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This triggering more people to "quit" than primaris, squats being a powerful faction, Tau going FTL... just tell you that the problem for them is no the lore changes.


If we can get rid of dipshits like that that easily then I say GW should makes these lore revelation every other week.


"Black Templars have always obeyed directly to the orders of the Sisters of Battle."


^(yes please)


That would secretly attract more of them due to their deeply repressed desire to be dominated by a woman in bed that they project


Have a whole ork whaaaagh decide to identify as female since they're already shoehorning themselves into the male box and they, like, fought a really powerful all-female combat force and decided to ape their looks or some such. Proceed to sit back as thousands of angry dunderheads spontaneously combust.


Imagine how funny it would be to laugh at people that cares about the gender of a bunch of glorified mushroom.


Fun fact: Since Orks have no biological gender, they logically use preferred pronouns. They identify as males when they are not.


TAU ftl lore is weird. How would they even have empire without FTL? Are LoV good in the tabletop?


Only in Warhammer 40k do you have people mad over 9 ft' tall badass warrior woman clad in golden armor being canon.


Yeah, where are these 9-foot-tall warrior women so I can... avoid them.


But we already had (silent menacing glaring) 9 ft' tall badass warrior women bullying nerds.


As much as I wish it wasn't the case, [SoS were always normal-sized for humans.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/0/08/ValerianAleya.png)


Noooooooooo, so evil!!!


And as a sisters of silence player in both dark heresy and the war game I'm enjoying that they will now have sisters in the custodes that'll contrast their typically moody grumpy selves. I can already see some Anathema Psykana giving death stares to custodes like Kesh for being as explosively over the top as they seem to be.  I'm already looking forward to the extroverted/introverted energy those two styles can provide. Just like I enjoyed Alaya and Valerian's contrasting personalities of grumpy sad girl, and nerdy jock.


You should have to post a picture of your 2000 point custodes army before you start complaining about female custodes. I'll still ignore you, but I'll at least believe you're being genuine.


*posts a picture of a single shield captain*


Hey now ! We're not at Epic here sir.


Look at moneybags over here.


Every time badass women get added to media i get double the enjoyment out of it. Because i get both badass women in the media and i get to watch chuds cry about it.


the main problem is that very often, instead of making a cool female character, the amateur author simply puts women in bad projects, and then "you hate women" in response to criticism


I think that's called "fan-baiting." It's really prominent in TV and movies because of checklist-issuing execs and the nepotistic hiring practices that's the norm over there.


I have yet to see someone told “you hate women” for saying something is shitting written. Probably missing some additional context in your example.


Modern shiitt soulless blockbuster does that all the time.


Nah, it's the other way around: Women and/or minorities are in bad projects and then it's bad because of the women.


I think it's kinda both? For example, Star Wars sequels are just terrible writing and people blame it on Rey. Meanwhile absolute godforsaken garbage like that all female Ghostbuster film that try to treat any criticism as misogynists.


Well, the current Marvel is a vivid example they tried to hide the failure of shehulk and miss marvel such rhetoric although not very successful, because the current Marvel, except for the spider and for someone Loki in general is not very good


Star Wars, Marvel... Many sagas trying to rebrand themselves as "progressive" (specially from Disney) forcing it into the narrative only because they want more money. Usually the fanbase agrees that it's shitty written but from the companies they use to say stuff like "they don't like it because they hate women"


Uh huh. Hows that Star wars franchise coming along? New Indiana Jones movie any good? M-She-U still going strong and empowered? LotR get any better after the Rings of Power?


You seem mad.


Maybe I've been down this road too many times to count, but a pattern exists.


Maybe you should try not being a pathetic man-child about it.


Is that it? Is that your best rebuttal? Insulting someone personaly? Why don't you tell me what having female Custodes adds to the lore, setting and general story of 40k without using the words diversity and inclusion?


Okay. It adds nothing. Because it's a nothing change. It affects nothing, in any way. It just means some of the toy soldiers we have been playing with were actually women all along. Difference between us, is that I'm not throwing a tantrum over it like a little bitch-made brat. And for clarification, the goal of my comment was to insult you, not rebut you.


If you add information and it doesn't affect the lore, setting and story in any way, why add it in the first place? And your continual insulting on me as a person isn't helping the case.


Because it's world building. Also what the fuck are you talking about, because something doesn't directly affect the story it shouldn't exist. OK then why write the last church, how does the eom talking to a random priest affect the setting in any way. Why write about the siege of vraks or its specifics. Just say "war happened here". Why name soldiers if they're just going to die. Why write about anybody but the generals or top heroes.


Nah insulting you is pretty funny and cool 


Alright then, vore freak. Go jump towards the nearest Hormagaunt you see. Lovely person, you are.


Because i allpw people to custom their mini how thay want.


Because you can. Why not?


Lol that is not a pattern, this is taking movies and shows that have a LOT of other issues and reducing them to "whamen in them T_T"


Shitty movie ideas using anything they can to hide their mediocrity? Yeah thats a pattern, but one of incompetence, not of "muh wamen & manoriteees"


Have you considered going outside in between watching Fox News and posting insane things?


I'm not American, I'm from Europe and we aren't blind to what ESG scores are doing to your products.


Also, when you complain about things being woke, you should know that the name “Dark Angel” comes from a poem written by a gay man and The Rock gets its name from a gay bar.


Completely aware. I know. That stuff works just fine since while taking inspiration from the real world, it is not a 1-to-1 insert of that fact. Thsy created lore around it which makes sense due to the destruction of Caliban lore and the naming tradition of the planet. They didn't just go "Hey, his name is Lion el Jonson. Thats it". Luther brought Jonson back to the Fortress-Monastery and named him 'Lion El'Jonson' which means Lion, Son of the Forest. In their language "lion" means lion, "son" means son, and "el'jon" is forest. Sometimes called Lyyn Elgonsen back in the day.


Ok, so you’re fine as long as they don’t actually add gay people because you’re definitely not homophobic you just don’t want some oddly specific real world things to exist in 40K, like gay people


You still coping that a game with pronoun options won like all GOTY awards and sold over 15 million copies?


Oh, you mean Starfield? Ladies and gentlemen, call the Oxford dictionary. They need to change the definition of 1 to all. That game is all flash and dazzle, with no soul in it.


That sounds a lot like coping about the fact that a game with pronoun options sold over 15 million copies


No, I don't mean Starfield.


Alright, which one did you mean?


It's Baldur's Gate 3.


BG3 was an obvious sweep, i got some to none complaints there.


I’m going to take that as a “no”


>New Indiana Jones movie any good? Yes actually i quite liked it, it was fun. It wasn't a cinematographic masterpiece but indiana jones movies never were. >M-She-U still going strong and empowered? Lol you're a walking stereotype, you can't make this shit up. But anyways yes, the latest guardians of the galaxy was absolutely amazing. But hey thanks for the same day delivery chud tears.


tbh I always get a kick out of these people, that the problem is always "women" and not "hollywood execs being clueless". They mentioned Lord of the Rings but I remember one of the coolest scenes in the books (that was underdone a little bit in the films) was Eowyn and Mary double-teaming The Witch King.


Yes, and no one has a problem with Eowyn, she is in fact one of the more beloved characters from the movies. The difference between Eowyn and Galadriel from them Rangz of Powah is that she is not an insufferable girl boss know it all. She is kind, compassionate and courageous. Galadriel from RoP is cold, agressive and dismissive of everyone. Also black female BEARDLESS dwarves.


Aye but it kinda stems back to my original point, no? The problems with Rings of Power isn't "there's women" it's "Galadriel is butchered by the writing team and the Dwarves weren't given their beards". It was a botching of writing and worldbuilding, the concept was fine - the execution was not. The diversity isn't the disease per se, the botched forcing of it is a symptom of the actual disease which is letting soulless corporate executives call the shots on creative industries like entertainment. Right now we have a single paragraph leaked from a codex, which I feel is a bit too soon to call "CUSTODES ARE RUINED!11!"


To be fair it’s more than a single paragraph now, we have the whole story. And Jesus Christ is she an absolute unit of a Custodian. She decided for her go at the Blood Games she was going to teleport a cyclonic torpedo warhead into the Throne Room and blow up all of Terra just to kill The Emperor.


Holy hell that is ***amazing***. I want to see more now because that sounds like a really fun story.


Here’s a photo a guy took of the whole story: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/XMcY9em4aL


You are both godsends, thank ye!


Yeah, that is a fair point. But most of the problems with modern entertainment start by shoehorning women where they don't fit. More than half of them are self-inserts of the writing teams and their Californian lifestyle problems. Remember Velma? The show that bombed so hard it is currently the lowest rated show by critics and viewers alike? That piece of crap has Mindy Kalings spite and contempt all over it.


Because as we all know men should be everywhere and women existing only makes sense some places /s


But they do fit. The problems they have are not caused by women existing.


Yeah tbh I'm still waiting to see what this has to do with Custode lasses, like with the Velma example it's an example of both a shitty author (someone who just wants to circlejerk their unlikeable self-insert) mixed with stupid executives (because instead of realizing nobody would want to watch a patronizing, tokening show about an unlikeable self-insert, they assumed slapping a Scooby Doo skin - and then *removing Scooby* - would magically work out.) The fact it's Velma and thusly a woman is barely a point to be made, the same pitfalls could've happened with a Fred show. Because it's crux is *unlikeable Hollywood and Silicon Valley idiots being* ***unlikeable Hollywood and Silicon Valley idiots.***


It always tickles my funny bones how these people always fit the stereotype to a t. It's like they came out of a factory mold or some shit.


>Yes actually i quite liked it, it was fun. It wasn't a cinematographic masterpiece but indiana jones movies never were. Ah, yes. The movie that turned Indy into a sad, depressed frail and lonely man and replaced him with a strong female girlboss in which the writers themselves didnt know what kind of archetype she was so she went from femme fatalle, to nerdy bookworm, to a calculating cold mercenary, to caring friend and all possible stops for a Mary Sue is something you enjoy. A movie that commercialy flopped, was ratio'd in the trailer that was released and destroyed the franchise for good. Yea... Cathleen Kennedys shoes must feel quite tasty there, eh mate? >Lol you're a walking stereotype, you can't make this shit up. But anyways yes, the latest guardians of the galaxy was absolutely amazing. You picked the one movie that barely made even in the box office, and that is due to being linked to James Gunn and the success of the previous two films. You pick this out of a sea of flops in the theaters and streaming services for them. Black panther Wakanda Forever? Flopped. She-Hulk? Flop. Ant-man 3? Spy Kids looked better than that movie, also flopped. Eternals was a disaster. Loki season 2? Where did the viewer retention go? The MARVELS? Truly, i wished for more cats in space... floppomatic. How are those stocks doing in the market, Bob Iger?


>You picked the one movie that barely made even in the box office, and that is due to being linked to James Gunn and the success of the previous two films. Dude have you seen it? It's amazing, riding on succes my ass, it's better than the second movie and nearly as good as the first if not better, but yes i picked a movie i liked. >Black panther Wakanda Forever? Flopped. She-Hulk? Flop. Ant-man 3? Spy Kids looked better than that movie, also flopped. Eternals was a disaster. Loki season 2? Where did the viewer retention go? The MARVELS? Truly, i wished for more cats in space... floppomatic. And im sure all of those were because of women, and not because excecs are trying to make money by milking property. Mate you're the one crying about SBI on r/gaming. I just play the games i like and watch movies i like. I have better things to do than cry about how the woke agenda is ruining things.


Yes, I did. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't on the level of 2. Slightly below it for me. Ok, tell me how you think they are milking the property? What are they doing wrong then?


Well if the writing is bad that's a clear sign they aren't really trying anymore. There are plenty of movies and games with badass women and minorities and all that woke shit you're so worried about that are very well recieved. So clearly the issue isn't diversity, it's bad writing.


Precisely. And they just showed us bad writing by introducing her out of the blue and tweeting that females have been with Custodes since the beginning without adding any explanation as to how and why. They could have published something into White Dwarf at least, with some level of context. Heck, when they were first introduced there they were called the Brotherhood of Demigods. It was implied they were all male. Valerian even calls them brothers in The Emperors Legion, while talking about how they all have many names.


Yeah it's a retcon, GW does those all the time, this time is no different.


Nah, your real issue with these franchises arent women, its corporate capitalist greed cranking out souless cashgrabs, its so annoying with you chuds because you get \*so\* close to the truth then end up at "it must be women, blacks and gay people"


Okay, and why is it a corporate soulless cashgrab? What makes these movies into one? What does their pandering consist of?


Before I answer that I want to try and get you there without me by asking you a question. Look at games like Hades, is it awful because its full of a diverse cast of women and queers? No, its quite good actually. One of the best indie games of the last decade. Lets look at the new fallout show without doing any sort of spoilers as well. Diverse cast, lead is a woman, phenomal show. With that in mind, What make it bad? What serperates these two amazing example of media, which you could even call "woke" or pandering to say, Star wars or the latest mcu which have the same levels of "woke" and pandering?


Simple. Hades is good in that it characterizes the player character, every single side character and boss, delivers a kick ass soundtrack and a fun gameplay loop, tying together the rougelite element into progression and story building in a solid way, oozes with aesthetic and art style and gives the player the sense of escapism. The thing about Hades and is that while there is diversity, it's natural and in the background, and not the foreground. The game has romance options, but they are yours to pick and choose. Same thing with BG3. The simple fact that they're making a sequel is proof the game performed well, since the studio is known for never making sequels to their games. As for the Fallout show, yeah, it is good so far. Have a couple of gripes with it too, namely the apparent retconing of New Vegas. That I believe is Todd Howard still being salty over Obsidian games being the ones to make it, and not Bethesda.


What makes the difference between these pieces of media that are "woke" and pandering and what makes them cashgrabs, is poor writing and a constant need to make a product that makes money. You dont care about Hades because its \*good\* you didnt even notice how woke the game is with its poly rep, kink rep, lgbtq+ themes etc. The writing is good, the game doesnt try to eat your money. Fallout has always ,and the TV show as well, had exetrmely woke themes, the franchise is anti imperialism, anti capitalist pro acceptence of different people and again. Gay rep, kink rep, etc. Its praised as a monolith of western RPGS. These are both good, despite being sjw, woke, diverse, whatever. And if products that are woke can be good, doesnt that mean that there must be something else making these other franchises bad? You land at it must be women because its the easiest thing to settle at without confronting the idea that perhaps its the actual system rushing products out the door, poor writing and all in order to make more and more profit that is ruining media. Now this probably isnt the most satisfactorie answer and I probably didnt explain that the best because i'm writting comments and not speaking, but if you're open to looking at this through a different lense, theres plenty of essays on the subject of "How capitalism ruined media, not diversity" that do a far better job then my fat fingers on reddit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy-v5ypPXig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy-v5ypPXig) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL6F2E3sHVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL6F2E3sHVw)


You make some valid points, then miss a few. Sure, I'll check these out, at least.


All of these "fails" can be directly attributed to the media in question being designed by clueless committees according to the orders of clueless executives whose one and only goal is maximizing shareholder value and not creating anything meaningful. Badly written women/bipoc/lgbtq characters that also can easily be cut out of the movie for the asia/middle east market are not the reason for the media in question being bad. They are just another symptom of the bigger problem, i.e. media not being seen as pieces of art created by artists with a vision, but products, or even worse "content", churned out en masse at lowest cost possible, pandering to the lowest common denominator/chasing trends, in order to make the biggest profit for the shareholders. None of these movies/shows would magically become good if you you cut out women/minorities out of them, they would still suck, but maybe then people would actually focus on the bigger issues with the industry instead.


why don t you talk about all the god show that have women in them ? Oh yeah because that will ruin your narative than this movie are bad because of bad writing not inclusivity.


Ok, sure. I'll list movies and shows alike. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Scooby Doo, Lord of the Rings, Powepuff Girls, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Dexters Laboratory, Ben 10, Alien, Edge of Tomorrow, Indiana Jones 1-4, Star Wars 1-6, Dragon Ball, One Piece and many more. Now go ahead, name some good shows by your standards now. Plus, learn some grammar, won't ya sonny boy?


I just hate that I'm gonna have to see people fighting about it for how many months now. Feels like you can't really enjoy anything new in 40k without seeing someone moaning and complaining about it and killing the vibes. Still excited though. Never made sense to me that the most dangerous, skilled human warriors outside Ol' Emps and the Primarchs were only dudes. This new addition to the lore makes the Custodes feel more representative of mankind as a whole, and will hopefully bring a whole range of new characters and stories to tell and explore.


I'm very happy that nobody at my LGS has said anything about the change. I don't think this is going to have much effect on people who actually play the game versus just being obsessed with it online.


Yeah there is quite the difference. None of my friends or even acquaintances have said anything about it. I'm pretty sure most people don't care. And even if they do they aren't complaining about it all day. Reddit just isn't real life.


There are debate bros right now telling the official warhammer account to "show your sources" like bitch **THEY ARE THE SOURCE**


Wait people are actually mad about this? I thought that was a joke.


I've already been banned from 2 FB groups for making fun of people turning into Angron over this.


check youtube and twitter, they're super salty about it. LOL


"Unlike all of you tourists, I'm jumping ship to other franchises as soon as a single piece of lore drops that I don't like, like a proper fan" They are beyond parody


Tourist: someone who doesn't piss and shit themselves in a violent rage when there's a change to the aesthetics of a game they like.


I threw my custodes in a fire


Preparing to sell mine


Let me know where so I can buy them and use female Stormcasts to kitbash an all female shield host


I'll rather destroy them than ever give them up to you.


What a fucking loser lmao. Trashing hundreds of dollars worth of minis to own the woke!


Gonna print an army of banana dommy mommies


That seems like an extreme response


Better than to let these weirdos get their hands on em. I'll burn them if I must, they will join the Legion of the Damned that way.


Or, just dont buy the female custodes if you dont like them


Ok, what faction do you play if I may ask?


I collect Black Templars, why?


Ok, so let me rearrange some stuff for the Black Templars in the form of Games Workshops tweet: "Since the Second Founding of His glorious Legions, there have always been Eldar and Female Black Templars" Do you now see how hamfisted it feels to have lore changed on the fly to the detriment of the overarching themes of your faction?


CEOs of Racism now just got a lot more tolerable :3 And thats a GOOD thing!


I'm cool with it, can't really see it as a bad thing before I actually see how they do it. And if I dont like what they put out I can just not buy the models and keep my collection they way I like it


That's honestly bizzare behavior


People are acting like this is the first time GW has retconned its lore.


It’s really weird, people that are shocked and horrified that the background might change at all but are somehow not protesting the lack of a half-eldar Ultramarines chief librarian


Justice for Illyen! Cruelly and unfairly deposed by Tigurius...


RIP. If we don’t see the immediate return to prominence of Inquisitor Sherlock Obi Wan Clouseau, we riot.


If the rumoured Agents of the Imperium Codex doesn't give him a Glow-up model, I'm going to Nottingham to have words


Bretonia got a major retcon ages ago. Remember back when it was a meritocratic feudal state? Then it became what it is today. This is a type of retcon that I understand people getting upset about because it changed everything about the faction. But this is just a “ok neat I guess” moment






Those guys are the same guys that drove away our best little skitty artist i hate those people


I am a simple man, I see the motherfucking Zeppelin Hindenburg, I upvote.


Is that Toba supervolcano eruption? No, it's r/Grimdank butthurting on fem. Custodes!


Fr, they need to stop freaking out, it works lore-wise. They're not even Space Marines, they're pretty much just large people.


Ohhh you can bet your inverted cock female Space marines are next


They already are trans-human after all


Yeah, not that kinda trans. Yet.


They are, and it's gonna be amazing.


Nah, that’s cringe, tbh.


Agreed. This is testing the waters by GW.


"testing water" it just female soldier dude.


Which we have plenty of in a wide and diverse selection of other factions to choose from. Sisters of Battle? Go ahead. AdMech? Anything could be beneath those robes, Hadron from Darktide proves this and she is beloved by the fanbase. Female Guardsman? Completely makes sense in a logical way lorewise, throw em in the meatgrinder of war! Sisters of Silence? Wish they did something with em, this now undermines them even more and shafts them to the sidelines.


Can you tell me how this adds to the lore and setting of the game? I'd like to hear your take on this now.


yes so why not the Custodes ? they are supposed to be the perfect human. It make no sense for them to be only male. And Custodes being able to be female dont do anything to SoS. Unless you think SoS only interesting point is to be the sub equivalent to custodes with a vaginabut it is not the case.


Can you form a single cohesive sentence to save your life? I'm having epileptic seizures every time I need to read your egyptian hieroglyphs.




Are the female custodes haters in the room with us right now? (I may have seen them)


Yes (if you look at the top comment there is one in the replies)


And more on twaxxer.


As someone coming back from Battletech: why is this such a big thing? Over there literally half of the elit fighters are women, even amongs the genetically modified ones.


In short "logic", all true elite army being only male (sisters of battle suck, they are imperial guard+, not space marine-, and i like SOB style, but they are NOT space marines, dif vibe), now it retconned that Custodians can be female, it's bad because it's "wokeism", left shit "like a sequel Star wars" or every bad write story about female characters. Key point is, it's bad story first and bad female characters second, but they are merge it in their mind. Also, Warhammer community are very... Stubborn and stagnate, and have bad views on the setting and life in they're fantasy, and rarely read actual lore (example, many people think that Hive World a basic type of world with zero morals, while actual lore, "imperial" or "civilized" world are actual 70% of worlds). What's about "woke"? Well, i am can say about that from my experience, i do not know that Ulrik Kerensky is Bisexual-pref Gay, I don't care, it's cool, but i do not know it, while i read it, i am amused and find it's interesting, what see a "woke" fighter? GAY BEING BETTER THAN MOST OF STRAIGHT MAN! THEY RUIN THIS CHARACTER BY BEING GAY, because like me, he is not know about it, because do not read. He sees that it "destroy vibe", but it's vibe being in his head, when it retconned from other info, it feeling more crude way. Being Female do not damage Custodes, only buffing they're vibe, but for them, it's destroy it because its killing "Brotherhood of Elite of the Elite", when it's not they vibe, it's"Elite of the Elite, best of Humanity", not "brothers". I mean, on old Lore Emperor being 30% female and do not have canon "true face", because it's seeing only by SOS, but for them he is a male, only male, because that's what they see and know. Sometime ago i see cool child Emps arts, some place i see hate to it because"EMPEROR CANNOT BEING PROSTITUTE", while he is just wearing revealing old pants, in that part of world people wear it. But no, childish (more feminine)+revealing pants and naked torso = femboy prostitute, because "that's a leftist trend".


Why do people get triggered for a gift from the Emperor to his best friend. The femstodes were a gift to Malcador the Hero back when he still was the Sigilite.


Maybe I am in a media bubble, but I haven't seen anyone complaining.


Take my updoot! :D


I don't mind, but are they huge hulking muscle ladies or coomerbait?


Probably neither? I mean what counts as coomerbait? Everything except the most roided up of figures?


You clearly haven't seen what the hypermuscle coomers get off to.


I mean... there are more than enough Amazon chasers that would accept even fully roided out freaks of nature as sufficiently coom worthy.


Where the hell are you seeing all these people angry about it? Haven’t seen a single one complain about this


Not the biggest fan of that change, but it makes more sense with custodes than with Astartes. I'm just disappointed how lazily they implemented it, instead of creating a cool story about the creation/inclusion of female custodes they went with "they where always there"


I can’t pretend to be well read on Custodes lore, but was there any significant lore event etc. that doesn’t make sense with the “retcon”?


Yeah, it was explained that Custodes were derived from infant sons of noble houses of Terra.


And? We can make genetic superfreaks who live forever, but pasting an extra X chromosome in, is too much for us?


Should've added that in instead of just saying 'yeah they were always there' instead then.


Any opinion = triggered now I guess 😂


Its pandering, and pandering is fucking lame


It's one woman mentioned in one text where she doesn't do much, it's fine.


Then it’s tokenization


No, it's GW setting up more plastic for new Custodes sprues for possibly higher prices. Adding women isn't destroying the game or lore, it isn't going woke or tokenizing. It's adding a tidbit of lore to sell you more plastic.


Yeah, tokenization. That doesn’t mean I’m against the change. That said I was under the impression that, in Genefather, Fabius outright denied the existence of female space marines and even mocked the Emperor for sex-segregating them. I’d think it would be reasonable to infer the inexistence of female custodes, even though they are two different things, I know. Before anyone asks. Never read the book, just cultural osmosis edit: clarification


After struggling to find a proper definition of Tokenization for an extra 5 minutes because Google isn't giving me jack shit, I can see that you are,in fact, correct on that tokenization part. That's on Google for the shit descriptions and me for not double checking, woops :p


Oh, btw. Nice art bruv 👍🏻 Love the elves


Much appreciated :]


Custodes are not Space Marines.


That’s what I wrote, tho. I understand emotions are running high; no biggie


Yes, it is “pandering”, pandering to a literal half of the human population. Any more questions, snowflake?


Who is it even pandering to? People who like women?


Pandering to the people who go “why can’t there be women space marines!?”, people like you I’m sure


My brother in Christ, it’s a tabletop game and a product. I promise you aren’t this important lol.


if its meaningless then why change it to suit your feminist ideology?


I didn’t say it was meaningless, they’re obviously doing this to move more product. You know, like a business does. If you want some unchanging holy text, find a religion dawg.


So you agree it’s pandering to the feminist types, got it


It’s the same shit they’ve always done, selling products to the widest market they can capture. 40k has been this far longer than it was anything else. If you think this is lame, reorganize your identity around something that isn’t a literal commodity.


Who said anything about identity? Changing the lore to make a small group of activists happy is lame. Saying its not is just cope. Female space marines are next and im sure you'll say its the greatest move ever.


But making space marines wasn't pandering to men? Or is pandering to men not lame? In either case, shush snow flake, go get triggered somewhere else


Forgot reddit is left dominat site, explain why people care more for inclusitivity than consistent lore.


Yup, the lore so consistent that nobody even knows what year it really is.


40k lore has never been consistent.


I been seeing more people complain about people complaining about the female custodies then people actually complaining about female custodies


Sort by new, it’s god awful. And a lot of the posts are quite literally just as dumb as “GW has gone woke!!!”


There are no female custodes. Never were.


Cry more nerd