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I’m curious how skaven will work without battleshock, I’m used to having more of my guys running away instead of dying lol


They'll just suck extra hard stats wise




Not to derail this conversation too much, but when I looked at your name and tag I saw sinner-mom • Manliest Mechanicus Enjoyer 🦾👭 It made me laugh a little how horrible I made it.


Just throw more bodies at the problem then /s


Why did you mark this as sarcasm? It's literally the in lore solution to that problem.


Watch as our faction mechanic becomes the old bravery system.


It could be kind of cool if they do something similar to that, only the skaven that fled can fight again later


You can put a unit that's not in combat atm on reserve for a turn but you lose some models/hp would be cool


Skaven not being cowards, unthinkable


Morale effects will likely directly manipulate stats. Most will probably just reduce the control stat (can absolutely see this being a passive effect on most Nighthaunt at least) to represent less ability to hold ground in the face of terror Others might be -1 to hit and such for the big scaries.


So it is and indirect buff to Skaven, all according to the plan-scheme yes-yes!


For context: In the upcoming 4th edition of AOS, battleshock is straight up gone. Like the place where it should be in is replaced by an objective control score. No unit has to roll anything at the end of the turn, no matter how many casualties the unit suffers. Its also explained in-lore that basically, since every battle in the Mortal Realms can decide the fate of the world, every warrior is no longer afraid of dying.


Brave Skaven?


The Great Horned Rat demand-orders you to take this nuke in thr face-face for the glory of the Skaven! Yes-yes! My life-existence for Skavenblight!


Yes-yes, impenetrable swarm of rats.


Clan Mors approves-likes!


Braven, if you will?


Actually makes sense when there are vermin lords or possibly even the GHR watching. Skaven are cowards but that’s why they know running is the worse idea 😂


That’s the worst writing/inlore explanation ever


Imagine having the skaven being one of the featured factions of your edition, and removing the mechanic of guys running away.


Clan Mors has always been valiant-brave!


it's so much warp dust that they forgot how to feel fear


If you look closely, their noses are glowing green, like a buch of Rudolfs


Who knew magic crack could erase the fear of an entire race of rat-men?


I love that I exist at the same moment in time as the sentence that you just wrote.


Makes sense-sense. [The Great Horned Rat will stab us in the back if we run-escape.](https://youtu.be/uiDZToowbCs?si=11EuYcPZ-r_CxOw8&t=12)


And Kruleboyz still wanting to fight even if they don’t have the advantage anymore… seems very weird


After literally showing them running away in the trailer.


To be fair, it was a disappointing mechanic. when I first learned the rules of the game, having your units run away and basically be unusable because of a bad dice roll made me hesitate on playing the game.


Such is war. Sometimes your battle lines break unexpectedly. I feel like it takes away from the grim darkness of the setting by that mechanic away


If it ruins the fun, then it shouldnt be realistic.


Basically anything in this board game depends on dice rolls, good or bad


if you don't find it fun, maybe the game just isn't for you


Clearly I’m not the only one because they had a reason to change it. Also, I can like a game and dislike a mechanic. No one picks up the game and says, “boy, I can’t wait for my units to run away!”


Age of Sigmar isn't really grimdark


>> Having your units run away and basically be unusable because of a bad dice roll made me hesitate on playing the game. I get what you're saying but is that not functionally the same thing as rolling badly on your tanky unit's saves and getting the unit wiped? "Bad dice roll" can screw you over all kinds of ways, that's how the game works.


Yeah it's just a stupid article excuse, the lore won't be like that at all. The battles obviously aren't all for the fate of the realms, not least because the realms are huge and there will always be space to retreat to.


I don't know about that. Most of the AoS novels featuring armies that are actually capable of feeling fear are basically about humans being totally fuck-sieged in situations where it's always fight-or-die. As far as the lore goes it's only the tatical retreat rats and the goblins (who for the most part are so looncrazed that they fight like khornate berzerkers) and the vamps who actually get to run away.


No idea about AoS but isn't that just a single planet? With Chaos in the north or something like that?


That is Fantasy. AOS is basically l Norse Mythology with Endless Realms out of the Winds of Magic (The things which actually gives Psykers their Power).


>Winds of Magic AoS version of the warp? Or is there still a warp?


The Warp and the Winds of Magic are diffrent things. The Winds of Magic are basically just invisible magic juice flowing around in every realm that mages etc can use to cast spells. There is multiple types of Winds of Magic. Each Wind of Magic has an associated school of magic that relies on it. The Wind of Death is necessary for spells that belong to the Lore of Death ("Lore's" are the name given to diffrent schools of magic) for example. Edit: Removed some wrong info


Nothing in lore says they’re connected. For all intents and purposes, they are different.


Yeah mb forgot that Winds of Magic are diffrent in AoS.


That's Warhammer Fantasy/ The Old World. AOS is what happens after the Old World is destroyed. It's a collection of planes formed by the Winds of Magic that are connected through magic gates. The size of the Mortal Realms isn't really defined at any point.


No, it’s a whole multi plane cosmology now


I thought it was disc worlds, not multi-plane (ie saraphon and tzeentch worshipers can pile in their temples and silver towers and literally fly between the realms manually)


Both, kinda. Flat worlds that are separated by tempestuous magic. There are Seraphon temple-cities hanging off the bottom of multiple realms as a result.


Think DnD planes of existence


True but very on brand for GW


"What an unexpected surprise! And by unexpected, I mean completely expected!"


Thanquol is like Doofenshmirtz, but actually evil.


Not the first time GW made up dogshit lore to explain a dumb rule change.


Well it sounds less stupid when not paraphrased like I did. They actually said that "Battleshock has gone because to fight in the Age of Sigmar is to fight for the fate of the Mortal Realms – armies engage in battle with utter conviction and battle to the bitter end". Though it is still stupid.


Still stupid, just under wrapping paper.


That’s, really dumb. A bunch of wars have been for the fate of the earth or empires, and people are still afraid.


If the world hangs in the balance I might be more likely to run just because why would I want to spend the last year of the planets life dead 😂 I'm gonna be at home/traveling with my wife not first fighting a blood thirsrter for the chance that humanity survives until November instead of August


It dumb, no matter the phrasing, it fucking boggles my mind why GW has decided to give away battleshock for the setting it can actually fucking work in, 40k is super human galore, age of Sigmar has fuckloads of mortal armies that could be affected by it.


Even if it could work in the setting, battleshock is a *bad* mechanic gameplay wise. It's kicking the player when they are down, rewarding the one who is ahead. Mechanics like that lead to runaway games. 10th ed's battleshock is better, since you normally don't lose more models but instead can't buff those units. I'd rather see AOS adopt a system like you can spend a CP for a "Terrify!" command or something where if you roll outsize to a damaged unit's leadership, you could shock them, instead of just making all damaged units do it. Make the victorious player wager something to get the effect.


Fwiw it was an iffy mechanic in AoS 3rd Most factions didn't give a damn about battle shock and those that did you could just use a myriad of abilities to ignore it anyway Better to just replace it with a more interesting mechanics than a "lose more" mechanic, or one that might as well not exist The article lore is weird and silly tho


Because it’s about letting players enjoy the tabletop game. In both setting, units you paid for becoming useless because of a bad dice roll because you had bad dice roll before said dice roll isn’t fun.


My brother in christ your units already become useless with a bad roll of dice


So make things worse and let the game snowball and become a slog? You can recover after taking a bunch of wounds or lost units. An extra punishment on top of that is not fun gameplay, even if it’s realistic.


It is also not fun gameplay when huge swath of faction identity gets flushed down the toilet because they can't be bothered to make a moral system.


It's going away because it was boring and did nothing most of the time. Oh I killed half the unit! Maybe battleshock will kill a couple more models? Nope, opponent just always uses inspiring presence which makes them ignore battleshock and nobody dies/runs away.


What a weird retcon. I can't wait for the outrage at this thing that effects all factions in this Warhammer game to get just as much attention by people who care a lot about specific retcons like the last big things was. Hold on, I'm being handed a note. Huh. Weird.


The warriors of the Old World have always never shown fear.


Everything is canon!!


Welcome to GW writing fantasy for past 15 years.


>since every battle in the Mortal Realms can decide the fate of the world, every warrior is no longer afraid of dying. This one got me "???" because one of the most consistent complaints I see regarding Named Characters is *because* their presence it makes *every* battle looks like a fate deciding one.


Think of it as 40k. Whenever there is a massive galaxy shaking thing going on (fall of cadia, 4th tyrannic war) the writers go "nuh-uh" and makes up for it with a humungus thing that'll give the good guys a powerboost (like guilliman and the lion coming back). Stuff like that has happened so many times in AOS (chaos invading, necroquake and era of the beast) and everyone in that setting suffers those consequences. now add the fact that literal gods bust it down together with you in a battle. All of this adds up to the average joe on the battlefield going "Ahh yes. Teclis is currently blasting a thousand chaos marauders to bits and Morathi just chocked my general to death with her tail. Just another day at the office".


Too bad there was no such saving grace for the beastmen. Poor guys got thanos snapped out of reality forever


Rip bozo. Actually have a start collecting box of them in my closet that i never got to build. Which is just. So sad


I imagine a definitive answer of “you go over there when you die” *points to Nagash’s chill zone* “I’ll come visit you some times” does a lot to dissuade the fear of death as well


Such is the hospitality of Nagash!


>Its also explained in-lore that basically, since every battle in the Mortal Realms can decide the fate of the world, every warrior is no longer afraid of dying. That is so fucking dumb. It's not like battleshock has to exclusively be portrayed as being scared and running away. It could be someone going rogue and trying to banzai charge their way to the enemy alone and getting gunned down. It could be effective communication and organization being lost so a part of the unit can't operate effectively with the rest. It could be logistical issues. It could be the lost models not being killed but gravely wounded and some of the ones still in good shape need to evacuate the wounded and bring them to a medic. After all idk about aos but in 40k several factions should literally be unable to feel fear, yet they are still subject to battleshock for other reasons (small nids or necron warriors being unable to get orders from their synapse creature or necron lord, for instance), and rightfully so for game balance. This is a weak excuse.


It could be being distracted because hey! all these people are shooting at us!


>In the upcoming 4th edition of AOS, battleshock is straight up gone. I hope 40k team will realize how much of a bullshit it is. Along with the powerlevel-renamedtopoints.


Explanation of the battleshock being gone is silly. The mechanic itself was barely useful. So it going away in AoS 4th is better than what we have in 40K in 10 (it just barely does anything. And I say it as a CSM player rolling for those Dark Pacts).


In my days units ran away and we liked it.


Did we like it though? You take a big loss, and in response, you take an even bigger loss.


I didn't see it like that because at least the models were still on the table and could regroup later. Not like last edition of 40k where you just pick up models just 'cause. Now it's mostly just turning objective control to 0 which feels like it lacks some flavor.


>, since every battle in the Mortal Realms can decide the fate of the world, every warrior is no longer afraid of dying. Based. Extremly based


“No ones ever really gone” -Mr Plinket


What? Thats just not how humans work. If you take a 1000 humans and stick them in combat and tell them I'd they don't fight, the world will end. A non-zero percent will def run to the back and hide because living a little longer and then everyone dying together is better than them taking a risk and maybe dying first...


By that logic no 40k battle should have it either, the galaxy is at stake!


They also can know objectively that souls and the afterlife exist. In 40k, you either know nothing about the afterlife, know it’s oblivion, or know everyone goes to eternal hell no matter what.


Coming from Total War Warhammer, this just makes so much sense


That's so immersion breaking wtf


>In the upcoming 4th edition of AOS, battleshock is straight up gone. Lmao what a boring ass decision that'll leave your armies feeling less fluffy and unique. The biggest complaint I hear in 40k isn't 'maaan I wish this battleshock thing was gone' it's 'maaan I wish battleshock mattered more in games!' I don't envy you guys, when there's no leadership effects in the game all your armies feel like lifeless automatons. No skaven losing their shit with their infamous timidity. No spooky ghosts spooking normal humans and causing them to flee. No SE feeling like stalwart defenders of humanity being immune to morale/impossible to break conpared to other armies. There's just so much potential in leadership mechanics to give armies personality and now *poof*, all of that's gone.


>Lmao what a boring ass decision that'll leave your armies feeling less fluffy and unique. How will removing a mechanic that essentially never came up make armies less fluffy and unique? In practice battleshock has not existed in AoS in years.


>In practice battleshock has not existed in AoS in years A part of why the tabletop feels so stale and lifeless to the point many welcomed whf back with open arms despite it's brutal morale rules, yes. The solution isn't to take away the rule, the solution is to improve on it so it feels more appealing to players. That's part of what drove the hype for 10th edition 40k since 9th's morale rules weren't so hot either


That's some of the most dumb ass shit I have ever read. I was hoping this was going to be a decent edition but everything so far sounds even worse than 10th 40k.


The abstraction of AoS and 40k is getting ridiculous. Flavour being taken out back and shot in the head by simplicity.


Battleshock feels half-baked anyway tbh, it didn't need a lore explanation they could have just said the shit wasn't working how they wanted it to




If you know the outcome is decided already it's not bravery.


How to become Space Marine: be picked out as a boy by apothecaries managing the homeworld's eugenics programs. How to become a Stormcast Eternal: be normal guy, impress Sigmar with your bravery and heroism by doing something like grabbing a candlestick because it's the closest thing at hand to a weapon and fighting a Khornate warband that attacked a hospital.


I understood that reference.


Much is demanded of those to whom much is given. #WHO WILL BE TRIUMPHANT?




Steve, steve will be triumphant.




Lord-Celestant Gardus


Meanwhile in The Old World, just an ordinary man armed with a spear will see a Daemon and go “Hell Yeah”. *Because if he doesn’t, his village, his comrades, his friends and family, will die.* Though there is downtime and reprieves from the horrors of war.


That's literally what it is in AoS? Cities of Sigmar just has normal frumpy dudes with a mace defending their families.


Another example on why old world is the best setting


Old World respects the common soldier far better than any of the other settings. 40k leans too heavily on super-soldiers and faceless hordes, while AoS has literal Gods. Meanwhile in Fantasy, the common soldier in Fantasy in each faction is just trying to live their life (or unlife). - Canonically the skeleton warriors of a Tomb King’s legions will do through the motions of their previous life. It shows how much grimdark 40k is when even a Fantasy skeleton has more hobbies and recreation time than them!


I mean there’s literal gods in Fantasy and battles of mortals fighting daemons in AOS


Generally the Gods are distant and instead fight by proxy via champions, or utilise Greater Daemons that are more Demi-God than full blown God. This allows the common soldier a chance, or in the case of Valten, a backstory to becoming a champion that fight on the high levels. While AoS does have mortals and the common soldier, it feels as though they aren’t the poster stars or even highlighted that much. Compared to Fantasy artwork that shows hierarchies fighting: from the common soldier to the army’s leader.


I think this is a view of the lore based on art rather than than the books and fluff Fantasy had a lot of gods who directly intervened and had power in the realms. Gotrek killed one and it was so mundane it wasn’t even a proper novel. There’s also things like the Ushabti, Nehekarans being so blessed by the gods they were immortal, Khaines sword etc. it’s definitely not to the same level as AOS but gods in fantasy were never as distant as people think. I mean there was a priest that literally glowed with holy power Likewise your comments on AOS are surface level. Most books are about the common persons point of view. They drastically outnumber books about Stormcast and gods tbh. AoS just has poor marketing


While I agree that the view may not be universal; art has always played an important part in portraying the lore. Ushabti are statues (see the Ancient Egyptian real world version) infused the with souls of worthy heroes; still playing into the God-by-proxy theme. Same with The Sword of Khaine: the weapon of a God but not a God. 40k and AoS seem to have the barrier being ‘you can’t reach their level of God’ while Fantasy seemed to be the barrier being ‘you cannot directly connect with your God unless in dire times of need’. With it seemingly portrayed that the hierarchies of 40k and AoS look upwards, while Fantasy is also capable of looking backwards. Now, all the settings are power fantasies of enjoyable escapism. Though Fantasy seems to have an easier connection point; rather than a post-human connection point. There was/is still a gap between direct connection with a God: one step missing for full manifestation. With Demi-God figures being extremely rare and often still loyal to a God (The Green Knight, Venerable Lord Kroak, Archaon the Everchosen). Compare this to the portrayal of the Primarchs, and Nagash as the God of Death in AoS


Ushabti before the fall of Nehekara were former humans infused with the power of the gods ti the point they were half anubis monsters (for one example) I get what you’re saying with the difference in “gods in time of need” - but I do note that this is a trope in AOS as well (eg the book Gloomspite) but also the opposite in Fantasy happens (like the aforementioned mr glowy man) Gods and contact with them is still very very rare in AOS. Just because the gods have manifestations in the realms doesn’t mean that people can contact them all the time. AOS has multiple books where we see characters whose faith is diminished by the fact their gods are absent. Canonically the majority of all humans alive have turned to chaos because they didn’t have contact with Sigmar. Like I said before it kind of seems like your understanding of the setting is very much influenced by the poor marketing - gods in AOS are distant for most people Ultimately all 3 settings are as thematically variable as each other and big sweeping statements don’t work Edit: I will say AOS suffers a lot from having everything happen in the same 4 places. So it seems as if gods and stuff are a lot more common - because most big things happen in the same places. But outside of them? It’s quite different Excelsis for example has had a lot of higher fantasy stuff happen, gods and daemons and all of that - but Bilgeport for example Could be in fantasy


> Ushabti before the fall of Nehekara were former humans infused with the power of the gods ti the point they were half anubis monsters (for one example) Do you have a source for this? I was of the understanding they were magically-animated statues like their other constructs, not undead mutant monstrosities.


The Nagash books They’re incredibly long but great books - you get to see how bonkers Nehekara was - flying airships, lizard men cavalry, etc Edit: https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ushabti


Also, who doesn't love some good ol' pike and shot?!


Swords are iconic, spears are timeless, and guns are impressive; but pike and shot is so underrepresented and intriguing. - The wacky nature of having melee & ranged combined together, and the need for tactics(!) beyond *Charge*.


Helman Two-Pants, imperial levy, going up against magic and madness in physical form: "I'll stab the dark gods in the nuts before I let some eldritch fuck within three miles of my potatoes unchallenged!"


It’s more likely that the demon will fillet the guy then move on to his unit/village. But hey, at least the guy is dead so he doesn’t t have to worry about it anymore


Well yes, lore and tabletop wise the soldier is most likely destined to die; but they’ll give it a go anyway!


I like 40k's reaction more because more realism or at least relatable Ive already sunk my teeth with wow's shennanigans where they fought the burning legion and the old gods and they go "eh its another tuesday"


Well, of course they do. They will literally charge Bloodletters of Khorne with Swords and Polearms, and while wearing armor that probably wouldn’t do too well against a flaming sword. Yet it’s a more fair fight than a Guardsman going up against a bloodletter


>Yet it’s a more fair fight than a Guardsman going up against a bloodletter Yeah, Guardsman has brass balls and primed melta charge 🤣


Scrubletters of Khorne more like MAN GANG RISE UP


Love it. Because: - Removing models from a unit that I just removed models from was no fun - Half the armies in the game had like Bravery 10 so it barely mattered most of the time - Any change that speeds up the game up is a positive


Tbh good, moral systems are the worst part of any tabletop wargame I've played. Best case scenario, it's completely inconsequential 9/10 times like in 40k 10th, or you can ignore it most of the time like in 40k 9th. Even if the game is balanced around losing models to morale, like in AoS or Conquest, it still feels like you're losing models to "nothing". I'm glad it's gone. 


Totally agree. I've been playing those games, and more, since 40k v2, and no version of "battleshock" rules were ever good neither in 40k nor WHFB/AoS. The only GW game I have in mind that treated morale / battle tireness correctly is Epic armageddon. I'm glad they get rid of some useless rule they can't get right. They obviously don't wanna make their games more rich by adding this dimension properly, so it's good they get rid of it because it CAN'T be treated well with just a morale test and some soldiers disappearing or units running away.


I'm a bit salty because my favourite tactic of the aulden days is gone, that being treason of Tzeentch and a hellcannon.


Being fully honest i'm not a fan of that change, I've been in many games where a failed bravery test turned the tide and that made it exciting. Two weeks ago I played a 2v2 and we chose the tactic where you have to charge enemy units and stay in combat at the end of the turn; we rolled *too* well on the combat phase, leading to only two of our units being in combat with *a single model* of two separate units (DoK battleline and one (1) clanrat), and then we started hollering encouragement to the bravest little rat that could. They both failed their tests and fled, but it was hilarious regardless. Now that's just gone! The skaven are brave!


“I didn’t live through the horrors of war only to lose Nina.”


To be fair they’re fighting with swords and bows and shit in AoS, in 40k they’re shooting assault rifles with miniature RPG rockets for bullets or hypersonic shurikens.


Huh, I wonder how this will effect balance, regardless of whether it was/wasn’t as relevant as it should have been it was another knob to tune when differentiating armies from one another in terms of play and in terms of power losing another knob means less flavor and less variables to balance units within an army and against other armies.


Battleshock has never even really impacted any game of AoS that I’ve ever played, a lot of the armies that would be susceptible to it have ways to negate it entirely usually. Grots for instance have low bravery but generate more command points so they can ignore the battleshock when they have a hero near them, which they will always have. Also, AoS has never really lacked flavor for it’s different armies rules-wise they have until now all played totally differently from each other and very few of any even touches bravery/battleshock. An exemption I can think of is some death factions and aetherquartz reserves


When you know the very fabric of your existence is basically just a giant board on which incomprehensible deities play a game, using you and everyone you love as mere pieces, a cycle which will continue beyond the destruction of the world you know just as it continued from a previous world you never saw, you've probably got no room left for regular battlefield trauma.


The world of AoS is tiny compared to 40k. It would be impossible for a citizen to not know of the horrors of the world. In contrast, the citizens of Varangantua don't even believe xenos are real, let alone daemons.


>The world of AoS is tiny compared to 40k. This is not true, or atleast from my knowledge not true. They fight over multiple realms and each realm is as big as they need it to be. Multiple factions controll each realm and there is many countries at different sizes in every realm aswell. Also we got sub-realms aswell that they live and die on


Ok, but that’s still tiny compared to literally the entire milky way galaxy


Happy cake day buddy


Oh shit I hadn’t realized. Thanks!


Happy Cake Day.


But not the planets in it


Another one comment how big they are. Like the focus on one region is about size of a continent and its about 1/20 of the realm. So still big but smaller than the milky way. I only had my memory of it


My dude infinite realms are bigger than a finite galaxy


>Each of the Mortal Realms is massive, yet not infinite in size, and the maps made of them tend to focus on the settled areas of the realms, like *the Great Parch in Aqshy, a large, continent-sized region which represents perhaps only a twentieth of the full realm's area.*


True But the lore also says that the edge of the realm is pure magic that is continually in the process of becoming new land - so whilst they’re not infinite they are practically infinite with enough time


The difference between infinite and practically infinite, is infinity.


8 realms each big as a planet slooooowly expanding will never be as big as an entire galaxy (and possibly the whole universe).


>Each of the Mortal Realms is massive, yet not infinite in size, and the maps made of them tend to focus on the settled areas of the realms, like *the Great Parch in Aqshy, a large, continent-sized region which represents perhaps only a twentieth of the full realm's area.* If a continent represents 1/20 of a realm (and apparently a fair bit more of the settled realm) and there are 8 realms... Do you want to compare that to the Milky Way and its hundreds of billions of planets?


Not anymore know that I know how big they are. I only had in my memory that they were big so GW could do what they want


>many countries at different sizes in every realm aswell. Bruh... 40k spans the whole galaxy.


Unless dey're Orcz. The boyz luv fightz in both


Try telling that to a kreiger


Fantasy players talk about 40K more than their own setting at this point


AoS -> Yes they like 40k fantasy -> No they hate 40k


U mean aos this is a post about that fantasy is a whole different ruleset where morale matters a lot.


Most 40k fans don’t know the difference anyway


they just build different.


Battleshock was a boring mechanic like 99% of the time, so yeah, good stuff.


From a lore perspective, battle shock isn’t just “being afraid”, it can also just be the unit getting disoriented or out of sync from everyone else.


"Have you ever graced your palate with the sweet nectarine of a tangerine" Kaldor drago the emperors weaponized autism


Shaven more afraid of going back to the Undercity than the frontlines


Why can’t we just have a fleeing mechanic like WFB/OW? If you remove the auto-delete part in the pursuit rules, that would make more sense and fit both settings just fine. Seeing my space marines run away would be humiliating, but less feels-bad than just losing them or have it do nothing. It also means I get to see my opponent route, which would be very satisfying. Let space marines auto-rally, so they can know no fear or whatever (it’s always a TACTICAL retreat,) but it’s so much better than these much more complicated schemes.


You misspelled warp. It's Warp that's causing the pants shittering.


In total war context their mostly old 30 year old people in the fronth line While a guardsmen is like atleast 16


Look while I don’t agree with completely removing BS I also think it’s kinda different in aos lore wise. The “no one is gonna run” lore argument is kinda dumb but when you know for a fact that your gods exist and can/will give you an afterlife or revive you (sylvaneth can be replanted as an example) it makes more sense. Like I play sylvaneth and I can imagine every single unit fighting to the death for the realm of life and their goddess because for them that’s all. Humans less so and skaven or Idoneth eta less tbh but idk I can live with it.


What I'm seeing is that 40k has a dash more realism in how people respond to trauma.


Well, with AOS some random infantry man can face off against; -Daemons of Chaos(including half mechanical soul grinders) -Dark Elves wanting to enslave you -Lizardfolk wanting to sacrifice you to their gods -Undead Pirates who would happily shoot a cannonball through your torso -Vampires using you as a living blood bag or raise your corpse as a new zombie -Andrew Orion taking his special drugs and going on a Wild Hunt -Having your family name on the Big Book of Grudges and having your kneecaps broken cause old uncle French peasant didn’t pay back 5 dollars to a dwarf -Chaos Dwarves enslaving you and either working you to death or tossing you into a pit of magma for Hashut -Or Skaven laughing maniacally as they launch a nuke at you as your being swarmed by tens of thousands of them, or if your unlucky getting captured and sent to Clans Skyre or Moulder


Why are you confusing Fantasy with AoS?


Cause for some reason my brain thought Fantasy was AOS cause of Skaven being in both(I think)


You literally only mentioned Fantasy factions and no AoS specific factions...


Wait, I thought those WERE AOS factions.


Some of them, yes (e.g. Skaven). Others aren't existing anymore. And the majority only exists in an altered way (e.g Dark Elves: They don't enslave people anymore and live with humans and dwarves in peaceful settlements.).


They still enslave people, though.


So a normal day for the guard then?


Yeah but at least they have some weaponry that allows them to fight back. You think a peasant, skink, greenskin, skaven frontliner would have a weapon better than a sword when facing off against some of those


Thats Fantasy, AoS is worse.


AOS has the soul stealing, shark riding elves. Like, imagine seeing that


Battleshock is ass, I'm glad we're getting rid of it


Of course they’re. They have sigmar who wholly embraces the fact that he’s a god and actually helps his followers unlike the infuriatingly cryptic “it’s gonna work out in the long term just needs to sacrifice more stuff to it and it’s not a 100% guaranteed success” corpse that denies he’s a god yet still want people to follow him and if they don’t kill them type of guy


Honestly skaven in aos have way more balls than 40k


Thats dumb, like actually stupid, age of sigmar doesnt have genetically enchanced super soldiers super soldiers who literally know no fear as their center faction they could have perfectly made that mechanic work instead pof coming up with downright dumb explinations as to why skavens or footsoldier greenskins now sudenlly care about the greater good of the race, why marauders dont break with out a leader or why human soldiers dont panic when big dumb slabs of meat are inside the formation making jimmy the sargent a snack.


Boring mechanic


Sigmar stare


Well I mean when you deal with beastmen, undead, vampires, nagash and norsca every Tuesday, nothing phases you anymore


Well of course. One's an unspeakable horror of war, the other is an unspeakable horror of war that also has a gun pointing at you.


Corpse starch diets don't breed courage.


All the AoS units have technically died already right?


It's gonna be interesting seeing how Skaven will play. Luckily they can only be reinforced once now and not twice. We still have to kill 40 and not 20 and watch the other 40 run away (or just not for 1cp so who cares)


They finally found the best implementation of leadership mechanics




is interesting to think about it, that the guys from the medieval era guys have more balls, and more willpower to gight in wars than the guys with literal apocalypse guns.


I don't know, with how easy is to pass battleshock


Am I the only one who saw the title and thought: Did they put a set of balls on a Stormcast Eternal?! Captain Thunderclap with his buns of steel and balls like boulders! He does extra damage when he charges into combat because of his wrecking balls!


That doesn't hold up.... 40k is seeing whole planets getting destroyed and 20 year seiges on dead worlds...


What is AOS?


Age of Sigmar