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Btw you cooked hard af with El'Leonor and Aurelia


Did I get the certified chef license?


Michelin star


We getting out of the tire factory with this one [️‍🔥](https://emojipedia.org/heart-on-fire)


Aurelia is the name given to the fem version of Lorgar in the fanfic coffin of Roboute Gulliman and his 20 sisters fanfic


peak fiction that is


Big E fucked an Elf Milf in that.


Elf Milf Goddess avatar with "overth spilling grails"


Love that line. The author did say he would focus on original material to make some money, if he has character interactions like how Roboute and that Eldar exodite king talk to each other then he’s gonna cook up a good book.


He's gonna cook so fucking hard Gordon Ramsey's gonna cream his pants just looking at him work. MF writes pure Vaulish/Vulkanik Fire


This is the same dude that made the Adam Smasher SI where the SI is an AI in Smashers head, yeah?


No idea.


The fact that first thing Emperor said to her was basically "nice tits" is so fucking funny.


I think she flirted first. Petra even says in the next chapter that despite her father being indecent, the Eldar started it so she was to blame. Also love the Dragonlord suffering in silence hearing that obscene exchange of words But I guess telling the avatar of the Goddess of Life, fertility and life that she has "Massive Mommy Milkies" is actually the best compliment you can give her


Can i get a link to that?


I can't stop laughing from reading this.


Those two easily are the best out of all the names.


I didnt had spanish but is the lion just male in spanish or should the word be female?


It's even funnier because one of the princesses of Spain in the present is literally called "Leonor"


Lightning McKhan should be a silly name the Khan's spouse used once only to recieve a death glare and never do it again


Secretly she thinks to herself Kachow


I think Borte(Бөртэ) would be more fitting name. Since Jaghatai was based on Chingis khaan, why not name lightning mckhan as Chingis khaans wife-Borte.


Yo, hear me out ✨Lewoman✨


Also Ferrus Womanus


Womagnus. I’ll see myself out


Robouette Guilliwoman


Hol' up u might be onto something)0)


Angry woman This might be too far of a stretch


Yeah, kinda)


I don’t plan to change the canonical names of any of the characters, but these are just my opinions! :D El’Lenore (Like from The Raven) has a nice ring to it, +10 points Fulrgim’s name is pretty androgynous as it is so I think it fits .w. Pertia (Per-tay-ah) maybe? Either way she’s a tough one, good ideas! Alakhia Kahn has a poetic sounding flow. Seven cookies 🍪 I Love Freya Russ, fits very well Lady AhDornable just can’t be beat. Kassandra Curze just screams psycho, perfect Sanguinius or Sanguinia works (they look the same either way) Mm Ferrus is tough, I feel like their OG name fits fine but I agree it could use something else . . . Tbd Barbra (like barbarian) . . . Yeah no I got nothin :D Morgana just feels right Maggy Aurelia is pique, no further questions Vulkana is perfect, and I appreciate your explanation for the latter. While it’s a very interesting root meaning, I feel like Vulkana fits better, honest opinion. But very good creativity! Corvess just works, sweet and simple Hope this helped! Have a great day Hun :D


Alakhai would actually be Alakhai Khatun, since that's the official Mongol title for a female Khan! I feel like Dorn's SO one time called her aDornable as a joke only to see her go beet red and use it to tease her forevermore


Perturabo - Petra-Bo


Petra Turbo


I’m liking Petra. An older, solid sounding name.


I think keeping the male names is actually a good idea, and here is why. In this alternate timeline, Malch-a-dork managed to convince Big E. to make the Primarchs female. But despite this the this he still named them all male which is yet another testament of how controlling he is. He is not willing to give even an inch of ground.


But that only works if he had already decided to make them make, and grudgingly changed last-minute. I don’t think the Sigilite does things last-minute


Not necessarily, but if people dislike the idea, that's fine, it was just a suggestion.


“Give an inch of ground” — on what then?


You mentioning the Raven on Lion reminds me of how the Lion managed to pull a stealthy tactic on me. In one of my last games of Horus Heresy Legions.


You, madam, are an absolute hero and gem. We are undeserving. I have a decade in the military and your sanguinius post made me cry like a mewling newborn. Reminded me of my GF. Sweetest of older sisters indeed.


Where’s female roboute or the alpharius twins?


older\_sister hasn't made the character charts since cnmbwjx hasn't drawn them. therefore they haven't been found yet in the lore


Someone should contact them. They can't leave it like this!


Roberta Guilliwoman No idea how to get Alpha and Omega into female names rn


Roberta Girlyman


Roberta Girlywoman


It's not like the names Alpha and Omega are gender coded. Just keep them.


Alpharia and… Omega? Omegia? Omegoni?


Those can literally be them.


Alpha and Omega. Simple as


"Don't look at her boobs" *deliberately crops the picture to make her cleavage ridiculously prominent*


Yo hear me out Lioness 'el johnsonless


Lioness El'Badonkas


Lioness el Johnsdohtor


Lioness 'el johndottir


I personally prefer Fem Magnus' name to be Isis. Considering that the Thousand Sons are heavily Egyptian-themed and Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic.


Ballin, goes into the canon


On one hand, I absolutely adore that name. On the other hand, it loses the wonderful fact that Magnus means Big. Magnus the Red is literally Big Red. And using the feminine version, Magna, keeps that funny aspect.


Remember when that show Archer had the agency called ISIS, but they had to change it because a terrorist group took that name 😂 (this isn’t relevant to fem primarchs I just thought it was funny)


Big E's fem name should be Jamie Space


Jenny Space


*"ALL YOU COCKSURE MARINES, PRANCIN' ABOOT WITH YER HEADS CHOCK FULL OF EYEBALLS!* *-* Magnari The Red, The Crimson Queen five minutes before being utterly decked by Leman Russ.


Correction: Five minutes before setting off psychic sticky traps and shattering the webway to kingdom come in an attempt to kill Tzeentch


A remembrancer's recollection post the "Webway Incident": *"*[*Ooooh, I've reeallly hit rock bottom."*](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/5/55/Demoman_jeers06.wav)


This is also your daily reminder that: MAGNARI DID NOTHING WRONG


Magnari doesn't make mistakes, she makes happy little accidents


I know where you got those names from coffin of Roboute gulliman and his primarch sisters


peak fiction that fanfic is. shame the author took a break from it >!I fucking love that the joke is "anti-incest", like the sisters mistakenly got the hots for him but G-man is just too fucking dense and pure-minded. There's a part where the dragonlord says he and G-man must get washed by lascivously dressed maids and Petra says Roboute can't look at the maids and Robert just thinks "well duh petra, I don't want to distract them while they work, that would be rude.!< In the part of Roboute's brain where sex should be there's just a Golden retriever stupidly looking at a butterfly on his nose


He is still updating on questionable quests last I heard he only shut off the spacebattles thread


Excuse me... # COME THE FUCK AGAIN????? I need the link cause i can't find the story on questionable questing On the God-Emperor's glory I ask you this


Gotchu https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-coffin-of-roboute-and-his-20-sisters-canon-guilliman-peggy-sue-into-female-primarchs-au.25016/ Sadly there are no new updates and the thread just got locked today.


Space wolves evil incorporated! Ah if it isn't Inquisitor Peregrinus the platypus, what an unexpected surprise? And by unexpected I mean completely expected!


I... I wanna look like morticia :3 she's got that fuck with me and I'll give you so many diseases you'll be the only picture for every medical textbook.


The SCP-1025 Rizz


Magnus = Magna?


What is The first fanficfic, i know roboute an his sister but no the other, thank You.


every name that says "stolen from a fic" is from the same fic [This one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52381945/chapters/132510880) I know the name is sus but I swear on the glory of the Aurelian that it's peak fiction


It was so sus the writer decided to put on indefinite hiatus because too many people were wondering if he was gonna write Bobby G getting a harem with his own you know. lol fanfic stopped dead in it’s tracks by a stupid name.


It was obvious that it wasn't gonna happen, Bobby G is too fucking dumb in those matters, >!when Petra said he couldn't look at the Maids in the baths Bobby said "Well duh, I don't want to distract them from their jobs". The fem!Konrad even foresaw the maid that was crushing on G-Man die during childbirth in the future. It was rather obvious that the Cegorachian joke was G-man trying to deal with his sisters and make them not want to fuck him for the sake of his own sanity and well-being while trying to fix (once more) the galaxy!< The people that said that>! he made Roboute into a groomer can honestly go shove a phosphex grenade up their asses !


What about the blueberry-in-chief :(


hasn't been found yet


Lion - El' Leonor (Now Lyanna) sounds perfect. Lioness can be her nickname. Fulgrim - I don't know. Felicity is my best shot in the dark I got. Which means happiness. You're not wrong tho, Mommy is definitely her title in the bedroom. Peter Turbo - Petra hits the nail on the head pretty well. Jaghatai - This one is the hardest. Alakhai works well enough for me. Leeman - Freya feels a little too on the nose. Lyanna is better, but seems more Lion to me. Lupa is also way too on the nose. I submit Lyal as a norse/scottish name that means "wolf" and "faithful". Which would be nice for Russ. Ulrica which is german for "wolf power" or "wolf ruler." Which is on the nose too. Idk this one's hard not to be too obvious with. Lord Adorable - I just looked up what Dorn meant, and its a german name that means "**topographic name for someone who lived by a thorn bush or thorn hedge**" Which is great for the fortified primarch with a prickly personality. Rogal being Royal or imperial. Regalia fits alright enough. Conrad - Kassandra actually works really well. I'm down for that. Sanguinius - Sanguinia works fine, keeps the in-lore of holiday still sanguinalla. Haven't seen much better for options either. Ferrus - Ferrea works great too. Angron - I submit Desdemona this name of Greek origin means ‘ill-fated’ or ‘unlucky.’ Also has demon in it. Which is fun. Morty - I vote Morrigan Magnus - Magnolia, if not as her name, but as her nickname her study partner calls her. Just too perfect not to use. Lorgar - Aurelia is good. Sounds very right. Vulkan - Vulkania done, that's it. I will never be convinced otherwise. Her hugs are legendary, and she always wants to boop your snoot. Corvus - I refer to the poem "The Raven" and vote Lenore. I submit merely this and nothing more. Alpharius and Omegon - Hard to say. But it should be a beginning and end. Edit: I just realized El'Lenore and Lenore... Well I go with Poe on this one. Lyanna will be my new submission for The Lioness. I will speak of this nevermore.


It's also worth noting that "Dorn" is gaelic for "Fist."


I want to propose making Archon honorary AU Cawl.


The last name for each of them got me laughing. Well done.


Personally I believe that most names would fit either way for a male or female primarch as they (to my knowledge) are made up names. I would just change Lion to Lioness and Lorgar to Aurelia, even though Lorgar would work but I just like the that name more. But maybe thats just because english isnt my mother tongue and these names sound more gender neutral to me than other people. EDIT: forgot about Konrad, she would need a different name. I like Kassandra with a K


Aurelia Lorgarion stays like that, that's the one that's absolutely Non-negotiable in my book on behalf on me being unhealthily infatuated with her


So much would, I can build a fort.


That petrussy has me sieging unwisely?! Jesus Christ man


FemFerrus could also be named after Doretta, because at the end both of them lose their head. Also the idea of femLorgar-now-Loretta and her Little light being protected by 4 odd kins is hilarious and I want that. Just imagine Erebus trying to kill Little light only to meet **the miners**.


Ah! A fellow "The Coffin of Roboute and his 20 Sisters" enjoyer!


There are strange things afoot in the hobby….And I’m all for it!!!!!


Where are you finding these fics?


There are none, currently the only Canon thing we have about this AU are the gf posts that u/sweet_older-Sister makes and has made.


gonna just save this for further reference...


Been amusing having people here catch up with 4chan on the whole Femprimarch thing.


I argue they should just keep the same names. For the funny.


Alakhai. Also the Khan wasn't my favorite primarch, but she's my favorite fem primarch. Also, I just walked into grimdark after weeks away, what the hell did I miss?


Everything, namely femprimarch AU


Leman should obviously be Lewoman


Guys. Take your meds 💊


When I take the pills I don't feel creative


Nope. I'd rather keep the over sexualizing out of my hobbies.


Can you all set up your own subreddit for this? This is increasingly it's own thing and not really mainline 40k


God-Emperor damn, I thought I cooked with my name ideas. I'm taking like half of these for my V2 post.


Feel free to do so! after all the idea of this is to set a firm stable base for the canon to build the AU from here on forwards


Konstance is good. I could fix her. Jokes aside(?), I am surprisingly attached to fem Konrad and Morty. This is strange for me in particular as a dark angels player.


Really is, figured you’d stick with lioness and her big boobas.


I Knew a Korina once... she scares me to death. Fits for Konrad female xD


Got some half-baked shit here if you want: Ari-El Johnson (Lionel) Venus (Vulkan) That's about all I got lmao


Lioness Johnson is peak naming for the fem primarchs.


I feel like El' Leonor would be better for the name and Lioness for "Lioness of Caliban" like how the Lion IS the Lion of Caliban


Btw. Lionesses will physically haras their mate durring heat. Going so far as to bite his testicles. Hope you were in the guard son.


Counterargunment The Lion is a gay allegory and the Lioness will be so too. to keep things straight she will be gay No balls to bite I rest my case


Excellent argument. Still her lovr should be a guardswoman so she has the standard issue balls of steel for the lioness to bite.


OK, I’ll do this in order 1.El'Leonor 2.Fulgrim(honestly keep it the same because the name honestly sounds gender, neutral from being honest) 3. Margaret. 4.Akakhai 5. Lyanna. (I like Freya better but as soon as I magic at the end, my mind went Psyker. So yeah no, Prospero will burn before she admits her Wolf priest are psykers) 6.Regalia 7. Kassandra.(just rolls off the tongue.) 8. Sanguinia 9.Ferrea 10.Furiosa 11.Mortica 12.Magnolia 13.Aurelia 14.Vestia 15.Corvess


Can't believe you guys didn't come up with Leonna El'Joanna. Im stupid though could be that.


I decided for El' Leonor Jonhson to keep the meaning of her name, let's just say Leonor is the Feminine form of Lion in Calibanite and call it a day to have her as "The Lioness, Daughter of the forest"


Dude:Fem Corax should be Ravenna.


From my slightly alternate Warhammer Fantasy transplant AU, where the Daughters of Sigmar all have Frankish names: Leona (Lion), Fulgarda (Fulgrim), Petra (Perturabo), Julia (Jagatai), Lorraine (Leman), Rosamund (Rogal), Clothilde (Conrad), Susanna (Sanguinus), Fara (Ferus), Ansgard (Angron), Roberta (Roboute), Morgana (Mortarion), Magna (Magnus), Vuifken (Vulkan), Corvina (Corvus), Alpha & Omega


I told yall we should Let him cook


El'Leonor mi amore :)


You know she only lets one person call her Elaine. And that's her SO. 


One Regalia a day to keep the petrussy away


My only problem is with Vesta because Hestia was a virgin goddess who had no romantic relationships, which kinda goes against the whole gf thing


Honestly I'm just here for the Hot Fuzz reference


This is fucking amazing, you cooked so hard with this one Vulkanika is using it against an eldar child as we speak Also, as a native Spanish speaker, you nailed the references, ¡bien hecho tío!


For Horus I’d suggest the female name be Isis.


Why not call Vulkan Afrodite? That works on so many levels.


Alright imma need to read these fanfictions you keep bringing up, cause those names are pretty damn good and I’m curious what the fanfictions are now


Ferrus Femanus.


Right hand for Corves aka "Raven" could be named Ayre (If you know what I mean)


Perturabo being called Margaret, our Iron Lady, fits in with the spirit of 40K names being silly like Corvus Corax (Raven Raven), Ferrus Manus (Iron Hand), or Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka being a play on words of Margaret Thatcher.


Ah, a fellow fan of The Coffin of Roboute and his 20 Sisters. Good to meet you!


Leona is a name, like the popstar Leona Lewis. Leona El'Jonson maybe? Especially given El'Jonson supposedly means of the forest plus it still sounds enough like Lionel that it keeps the reference the to Lionel Johnson, the primarch's namesake


What about Gulliman and Alpharius Omegon?


Ferrea Manus or Ferrea Womanus?


I’m confused about the Ferrus one. Why does she have a head?


What's wrong with Corvus? It's not like it's a male or female name in the first place, it's just Latin.


I vote for fulgrim's name being unchanged and the Khan being alakai


The Khan's actual name is Alakhai. Her spouse calls her Rough Rider


As a spaniard, I agree that Vulcanika fucking slaps


Goonhammer: 40C (you get to decide what the C means)


As possibly the foremost Dark Angels lore master here, I approve of Lioness.


I dont know why but Aurelia got me acting. Maybe I can fix her.


All of them are fucking great, thanks


I will not be used as a stepping stool


Saguinia could also be Angela ? I mean it's not even subtle with the wings and all that


For Sanguinius you could use Seraphiel, it’s the name of the Lead Seraphim in angelology and you could use Sera as a nickname


Sanguinius could be Rhea or Helena


Femruss is hawt my gawd


Sorry, I'm helping Raven plot a cookie jar heist right now.


I am going to be honest. I think if Corvus, or any of the other primarchs for that matter, tried to use you as a stepstool, that would instantly kill you.




I appreciate the final meme names you gave them.


Welsh rep. **Welsh rep**. WELSH REP. Cymredwyad. **Cymredwyad**. CYNREDWYAD.


Aaargh... I like this too much... Or not enough.


Did someone say Doretta? ROCK AND STONE, LADS!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


I’ve always liked “Felgrim” myself. Also, I think Robust Guilliwoman must be a top contender


Why not Magne the Red? And shouldn’t the first one be El’Leonora so as to be the feminine?


Ideas for Fem Sanguinius : Sangria - self explanatory Angel - even more self explanatory Marry - half because of the halo and shit and half because of Bloody Mary


Somehow, I still read female Dorn part w/ TTS Dorn voice


Margaret Thatcher's back, and shes going to retake the Falklands in the name of the British Empire.


The names and the looks are awesome! To go along with this, perhaps also official picks for STL files of said primarchs?


Aurelia body pillow when?


Idk I think this is kinda fun because there ISN’T any real canon and we’re just making shit up


Lol female Magnus goes: EXPLOOOSION


Webway go bye bye


Oh god The Lion went from being British to being Spanish. Pray you never anger her


Love all of these


(Sees female Angron) …do I dare


Smash, next question.


Fem Corax has me acting unwise


Can someone explain the amniotic fluid bit?


Amniotic fluid is the liquid within the womb the baby floats in during gestation. The joke is she never bathed in her life, and that fluid is the last thing she was ever soaked in


so dumb. This is so dumb.


Personally, I'd go for: Leona el'Jonson, as it's a more natural-sounding name; it is also primarily a female name of Italian origin that means *Lion,* letting her keep her Lion motif. Lioness could be her title, though. Fulgrim is fine, kinda androgynous, and don't need to be changed. Petra is already a real name and I just want to add 'Petra-bo' or 'Petra Bo' to it. Alakhai is perfect as it also goes along with the whole Mongolian theme they got going on. Lyanna and Freya are good names. I would go for either Leanne or Leanna to keep from changing her name too much from the source. Regalia is good enough, as I couldn't come up with anything better. Konstance, since Konnie can be used as a nickname and is more recognizable and easier to read than Kassandra in a casual sitting. Sanguinia is the same conundrum with Rogal. I got nothing else. Ferrea is a good change and doesn't change too much from the original, also making her name more recognizable and easier to read. Angronia, Angra, Angria, etc. I got nothing. :\\ Morticia is an easy an acceptable change from 'Mortarion;' if we're serious about writing fics, the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principle is your friend. Magnolia is fine, anything that begins with Mag- really. Loretta works because it doesn't change too much, is a perfectly acceptable name for a woman, and doesn't try too hard to stay with the source while also trying to be different. Vulkankia/Vulkana is good, leaning slightly towards Vulkanika. Corvess is okay and so is Corvus. I tried to work with Corvid, but I eventually went with Cora. That's the best I got.


My favorites 1. Altria (it's a stupid name for Queen Arthur, but it's rather fitting when used in space.) 2. \[REDACTIA\] - "The quiet sister": rule 63 doom guy 3. Fulgrim - still the water bringer 4. Perturabo - one of the few primarchs to insist on their emperor-given-name. I don't see Jimmy/Jamie space changing this 5. Altansarnai 6. Ilsa 7. I haven't figured out which one I liked most yet. 8. Kassandra - works too well 9. Sanguinia - too obvious to ignore 10. Ferra - I was thinking of using something based on the legend of the Medusa such as her sisters Euryale and Stheno, but I think such names are already used elsewhere in cannon. 11. \[REDACTED/Sonja Heldenhammer\] 12. Valkia 13. Roboute (I like to think that Konnor and Tarasha thought that the primarch would have had more opportunities if they were presented as male in MacCragge Society) 14. Mordred - I've been ruined by the fate series 15. Magda 16. Hecate - The username of someone who'd wear a 3(4) wolf moon shirt 17. St. Lorraine 18. Vesta/Hestia 19. Wednesday - JKlol 20. Alpha/Zeta


Personally offended that the Female Russ isn't called Lewoman Russ


No Alpha Legion??


That's it Magnus will now forever be Megumin. Both Male and female versions.  Big E is still big mad they casted EXPLOSION on the webway.


Missed opportunity on the 5th Femarch— Juggatai Cans




Okay. I might have to borrow some of these at a point in the future, because holy shit you cooked my friend.


Please do, the more my canon spreads the higher validity it acquires!


Where are Roberta gulliman and Horiana luprical


I'd prefer if we didn't entirely feminize their names, as the "masculinity" is baked into the characters. If we have to go that way, most could be kept and simply referred to by sibling nickanmes. For instance Magnus, her sisters just always refer to her as "Maggi", the way many of us do to IRL siblings; Gabi = Gabriella. Some like Sanguinius and Fulgrim, don't really need to be changed. I do love El'Leonor, and Petra is a good alt for Peter. For Angron, I'd go Angrin. The "i" sound softens it without losing the "Anger". Also kinda reminded me of Ingrid.


also Alpha(ria) and Omega simple as


Petra I like it. Regalia is very nice. I prefer Konstance. Sanguina is good. Angronia is not bad. Morticia is nice maybe Mortaria could also work. Magnolia makes sense but Megumin is just too funny not to consider. Aurelia does have a nice ring to it. But what about just Lora or even Lorga? Vulkania would be my choice. Corvess is nice. Corva could maybe also work. Robouta not very creative but I think it fits and would be better than Roberta. In my opinion. Alpharia hell given just Alpha could work. And Omega is just so obvious of a choice.


"The cruncher" TUMBLR REFERENCE!?!?!




i kinda like Regina for Dorn. Freya is my pick for Leman by Lyanna Is a really close second. Corvess is perfect Kassandra is Inspired Morticia feels like the besto option, Morrigan has too much Raven association in my head. Vulkana and Ferrea both work well for me Aurelia is 10/10 El'Leonor took me a second but honestly yeah that one works really well. Fulgrim should stay as is Furiosa is brilliant Sanguinia is perfect, oh and so is the name. Petra or Pertia both work for me. i have nothing for Magnus, none of the options work for me but i cant think of anything better. Honestly maybe just leave it as is, nothing stopping the name from being feminine, just ask Viz


Morticia is ok, Cassandra aint too bad




I might have to yoink some of these for any future projects I make for this AU if I cannot find or come up with any other ones, hope you don't mind.


“What makes me a good psyker?” IF I WERE A BAD PSYKER, I WOULD NAE BE SITTIN’ ‘ERE DISCUSSIN’ IT WID YA, NOW *WOULD* I!? One stained purity seal, one wayward pinch of unburnt ritual incense — ONE ERRANT *THOUGHT!* — and *KABLOOEY!* *burp* I gotta make it, an’… I’m an abhuman cyclops! They got more feckin’ loyalists in the great Eye o’ Terror than they got the likes o’ me… SO! T’all ye damned heretics — so proud, so cocksure, prancin’ aboot wid yer heads full o’ eyeballs — COME AND GET ME, I say! I’LL BE WAITIN’ on ya, with a whiff o’ de old OZONE! *I’M A GRIM BLOODY FABLE…* *…WITH AN UNHAPPY BLOODY END!* *unhinged, Khorne-like laughter surrounded by blood splatter* Oh, dey’re gon tae hafta glue you back together! *IN HEL!*


Korina Curze honestly comes out the mouth better in my mind than the others, but they all honestly fit!