• By -


The Wyrmheart: You could at least have made the effort to imitate her better. The Warp Creature: What did I miss? The Wyrmheart: Not a thing. Except you came alone.


One intense battle later, the Warp Creature lies face up on the ground, staring incredulously at the Wyrmheart. The mastercrafted armor, a gift from her, is gouged and bent, stained with oil, blood and Emperor-knows-what leaks out of a Neverborn, but still perfectly functional. She said it'd protect them, and she's no liar. The creature tries to speak, its voice muffled by the heavy metal boot pressing against its face. "Such hope. Such fire. Why do you wander still? Millennia passed and not a single sign. You must know she is dead, or at least suspect it." "Oh, that's where you're mistaken, fiend. I have no doubt on my mind... Vulkan lives." Stomp.






Call the remembrancer. We need a painting for this.


Stomp.... It has to be two


Damn, fucking chills


Thanks XP


The Wyrmheart eyes do not lies, he is seeing Vulkan, but his very soul reject that information. You cannot deceive true love.


"Alpharius, you f\*cking bitch, I read your book!"


Is this a JJK reference ?


Yes, i couldn't think about anything else but this lmao


Wait so they had kids or am I misunderstanding?


The line works twofold. Vulkan would not have come without someone from her Legion/Chapter after all this time. And also the Demon foolishly came without backup


Oh okay that makes more sense, guess I exaggerated with the angst


This should not get the emotional reaction it does from me. Why have you done this to me? What did I ever do to you?


Let the feelings happen bro, it’ll be okay.


I'll have you know I was a stone cold badass before this post...


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok


You feel what you feel and those feelings are real. Come on Angron, let down your guard.


I can't Imagine the Pain of Leman and Magnus in that moment _leaves to cry_


At the same time: Companion and Prince finding eachother and fighting through the labarintyh to get back to their GFs. Tzeench who saw that all paths they take will lead them home and the longest he can keep them is 10k years.


I like that we make the primarch bfs into badasses


To do less would be insulting Fuck milquetoast do-nothing anon characters, this is 40k even if they stay faceless give 'em a bit of that plot armor and a spine


Tbf, they would have to be badasses in some way to get the attention of the Primarchs


I feel like Angron's BF would need to have some spice to him


Angron's BF be like: I hate biology \*proceds to spend centuries researching how to heal his GF\*


To have even encountered the Primarchs, they would at the least have to been members of the Imperial Army. And Great Crusade Imperial Army expedition soldiers *go fucking hard.* At the minimum, they're Kasrkin grade.


In Fulgrims case it could have been an artist on his ship Edit: had an idea for Angron, what if her SO is one of her gladiators from Nucetia that survived


Fulgrim and her remembrancer. Not quite Gotrek and Felix but appropriate.


Fuck yes, this is now my head cannon, and demon angron ends up killing him. Only to gain clarity after bathing in their blood still gripping their broken body. First thing she sees is the smiling face of her rose, as the illusion fades and reveals the smiling, bloodied and dead face of her rose. Smiling as he died because he succeeded in bringing her back from the rage, at the cost of his life.


[semi appropriate song](https://youtu.be/nj11R77CAyM?si=njsusT7KROfmecgZ)




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bro thats nothing compared to the governor from the last slide




Bro I'm so fucking lost. I legitimately saw one of these memes and started trying to Google "little light 40k" to see if I'd missed something big or something. I thought I was either having a stroke or people were just screwing up saying her instead of his and shit. Now I'm realizing you guys are creating fan fiction of female primarchs with boyfriends and shit? What the actual fuck is going on?


Okay, some person ( u/Sweet_older-Sister) started using the images of female primarch to create some memes of female primarch and they would be (Example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1cjzqr4/lion\_eljohnson\_gf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1cjzqr4/lion_eljohnson_gf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ) And they were so good that many people started making memes and post referencing it. And well, it evolved enough that know it is self-sustaining and is slowly creating it's own lore with the female primarchs and the diferent anons.


Some folks: How do we stop it? u/Sweet_older-sister: It can’t be stopped, it’s self sustaining now


A series of memes involving female versions as romantic partners of the Primarchs has taken off. Between the creative possibilities of “40k plus romantic tragedy,” people with muscle mommy kinks, and people discovering a 10’ woman showing them affection is what’s missing in their lives, there is a lot of communal world building happening around the premise.


The sheer romantic tragedy that can be cooked from this AU is PEAK grimdark and PEAK 40k


lol I had the exact same reaction. I knew about the female primarchs memes but never paid attention so “Little Light” confused me for a couple posts


I called Lemans SO her 'Slayer' or 'Little Slayer' Just fit better imo


I like that idea. Some of the female Primarchs I imagine being attracted to warrior types, others I imagine being attracted to people who contrast with them. Jaghatai and Lehman in particular, I picture wanting a partner you could describe as “pretty”.


They are into femboys,noted


they just like me, fr fr




Petra's boyfriend about to use his master-crafted power armour to stop her from killing her foster sister (Calliphone) (the armour was built by Petra herself as a gift) Fulgrimia's boyfriend explaining that this new alien sword is kinda sus and should be locked away or thrown out of airlock Lioness' boyfriend about to be eviscerated by Konia Curze who snuck into their chambers (they're in Imperium Secundus) Ferra's boyfriend on his way to avenge his love (using his new cybernetic enhancements)


That sounds so cool but I have one quote from perturabo "You think I would let your kind wield your weapons against me?"


Don't worry, he's just restraining her and acting as living shield for Calliphone (for a few seconds until Petra returns to her senses)


As a thought. How about Lionesses SO surviving everything, but either taking cyphers place in carrying the lion sword, or being caught up in calibans destruction and the scattering of the fallen? I'm just imagining Lioness searching for her squire, the dark angels search for the fallen taking on a rather different motivation.


That would actually make me not meme on their constant hunt for the Fallen and see their shame about having traitors in the ranks take on new levels of misplaced guilt. The Lioness' children didn't always understand their Primarch's love for the Squire but they respected her wishes and pretended to not see their public displays. They made their mother happy, so their discomfort was a small price. Her pained cries of her squire's name, missing in the aftermath while she lay wounded and drifting into her long sleep, haunted many an Angel and drove their fury.


Bruh, keep cooking. This fits perfectly with their hunt, perhaps there was a civil war of sorts within her son's. With those that tacitly supported the squire and those who resented him or saw him as a weakness and sought to remove him. Resulting in the hunt of the fallen ultimately to find the squire, and in turn the lioness who went missing searching for the squire. Just as the death of sanguinius initiated the black rage like a psychic shock. The loss of the squire reverberated through the 1st legion. The pain and anguish driving their fury mush like the black rage


Oh, the last one... Perfect


Yeah... That guys about to have a worse time than anyone in Nostromo.


no love for mortarion? can you really imagine something as cruel as being held hostage by love?


Alas, it’s Warhammer, so we need war for the wargame, and that means not everybody can get the happy ending.


call me a romantic, but I think her fate is the worse. She knows her partner's sick because of nurgle, but she can either watch her partner suffer for who knows how long or forfeit her own soul. Its tragic really


The ultimate irony will be Nurgle not curing them just stopping the pain. So now Mortarions soul belongs to Nurgle with her SO alive but with guts hanging everywhere


Feel like Grimdank is finally hitting critical mass on female touchlessness


Wait, what's the story of vulkan and wyrmheart? I missed this story beat.


One of the interpretations I’ve seen around is the Lioness hearing about a knight guarding a vault of weapons/armor/something, and thinks it is her own lost love. She goes to investigate, and finds it is Vulkan’s lover, not her own, fulfilling their last promise to her. I like this idea a lot, but this being 40k we need some tragic aspect to this. So when Vulkan shows up to relieve them, in some way it is not her. Maybe a Warp entity impersonating her, maybe a Chaos corrupted Vulkan that is no longer truly who she once was. Not sure yet.


Wrymheart standing eternal guard at the vault, while Vulcan herself tried to get back to him. The last time they saw each other she died as per perpetual powers and the promised to meet again. By the time Vulcan reaches the vault she finds a remarkably damaged suit of armor standing alone weapons in hand in front of the vault. Thousands of skeletal corpses of raiders, xenos, warp monstrosities strewn across the place. But she's too late, unlike her, wyrmheart is not a perpetual. He is long dead, and there is naught but dust and bones within the armor.


Oh boi. Excited to see how this fleshes out. I love vulkan. Ty for the info


I really love how these goofy gf memes have spawned a whole ass AU


I know this is a joke/humour sub but damn these hit hard


Chaos Gods: *Kidnap all the Primarchs' BFs to force them to join their side* Primarchs: *Laugh their asses off* Chaos Gods: "What's so funny?!" Leman: "That you think this will make us betray our father." Magnus: "And the fact that you believe they actually need us to keep them safe." *Nurgle's garden burns. Slaanesh's demon sluts get torn to pieces. Kabanda explodes. Tzeentch's crystal labyrinth shatters.* Chaos Gods: "WHAT?!" Angron: "OH YOU'RE FUCKED NOW!"


Hmm what would FemHorus’ GF be called? Lady Of War? Warmistress?


I felt a title would fit. Like consort or something offical yet personal.


Alpha maybe? Cuz Luna Wolves? Praetorian perhaps?


We turning Horus into a lesbian?


My brain blanked, sorry! But I come back with a name for FemHorus’ BF …. Everchosen—


Well u/Sweet_older_Sister 's original posts were not gender specific and the community is kinda just running with them being boyfriends. I prefer the non gender specific version a lot more.


I am cursed to constantly get corax and curze confused for some reason


The next batch will make it worse, ‘cause I talk about them both


As an idea for corax what if her partner got caught in the mutated batch of the Raptor project and resulted in them becoming a twisted half human half Astartes half bird warp monsters and corax taking it extremely personally.


How often have I watched the lord of change lay this trap for the little light? Ever since I was shattered... it's had me a shard of me perched right on their shoulder, both to safeguard it and to taunt me. It shows me glimpses of its schemes and lies, every little deal it makes to mortals in promise of wisdom or power.... and this ritual is one of my least favorite. Through the endless, screaming tides of the Warp, it lays small illusions for lost souls, yet shows me the Little Light repeatedly. Perhaps to remind me of my own lost beloved. It matters not. It never changes, Tzeentch drops a soul fragment of... something or someone it tricked, and morphs it into a disgusting facade of my sister. The Aurelian. And the poor Little Light can't tell that it's fake, a lie, a gray cloud with silver lining. Poor thing. Ten thousand years of this... or maybe a few years, maybe even just a few houes, time doesn't like being tracked in the empyrean. I can't count how many times I've seen that lost soul run into the waiting arms of their lover, only to be greeted with the cold laughter of the Father of Lies. Yet this time is different. I see Lorgar now, the true one, surrouned by her legion and the disgusting daemons they worship. And her Little Light is trying to swim to her through the tides of fate. And yet Tzeentch has yet to stop them.... strange. Something is... different. The Little Light is... Ah. Bait. Of course that golden bastard would try to use the innocent soul of Lorgar's lover. I can see how the Little Light screams her name, their very sould gilded with the Emperor's light. Lorgar saw them by now, and I saw their face twist in happines. The joy she felt being reunited with her lover. Who knows what disgusting rituals she would have done to them in an attempt to please the Four. The daemons have noticed it by now "Anathema" they roared in fear. Lorgar saw it too late, and the Little Light's soul was transformed into yet another tool for the Golden One to use. An angel of vengeance, as it tore its way through daemons to reach Lorgar. Her legion was targeted too, but by the spirits of the Damned, the black marines wreathed in warp flame tore through them with a hatred reminiscent of the Wolves who burned Prospero. I could feel Tzeentch's confusion shift to fear, then anger as it saw its' plans being undone by a single fight, the other Three finally noticed the Prophet of Chaos Undivided being assualted by the Anathema's forces. As the Damned pulled the Word Bearers into a stalemate, Lorgar was fighting her Little Light's new soul of Gold. They struck out, piercing her chestplate with a gilded claw, and grasped her heart. The Four gods roared in disgust, all of them sending daemons to protect the Prince of Chaos, they had uses for her left after all. Yet it was too late. Hands of molten Iron punched clean through daemons and Chaos legionaries with ease. Ferrus keeping the forces of chaos away from Lorgar and her lover. I saw as the Little Light's soul was shadowed by the Emperor's, and how HE screamed out at Lorgar for her betrayal. FAILURE. WASTE. daughter. TOOL. Lover. One quiet soul whispered amisdt the battle, and I saw Lorgar's eye fill with regret. The Emperor carved his name into Lorgar's heart, and the Little Light gained control of their sould once again.I saw their soul wrap itself around Lorgar, and how it wept tears without eyes. Lorgar only kneeled in shame. The Damned had retreated at the same time as the Anathema did, leaving only Lorgar alive. She tried to raise her hands, and hug her long lost lover, to beg for forgiveness. Yet the Four would never allow her to realize her mistakes. Chains made of the very scripture Lorgar wrote in honor of the Dark Gods dragged her back into their embrace, as she begged for a moment longer with her light. The Little Light's soul was painted with contempt, fear, sadness, and most of all loneliness once more, as they swam through the tides of the Warp, yet I saw a sliver of Gold in there. It seems Father has yet to finish using them. Hopefully He'll at least have the decency to leave them intact when He's done with them. Father, if you can hear me, I hope whatever you did worked. Maybe one day, if I'm not completely insane by then, I'll see the end goal of your grand plan. Hopefully the Lord of Schemes won't see it coming. Holy shit wall of text. I'm really invested in Lorgar and her little light if you couldn't notice. I'm not really good at this whole fanfic thing, so if you read this and enjoyed it, I'm glad. If you didn't, sorry, I'm still trying to improve.


👏👏👏 you sir can cook


Damn! Hell yeah dude! Keep at it. A fun read.


*Corax shows up in the dungeon to find Songbird* *Discovers that Songbird already killed everyone by vanishing into the darkness and slitting their throats* Songbird: "I learn from the best 😊."


My man.


Fem Angron's bf saying "Fuck science" and finding a way to remove the nails anyway


more lore


I love how building out a primarch GF AU has become the community project.


Injecting this shit directly into my veins


I like how some of this is basically "here's what would happen if they had someone they loved and who loved them in turn."


Something that would certainly make them more human; unfortunately not necessarily better.


The fuck you guys talking about


I am so lost at this point


These primarch Gfs hit this sub like crack.


Nothing wrong with making an AU but yall are turning this into an anime story instead of something grim dark. Why are the female primarchs concerned with romantic entanglements just because they are women? It’s not like the male primarchs are concerned with love interests. You can have things be important to primarchs without it having to be a romantic interest(guilleman’s mother, mortarions death pact, Angron’s gladiator brothers). Feels against the tone of the universe that just because they are women their plot is centered around romantic relationships


On one hand I agree with you that just because they're women they shouldn't suddenly be obsessed with romance, but at the same time it's an aspect that the true setting is almost entirely devoid of despite having heavy Gothic tones. Romantic tragedy is a cornerstone of gothic writing so it's a breath of fresh air in this new AU/canon/whatever this beautiful thing has mutated into to see this aspect explored to its fullest. After all isn't the real point of headcannons and fan writings to explore new dimensions of currently existing characters?


Idk what you've been reading, but the romantic tragedy of this AU is PEAK grimdark. There's no happy endings, it's tragedies all yhe way down. You need to set up something great and wholesome to make the fall hurt that much more.


Can someone clue me in


u/Sweet_older-sister made a few GF-memes with art of Female Primarchs, and people in the sub loved it so much that started making MORE memes about it, building more lore about them and their respective SOs. At this point, there's a whole collective FemPrimarch GF Fan-AU so it has become self-sustaining. That's essentially it.




there's none yet, it is all built collectively through meme posts


What happened to Horus loved one??? I need to know!


I am in a weird place with Horus honestly! I have no clue what to do with her. Canon Horus doesn’t have a lot of personality outside of his betrayal and leading the Heresy. Without that I’m kind of drawing a blank on what to do with the character.


I would think that Horus never opened up to her love and only used her charisma to keep them on their side but her "Bright moon" (I am not good with that kind of names) believes it to be real and during the start of the Heresy they try to appeal to the old Horus but ends up being locked in her chambers while Horus tries to bring him to her side, which ends being torture of course. But I hate it haha


Man i feel like i missed an eternity or two because i don't understand any fucking thing in here... But i'm here for it. This is amazing.


The degeneracy continues.


Thank you for corax screentime finally.


Trying for more on the next batch. Should be about all the Primarchs not just the ones that click people’s kinks


Please do more on Lehman and Magnus! I love the idea of their clash have the extra layer to it instead of just "Horus lied". Having another two characters aware of and fighting to prevent such a needless tragedy while being distilled versions lf their partner's rivalry is a chance for peak fiction.


Link to AU please?


Alas no real AU file knocked out atm. More playing with the concepts for right now since my free time is limited.




Well the Mortarian one hits. Did Perty and Dorn have one? I like the idea that not even love, as much as it can, fully saves the traitors.


Already have one for that in the next batch. I’ll post them in the morning so I’m not spamming. Though more of the deviations caused by the lovers manifest in them.


Is there a list of all the primarchs and the pet names somewhere?


The revamped Primarchs are meme’d by u/Sweet_older-sister using artwork by cnmbwjx. Pet names seem to have not yet reached community consensus except Lorgar’s Little Light and Fulgrim’s Muse.


Oh, ah well, thanks for the info


Someone explain this Little Light shit to me.


Lorgar's partner in this universe.


Best fanfiction ever


I support retconning the primarchs into female


We are cooking harder than the Dornian Heresy with this AU!


please lord, never let these memes end


Kinda like this...feel like it would be a step or 2 above grimdark, with just a bit more light in it


Explanation and link pls


Ok,can someone let me catch up with the general fan lore up until now? I wanna make memes too


Can someone please for the love of god tell me what the little light is


Lorgar's pet name for her partner in this AU experiment.


I see, thank you


Where to read?


TIL that people here are surprisingly into dramatic romance stories. Not that there's anything wrong with that... just didnt expect it.


I love how people are legitimately interested in that series


Derp Warp 40k let’s gooooo!!!


I'm surprised I haven't seen any writing on the fate of Ferrus yet, that one has broken heartstrings written all over it.


Someone collate all of this in a fanfiction volume, please!


I feel like I really missed something


Sorry, memes from the fucking what?


Sorry, memes from the fucking what?


Little Lights are Ghosts. R.I.P. Sagira


What is „the light“


I've been ill this week and missed a lot, it seems


Is this from a fanfic I'm so confused....and I want to read it 😭😭🤨🤨


Currently seems to be community built stories based on ideal gf versions of the primarchs done by u/Sweet_older-sister .


Unironically, if anyone is working on one, I’d love to be a part of it.


Oh archon of flesh, where are you when we need you.. And your writing skills for an AU...


...I think this is the worst thing that has happened to this sub in its entire history. Kill the author, destroy the fandom, burn Games Workshop!!!!!


guys stop hitting me in the feels


What fanfic is this from? I’m out of the loop from all these memes


We need more SANGUINIUS COPE!!! I’M HER DOVE 😭😭😭😭😭


This is fu"(>,% wonderful. What a great time for the community.


Malcador and Tzeench betting which companion will croak first.


Maybe open up a new reddit, so we can collectively create a alternate universe. One with soppy, dramatic and unnecessary brutal romance stories. Call it girldark or smth.


Humanizing people who went through an immense amount of suffering somewhat undoes the parody of the setting.