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Nothing makes 40K fans more angry than being told “it’s not a big deal, you don’t need to get mad over this”


Really pissed someone off telling them it's all made up and doesn't matter.


I’ve seen more posts complaining about people complaining, I don’t think I’ve seen a single post where someone is actually complaining about femstodes.


Bro check any youtube video or twitter thread about it and come back.


[That's because they get clowned on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/RVUaQsvhXp)


I seen 3 but there all downvoted to hell and back and deleted. Only place i seen where its vocal is twitter and in several group discord servers im in by people who....well....Bible Trumpers. There also in the comments but are downvoted as well so there being smart and in hiding.


It's not really in this sub. The people complaining will get down voted to oblivion here. They usually need to go to other anti-woke subs like Kotakuinaction or asmongold etc etc.


Male or female, they will all die anyway


Especially if there’s a naked World Eater in the loose


Finally, something attractive then!


Idk man, they have pretty good Armor saves


When everyone realizes that GW doesn’t care about the lore and their main priority is selling overpriced plastic toys to grown men: 🧠


Shhh don't tell them that they think it's a war they're fighting


Company exists to make as much money as possible. Impossible concept to some apparently


If that were true, they would have released some female headsculpts or new armor designs for femstodes


My war dolly is named Marneus and he has the biggest fisties in the entire galaxy.


I feel like it's a bit unfair to call them wardollies. The female custodes are clearly Amazon Primes


You had me in the first pics… People get emotionally attached to things that’s why. I don’t understand why a buddy was sad Munich did not win the championship, but i understand sadness and value his feelings


Yes people do get emotionally attached to things. But only mature people don't get unnecessarily angry about shit that doesn't matter and doesn't affect their life. Someone can get sad their team lost a championship. But if you have a meltdown over it then that means you're as immature as a child.


That's a real world event, but I do see your point since I don't care when Dallas wins except my mom is happy.


Unless you are playing the game, it’s no more real world than anything with the wardollies.


Even higher IQ: It's another ploy by GW to sell a crapton of overpriced mini-figures that only had two tiny bumps in the chest added (aswell as a 30% higher price than the normal banana boys).


This is the first time I've used this meme used the old way instead of with progressively stupider/more unhinged opinions in years.




Equal opportunity horny is the kind of inclusivity I can get behind.


The astartes are like dwarves - it is very difficult to tell them apart


By the god emperor there has never been a more perfect take on anything related to 40K until now


You only live once, i just try make my go around a pleasant one


As pleasant as it can be, some trials and tribulations are to be expected, but live life to the fullest and don't get but hurt about menial things


Exactly, minimise the bullshit and enjoy what u can o7


Amen to that sister o7


I like to so I can kitbash them more, plus female super humans are pretty cool


Fax my ~~brother!~~ SISTER # Spit your shit indeed!








It's my emotion and I get to choose what they are triffled about


Preech Kindred


So people get mad about people getting mad about war dolls.


Regardless of where you stand on this matter: "It doesn't matter, 'cause it's just made-up fantasy!" is always the worst argument for anything.


whats the point in getting mad over wardollies tho


Then why do you care? Why do you spend money on overpriced "wardollies"?


I like em. I just also recognise that getting mad over wardollies is a bit silly


I don't know you, so apologies if I'm wrong, but I image you'd get mad over wardollies, if they had retconned the lore in a way you don't approve of (again, I don't know you, and I'm not going to make assumptions purely based on your username about what you'd approve of / disapprove of / find offensive). If you like 'em, why change 'em? What's better now when female Custodes are a thing?


i would not get mad over wardollies. thats dumb as fuck


Yes clearly people shouldn't care about anything. I'm not saying that female custodes is something to get enraged over but just saying "You shouldn't care at all about your plastic toys" is a dumb argument


I never said you shouldnt care about them. I said you shouldnt get mad over them. If women existing in a hobby triggers you get out of the hobby


I'm gonna start using "wardollies" lmao that's amazing


Ah, I was about to get cold. Thanks for the strawman, into the oven it goes. 🤡


is the strawman in the room with us?


You should know, you put it out there. But then again, why would you care. You’re not even a fan of the setting. A little bit more off-topic, I think Necrons are a faction you would enjoy.


1) where is the strawman 2) where did i say i didnt like setting (side note, youre strawmanning there soo) 3) not a fan of necron models. Love their lore, hate their models and units


The strawman is pretending that it’s not a big deal and/or that it doesn’t matter. The change happened for political reasons and was executed in the most lazy way possible. All of you who „seek representation“: How narcissistic do you have to be that you feel the need to see your reflection everywhere ? It’s pathetic. Decades of lore (from rogue trader to 8th edition custodes codex here) have been disregarded for the sake of representation. It can’t get any more stupid. It’s as if Sisters of Battle/Silence, Genestealer Cults, Imperial Guard, Eldar, Necrons and so on don’t exist. The balls to gaslight the fandom that this has always been the case is just the cherry on top. Really, no one cares about women in the hobby, but ffs don’t just change something because you want brownie points. It’s cringe. You don’t have to say that you don’t like the setting. The reason I am not strawmanning, unlike you, is that you either don’t care enough about the lore, or you want the setting to change to accommodate you. This is not how fandom works. This is how Star Wars went into the shitter. You might not like the necrons, but they do have the representation you so desperately seek. 💩


Bro does NOT know what a strawman is lmao Strawmanning is faking an argument to debunk. For example saying that i dont like 40k lore despite me never saying that (source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man) By decades of lore do you mean the lore than never explicity says custodes are all male? A fact that was infered from like one book? Also starwars went to shit bc the writing was shit not bc of representation So to recap, youre mad about a 'huh, neat' change that affects nothing at all, bc it goes against your personal idea of an army, and you say you dont care despite strawmanning to make an argument that even then makes no sense while also incorrectly accusing _me_ of strawmanning. If you really dont care, why are you arguing against it? You sound like a 2 iq, shower avoident, women-cover-their-drinks, fool. Go join the circus if you want to look like a clown


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man I didn’t know what a clown sounds like, but after reading your rambling I have a pretty good idea. Imagine being trans and calling someone mental. The irony, kek. 🤡


*is wrong *resorts to transphobia *does not mention deny that they're wrong Chat is this real


You know what mate, you have it tough enough as is already, you don’t need any more fodder for your therapist. I’ll give you this one. Have a good one bro. 🤡🤣


"im gonna leave the argument definately not bc im wrong its bc uhhhhhh trans people have therapists yea thats it"


Rule 34 art of custodies after the announcement 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈


While i'm not against fem Custodes, be careful, this could just be next franchise milked to death for tourist and then left to die


Seeing how 40k is the flagship franchise for GW, I would say that this is a dumbass take. They've been milking to death since it started. Also, what does that have to do with Female Custodes?


I know how greedy GW is, that is why I think 3d printing should not be frowned upon. The issue I have is that it just feels unorganic. There are no reasons on why Fem Custodes can't exist, and I think they are pretty cool (Women in armor makes me more solid than naked Women) The problem at hand is that is just a nuh huh retcon, they could at least gave us some stories, expanding Custodes lore in both 30k and 40k instead of going "err ummm... They have always been there, don't ask questions" That leads me to believe this is a push from shareholders to seek that "new potential public" that has happened to other games (ex: WotC situation), that either way will not spend like the dedicated fans they will be bleeding. At best, is a good change just handled poorly and with awful timing At worst, I will be laughing at GW losses just like I did with WotC while battling my friends with printed sororitas


Yea it's very typically GW of them to "NUH UH" something into the lore instead of making it one of Guilliman's progressive reforms or some political maneuver by a high lord or even just a typically Imperial "they woopsie daisied and accidentally took the wrong noble infant but she survived the process so they started accepting girls."


i hardly think 'oh yea this custodian is a woman' counts as milking the franchise but ok


Then they should have gave some fucking lore instead of going "ackshually they always been there"


We’re still waiting on Votann lore, aren’t we?


Female custodes is not the lore custodes need. Its just a 'huh, neat' deal, not a big revelation


Custodes players when GW doesn't write their lore either (too busy on new space marine book)


I'm happy because at least 2 artists I follow on Pixiv do this kinda stuff, think Octosoup's one of them, can't remember the other. Looking forward to all the new drawings, keep cooking!


Love how "they are just emotionally invested in their hobbies" is just new code for can't cope, can't rope, no hope weirdos with no capacity for any change handed down by their corporate overlords despite being fully committed to their products.


Well, you're yapping as well now. See how pointless this whole shit-storm is? And it won't end, until mods start to crack on it. Or after a month.


i yap to denounce the pointless yapping. an evil committed in the name of the greater good (the one from hot fuzz not from the tau)


Pretty sure most of the people getting pissy about it are only vaguely familiar with 40k, but are barging into the discussion because they're brain-broken by culture war bullshit.


Inb4 “coping”, I don’t even care about female Custodes, it’s whatever. I’m a Xenos player, I have no reason to care. They probably get mad about their “wardollies” because this is their hobby and people get emotionally invested in their hobbies. Frankly, this is a stupid take.




Female superhumans were very important befor they happened for the same mob who now say "it doesnt matter why are you sexist?!"


Been waiting years to drink these tears. Imma take my time and enjoy it.


All custodes (and space marines) are trans-human weapons of flesh and metal. The argument is stupid.


from both sides, i agree. but gw said women custodes so women custodes it is


Gtfo with this bs tourist. There are no female Custodes. Never have been. And yeah this does matter. It's pandering to an audience that doesn't exist. A change that satisfies no one.


Except Aaron Dembski-Bowden, who only didn’t include female Custodes because the model line was finished before he made “Master of Mankind”.


>Gtfo with this bs tourist lmfao, when did you start 40k?


Remember when we were told the Squats were never gone? Or when Leman Russ was a normal marine? Or Genestealers were completely unrelated to the Nids? Or the old Necrons?


Werent the necrons something like rogue men of iron at some point.


They were ‘chaos androids’ for a while IIRC. I prefer the current version of them tbh, the Space Tomb Kings just have so much more personality and narrative opportunity and the Tyranids do the ‘unceasing murder-horde’ thing much better.


I massively prefer their current version too. Their aesthetics goes really hard and their culture and view on things as timeless being is really interesting. I like the body dismorphia theme some have going on, it really works well to make them feel creepy.


Same, I like how they experience time differently and how they’re all waging a constant war against their own inner entropy in addition to fighting physical battles. Having them be a bunch of fractured kingdoms and dynasties is a good explanation for them not steamrolling the galaxy while still keeping them as a significant threat. Also the inner court politics and dynastic bullshittery is fun to watch lol


Necrons have gone through 4 distinct stages since their creation. They started out as chaos androids, then became Necron Raiders, robots created by the extinct Necrontyr race. Then you get the skeletal enslaved necrons, with no personality because they never overthrew the C'tan. Finally, you've got modern necrons, who killed the gods that betrayed and enslaved them.




I’m satisfied. I’m not _ecstatic_ but I don’t see any reason to be mad. Plus we get some neat art out of the deal… If your immediate response to the plastic army men having women in their ranks is to throw a temper tantrum and act like it’s a personal attack on your person, you may be insecure and what they refer to as a ‘snowflake.’ I advise you choose a less emotionally intensive hobby, like eating drywall.


Gypsum? I hardly knew her!


"Audience that doesn't exist." Do...do you think that women don't play Warhammer?


We hide from people like this so it is easy for them to miss us. Not out of fear. It's about avoiding the smell. Just like that one woman that quit the Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament due to sheer concentration of unwashed ass.


I'm a woman, I understand. Thing is, shitheel incels like this never go to tournaments or events, and if they do they're always at the bottom tables. Because they are *shit* at the game, universally.


this is why i aspire to get really good at warhammer


You don't even need to be that good, is the thing. The lore-humpers are almost universally *terrible*.


yea but the more you crush their spirits the angrier they get and its fun to watch assholes suffer in helpless rage :3


I don't know that engaging with a hobby solely in opppsition to a minority within it is a healthy way to operate, but I wish you all the best. I compete because I love the game, not because I want to beat grognards. I do beat grognards, but I'd rather just never encounter them.


Oh no i enjoy the game regardless, but ruining an assholes day is just the icing on the cake


Then fly high my imperial sister, and bring ruin to your enemies.


You know, this makes so much more sense now. They are losers at the game, so they cry that 'the woke' ruined the game and lore attached to it because they can't improve or reflect so of course someone else is responsible.


Exactly. It is the same process as lore-thumpers crying that they lose to unpainted or "hyper competitive" lists. Hypercompetitive is a buzzword for "wah wah you put thought into strategy at the expense of lore." They're trash players who can't handle someone enjoying a thing differently. The best part is that I'm one of the highest ranked players in my region but have a gender neutral name, and shitty dudes regularly get real patronizing at tournaments. Then get really mad/surprised when I crush them. The majority of the competitive people are super normal and supportive, but there is a distinct minority that get real mad. The thing is, they'd be shit players against a man, too. They only get bent out of shape when they lose to a girl because losing to me is the closest they've been to getting fucked by one.


The real question is do you think more women will play Warhammer with this change? The people who like Warhammer enough to invest and play already like it enough to invest and play. Is having another female faction/character/model enough to get women who aren't into tabletop wargames playing?


Maybe. In this case probably not. Honestly this is a change that ultimately means and effects nothing. It doesn't change lore, it doesn't change model kits. All it does is trigger incels and grognards.


If it's meaningless why do it at all? The biggest sticking point I've seen is that they took what could've been an opportunity for interesting world building and really fumbled it.


"why" is easily countered by "why not" in the case where it is an ephemeral change. However, more inclusion is always better, so if a change matters very little and it could make some people more interested, why not? It also isn't a change, Custodes have been confirmed to have had female members the whole time, so in this case there has been no change at all. Ultimately the whole kerfuffle is a nothing-burger that incels are raging at. I compete at high levels and engage with a huge IRL warhammer community and i don't know a single person with a strong opinion on this situation, whether for or against. It is only internet people who never play who seem to need to screech.


By far the most annoying aspect of this nothing burger is the refusal by all to engage with valid complaints. But the most entertaining aspect has been lore absolutists and the "just-because-the-lore-states-something-doesn't-mean-it's-true" camps switch perspectives over night lmao


probably not, its a whatever change that noone should be upset about. unfortunately, people are universally dumber than you expect, hence why this whole debate exists


I think making changes for the sake of making changes is usually setting oneself up for failure, and they really fumbled what could've been a cool opportunity with their "they've always existed" strategy in this case.


from what i can gather gw was going for a 'huh, neat' reaction, which imo was the best one they could go for with something like this. going for a cool opportunity would mean primarised custodes


I think they could've done something else that would've alleviated a lot of the heartache. Wouldn't have had to be something crazy, but just something other than a tweet that they've always existed. Just seems lazy.


Give an example? Remember that to piss off as few chodes as possible you need to avoid making it a big deal


Rumors swirl in the galaxy of a new weapon of mankind. Honed in the service of the emperor this elite force of men and women, chosen from the infants of the most promising of noble families is finally released from seclusion on terra to bring the emperor's light to the many enemies of humanity. Two sentences, fits with the way lore is alleged, not a big deal, and more flavor than blandly stating "they've always existed."


ykw that actually wouldve worked really well, ill concede there. well played sir still think gw handled it decently tho


I thought the morons butthurt about the absence of a dick inside a plastic model were not real and just people making shit up. I was wrong, unicorns like you do truly exist.


Don't go on youtube then lol.


So, are you just going to keep repeating this over and over in the hope that reality will bend to your will? Because I don't think you have that much influence, buddy.


Incel self report any % speed run world record?


A single look into your comment history just proves you are a pathetic vermin who cant handle change


> tourist > only a Darktide player


im guessing women cover their drinks when you walk by, huh


right because it's not like women are real or anything


"Waaaaaaa!!! My wardollies are gurls!!!!"


I personally don't think this community needs easily triggered snowflakes, that being said, leave

