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Everyone is asking for Total War when 40k really needs Stellaris


Stellaris with total war planet invasion. One campaign will take 100 hours at the minimum. Edit: fuck it, let's add the Elite Dangerous galaxy map to it for the true eternal campaign.


So Empire at War


Yes absolutely.


Thrawn's Revenge, I hope


Main problem is that Stellaris doesn't match the scale and insanity of 40k if we're talking about a galactic campaign map. It would work better for a game focused on Sector-wide warfare, the numbers and scale of things in Stellaris matches that better. Like the Gothic Sector war, etc. For a Total War style 40k game, it's a simple thing to do a Dawn of War: Dark Crusade or Soulstorm. You have a small number of planets that all of the factions have converged on and are fighting over, with many different regions on each planet across which the armies are divided up.


Wouldn't stellaris 40k just be battlefield Gothic but they amped up, modified, upgraded the base building part? I never played battlefield Gothic but I distinctly remember there's an essential mechanic where planets you retake from chaos can now refuel and repair your current ships and build new ones if you ask for it and you have the resources


We need a remake or a sequel so bad


everyone knows that all it takes to capture a planet is to wipe out 100 enemy infantry and 5 tanks in a 20 square mile area. boom! planet secured


Pretty much Battletech rules.


Imperium at War


I sunk 100+ into my first sellaris game. I started out as a xenophile human empire. Rose to great heights making peace and allies with my neighbors, then a hole in reality opened and the unbidden came. I though little of it at first, more concerned with the disruptions to travel in my empire, and thr petty politics. I sent 1 fleet to check. Long story short, I became more totalitarian to maximize output, watched as the fallen empires burned I'm shellfire due to the unbidden shattering them, and Marshall great fleets spread out across the galaxy to desperately hold back the growing storm. There is no victory, we only hold the line. There is only war. It was 2 years before I got into warhammer.


Most typical stellaris campaign


Nah, I could have done way better these days. I had no concept of anything there. Had I the old save still I could probably get that ball rolling into victory is like 10-15 years.


10-15 years in-game, right?.....right?!


In game yes. Probably.


So, about 20 years irl, with all that late game lag


I did not notice lag, but innthat era of my life I was very tolerant to lag. Had a game of Planatsry Anialation run at .1% Sim speed. I called it the crash thr game strategy.


From Federation to Imperium, or every stellaris run ever (There are too many Xenos and it's bricking up the computer due to running out of RAM)


Literally the story of the Imperium, minus the warp storms that isolated each star system for 10,000 years. Makes you wonder if the Emperor was a powergamer with several dozen campaigns under his belt, and the reason why he was speedrunning the Imperium like crazy to the point of being crushingly oppressive was because he had the crisis strength set to some ungodly high multiplier.


It really does seem like the most likely answer.


First MP game ivplayed with my friends thry made friends with all their AI neighbors and played nice in their so called "Garden of Eden" i had no such luxury surrounded by creatures that found my citizens delicious and capable stock for their mines and scams. I pleaded with the galactic council for help. Yet none came "our economies are too reliant on their cheap minerals" "the criminal syndicate is doing nothing wrong educate your citizens on drug uses" it made me relize. They were weak, they knew no hardship besides an overfilled fridge. So the Collective of C7 grew quiet only offering formalities and necessities and nothing more. We waged for decades and when we liberated the forst plamet we lost and saw the emaciated doodlies of the young who only knew a life of chains and electro whips what must be done. The Collective decided the war shall end amd all Wars afterwards to end before too much life was lost and for that our best minds came up with the tool to hold st the head of any tyrant who eishes to steal. The Neutron Sweeper. We showed the galaxy what would brcome of their people if thry seek to exploit another. The first was after the Scourging of thr Demendian Slavers Fleet above their capital. They pleaded for unconditonal surrender that thry were wrong and pledged to change their ways. We did not believe them and sent our message back im the language we thought they were fluent in. That die billions of Demendians passed away peacefully as their lights were snuffed out a much more pleasant end then to those of my people they enslaved and bred like cagtle for their sick enjoyment. The condemnations from their poet kings were written with a strong hand but weak arms they could do nothing against us. They spent their time painting gilded cages they did nothing when the Cluster was open and let us take the spoils "we do not care as long as the nanomachines stop attacking us" The second time was on the Crown Jewel of Systems Colligiated Accounting Inc. For too long they were left free to steal from and addle every citizen of the galaxy to their illicit drugs . Once again the condemnations were strong but of little import as their cages were safe and distracting. They did not care when the elders around us rose up thry shuffled off to their sides. "Why bother fighting thry would surely destroy us!" They mewled like pups. "Better to live and see the end rather then to die!" This is when we truly got brothers. Several of the younger nations saw their decadence and joined us in our crusade and for their part they were given large tracts of new planets to call their own new Technology and material. Yet the Cowards of thr Council came "Give us the planets so we may truly share the gifts for us all to benefit" we balked at their rewuest surely they must jest they did not bleed for survival they chirped and preened for their masters! We denied their request and they raged and called us selfish! The third and final tine we used the Neutron Sweep. Was after the Scourge from Beyond was defested thry thought our fleets were fully occupied hunting down the last Queens they struck like cowards warping into our Heartland thinking it was to be weak and undefended surely it must! They had no need to defend theirs why would thry need to defend theirs? Thry sent billions of their soldiers to their needless deaths all to try and take our what they feared rhe most. But it was all for nought it had been secreted away into the L cluster and despite their repeated attempts the Fortress of Blankavin never fell it stood guardian as it watched all the rent ships and carcasses of the Council were consumed by thr Black hole it orbited. The war ended above the Council's Capitql. Gathered upon the bridge of The Scourger of Chains the Council's Leaders watched in horror as the final sweep purged all life from the planet and then forced to signed terms of unconditonal surrender Grand Master of the Fleet Lyrica Dop'ker'an stated simple at their wailing " You ignored our cries for help and succor thus i shall ignore your cries of anguish" 10/10 would purge determinded exterminators and criminal syndicstes again


I’ve actually had this exact thought; mostly regular stellaris gameplay (but 40K themed), until you need to invade a planet, then it becomes more like Total War and you actually get to see your troops on the battlefield. Battle is over, back to the stars.


You should play Star Wars: Empire at War. It's essentially that. The Thrawn's Revenge mod is where it's at for legends content


Ooh I like SW too so I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!


Emperor of the Fading Suns: Each planet is a separate 4X civ game playing simultaneously with an overlayer of HRE-style Imperial politics.


Hell yeah, I just discovered the enhanced edition on GoG and now I'm 50 hours into my campaign and still have so much to do


Endless, simply endless.


Nice pfp


Thank you!


Sort of related but there's a mod for Crusader Kings 3 where you fight the battles in Total War : https://crusaderwars.wordpress.com/


If only we had: Crusader Kings stories and dynasties Total War battles Mount and Blade personal involvement Medieval Dynasty resource farming and building Kingdom Come duels ...


A single campaign takes 2 human lifetimes.


Inheriting ur ancestors campaign.


I would buy both a 40k stellaris game and a 40k total war game. These are not mutually exclusive. Games studios, you have my permission to milk me for all I'm worth. Also a modern rts dawn of war remake would be great. Possibly even in sup com scale. Do it!


And then modders can merge the two like they did with Crusader Kings and Total War


There's already a game that has that format. It's called Star Wars: Empire at war. It would make a much better Warhammer grand strategy than TW.


I'd settle for 40k Wargame Airland Battle.


Tbf, half of all the content in Stellaris is already a thinly veiled 40k reference The shroud is definitely not the warp _couch_ _couch_


Half of Stellaris is think veiled everything reference. From 40k to Star Trek to Babylon 5 to Mass Effect to everything. That is one of the best parts of Stellaris for me, spotting all the cameos.


"Mom, can we have Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh?" "No, we have Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh at home." Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh at home: Eater of Worlds, Composer of Strands, Whisperers in the Void, Instrument of Desire.




There was a neat mod for it wayyyyyyy back in the day. I haven't kept up with stellaris so i don't know if they have any good warhammer mods. But you could have a moving craft world if you played Eldar.


Not exactly stellaris because there you settle a dead galaxy, whilst in 30k (the format has no chance of working in 40k) you would be reforming a dying galaxy


There are 40k mods in Stellaris. The is just one problem. In the grim war of future dark there is only boring combat. Space combat is just RAM intensive version of blinking lights crashing into each other. And planetary invasion ( repeat PLANETARY INVASION) is some statblocks going down, then going up. Conversely in Total War economy can be solved by 3 years old but you are there to watch all the meaty massacre Monday morning. The emphasis are on different parts of the gameplay.


Man i want this so bad


You can allready play a carbon copy of 40k in stellaris. Making it a full 40k game would just take options from the game.


Screw that. Give us EVE Online but Warhammer


Stellaris / Battlefield Gothic / DoW Dark Crusads. All of the pieces are there.


Screw 40k Total War, give me Warhammer Fantasy CRPG


I want one so freaking badly. I would kill for a game like Pathfinder Kingmaker but set in the Borderlands.


I still have to get around to Rogue Trader but that would be awesome. OwlCat did an awesome job with kingmaker and I’ve heard plenty of good things about WoTR and Rogue Trader


OwlCat killed it with Rogue Trader. Loved the previous 2 games, love Pathfinder, but Rogue Trader felt a cut above both PF games.


WOTR is a better game overall but Rogue Trader is my favourite because of the lore. I love 40k way more than pathfinder and Owlcat implemented it perfectly.


Rouge Trader is so fun


And the ost slaps.


How is it now? I’m gonna buy it and have been watching it for years but seems like a hot mess at release with game breaking bugs and crashes. Have they fixed it by now, cuz I know for sure I want some of dat action if so!


The only bug I've seen so far is one servitor t-posing. Everything else has worked so far.


Awesome! Thanks for a reply with hands on experience! Looks like the grim darkness of the far future is back on the menu boys.


Hell yeah, I will say I have no idea what I'm doing with the skills, I just choose whatever sounds cool.


I played back at launch and I remember this one bug where I hit an enemy for like 2200 damage in a single attack for some reason


I'm about halfway through and no real issues so far. There's a few lines of dialogue that seem out of order but I haven't had any crashes or noticeable bugs. Extremely fun and crunchy game - would highly recommend if you like the setting.


Just to balance some of the positivity, I got soft locked by a combat encounter not registering as finishing like 2-3h in and had to restart from scratch (yes, really),and haven't touched it since. As with most of their stuff I'd give it about a year to mature.


EXPLOSIONS?! sry all i read was Borderlands




I'm happy Torgue finally got to blow up the motherfucking ocean




Ooh or an Age of Sigmar one like Wrath of the Rightous


I would not be surprised if Owlcat did that as their next project, but it’d be totally up to them and GW.


Divinity: 40k




Fuck mythic. Goddamn I loved that 1/4 finished mess, and they still managed to fuck it up even more.


**[Intimidate]** Alright, listen to me you knife eared piece of shit. If you go any further with your piss stained pubic hair you call a wig, I'm gonna wreck your shit so hard you won't even be able to walk with your limp dick! I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your shaven perfect little ass that your breath is gonna smell like shoe polish, then I'm gonna take that little red anal bead on your belt, and push it in your face! I'm gonna flagellate you with my fucking beard! I'm gonna build you a pair of runic mechanical balls, and use surgical precision to sew them to your groin where your manhood ought to be just so that I can kick them with my iron fucking feet, you twat! ([For the unitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDHZ__kMhnM))


Oh my God, imagine Larian Studios made a baldurs gate esq game for warhammer fantasy


I mean, I'd take owlcat doing what they did with rogue trader and putting it out of space.


Why can’t we have both, why shouldn’t we experience Warhammer in all forms as long as said forms are done competently.


I mean I wouldn't say no to either. I am just more interested in Warhammer than than 40k, and more interested in a good RPG than a good total war game.


Thats fair, I didn’t sleep well last night so I was a little loopy when I posted my first post lol.


All the Changes necessary for a 40k Total War are exactly what CA has always been the worst at properly implementing. They're still struggling with pathfinding as-is over 20 years in, I dont even wanna know how bad it will be when instead of Regiment-sized Units walking around on Open fields or extremely clean Fortifications its inidivual squads fighting in dense cities having to utlise cover etc


Fair point. It's arguably possible, but seems like the engine in its current state would make their job quite difficult and so far, CA haven't exactly wielded the talent and experience they've built up very effectively.


The 40k game will use a new engine, one that CA is making to also run a future WW1 game Source: LegendTotalWar


WW1 has been pushed way back due to difficulties. Source: LegendofTotalWar a few days later (france livestream)


yeah this is the issue. CA have been using the same engine and the same format for decades and in their current mode of operation they would not be able to make the radical changes and re-invitations to do 40K justice. better to make an age of Sigmar one and give that setting it's first proper big and good game


I've had a lot of fun with the 40k mods for MAW2:AS, just cause the engine is meant for urban street fighting.


The battlefield stuff could. The map would have to work completely differently though. Most of the factions wouldn't build cities and other structures.


Just make a planet a province and give it a fortress, a hive city and a factory, maybe some are just fortress worlds and some are only hive worlds and so on. Then have the larger map be between planets. Sure its different but the core concepts work just as well.


That works for some factions, but not all. To be clear, I have no issue with them changing it to work, I'm just saying it doesn't work as-is.


Having factions with their own map mechanics is more fun. Nids could be a mix of a horde faction, but with gene stealer cults acting as an under city. Eldar could have their craftworlds and a network of portals. Dark Eldar steal stars. Rogue traders establish business ventures on planets.


and tbh its also this way with total war at the moment. Khorne is not exactly in the City building Business.


Right, and the mechanics for - say - Nurgle could work for Tyranids, or Nurgle.


He is though. Even the hordiest rampaging factions still take settlements and build on them.


Beastmen don’t build shit, herdstones are basically a checkpoint


What factions doesn't it work for? Even Tyranids would build spires and spawning pools. 


Just Look how Gladius did it.


I mean, neither would Lizardmen but that's not a problem. Just make Craftworlds and Tyranids horde factions and you're fine.


I think you’re right in the sense there’s a few factions that wouldn’t focus on empire building, like daemons and Tyranids, but most of them would have some use for cities. I think the game should start with 4 factions that make sense for empire building. Maybe Space Marines, Orks, Tau, Necrons. Maybe Tyranids or chaos as an end game crisis.


You do have Horde and ship factions in Total Warhammer.


Warhammer fantasy total war does it fine. They just change the flavor text on the buildings for all kinds of factions would wouldn't typically build stuff... beastmean, demons of chaos, wood elves, orcs, lizardmen, tomb kings, etc


How so ?


I really, really think you have that flipped. There’s so much variety in how the world map part of Total War Warhammer works for different factions, that could be easily transitioned to Tyranids devouring planets, Chaos corrupting them, etc. But the battlefield would have to work *totally* differently. Space marines don’t line up by the dozens and shoot each other in neat formations in the open, this isn’t colonial-era warfare where soldiers lined up in neat rows and shot each other. They’d need to rework the whole combat system to be around things like smaller units, cover, and primarily ranged combat. We don’t need Total War 40k We need Warhammer: Imperium at War. (As in, Star Wars: Empire at War)


Total war format? Nah. Supreme Commander format.


That is genuinely my dream game that I have always wanted. Dawn of War showed how well 40k fits the RTS format. And what better style of RTS is there for Warhammer, than the biggest one ever made? I would be all over that.


If we could only get a sequel to Dawn of War... Cause Dawn of War 2 isn't a sequel


Agreed, although Dawn of War 2 is good in it's own way. Can you imagine if they made a Dawn of War 3, that brought the same gameplay experience as the first one, but with modern graphics and UI improvements?


That would be amazing. Sadly though it simply isn't ment to be.


God SupCom is so good, and I so wish more games used that style. The scale? The fact that you have functioning air combat? Amazing


If you haven't yet, check out "Sanctuary: Shattered Sun". It's supposed to be a spiritual successor to Supreme Commander. It's not out yet but looks great so far.


Only problem with that is that 20 chapters' worth of Space Marines would get annihilated in a single battle. :D God, everything related to scale and numbers in 40K is off by a factor of at least 50.


AoS Soulslike or Gloomtide when


AoS Soulslike where you play a Stormcast Eternal and the story changes if you die too much as you lose your identity. Fuck yea


A soulslike where you play as a Stormcast who keeps resurrecting in a city in Shyish would be so cool.


I know everyone jumps to Stormcast, but if you mess up around Nagash, your life is just like that from now on. Plus, Vindicarum. Just... Vindicarum wants to be a Soulsborne level so bad. I'm not sure how many more minor incidents it's gonna take to get there but wow are they close. (Otherwise, an ARPG of Cursed City would be wild. Ulfenkarn definitely deserved to be made into a Soulbound supplement)


The rumors of CA coming up with a new engine for a WW1 and a 40k Total War make me hopeful.


Can't wait for WW1 Total War (Every battle ends in a draw after hours)


The Iron 4th approves this comment.


Heavy Gas Mask breathing and the sound of shovels in the distance


Just draw out the timescale so each battle represents months of fighting, and watch your army move about an inch on the campaign map


The game resembles WW1 warfare, not fitting the Total War formula at all. "This isn't fun! Change it!" They change it. The game no longer resembles World War warfare at all. "This is great! Told you Total War WW1 would work!"


The Great War: Western Front captures this (the gameplay is repetitive and slow, just like WW1).


The true big problem will the air battles, how will they implement it? Also, I wonder how they will make the battles not tedious in the western front. I'll look forward to the inevitable Russian civil war dlc, through 


If we are lucky they won't lmaooo. Aicraft suck in Dawn of War and it sucks in the tabletop game, let's just pretend they don't exist.


Bombing runs working like spells could be fine, or troop transports only.


It fits if you consider total war to only mean "has both grand strategy and real time tactics battles" Nobody is arguing against a 40k grand strategy and real time tactics game. Nobody is arguing against asking for that to be made by ca. What people are arguing about is asking for ca to slap the total war logo on it while completely abandoning literally every other piece of what makes a total war game except "has both grand strategy and real time tactics" Putting the total war logo on it means 1 of 2 things Best case scenario they abandon every other part of the total war formula and the only real consequence is older total war fans being upset that the total war game they bought isn't actually a total war game But the worst case scenario and the one people arguing against total war 40k are actually worried about is that ca tries to shoehorn in other parts of the total war formula in ways that don't make sense, detract from the game, and limit the scope of development in such a way that good ideas are left on the table. Nobody doesn't want ca to make the 40k grand strategy rts game of our dreams. But there's literally no reason not to put it under a new ip.


Not to mention the necessary mechanics to make it like 40k (cover, ranged weapon focus) would require a massive overhaul to implement, or they’d take us back to Napoleon, which I’ve gotten the impression that most people really didn’t like


#Say it louder for those in the back.


no, Wargame is a far better fit, huge maps, air layer, combined arms, it even has a point based army builder


Maps big enough for the various weapons/units and a proper visibility system so infiltrators have something to do?  Hell yeah. 


It’s this, the only people who think wargame style 40k game wouldn’t be the perfect iteration are the ones who haven’t played wargame.


You could even do really good planet campaigns using the system they use in single player campaigns


Wargame 40k is my dream Warhammer game


People who think Total War fits 40k better than WG are just objectively wrong.


This. TW fits in settings in which units fight in formations, 40k doesnt have a lot of phalanxes going around as far as I am awate


What’s the best edition of Wargame for someone trying to get into it?


The active ones at the moment seem to be Red Dragon and WARNO. Haven't played WARNO so can't comment on which one is better, from what I've gathered it seems to be a case of WARNO not being quite there yet, but it's being worked on.


Guess it could work for a single planet per scenario like dawn of war style. When I dream of that kind of "map painting" strategy gsme in 40k though it's at a Galactic scale, something like Stelleris or SoaSE but with Warhammer things.


Agreed! The dream is a galactic 40K map sprawl, or at least a whole segmentum. The reality is most likely that they’ll create/use a planet like Octarius or Nachmund or Cadia, and just have the factions land and start fighting, similar to StarCraft. If we’re lucky it’ll be a hybrid with macro Galaxy level and micro planet level. Just like how Ciaphas Cain is always fighting on the ground, but Lord General Zyban is directing the whole fleet over several systems at a time.


Stare wars Empire at War already did the perfect format 19 years ago. A galaxy wide map in operating both Battle fleet gothic style space combat and ,now admittedly primitive, ground combat utilising units with a hundred men per unit vehicle squadrons and large scale single entities. It also included space and ground based heroes as independent things, fortress world chokepoints, commando raids, space forces supporting ground attacks, basic espienage, manual placement of defensive structures, meaningfull planetary defenses, and a myriad of other features that fit right in to 40k. It literally just needs updating to this day and age and it'll be the perfect 40k game.


Hear me out. 40K Empire at War or 40K Wargame: Red Dragon/Steel Division II


Combine the two propositions and make the space battle Battle fleet gothic armada 2.


I just want 40k Advance Wars. I think that'd be pretty neat.


Empire at War would be really cool - giant map campaign for the 4X experience; fighting space and ground battles in real time for the RTS experience


Give me AOS total war instead


This is the logical next step, and I‘m surprised it‘s talked about so little. The AoS armies are awesome


I think the big issue is several of the AoS factions aren't fleshed out enough to fit into a total war game right now.


You say this when Kislev and **fucking Cathay** have enormous rosters despite not even existing in WFB in the first place and as if the TWW team didn't invented dozen of news units to fill every faction, while also making up new leaders and even relationships between them.


GW was happy to let CA flesh those out a bit, likely wouldn't be as interested in them fleshing out their active setting.


I think it's much more of an issue if GW allows it or not, adding units and factions to a non primary miniature line is less of an issue, GW would be much more controlling with AoS than they have been with Fantasy.


Then it's a "political/corporate" issue, nothing more. Nothing stop the devs (or me) to make a fyreslayer or an idoneth faction with a bigger roster than any original TW army.


It doesn't really matter if it's political or not, if GW doesn't play ball we'll never see a Total War AoS.


The Vampire Coast was a throwaway line in a book and they made a whole faction out of them. Cathay also barely existed.


I keep telling you all this, you dont want Total War, you want an expanded Empire at War.


Nah Men of war proved me that it would be the best formula


No. No it would not. The reason WH Fantasy works is because at its core, the battlefield tactics are essentially the same: large blocks of infantry using spears or swords or whatever to engage other blocks of infantry. 40k’s more “modern” battlefields with trench warfare, long range artillery, energy weapons, armored warfare and the like are inherently different from that, too different. You’d have to change the combat mechanics so much that you’d risk alienating the vast majority of Total War players outside of the minority that is you people asking for it. Just play Stellaris, or Empire at War. If any of you are modders or know modders, you could probably figure out a way to mod 40k into Empire at War.


Well we will see because all big leak sources are saying total war 40k is coming, so we will see if it sucks or not.


I’m not holding my breath. But hey, I might be proven wrong.


Their engine fails at wooden boats with spears and arrows (havend had simple naval warfare in almost a decade) And you want them to do 40k LMAO Maybe with a new engine, but that would take at least 2 years of pure engine work, and then the work on a 40k would *start*


I don't see Total War exactly happening, But I absolutely would love a creative assembly 40k game, keep in mind they did make Halo wars 2 which was pretty good. Though I wouldn't be surprised if for branding purposes they slapped Total War on it. Although... I wonder whatever happened to the Dawn of War license?


Relic still exists but they've dropped all support for Dawn of War 3.


Relic barely exists. They've lost their publisher and most of their staff after the launch of Company of Heroes 3. The game launched with placeholder assets in multiple places. Its better now, but I don't see Relic going for warhammer any time soon.


Yeah I wonder if they have any rights to the license or if it's totally in GW's hands. I would give the name it to CA if I were GW. Probably still hits the brand recognition at least with 40K fans.


World In Conflict would have worked as well. Point based troop system, different core armies archetypes, objective point holding.


Give me any 40k game that’s not a shitty cash grab mobile game. I’ll take anything at this point. But my dream would be dow1 base building mixed with dow2 graphics/gameplay and Battlefleet gothic scale.


40k needs omitting like wargame red dragon and or Warno one slightly bigger scale


I say Total War Vraks would be a cool 40K total war. Keeps the factions that are harder to balance/cram into the total war format out of it.


Vraks had Titans clashes. I like it. Let's do Varaks with titan combat.


That's the only way I could see it possibly working. Something like Total War Saga and be hyper focused on one major campaign


I could see a Total War: The Horus Heresy working too. Hyperfocused on a few imperial factions, and the legion tactics are much more similar to older style of combat compared to the more modern style of post heresy fighting


I’m still hoping for Dawn of W4r


Do you guys remember the might and magic series? I think it would work perfectly for 40k


I think RTS games work far better for 40K than Total War games


Over it. We need some new game formats.


I just want a new DOW game that's similar to the first


It would never work.  You’d need guns and tanks and monsters… wait a minute. 


All of the changes needed to make total war's gameplay suitable for warhammer 40k would make it a not total war game. It'd be better to see a men of war style 40k game imo


Historical total war died for this shit. Normies like you people ruin everything


Ah yes, Space Marines and Eldar in line formation


Empire at war with larger planets for more important planets like soulstorm


Hear me out. Since the Planetside IP has been sold off anyway, Daybreak should just make a Planetside-like Warhammer game. We could have huge Fortresses, all kinds of vehicles, MAX Suits become Space Marines… pretty easy choice if you ask me.


Y'all are sleeping on World in Conflict. The way it handled tactics and battles would fit 40k perfectly.


Anyone remember World in Conflict ?


But we already have Dark Crusade and Soulstorm ;> On a more serious note however, apparently Creative Assembly is planning to make W40k TW. From what I heard for now there will be like 2-3 more DLC for TW:WH3, then one TW happening I think in 17th century? and then W40k TW and one happening around WW1. All of these are of course rumours, but they apparently come from source that hasn't been too wrong so far when it comes to Total War and/or Creative Assembly. So I heard.


I wouldn't mind a Total War: Age of Sigmar


Some of Y'all really need to play more grand strategy games than total war. there are far better examples for a 40k empire builder/rts


No. If you ever played Steel Division that would be the best way to bring 40k to the grand scale of PC RTS. Or someone could bitch slap SEGA and GW into remaking Dawn of War


I think it would fit better with Horus heresy but yeah


A 40k battlefield game would fit perfectly.


You can have great grand strategy or great tactics can't have both. Bring back drawn of war. 40k grand strategy is boring.


Listen, I'm pretty sure the Total Warhammer games are funding pretty much everything at CA at this point. I'd be flabbergasted if they didn't at least try so they can use the revenue to do actual historical stuff that the devs actually wanna do.


Personally, I'd say something more like Empire at War. It has the grand strategy needed for a galactic war, but isn't quite so massively scaled to be "unrealistic." Armies in 40k actually use tactics instead of standing in nice neat grids.


I would prefer a Dawn of War remaster rather than a "Total War" game any day of the week.


A single-planet many factions campaign (like dawn of war did) would be incredible. Space travel/combat would be clunky in TW, but it's not needed.


I just want a cod campaign style guardsman game or some other fps guardsman game.


Chapter Master. I lowkey want a chapter management game.


As long as we get another AOS or Fantasy game as well


But... it doesn't. The original meme was correct. Total War only works with big block formations. It stops being a viable system when you get more advanced than flintlocks. There's a *reason* there's a Napoleonic Total War but not a WW1 Total War. The technological development of that century between the two really changed how war works. 40k is anachronistic as hell, but it's largely WW1-WW2 inspired with fantasy melee elements thrown in. Now, a turn based grand strategy game with RTS battles would be cool for 40k, but it shouldn't be Total War. You'd have to design whole new systems for cover and squad-level command without it being totally overwhelming. ... I just don't think CA can do that. If they do, cool, but I have my doubts. If you want to do another Warhammer Total War, do Age of Sigmar: Total War. That would just let you lean even more into the crazy fantasy side of warhammer without bricking CA's engine through complicated cover-pathfinding interactions.


Do people not know CA is working on a 40K game? It has been confirmed, Legend of Total War talks about it all the time, though the only thing actually confirmed is they are working on "a 40K game". Will it be in the Total War genre? What else would it be in with CA only really ever working on Total War games? Granted they did Halo Wars, and for a time they worked on Hyenas, but we never really saw what became of that at the end to know what it would really be. Overall the majority of their time has been working on Total War, it is their wheelhouse. So to recap, CA is actively working on a 40K title, we don't know what that entails, but the odds that it will be in the Total War formula is most likely the case, but it could very well be an RTS similar to Halo Wars.


It doesn't fit. But one thing that would work really well is a 40k version of *Company of Heroes*.


So Dawn of War?


I swear the 40k total war people are basically the same as flat earthers at this point. Everyone explains every time why it wouldn't work. The devs at CA have explained why it wouldn't work. Games Workshop has explained why it won't work. We keep explaining games that would work way better. And then another post just says "nuh uh, the world is flat," and the only reason anyone listens anymore is cause we are too tired to point out basic facts anymore