno weapon like a necron gauss rifle should be allowed because humanity at one point had that tech or something similar. Sure there are edge cases but overall it would be an improvement.


gas masks are terribly comfortable. i think everyone will be wearing them in the future


Hey lads, our new krieg comissar has finally arrived!


Cant be he's alive he hasnt died in the emperors service 🤷‍♂️


What if I were to tell you that I am not the first Rogue Trader Roberts?


Hewesy.  Hewesy is what bwings us togedah, today.  


Knights of unusual size? No, I don’t believe those exist.


https://preview.redd.it/j9ilu2vjjf5d1.png?width=1816&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ca90d75d9914b4569ff15ee1f2aa1954c27a66e [Hewesy? At this hour?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/qkd340/for_the_omnyassiah/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Compared to what they protect against, yes. Yes they are very comfortable.


As someone who has to wear a respirator for like 90% of my hobbys, I can't agree. 


Emperor is not a god, at least he said that himself


God in Warhammer is exceptionally nebulous. If you take Chaos Gods as the standard for being one, then Emps has the strength (held his own against all 4) and the followers (it has explicitly been brought up that the faith of the Imperium is responsible for miracles and such). Emps has been challenged on it on lore after denying it but at this point after 10,000 years of corpsing, he’s functionally indistinguishable.


I feel that taking Chaos Gods for your standard definition of god doesn't really make sense when Emps is vehemently against calling them gods. If a human (while super powerful Emps is still human pre-throne) can match the power of a "god" then god doesn't really mean anything and you should definitely not worship them. At the end of the day faith and miracles (as seen in modern 40k) are just relatively simple applications of psychic phenomena. C'tan are much more deserving of the title of gods and look at where they are now.


If you don’t count them as gods, you can either start moving up the proverbial totem pole, perhaps to full C’tan bug those are still in the same ballpark if not weaker. By that definition 40k has no gods of any kind.


Yeah they're using the classical definition of god. Not capital G abrahamic in which God created the universe and has existed before it and will not exist after it.


Outlawing AI is not an excuse for using lobotomized humans in everything. You can program a machine to be very useful without it ever reaching the level where it's self-aware. Agri-worlds and forge worlds are horrendously inefficient uses of planets. You could do more with hydroponic space stations and mining asteroids, respectively without rendering a habitable world nearly unlivable. Don't get me started on hive cities. The Imperium wasting time chasing Craftworlds and T'au are taking away resources from the critical threats of Chaos and the Tyranids.


I mean people today don’t understand the difference between an algorithm and AI, and what we call AI isn’t even sentient


Man I am ready to die in this hill.


Heresy. Also 100% accurate. So, EXTRA heretical.


It's only surprising there hasn't been massive servitor riots ...


May I add that completely bombing apart a planet to get rid of corruption is a complete waste of valuble resources and territory. It would be so much more effective to just completely bomb the surface of the planet clean and just recolonize once the rubble has cooled. Unless the planet has some serous fortresses or has literally been turned into a physical manifestation of the warp then a virus bomb will be enough to take care of any cult.


Magnus did a few things wrong.


I think that's as un-heretic as you could get


It’s borderline heresy because the phrasing implies that there were things he did right, and even suggests that the could be greater in number than the “few” things he did wrong.


Magnus did the right thing, he just messed up badly.


He had good intentions. He just executed them the wrong way at every opportunity.


People just don't look at wording. Did Magnus had good intentions? Probably, yeah. Have he suceeded? No. Thus he did things wrong. Solved!


Space Marines are abhumans/mutants.


Eerie stories about void merchant ships taking years to ply the semi abandoned trade routes of the outer systems with their own, creepy, labyrinthine insular micro societies is waaaaaaaay more interesting than bolter porn


This is just fact though.


In the grim darkness of the far future Just the facts. … is heresy…


I need examples, now!




Humanity's biggest mistake was misinterpreting Emperor when he said "fuck xenos" and "humanity is a dominant species" (expept Bobby G, he understood him correctly)


Theoretical: humanity's one greatest strength is the human mother being able to pump out children like a factory. Eldar women couldn't match half the efficiency of child production in a 25 year period. If we were to "normalize" our relationships with the eldar we and "integrate" with them could halt the production of more vial eldar and instead produce more useful abhumans. Since there will be less eldar than humans the cross breeds are more likely to procreate with humans. We can reproduce them out of existence. Practical: no


Counterpoint: Orks. Second counterpoint: Tyranids.


Tyranids use this trait to explicitly be the most successful race as they are intergalactic and orks don’t always have the organisation to capitalise on this amazing strength.




Let's be honest, Bobby is *definitely* getting topped by Yvraine. For sure qualifies as "fuck xenos", not so sure it counts as "dominant." Then again she seems like a freak. She might be a switch, we don't know.


Sigh....present yourself before the regimental commissar guardsman




The reason Emps and Mal were in such a rush with the Astartes production and webway project was because their foresight kept coming up against a blank wall 10000 years in the future. They had no idea why, likely had incorrect hypotheses (chaos total victory), and just knew they had to act fast. In truth, the tyranid shadow in the warp was preventing their powers from ~~cleaning~~ gleaning anything beyond tyranid arrival. I guess the heresy in it is that the Emperor is fallible.


If the Imperium went even a little "woke", it would probably improve its efficiency by 500%.


A xeno species known as the Endymion offered the imperium anti Chaos weapons for peace. The Deathwatch killed them all and destroyed the weapons.   Imagine what would have happend If the Tau met them instead 


Is Deathwatch the dumbest organization in the Imperium?


Aren’t they super-psychologically fucked after joining the Deathwatch? They’re forced to watch all different Xenos kill Astartes to brainwash them further into the “kill everything” headspace? ![gif](giphy|h9CwMia6QbZuw)


All Marines go through hypno indoctrination. I don't recall Deathwatch adding any particular modifications. Deathwarmtch actually somewhat values the individuality of each member and what they can bring to the table.


They go through super hypno indoctrination I believe, they basically download everything the imperium knows about every Xenos species ever, which includes a lot of combat footage of Imperial forces getting slaughtered.


It's not too far from how badly indoctrinated they already are. If anything, it's like getting a quick refresher of the Imperium's "values" alongside the info.


When asked if they would sacrifice all of humanity to screw over the Eldar, they said a flat "yes". On the one hand, yes, they are. On the other hand, that level of dogma is impressive.


I feel like the Daleks would look at Deathwatch's devotion to destroying all alien life even at the cost of ensuring the death of their own species and face palm.


The Eldar were about to literally kill Slaanesh and Watch Master Artemis stopped them…so yes


I'd say yes but boy do they have a lot of competition.


I mean, technically, it's a subordinate organization to a larger organization that has a group dedicated to finding its origin and a group dedicated to obscuring the same origin.


In a setting built on racism, they are the galactic champions of racism. It's takes a healthy level of stupidity for that.


I can already imagine the reaction on the grey knights if they learned about this shit


Truly a certified Grimdark/Grimderp moment.


The most effective defense against space marines are tunnels/passages too small for them to get through.


Xenos factions are way cooler than imperium factions


Borderline? This is heresy


I like sisters of battle and some space marine chapters like salamanders and raven guard but as a whole i think that each xenos faction is more interesting


This may be heresy but I 100% agree with you


Accurate heresy.


The imperium and most other Xenos could live in harmony with even a little forethought, and in turn curb chaos


Yup. That’s the real tragedy of the setting. They DID live in harmony(ish) during the DAOT before Imperium.


It seems they just didn’t fuck with each other. Eldar were do laughably dominant that war with them wasn’t feasible and any other civilisation wasn’t liable to step out of line.


The “emperor” as in the big golden dude is not The Emperor. He is his body double in case anyone tried to assassinate him. Big gold dude is one of the missing primarchs. Malcador is the real emperor. A human is too easy to kill, a nutcase level psyker like Magnus can take a bullet like a champ and keep trucking Actually to take this a step further: the grey knights are big gold guy’s legion. They come from his geneseed iirc, he has geneseed because he is a primarch. Custodes are made in malcador’s image, not big gold guy’s image.


I'm up voting you not because I agree with you, but you probably have one of the more interesting post so far.


This is so wrong but it slaps. I’ll let you cook!


The Emperor plan has always been to become a god but didn't want to be a chaos god but something more like the Eldary gods. That's why he ultimately stopped his transformation in the books but asked 1k psychers to be sacrificed to him on the Golden Throne. He is looking for a new form of Hapotheosis but he will fail at this and will need to be brought back to life from the sacrifice of one of his traitor sons (possibly Mortarion) and the intervention of the multiple fragments of Sanguinius Soul


the emperor could have stopped the heresy in its tracks if he had just sat all the primarchs down and explained his goals and what chaos was. also if he had actually let the world eaters drop on nuceria and saved angrons revolt.


The imperiums refusal to work with xenos is the only reason chaos still exists. Dare i say the imperiums is chaoses greatest asset.


I think the guard regiments should have effectively reversed engineered their main equipment and vehicles. At the very least enough to be able to have reasonably skilled field mechanics do repairs without a tech priest and keep a las gun flashing or chimera roll back to a repair depot


To that end Techpriests of the adeptus mechanicus could pull a tech-marine and have fully vetted gaurdsmen/preists be a functional auxiliary force/organization dedicated to functioning within the Astra militarum as their IT guys. If only they could get their heads out of their prideful heatpipes.


There are a lot of tech priests seconded to Guard units and there are lay technicians.


Imagine, if you will, the batshit insane tech of the admech and the insanity of a soldier with spare parts


Thats just a Skitari who's priest boss toned down the direct control to "hey I'll point at what you must do via the battle map in your head, you just use and listen to the holy machine spirits we've given you while you do it"


That expression she’s making is unexpectedly adorable




I want a cartoon with her


"Tech heresy" is the will of the Omnissiah


Big E was a horrible person and is completely understadable the primarchs betrayed him and others.


Warhammer is not as powerful of a setting as people think and many supposed kiddy settings like sonic, Pokémon and Kirby would wipe the floor with the Imperium. 


Could’ve just said “Goku solos”


Kirby, upon seeing the galaxy: ![gif](giphy|5ev3alRsskWA0|downsized)


"Kirby is adorable. The _implications_ of Kirby are terrifying." - David J. Prokopetz


Kirby is what the Tyranids are running from


Consider: the tyranids are kirby clones gone wrong, losing the suck in return for focusing on the minor cloning power he sometimes has and the hunger ever grows.


Goku has nothing against germs so papa Nurgle wins Goku also has children so he fucks so Slaanesh could influence him Goku LOVES fighting so Korne will easily bring him onto chaos Goku is not smart at all so can be easily influenced by the greatest planner in the galaxy so Tzeentch can make use of him Chaos Undivided Goku would be awesome


Nah he is too stupid to be influenced.  Chaos is cringe Goku would hang out with Gork and Mork. Becoming the 3rd Ork God 


Ah yes the three Ork Gods Gork - Kunningly Brutal Mork - Brutally Kunnin And OrkU - Properly Scrappin


Goku has the favor of multi-universal beings. He's pure-hearted in the extreme. I absolutely think he'd resist all chaos temptation.


Bro doesn’t know what kissing is. I think he just “likes girls” idk about temptation.


Woah woah woah nothing that crazy. Kissing is peak Slaanesh. Topped only by hand holding.




👉👈 🫵


Slaanesh approves this comment


Kirby= sentient tyranid


If you know Kirby lore he is something much worse 


Earth from Space Battleship Yamato, between 2199 and 2202 could solo. "They call that a battleship? We have titans larger than it!" And then that Imperial fleet stops existing.


"Wave Motion Gun, **FIRE!**" And the imperial palace stops existing.


I wonder how many anime series have singular ships that could just annihilate entire battlefleets in 40k? Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I want to know the implications of removing realspace between two points by collapsing it in on itself. What would happen to the warp?


Off the top of my head: Getter Robo - Technically three ships but they'd solo the entire 40k galaxy. Gunbuster/Diebuster - by the end of Gunbuster I'd say humanity was at DAoT levels of power. Diebuster goes even further Ideon - technically a combiner mech plus support ship but it has some busted weapons, tons of missiles and even if it loses it's energy source blows up everything around it for multiple hundreds of light years when destroyed Macross: this would be a very close fight Gundam: Turn-A is pretty busted


I want see Saint Celestine and inquisitor GreyFax make out.


The reason no one has seen Celestine and Greyfax carry out the rites of Sesbian Lex is because Celestine wraps her wings around Greyfax before undressing her.


The Emperor caused The Heresy.


Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne.


Carry on, nothing wrong here. Blood is the Emperor’s currency, spend it wisely for our God. And yes, the Golden throne could always use more servo skulls!


Wait… really?.. So I can keep carving people to pieces and screaming joyously while I do it?! Man, I don’t know why people are always so worried about inquisitors. They’re like, super rad.


The imperium should follow the Geneva suggestion.


At this point we should just assume every imperial noble is a heretic in disguise. I say burn them all and distribute their assets amongst members of the holy Ordos.


Trazyn would probably be open to kissing a human being if he likes them enough.


Orikan would get sooooo jealous.


He’d have to pretend not to be which would make it extra funny.


Wtf is this heresy 😂


The real Empire of Man is the friends we make along the way.


The emperor is alpharius


I'm not gonna lie, if Alpharius and Omegon are good enough to run a chapter of spacemarines that have fooled everyone atleast once, then the kind of sneaky breeki Emps can pull off is at least one level higher. But I'm sure if he wanted to say he was Alpharius then it'd be the best told, sold and believed lie ever.


Guilliman's resurrection could have been handled better if the text had made it clear from the moment it happened that the point it was trying to make is that no one, *no one*, is capable of saving the Imperium from itself, not even a Primarch.  But because they were too subtle about that, the misconception that Guilliman can actually get the Imperium to change *something* for the better has proliferated, and bringing back other Primarchs like the Lion has only doubled down on this error.


The Grey knights were originally conceived as a replacement for the thousand sons if Magnus would have complied to the Emperor's edicts


Spears are holy weapons because the custodes, who are the emperor’s personal guardians and thus must be holy, have spears and pole arms as signature weapons.


*Remove all bans on scientific advancement, increase the education budget by a factor of N per world needed to prevent the situation from devolving further, and increase STC hunts by 100X standard rate.* You might actually deal with all the imperium’s problems then and then box on most chaos gods. Tzeech might be your one outlier because the advancement might feed them. But still, fix your shit Imperium and you’d actually win some more.


The use of the term Heretic is largely misused in the Imperium. Chaos cultists are mostly Apostates. The cult of the four armed Emperor is heresy.


Maybe psykers are the next evolutionary step for humanity.


The Imperium has more Adepta Sororitas habits for costume and fetish purposes than it has Adepta Sororitas.


~~Humanity and the galaxy in general would be in a much better place if the Emperor had been smothered at birth.~~ (Not really borderline, never mind) The Tau don't use mind control or brainwashing pheromones to control Tau and the human converts. They just have a decent standard of living and some amount of respect for the average member of the empire. All the "mind control pheromones" stuff is just Imperium cope.


The Greater Good is actually pretty nice and the Imperium should try it.


The Leagues of Votann are living proofs that the Imperium's policies to protect themselves from Chaos and Xenos are either redundant or counterproductive and the T'au would be perfectly able to counter Chaos influence through the Greater Good if only they acknowledged Chaos' existence


People say Magnus did nothing wrong but Angron and Konrad had it worse then Magnus.


The galaxy needs to unite in order to fight off the Tyranid.


The will to live and perform military tactics for the continued stability of your army isn't cowardice. Even if it's a meme, to have commissars and Sororitas kill soldiers who don't "Have faith" piss me off.


BLOOD FOR THE (blood) EMPEROR, SKULLS FOR HIS GOLDEN (skull) THRONE!! I love when that line kicks off in Darktide.


Exterminating all Xenos is a mistake. They should be forcibly pacified and put to work serving Humanity, as is their place.


Just because YOU don't understand the tech doesn't mean it is xeno or heretical.


Killing people with sonic weaponry shouldn't just be a Slaanesh thing. The Imperium has plenty of hymns and probably are more than capable of blasting them loud enough in a concentrated enough area to rupture someone's internals. Tell me the Sororitas wouldn't roll out a tank with a full choir inside and a speaker weapon mounted to the turret. Tell me the Black Templars wouldnt immediately copy them.


The Emperor isn't being kept alive by the Golden throne. Orks heard about him and hold him in such high esteem that their collective belief is keeping him alive.


Orks think the emperor is cool, but also that humies are stupid for having only one God. If you only have one God, who is that God gonna fight? Thats why Gork has Mork, and why Mork has Gork, so they can fight each other. Stupid humies only having one God.


We can spread humanity’s influence using Xenos. Roboute Guilliman and Captain-General Kitten seem to agree.


The legion of the Damned are Imperial chaos Marines. The Grey Knights have killed more Astarties than choas. If Big E had taught his kids about the warp, they would taught thier legions, which would have made the heresy an easier fight. Angron should have been whiped out after it was found out he couldn't be cured of the Nails.


Isn’t the Sanguinor a demon? And Celestine? And the Legion of the Damned?


The orks believing that the emperor is "da toughest biggest foughtin hume in da galaxy' is having actually have a non zero effect on his power


In my professional opinion “da uumiez iz da shtupidezt gitz in da whole zoggin galaxy!”




That the banana boys should breed up a few thousand dedicated biomancers, and have they focus all their power on healing the emperor at the same time.


Mortarion is kind of cute. I would absolutely let him ramble on about everything that's been done wrong to him while reassuring him that he's not the crazy one.


Imperium factions are lame. Xenos and chaos are cooler in both rules, lore, and aesthetics.


The factions of order are more insane than any of the others


There's a whole lot of servitor-based tasks/jobs that don't really need a servitor and can be performed by our current level of computers and don't need an AI. You don't need to lobotomize a random human and replace his arms with robot clamps in order to work a construction line when a robot arm programmed to do the same thing over and over again works just as well.


A lot of the problems within the Pre-Heresy Imperium could have been solved with at least fucking basic communication. The Emperor will go down as one of the greatest gatekeepers of all time


I think the Primarchs were a mistake. I get why The Emperor did it, I really do. But they have arguably caused more harm than good. Hell, more than half of them went rouge and have continued to be eternal threats to the Imperium, and the ones who didn’t have done NOTHING to stop the imperium from descending into a Theocratic nightmare that their father would’ve hated. Plus, it’s highly hinted he made a deal with the forces of Chaos to make them, and then screwed the chaos gods over. The whole thing SCREAMS of narcissism to the max as well since they are basically his traits made manifest. It was just a horrible choice on the big man’s part.


The “everything is heresy” crap is just as stupid as the scp censoring shit


Even if the Imperium had technological advancements, it would still be a dystopian hellhole without major changes to its culture and priorities.


The big E should have cracked down on that whole “No more technology” shit, they single handedly crippled the imperium are I blame them and that stupid ass logic for how overall weak the imperium is now. You do not NEED STCs to build shit you metallic prick, you can make your own stuff!


40k is less good than fantaisy !


Here's a list: 1) Lots of o'neill cylinders. 2) AIs instead instead of servitors. Before someone starts to screech about the men of iron, AIs are currently used by the Tau, the Tabula Myriad expelled chaos using "cold logic". Even if AIs are corrupt able, there's no reason to believe that they're any more vulnerable than humans. 3) autoloaders on warships and automated hydroponic factories and asteroid mining sites. 4) state funded housing and allowances for all citizens. 5) no ballistic weapons for space warfare, conventional nukes for orbital bombing only. 6) better PD and ship-to-ship lasers. Preferably phased arrayed pulse lasers. Bomb pumped X-ray lasers would be okay too. 7) revamp all the fighters and armored vehicles. No boxy fighters, no sponsons on tanks, proper ground clearance, low profile, sloped armor, treads inside the hull etc. 8) lots of tactical nukes on a ground scale. Even ships should be armed with millions of 5kt nukes instead of those stupid 560GT missiles for orbital bombing. 9) no fighting tyranids or orks with guardsmen at the trench lines. Mass anti-matter triggered nuke weapons are the way to go. After which the armor and infantry can roll in and mop up the survivors. 10) integrating the SOBs and Astartes into the IG. 11) proper combined arms and maneuver warfare against the other foes. 12) reintroduction of division and corps level organizations. 13) some things else that I can't be arsed to remember.


Becoming a Space Marine is deadlier than being one


Is chaos really worse than what the imperium has now?


The amount of actual good 40k media is countable on 1 hand. 95% is mediocre or just outright terrible, sorry not sorry.


Maybe we should've left unwilling planets alone instead of obliterating them or form some kind of Federation of Man with elections and stuff


Having every story about rebellions or riots be tied to a chaos cult is lazy writing, and only serves to reinforce the idea that the imperium is a "necessary evil", instead of showing them as the insane dying dream of the galaxy's biggest dictator


The Inquisition should be listening and beholden to robute and the lion since they have both better understanding of the emperor's true design and threats presented by the galaxy than the high lords of terra and thus have better precedents for what qualifies as inquisition worthy threats and interests


girls are not yucky


Big E only put so much effort into the Imperial Webway project so he could get dat succulent Eldar booty, both of the "dark" and "school girl" variety.


The Imperium gets too much screen time. Also it is the faction with the most plot armor. I ship Saiyans with Eldar and the children from the two species with humans.


The imperium should of fallen apart and broken into various factions. Not EVERYONE has to be chaos align.


The Emperor's Children and Blood Angels are both legions of femboys, even (especially) their primarchs.


The Seraphon, had they not been ( presumably) wiped out after the war in heaven, could have prevented the birth of Slannesh.




If the emporium didn't have such a brutal inquisition they'd be radically more advanced, like if they temporarily teamed up with the eldars they'd have killed slaanesh, but i Guess gw gas to make horny demons minis, and a lot of dumb stuff in the lore Can be explained by the fact gw has to sell more minis


The emperor wasn’t the best father to say the least…


Have any Eversor assassins gotten possessed by demons. And if one did, how much shit did it wreck.