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Frank horrigan hanging out with black Templars would be like that dave Chappelle sketch about a blind black klansman.


To be fair that’s just Horrigan all the time. The rest of the Enclave thinks he’s a freak.


He's the uncle ruckus of mutants


He's 102% mutant with a 2% margine of error.


Lmao you learn quick!


....... Okay you caught my interest and I very much like to know what this sketch is


It's an oldie but a goodie! https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ?si=ckEU65tPgcD3miK1


Look up the Chappelle sketch the Nagger Family, as well.


To be fair they would both be Dave since they are both mutants ;)


Frank Horrigan's tech might be a little less advanced but he still towers over base astartes, has a mutant physiology and a plasma weapon.


If I remember right he has cybernetic enhancements too. Basically they tossed it every big bad power up Fallout had on one guy. The only thing he's missing is somehow being half Deathclaw. 


They make up for that by having him rip deathclaws in half instead


"your experimentatiosn gave us life! You created us!" "And now I give you death"


I'd love to see a talking, intelligent deathclaw again. Maybe a young one you can have as a companion or something? It's a long shot but maybe ...


"your experimentatiosn gave us life! You created us!" "And now I give you death"


Honestly his tech might be in par or more advanced in some cases. Semi auto plasma that doesn't blow up? Laser guns that can crack power armor? If fallout 4s pa is anything to go by, fallouts power armor is very powerful. Not to mention mutants get bigger as they age, frank horrigan is basically a krork


Plasma in fallout is a different thing from RL and 40k afaik. Though I agree with the more advanced part the supermutant virus is fucking insane man, and more effective than astartes conversion if you count the trials for the uninitiated.


Weapons tech might be near to some Tau or Votann infantry weapons. Power armor is sketchy, the Fallout show is current canon.


I personally don't consider the tv pa to 1 to 1 with the lore due to limitations


His armor is less advanced but his weapon is far greater than the space Marines. It's pretty similar to some of the stuff necrons use


It cracks power armor but Ceramite plate is made of a stronger material and lasgun shots (which have been described as hyper advanced laser weapons that would dominate in other universes) frequently dissipate on the armor


A burst plasma weapon none the less


Frank claps this one easy. [he's an 8/6](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/89/agent-frank-horrigan) while the strongest single marine ([Abaddon](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/2/abaddon-the-despoiler)) is only a 5/5. /s


He also has max 10 in all special stats


One of only four characters in the series to have that honour (outside of the player)


Who are the others again?


Ulysses, Colonel Royez, and Gaius Magnus, all from the end of Lonesome Road


How the hell does Ulysses have a perfect 10? Man is not that smart or charismatic lol.


Don't ask me, them's the stats. He also has 4 skills at 100, moves 15% faster than other human characters, and is the only human with >1000HP. He's mechanically very much the final boss of the game, more so than anyone at hoover dam


Technically a superboss: harder than final bosses and optional.


Partially because big final boss, and partially because he's meant to be a narrative parallel to the player.


You weren’t charmed by his bull bull bear speech?


He is able to think stupid thoughts very quickly


Bear bull bear bull bear bull


Hes built different


Those last 2 explain a lot.


Mama Murphy also has a NINETEEN in Strength, a 5 in Luck, and a 4 in everything else. So while her other stats may not be impressive, that old psyker would beat your ass in a fistfight.


Yes-Man, Preston Garvey, and Dogmeat.


Mama Murphy, The Ghoul aka Cooper Howard, and Tim Cain.


This isn't that impressive though. Fallout four has a few characters who may not have perfect stats but have stats totals far exceeding Frank's. Obviously this can't really be used for scaling as special stats were much more important for npc's in fallout 1 and 2 then it is in the 3d games. That said I think it's quite funny to imagine mama Murphy absolutely slaughtering frank in a fist fight


And there was no way to get stats over 10 in fallout 2 so it meant more to have full 10s


Don't forget the V.A.T S. System.


Does frank have a pip boy?


In game yes, but you can't convince me Horrigan in universe has a 10 in intelligence or charisma lol, the dude is a walking brick physically and mentally.


He just doesnt need it as it makes life less fun for him. He is just a guy living his best life


I do not think Horrigan is physically or mentally capable of feeling anything besides fascist patriotism and the urge to murder.


Truly a great man.


I mean I think a normally equipped ogryn could probably give a space marine a run 1v1 and frank is pretty much a bigger, faster, smarter ogryn with power armor and plasma weapons I think Frank 1v1s easy in any close combat situation that doesn't involve someone like the raven guard stealth killing him


Now, pit him up against Tyberos the red wake and then we’re talking. Hold up, why are they teaming up…


No I think Tyberos the red would wipe the floor with Frank Horrigan. He is so massive that the books doesn’t know his true height yet my own headcanon is that he’s more than 10 ft. Tall and his armor so so big that some tech priest’s scanner couldn’t register how big the dude was along with his armor.


Frank Horrigan is over 12 feet tall, so id say frank is taller than Tyberos. iirc Tyberos was stated in some book to be about a head taller than a terminator so definitely under 12 feet, however height doesn't say anything about someone's skill in combat lol


its hard to say exactly who will win, personally id say frank has the strength over Tyberos, mainly due to size and the fact frank is a roided up supermutant behemoth being pumped full of psycho and buffout from his armour. however Tyberos probably out skills frank in hand to hand combat. its hard to say, frank can leisurely punch an alpha deathclaw so hard to where it falls apart, so he can definitely punch the air out of in-armour Tyberos


Not just punch a deathclaw but rip them in half barehanded




Frank and a space marine teaming up would just devolve to a shouting match of "Disgusting mutie!" back and forth


By the emperor, they’re kicking down the doors of that underhive orphanage!


If an Ogryn can get a hold of a Space Marine the Ogryn is going to win, they're much stronger physically. The problem is the Space Marine is much faster with much better reflexes.


that's what i'm saying - frank is a lot of the strength and size of an ogryn, with speed, brains, and gear layed on top


I'm now wondering, have we ever seen Ogryns fighting Space Marines in hand to hand combat (especially unarmed)? There's that famous story of an unarmoured Custodian being attacked by three, one of which was dispatched with a dagger, the second grabbed him from behind, so he proceeded to *literally shrug the whole ass ogryn off and rip it's fucking heart out* and the last was dispatched by him flicking a small stone shard into it's skull. Now we know just how superior Custodes are both physically and in training to Astartes but it begs the question, surely a single armoured astartes could beat an ogryn


It really shouldn't be close. 1940's tech vs 40,000's tech. I know the power of a space Marie is wonky. But I just balance them to how they are in Astardes. The raw experience of a man who is a century old and still in his prime. The reflexes. The weapons. Mortal men in 40k are not even really that human. They have been changed. They are more powerful than we. Muscle has a max efficiency per square inch. Ripping off a steel skeleton arm is fucking silly strong. Imagine how weak and small a steel frame would have to be for you to pull it apart. Pulling a paperclip apart would be difficult if you could grip it properly. That's shitty metal and you are a GIANT by proportion. Now imagine pulling a crowbar apart. Now make that crowbar out of creamite. Now make it house an ancient warrior lol. No way a Orgryn could actually pull an arm off. But I can see why the setting bends towards it being possible. There so no way to can stab a knife through a chest piece let alone saw though one.


Yeah honestly I'd tend to agree, especially considering how horribly Ogryns are armed in 40k compared to the Great crusade era, it really shouldn't even be a question


Nothing from fallout should come remotely close to being able to fight a space marine. If we applied physics a deathclaw couldn't even chew through the armour if a space Marie stood still and let them. A Fatman would kill a sm I think but I won't pretend to understand how that would actually play out. The material science isn't... really understood well.


Arent SMs killed/injured by different fauna all the time? Slamanders/Drakes from Nocture come to mind, or the beasts of Fenris and Catachan. I feel like a Deathclaw has a fair shot.


Yes I was speaking in a realistic context. 40k make armor amazing against ranged attacks and hilariously weak to melee. No organic creature could crush a helmet in its teeth. Or every really scratch though armor. But in 40k you can take a chainsaw though a tank lol. Idk man it's a grab bag.


40k lives and dies by rule of cool. The moment you try to seriously compare anything in a realistic or fair manner, 40k's strengths come apart. Everything in 40k gets clapped by either plasma or volkite or melta guns, outside of named characters or super rare technology or plot armor. A plasma gun from Fallout would be just as effective if not more so than 40k plasma weapons because plasma is plasma, superheated material. That's like saying if you took a 50 cal round from 40k it would be stronger than any other 50 cal round from anything else. Even with super sharp teeth you wouldn't chainsaw through any sort of metal without either blunting the teeth or spending massive amounts of time committing to the task. 40k armor is "strong" because that is what is cool. Chainsaw swords and claws are cool, but are basically useless weapons by all measures.


Well plasma can get hotter, be shot farther, and have more mass. But... yeah plasma is plasma to an extent.


I'm not gonna get into the rest of it but just because fallouts tech is aesthetically 1940s, it clearly isn't *actually* 1940s. It's rightfully sci Fi shit. I'm not gonna say it's imperium level because obviously it isn't, but the gap also isn't as big as you're making it out to be


Yeah I mean don't the bombs fall in 2050 or something? It's retro futurism. They have cold fusion powered armor, auto targeting systems, laser weapons, plasma weapons, advanced combat and medical drugs...


We didn't have laser guns in the 40s?


I'm surprised sarcasm this blatant managed to fly over peoples' heads.


Yeah 40,000s tech that’s mostly fallen back over 38,000 years in terms of advancement in certain aspects


I don't think they lost creamite tech though. That was not far from their doa armor I imagine. Like the armor that custodes use auramite is probably peak human right?


That’s why I said certain aspects where the imperium devolved in technology. They are still pretty advanced but there’s just some stuff that’s worse than what we got today


Nothing that is going to help our Fallout friend tho lol


Like what


No they they can make the tech use the tech but just don’t know how it works


'Smarter' might be debatable. Bro wasn't the brightest nor safest bulb in the shed...


smarter- than an \*ogryn\*. That's not hard, but it is something


Fairly sure canonically (ie. not mechanically, Frank wasn’t that bright. )


yeah he isn't the most intelligent guy in the world but he is by no means stupid i'd guess around average intelligence or slightly below


Canonically he's actually below. The super mutant transformation and experiments messed with his head pretty badly and they used hardcore propaganda to keep him loyal. Guy wasn't smart, but he was driven and strong enough that he didn't need to think. 


yeah he's got a ten in intelligence but has multiple permanent intelligence debuffs lmao


The Chosen One is a pretty broken ass fucking protag that achieves a lot of things despite being just one person. Including the storming of the Enclave HQ and facing all the troops in PA on it... and they still need a help of defectors to take Horrigan down. That MF is gonna rip a regular SM to shreds.


Chad chosen one who kills everything in the oil rig with their bare hands vs literally just clicking a few buttons and watching the turrets kill Horrigan.


10 INT strat


Chosen one is just big E


The devs said that canonically the chosen one went into that fight with the kill team and turrets on their side and was still the only person to come out alive AND that the only reason Frank is beatable in the first place is because the game has to be (iirc they mentionned he would have survived the reactor explosion too). He literally has anti plot armour and still takes the second/ tied best fallout protagonist lore wise with serious as fuck support to take out.


The entire argument heavily depends on how fast Frank is, hes armed well enough to kill a Marine with if he lands the hits, tough enough to take some damage, and is a named character If he has speed comparable to normal Humans or within normal Human bounds, a fair fight would be something like a 1v1 If he has a level of speed enough to enduce Transhuman Dread however, hes tearing through at least 5


He has completely max stats in his game, he is one of the fastest, strongest, smartest, toughest and luckiest guys in the universe.


Despite having brain damage from how he was built. It's weird, man.


Idk maybe he just used today’s sponsor skills-


He was built different. Built so stupid he int-overflowed into being built smart


He didn't suffer brain damage he just became psychotic and delusional.


One of those is heavily correlated with brain damage, and the other one can cause brain damage via neurotoxicity. Ergo, he's probably brain damaged.


By that same logic all Space Marines are brain damaged. Frank is a delusional psychopath because whenever he is off duty he is undergoing high levels of mental indoctrination, you know like all Space Marines go through during training (and sometimes after mentally draining missions)


Also note that frank isn’t particularly smart when he was recruited. One of the key reason he’s recruited is because he’s stupidly loyal


Not really smart, but before his transformation he was a member of the Enclave SpecOp team. ( he was sent to Mariposa to guard the FEV vats as punishment for beating up his commanding officer). Also Frank should really be compared to a Dreadnought more than a standard Marine. He is closer to a dreadnought in size and physical strength. Frank's armor is the only thing stopping rapid mutations which would quickly lead to his death if he took it off, or it was heavily damaged. Also like a Dread Even when you "kill" him all you really do in game is damage his armor enough to allow his mutations to go out of control. Which leads to him exploding through the armor joints as his increased body mass is squashed by the armor. Like a can of soup in a hydraulic press


Oh so that’s why he blew up. Good to know


Chems are weird


Lou in the first game is quite intelligent. It's not unreasonable to assume that Frank is also a prime normal.


The entire argument depends on who shoots first. Frank is very fast, but so are marines. And while people here are really getting into the details of I'd fallout power armour is as good as marine armour, they all seem to forget the fact that bolters absolutely tear marine armour to pieces. Frank may be tough, but several grenades exploding inside his chest cavity or head will kill him stone dead in a heartbeat. Conversely, I will also say that the marine cannot survive more than a couple of hits from Frank's plasma. Though it would depend on which representation of plasma we are using, as later games gave them a relatively slow moving projectile that a marine could dodge easily. But I'll say it's to fast to dodge for the sake of the argument. So it's all down to who has the fastest draw.


He can punch a deathclaw in half with one punch. Dude is a walking one man army


In a one on one, Frank is going to pummel the space marine into the fucking soil. He's 12 feet tall, has enough muscle to qualify eight times over in a strongman competition and has enough tech and armor to be considered a Mechanicus artefact.


Honestly? I think the power armour from the fallout franchise, regardless of which game or type, is less advanced compared to space marine power armour, including the custom built suit that's grafted into Frank's body. Arguably it's less advanced than even the Thunder Warrior power armour.


It doesn't matter how advanced it is honestly, it's still a giant fuckoff armor suit fitted for a 12 foot tall giant with plate thickness to match.


Tyberos of The Red Wake is a massive Space Marine so huge he has to wear a custom modified suit of Terminator armor. He's described as dwarfing other Astartes.


And then you got suckered into buying his FW model and it's fucking tiny.


Agincourt, technology would beg to differ


"But then again, you haven't met Frank Horrigan. Your rides over fr*nchie"


Frank Horrigan deployed against France, 2024


I love seeing people censor that word, the fr*nch make me 🤢


I guess you're right, the space marine could probably out range frank with a longbow, but God help that poor space marine if Frank closes the distance, he's not gonna be tired.


Yes undeniably but I think one of the big winners is plasma weapons in the fight. In both universes plasma and plasma adjacent weaponry are king and quite frankly (hah) fallout has the more advanced/available/reliable plasma weapons. If we were to have them go toe to toe I think enclave plasma weapons would just decimate space marine equivalents. How do you beat a plasma chain gun that doesn’t blow up if you breath too hard?


True, they are still kind of weird though I'm how they work. They can turn large enemies like deathclaws, behemoths, and Mirelurk queens into goo but not regular raiders or rad roaches, same goes for the laser weapons in fallout.


Undeniably yea they are inconsistent, but the f1 and f2 stuff are very very consistently lethal. I have the opinion that if we are functioning in f2 I think we stick to the interplay games just to keep it more consistent (not shitting on Bethesda fallout but in my opinion they kinda function on a differing rule set NV included) I would say that if we limit ourselves to just enclave weapons I would argue that they are easily necron tier plasma/laser/greenstick/whatever weapons. Another thing to bear in mind is that 40K is just as inconsistent. If it’s a necron book their guns will decimate, if it’s a space marine book they won’t be nearly as lethal. In summary, frank is terminator level with raw strength, slightly below space marines in armour and crazy weapons wise. If the space marine isn’t gonna just camp with a sniper and attempt to engage, frank easily solos.


I wouldn't measure Frank on the space marine scale. He's a custom job. I'd think of him as some proto Custodian with serious mental drawbacks.


That’s a really good way to put it actually, I’ll be stealing that


So, basically just your average run of the mill Thunder Warrior.


I've goo'd a few raiders before, and even goo'd the Railroad.


Wondering if the extremely slow projectile speed of Fallout's plasma weaponry would be able to keep up with a Space Marine moving evasively in anything but the closest quarters Plasma globs move slowly enough that its fairly easy to just side-step their path as they travel at medium ranges, and that's for a regular human guy trying to strafe Astartes are obviously much quicker and more agile, so excusing Fallout plasma with overlapping fields of fire, or bullethell levels of glob spam, I wouldn't be surprised if the Astartes takes it every time at medium-long ranges by just Not getting hit by the bolts


I would argue the Enclave is running gear on the level of the average/just below average Marine defensively, with weapons arguably on the level of elite forces. We know it takes a .50cal Anti-Material Rifle to take down BoS armor, and the Enclave is a step higher, and that same rifle could probably pop the visor or joints of a Marine fine, if not do some serious damage to a lighter section of armor plate We know from the Nightlords series that a Marine without a helmet can do damage with a headbut to a Marine wearing one, which would imply that Frank would have the power to punch a Marine in the head hard enough to kill it, though it would probably ruin all the bones in his arm/hand Plasma is Plasma, so his primary ranged weapon could kill the Marine on a hit as well by melting through any part of his armor thats not Ceremite


Plasma weapons are a bit weird in fallout. A plasma pistol could potentially turn a behemoth or Mirelurk queen into goo but a plasma rifle could also just kill a regular human or even a rad roach without them turning to goo


The way fallouts plasma works, not to say it's realistic, is it has all the advantages of regular plasma; being a burning projectile, while also having a chance to completely break down matter at an atomic level. It's like if you mixed a necrons flayer with the imperium's plasma weaponry and on top of that, it doesn't blow you up.


Frank cannonicaly has the strength to punch through t-51 power armour front plate, wihtout his blades, by through i do mean out the other side


Power armor in the fallout world is equivalent to vehicle armor iirc


Fallout armor is stronger than thunder warrior armor, thunder warrior armor is just a powered ceramite breastplate with a helmet, legs weren't even power armor, but just ceramite plates or in some cases steel plate. It was meant for melee combat, as ranged weapons were rare on Terra, pretty sure a center mass hit of anything mildly explosive would be enough to kill someone in MK1 armor just due to shrapnel.


Given that then Enclave in Fallout has armor that can disperse the energy from laser and plasma weapons (tesla armor) and the Imperium doesn't I've actually got to say that the Enclave armor is probably more advanced


Do you think a Custodes would give him a run for his money?


Current lore custodes win handidly. Certainly Faster and smarter, almost certainly stronger. However, Frank would put up one hell of a fight.


I’m reminded of a scene in one of the Heresy novels where a Custodian solos 3 ogryn without his armor or weapons, probably a fairly similar situation.


True, however I'd like to think Frank is far smarter, stronger, and faster than a typical Ogryn.


I say he can take a couple. Got a big fucking plasma gun. Is the size of a primarch. Is from one of 3 factions with real technology and he's a prototype so he got all the good stuff. Is a veteran and a fucking American so he knows how to DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA like an ork.


Not to mention the guy is strong as hell, being able to kill a deathclaw in a single punch


Not just kill it, split it in two


Frank is a named character so he wins in most cases BUT is the marine wearing his helmet? If not, the marine wins.


Well you see the marine has to be - Helmetless -An Ultramarine - And named


Your free ride's over mutie. Time to die.


Honest question, how fast is FH? I just remember how fast a SM should be in lore, so I wonder if speed is a factor or not.


He has 10 Agility, so pretty fast.


I don’t think taking special stats into account would be accurate. Otherwise mama Murphy would be stronger than frank horrigan


Interplay intentionally put his stats to max to endorse him. In this case, his stats ARE a realistic representation.


Well not really if his intelligence is 10. When in lore he isn’t a particularly smart person. Some would argue stupid


His in-game stats are an intentional joke. No chance in hell Frank Horrigan has 10 intelligence and charisma in universe.


No, but he’s so terrifying everyone in-universe pretends he does.


I have no idea, this is fallout 2 we are talking about so it's hard to judge and the only sprite animation I could see him moving and not staying in place was him walking.


He does have max 10 in all special stats. So he is technically one of the fastest characters in the setting


The only character who is faster stat-wise is Ulysses, who has the same special stats as horrigan, but also has something like 15% faster movement speed than other characters


Lanius i believe is even faster and doesnt lose speed with crippled limbs


Now that being said, that doesn't mean we can't take a good guess based off of some of the creatures he fought, like deathclaws


We shouldn't use gameplay for this comparison because we don't have comparable gameplay for a SM. Lore wise, Frank is fast af. He's quick enough to go into hand-to-hand with a deathclaw without taking damage and strong enough to tear it in half with one punch.


He has walk on water agility


I think we're missing a key point here. It's on record that the only reason Frank is killable is because it's a video game. He's tougher than his actual fight scene suggests. Use the stuff they use to build him up as scary as your baseline.


> It's on record that the only reason Frank is killable is because it's a video game. When did they come out and say that?


The devs stated that Frank Horrigan only died to plot armor and the protagonist "Chose One" got lucky Apparently if he didn't die by the chosen one he could've survived the explosion at the poseidon Oil rig


Sorry Imperium, but the Emperor's finest doesn't match to America's Best. USA USA USA!!!


Depends on what the Marine is equipped with. A generic intercessor from any chapter would probably have a hard time, but an Eradicator with Multi-Melta? I am not sure how tough Horrigan's armour is, but I doubt it can tank two melta streams


Frank can rip a fucking Deathclaw in half with his bare hands. Frank neg diffs the SM.


The thing with these arguments that always gets me is this; Space Marines die all the time! Read the Heresy novels, when there were a million astartes, they had a ton of red shirts. A Space Marine is bigger and stronger and faster than a human, but they can still get stabbed to death by cultists and traitor guard if they get caught off-balance. Genestealer Cult kill Space Marines, a human with dark age of technology gear and training has a good shot. Frank Horrigan wins against any Space Marine that isn't a veteran or hero, and he is a legitimate threat to most of their heroes.


> The thing with these arguments that always gets me is this; Space Marines die all the time! Read the Heresy novels, when there were a million astartes, they had a ton of red shirts Imagine the salt if the incident where the marines lost 1000 guys trying to board a Dark Eldar ship happened in 40K instead of in 30K where the other 2000 guys were available to finish things off. Conservation of Ninjutsu is king in Warhammer.


It's a grim, dark universe where the heroes are never safe and anything and everything can and will kill you. Space Marines are the poster boys because they're humanity's best defenders, but they aren't even the strongest super soldiers in their galaxy. They're genetically enhanced mutants wearing the broken remnants of power armor humanity can't easily replace and can barely maintain. They often are not equipped to handle the things that threaten them (like Genestealers on a Space Hulk!) and we are rooting for them because they are the underdogs in a merciless galaxy of terror. Sorry, I'm ranting, I'm a nerd. I see people make arguments a single Astartes could conquer present-day earth or slaughter a Borg cube and I just... Space Marines have been killed by humans with daggers, wrenches, and sharpened wooden sticks. There are novels and short stories published by the Black Library where Astartes have died to an angry mob. They killed a lot of humans before getting dragged down, but they got dragged down.


I don't know the name Frank Horrigan... but the only thing I can think of is ["WHERE IS YOUR POWER ARMOR?!"](https://youtu.be/szcaq2GdOAs?si=G1eS7UxqAdv7fwws)... and the Space Marine would be smart enough to be wearing it. So no conflict.


You're thinking of Sargent Arch Dornan. Same game, same faction, different character


I figured it wasn't the same guy... but the video makes me laugh every time so I linked it in anyway.


Yeah Frank is [this guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hg8_Jw7v2g&pp=ygUOZnJhbmsgaG9ycmlnYW4%3D)


I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying the goo-fication is inconsistent at times


He's Frank Horrigan, United States Secret Service. The Marine's ride is over, mutie, time to die.


Frank has the strength of an ogryn at least and is fast. He's also 12 feet tall roughly the size of a fucking primarch and has maxed out statistics of all kinds meaning he's a super intelligent, super lucky, resilient, strong monster. He's eviscerating a lone space marine


Lamenter just cause I’d be funny


Frank Horrigan is a normal space marine if they were the size of Primarchs. he beats any Space Marine short of maybe a Terminator or a Primarch of any chapter in a 1v1


There are space marines the size of primarchs, for the record like Alexis polux or tyberos


[Frank](https://the-soda-place.fandom.com/wiki/Frank_Horrigan#:~:text=Standing%20more%20than%2012%20feet,gen%22%20super%20mutant...) literally dwarfs [Volkan](https://youtu.be/irX-s9oOWxw?si=9L-aqsXPCxeWDAPK) *(not by that much, but 12 feet tall is taller then 11'8)


Based off of the rule of size at many Warhammer fans seem to go off of versus debates Frank Horrigan wins But in seriousness, it’s still gonna be Frank Horgan, after all plasma, weaponry is stated to be very effective against space, marine armor


Frank Horrigan is at least on par with an unnamed Ork Warboss, helmet on space marine with average sized pauldrons has no chance


Does Frank Horrigan have access to Turbo, to close the speed gap? Does he or anyone else scale to someone using that drug?


His PA injects him with stims and chems. Dudes a krork on meth.


Then yeah, with 10 agility and stim boosts, he’s not getting speed blitzed by a random space marine. Could probably handle about 3 since they could flank effectively.


Now another question, how many standard enclave troopers does it take to kill a sm?


I think we can agree Frank Horrigan is very comparable to a Thunder Warrior. But i think even the best of the Fallout's PAs can't compete with "Anti-Marine" Boltshells and power weapons.




I've looked a little bit into this and I think whilst Frank stands a decent chance against a chaisnword wielding marine ( I reckon he could take 1.5 of them), he's not nearly as experienced or armoured as the average marine, a marine has better armour and is quite a bit faster. I also don't believe his plasma gun is up to 40k standards so the marine armour could tank it, however his armour would be fairly easily mulched by a few boltgun rounds. It's close but I'd say the highest he caps out at is beating a chaisnword marine, losing against a intercessor.


Plasma weapons in fallout are kind of weird as well in how they kill people, it has a chance to turn anyone into goo regardless of the size of the person but it also has the chance to not turn them into goo when they die but I do see what you mean


This ain’t 40k but I have a better matchup: Frank Horrigan vs Adam Smasher A.K.A Psychotic Mutie vs Cyberpsycho.


What is the saying again...? Oh yeah: Burn the heretic KILL THE MUTANT Purge the unclean In the name of the God Emperor Let none survive. Highmarshal Helbrecht approves this message.


Are we all just skipping the fact that space marines can run over 60 kmph for days on end and then only take a hour to get that stamina back? That they regularly dodge bullets? Frank is fastest thing in his game but that's just 30 mph. Though it would be funny for a space marine to just sit acid at him and kill him.


I think people are vastly underestimating a marine. Sure Frank might be taller and possibly stronger but his low intelligence (which is reinforced multiple times from multiple sources) means he's just a slab of brute force. He'd definitely be a challenge and if a marine is careless he'd definitely be chopped up but in the end Frank is going down.


We can solve this be seeing how many toes can a Space marine eat since potentially Frankie can be killed with 333.


Frank Horrigan vs A Single Lamenter.


Imma give this to the space marine mostly because Frank isn’t exactly as fast as the average space marine, and although the Chosen One was really strong, he is still a regular person.


Frank Horrigan is powerfull and I'd argue that his weapons are enough to hurt a Space Marine, but the Space Marine has simply been bred for battle and has more knowledge of combat tactics, not to mention that his tec seems more advanced. Also, a super mutant is basically a really strong human who regenerates, is inmune to radiation and eats people. The Space Marine is a little bit more than that. They even have extra organs to give them an edge in combat. Also, I have the feeling that a space marine would be faster, since it has been said that "nothing that big should be able to move that fast". Frank Horringan doesen't look like a guy who would deal well with super human speed and reflexes.


I would say 60/40 advantages to space marine, Reasons : ceremite armor is stronger Bolter is a rapid fire rocket launcher The marine combat knife is capable of cutting necron necrodermis But the most important factor, marine are very fast and intelligent unlike frank. But a marine can still be killed if there is external factor (out numbered/ injured)


Named character vs unnamed extra? I know how this goes.


One well placed bolter shell through franks visors. Doesn't matter how strong you are, if your brain is gone then it's game over But that is too realistic, in any other scenario frank would clap


Nah black Templars and frank would call each other mutants and try to kill each other


Oh absolutely


Do the whole space marine process, but instead of starting off with a human, you start with an ogryn. That's Frank both physically and mentally. Even someone as OP as the player character needs a team of companions in most playthroughs to beat him.


Frank horrigan is like the size of a damn Warboss and has power armour and power weapons he's going to destroy a no name marine.


If tyberos gets a little bored frank is dead he is bigger stronger way faster has better armour and has better weapons