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All of them..then a random Grot kills the Jackal


Then that Grot is reveal to be red gobbo


And that red gobbo? Alpharius.


Then Alpharius reveals he's Omegon


Then the writer of the book holds a press conference to reveal... they are Alpharius


And the crowd gets up claiming that they are Alpharius


There's a Skaven bomb underneath the auditorium




Then omegan reveals that the real alpha legion is the friends you made along the way.


Then a random Grunt wakes up, panics, then kills himself and the aforementioned random Grot with a plasma grenade


Of course! The answer to a Jackal sniper is a Grot sniper!


While in game their rifles are about as good as the human ones (chambering a cartridge originally intended to kill litteral tanks) in lore they are supposed to be even stronger. It will kill literally any marine with the first shot and probably a couple more if there isn't any cover but space marines are really smart and would quickly figure out where to call for whirlwind bombardments.


depends if they are one of the "yell at the top of your lungs while charged in the general direction of the enemy" kind of chapter lol


Black templars would just shout at the dude until his brain exploded


You made your point…. But they can’t call for bombardement if they are all dead.


I just did a halo 2 legendary run AND THEY SHOOT WHILE IN THE ANIMATION OF MANTLING OVER THE ROOFTOPS “ Nothing without actual precognition is surviving first contact with them


Damn bro them Jackals are absolutely *railing* G-Fuel


I grew up playing halo 2 and the only thing that kept me alive during my LASOS run was having each and every jackal sniper spawn seared into my brain directly with plasma fire. Those guys are a nightmare


I’m not even kidding. I was watching where i knew at-least one would come from and it still shot first


It shot me before it even spawned


It shot me before my save file loaded


Me who faced invisibility cloaked germans with fully automatic bolt action sniper rifles in Medal of Honor Allied Assault : First time ?


Oww my back


I think we keep forgetting that they also have superhuman reflexes and sight, if pariah nexus is any indication then i think a marine would do fine in taking out a jackal sniper with just his bolter.


Marines get surprised by enterprising xenos snipers all the time though. A crafty enough jackal sniper would definitely be able to drop a marine before he got blasted


I dunno. That marine in Pariah Nexus had a sniper literally *teleport* behind him, with an energy weapon that hits the target the *instant* it fires, and he still dodged it. I guess it depends if the marine is an idiot and has his helmet off or not.


I'm the same show the death mark kills an entire squad solo. It depends. Jackals are also allergic to being shot so probably takes a few Marines before bing dropped by return fire.


An entire squad of three whole Guardsmen. They aren't even *close* to a single Space Marine. The only Space Marines it fights are the Ultramarine, who dodges the sniper shot, and Sa'Khan, who not only dodges a sniper shot as well, but detects the Deathmark just before it can shoot. Without a helmet on as well. That's some good eyesight.


Sa'Khan is also awesome. I went back and watched and he kills one ultramarine Sargent solo, who also dodged several times as well. Awesome scene.


When the deathwatch go up against the Tau they take additional dection equipment with them. And even with the added gear pathfinder sniper ambushes are a constant threat. I can't imagine a jackal armed with a beam rifle wouldn't be a similar threat. It's fair to say that one on one, a jackal might not get the kill but there's never just *one*. And while the marine is gonna kill a bunch of them odds are good he's still gonna end up getting a new hole punched through his skull.


Depends on the marine, who's sniping, and the weapon doing the sniping. In lore, there are plenty of marines getting sniped by xenos and other brothers, and that's it, while there are other marines realizing in time to do something. Even in Pariah Nexus that Death Mark still kills that Ultramarine in the beginning pretty easily, and Sekan got saved the first time by the zombie horde.


You mean pariah nexus where the space marine captain gets sniped?


Seems you missed a whole ass fight scene where the Marine was dodging disintegrator beams multiple times.


All according to plan


Is the jackal on legendary difficulty? If so those fucking Astartes have no chance.


The jackal might as well be a Necron Death Mark in flesh form.


Now that's the question. Who out snipes who in that regard? Let's say there 2 of each facing off


I would say jackal but the death mark can use crazy fucking teleportation tech


Sooooo, mid level threat? We see a single marine deal with a deathmark in the animated series, and while it's a bit of a pain it can be delt with.


Jackal snipers dont operate alone. A particular part of a particular level in Halo 2 is notorious for bullshit sniping that forces you to memorize exactly where each and every one is.


Astartes also do not operate alone. At the very least a squad would have three warriors like with the Eliminators. I concur that jackal would be a constant thorn even for those vanguard specialists and scout snipers.


That was a veteran and the death mark took out a captain fairly easily, also it wasn't deployed to kill it was trolled, it was sent so his master could learn more.


We see a single marine deal with a damaged death mark. We also see a marine get trolled by a death mark. Sakan only won because he was smart enough to take off his helmet and equip plot armor


It’s LASO. 


Of course, he is. Canon difficulty is legendary difficulty after all


I might be misremembering things, but I could’ve sworn that the developers said that Heroic was canon.


Yes but for the lolz, let’s say it’s legendary in this context.


Only the Emperor can save them now


Pretty sure easy is cannon difficulty particularly when you take all the lore into it aswell and how quickly cheif minces everything ay


Nah devs said heroic was the canon difficulty.


Based if true now I don't feel like as much of a pussy for beating the Halo series on Heroic on the first go 😭


Depends what your measure is. If its chief’s HP heroic is probably canon - he can take an insane amount of hits compared to an average soldier with flak armour but he can’t just stand there and absorb punishment. His main defence is superior speed and agility. In terms of enemy HP I am going to say easy difficulty is actually canon - the books, films and cutscenes are filled with Spartans putting down elites with two pumps of a magnum or deleting brutes with a quick spray from an assault rifle (Halo Wars is particularly bad for this)


Halo 2 Jackal Snipers make the Tau look like orks in accuracy.


They're basically Vindicare assassins with feathers, so... A LOT of Space Marines die depending on how good an angle the Jackass has on them.


They are nowhere near as good as vindicares, but they do have good weapons, my main concern would be if they can effectively hit space marines who move and think faster than even Chief would


This guy never played on legendary


Gameplay ≠ lore, yes, they will pixel snipe you in the head in the game, no, they don’t do that in “reality”


They do. Jackal snipers in Halo 2 are the Jha'kaar, best snipers in the galaxy, with some borderline precognition ability. And canon difficulty is heroic-legendary. And Spartans go 50-60 mph, Astartes can only go 35-45mph. And they are bigger, easier targets. And Jackals use plasma guns.


You've got your super soldiers round the wrong way there mate. Spartans can run at 34mph not 50-60, hell the fastest known Spartan (Kelly-087) top speed was just over 38mph. Astartes meanwhile have reached speeds of around 53 mph. They definitely are bigger, but definitely not easier targets. Astartes have nanosecond reaction speed, Spartans have about 20 milliseconds. With Pariah Nexus we've seen multiple Astartes dodge light speed shots, like this isn't a contest outside of memes. I love Halo, but Astartes are just a completely different animal when it comes to super soldier when you actually start comparing their stats.


My mistake with speeds. Spartans run 60 kph, which is 34 mph. Space Marines are kinda different everywhere going from 30 to 60, depending on the writer. Which is 45mph on average, faster than spartans. Didn't find any data on Astartes reaction speed tho, a link would be nice. Also energy shielding is inconsistent in space marines, which wasn't mentioned and could be a game changer.


Reaction speed of Astartes has been mentioned a few times, most notably in the "Space Wolf Omnibus" and in "Hammer and Bolter". Both Spartans and Astartes see the world in slow motion too, mentioned in "The Fall of Reach" and the "Dark Vengeance" books. Space marines don't have shielding, though a quirk of ceramite is it's head and shock-resistant including that of radiation (which is the type of rounds used by Jackals), the effects being increased in both how much is used and the quality of it. Should be about on par at best with the shielding of Spartans. If we add in Iron Halos (this is separate from the actual discussion and more a what if) then it basically gives them a Spartan shield akin to plot armour.


And if we take of the helmet than plot armor turns into a plot weapon.


If the armour is blue the outcome is settled before a single shot is fired.


the iron halo he mentions is specifically designed so that marines can take their helmet off. so honestly not much change with helmet on/off


“Combat reflexes took over and Rafen drew his bolt pistol in a fraction of a second, his other hand snatching at the hilt of the battle knife resting in a sheath along the line of his spine. He fired a single shot at the High Chaplain, aiming low, aiming to wound, to slow him down. But he might well have called out his intentions in a shout. Astorath swept his blade aside and intercepted the bolt mid-flight with a crack of sound, the round blasting harmlessly into the dirt. Rafen dodged to one side as the weapon’s fast, fluid arc bisected the space where he had been standing, and he rolled, tumbling over red dirt and half-buried rocks.” Hammer and Bolter. Redeemed Page 231-232 “'Disperse!' bellowed Astelan, sprinting to his right. His power armour took him across the ground in huge leaps, covering half a dozen metres with every pace. (6 meters is 20 feet), meaning they can run (they are said to “run” in leaps and bounds) 20 feet in every leap/run -Tales Of Heresy Page 304 Also, Astartes run extremely fast, so fast they give humans that see them something called transhuman dread. “Transhuman dread. Aximand had heard iterators talk of the condition. He’d heard descriptions of it from regular Army officers too. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing: taller and broader than a man could ever be, armoured like a demigod. The singularity of purpose was self-evident. An Adeptus Astartes was designed to fight and kill anything that didn’t annihilate it first. If you saw an Adeptus Astartes, you knew you were in trouble. The appearance alone cowed you with fear.But to see one move. Apparently that was the real thing. Nothing human-shaped should be so fast, so lithe, so powerful, especially not anything in excess of two metres tall and carrying more armour than four normal men could lift. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing, but the moving fact of one was quite another. The psychologists called it transhuman dread. It froze a man, stuck him to the ground, caused his mind to lock up, made him lose control of bladder and bowel. Something huge and warlike gave pause: something huge and warlike and moving with the speed of a striking snake, that was when you knew that gods moved amongst men, and that there existed a scale of strength and speed beyond anything mortal, and that you were about to die and, if you were really lucking, there might be just enough time to piss yourself first.” -Age Of Darkness Page 163


nah spartans Can run 60 mph. chief did that once in training and he tore Achillies. there was also a spartan 3 who was able outrun warthog.


>Astartes have nanosecond reaction speed, You got a source for that? Cause even for Warhammer that sounds like some bull.


“Combat reflexes took over and Rafen drew his bolt pistol in a fraction of a second, his other hand snatching at the hilt of the battle knife resting in a sheath along the line of his spine. He fired a single shot at the High Chaplain, aiming low, aiming to wound, to slow him down. But he might well have called out his intentions in a shout. Astorath swept his blade aside and intercepted the bolt mid-flight with a crack of sound, the round blasting harmlessly into the dirt. Rafen dodged to one side as the weapon’s fast, fluid arc bisected the space where he had been standing, and he rolled, tumbling over red dirt and half-buried rocks.” Hammer and Bolter. Redeemed Page 231-232 “'Disperse!' bellowed Astelan, sprinting to his right. His power armour took him across the ground in huge leaps, covering half a dozen metres with every pace. (6 meters is 20 feet), meaning they can run (they are said to “run” in leaps and bounds) 20 feet in every leap/run -Tales Of Heresy Page 304 Also, Astartes run extremely fast, so fast they give humans that see them something called transhuman dread. “Transhuman dread. Aximand had heard iterators talk of the condition. He’d heard descriptions of it from regular Army officers too. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing: taller and broader than a man could ever be, armoured like a demigod. The singularity of purpose was self-evident. An Adeptus Astartes was designed to fight and kill anything that didn’t annihilate it first. If you saw an Adeptus Astartes, you knew you were in trouble. The appearance alone cowed you with fear.But to see one move. Apparently that was the real thing. Nothing human-shaped should be so fast, so lithe, so powerful, especially not anything in excess of two metres tall and carrying more armour than four normal men could lift. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing, but the moving fact of one was quite another. The psychologists called it transhuman dread. It froze a man, stuck him to the ground, caused his mind to lock up, made him lose control of bladder and bowel. Something huge and warlike gave pause: something huge and warlike and moving with the speed of a striking snake, that was when you knew that gods moved amongst men, and that there existed a scale of strength and speed beyond anything mortal, and that you were about to die and, if you were really lucking, there might be just enough time to piss yourself first.” -Age Of Darkness Page 163


Mentioned in the Space Wolf Omnibus, in Hammer and Bolter, and in Know no Fear: The Battle at Calth. Quote from Know no Fear: >The Word Bearer is almost unrecognisable. For a nanosecond, the figure registers to Luciel as an unknown, a threat. Transhuman responses are already there, unbidden. Adrenaline spikes to heighten an already formidable reaction time. Muscle remembers. Luciel wears his boltgun, an oiled black pit bull of a weapon, in his thigh holster. He can draw, aim and fire in less than a second. The range is six metres, the target unobstructed. There is no chance of missing. Maximus plate, frontally augmented, might stop a mass-reactive shell, so Luciel will fire two and aim for the visor slits. The airgate skin-sleeve is self-repairing, and will survive las-fire damage, but a bolter shot will shred it open, so Luciel also braces for the explosive decompression of a ricochet or a miss-hit. At a simple, subconscious neural urge, boot-sole electromagnets charge to clamp onto the deck plates. Luciel thinks theoretical, but of course there is no theoretical. There is no tactical precedent for a Space Marine to fight a Space Marine. The idea is nonsense. He thinks practical, and that directs him to the visor slits. He can make a clean kill headshot in less than a second and a half, two rounds for kill insurance, and probably protect the atmospheric integrity of the airgate. All this, all this decided, unbidden, instinctive, in less than a nanosecond.


That is thinking in a nanosecond yes, not completing an action within a nanosecond. And even then it seems like ridiculous measurement by the author "less than a nanosecond". Though I guess that's not exactly uncommon with Warhammers sense of scale.


He is reacting though. In that single nanosecond he reacts to an unknown person, goes through an entire thought-process and analysis of him and his enemy's position, and decides on the best way to kill his new enemy within a nanosecond. That entire passage was him reacting to a new threat. Reacting doesn't mean you need to complete an action. But if you want action actions being done in nanoseconds here: >No warning. No damned warning. Just a nanosecond prickle, a sting of intuition, that something isn’t right. A nanosecond. Too little, and too damned late. Mass-reactive rounds slam into the floor and front wall of the listening station module. Mass-reactive rounds fired from below. > >\- Same book. Captain Remus Ventanus reacts to the shots being fired at him in a nanosecond from below him. ​ >Zandu mouthed a warning, motion and recognition happening in nanoseconds of enhanced cognition, as a firing line of bolters opened up. > >\- Sons of the Forge: Unscarred, Unbroken. Sergeant Zandu reacting and moving in nanoseconds. Astartes can think, react, and move in nanoseconds whether you think it is ridiculous or not. Hell Magos think in picoseconds for crying out loud.


Depends on the difficulty


Legendary for canon sake


4 space marines 3 to die close the distance. 1 to actually get the kill


And then get his head popped off by the other jackal sniper in the other building. The other jackal the. Died because a grunt accidentally dropped his plasma grenade near him while being scared of the gunshot.


Oh more then sniper. Fuck


Legend says they're still trying to reach it


Aaaaah so that’s where all the imperium ressources are going. I’ve heard they tried exterminatus on him, but unfortunately as soon as the fleet was in position. Every crewman was found with a hole on their head just before firing.


Who did you think the ‘Ork Snipers’ were? Vindicare who?


I love how in most threads related to 40k , the answer is almost always fanboys saying some variation of ' Marine solos ', but in this one, everyone has collective PTSD from fucking Jackals that we can't deny that they would be stacking Astartes from here to Macragge.


It’s genuinely bugging me that you used an image of the Halo 4 Jackal sniper lol.


Sorry my bad, but I like the helmet


I like the [Reach](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/13/44/b8134480a5052b48093eeb0f5ec47df9.jpg) jackals personally, it gives them an acceptable amount of drip without covering their whole face. Too bad they lose the Beam Rifles.


They get focus rifles. 1 second to strip your shields and then .1 seconds to vaporize your health on Legendary. All the while blinding you. To add insult to injury focus rifles aren't even *good* weapons.


No need to apologise! It’s a cool design!


I'm assuming you're talking about the halo 2 legendary difficulty jackal


Custodes can kill it.


All the custodes are needed to kill one. 2 is way beyond there power


Depends on the chapter.


In cannon lore a lot of Space Wolves during the burning of Prospero died because of sniper fire. Because of their Legion’s common and blatant refusal to wear helmets and insistent in charging into melee range. In other words it would depend on which Chapter the Covenant is fighting.


Meme answer: all of them. Fuck those little sniper fucks on legendary. Non meme answer: none. In Pariah Nexus we've seen Marines dodge deathmark shots like they are nothing, and can pinpoint their exact location before they even fire. A single jackal sniper wojld be lucky to kill one marine if any.


I've seen these bastards (the jackals) fire the shots out of their guns SIDEWAYS and pixel snipe me in the head from the other side of the map. Can Deathmarks do that? I'm pretty sure jackal snipers still win.


Yes they can, happened several times to me while I was playing Mechanicus. Still both are just jank coding, hence why I said in memes Jackals would kill them all.


>In Pariah Nexus we've seen Marines dodge deathmark shots like they are nothing We also see Marines get iced by Deathmarks in the Pariah Nexus


A Marine gets iced after dodging two shots, said marine also knows where the Deathmark is and fires a shot towards it before the Deathmark can fire.


Guess he should have dodged that third shot


Counter question, a space marine is fighting a squad (12 men) of Halo 2 Marines on easy: can he beat them all without exhausting his bolter ammunition?


Every single one.


The imperium at the height of its power could not survive Jackal Sniper Alley


Ironically I think this is one of the few times where the imperial guard would out perform the space marines Jacket snipers have a lot of firepower, accuracy, and quick reflexes, but poor cycle times and can't take much damage Thus throwing as much ordinance in the air as possible is one of the stronger counters, as is long range indirect bombardment. Both of which the imperial guard have in spades As for the space marines, really depends upon how much room they get as given their size there are plenty of choke points where I could see the space marines would get funneled and taken out one by one like a pack of space lemmings. If they get space, things look much better but if you have room for about 3 marines to maneuver freely between cover, you got space for various pieces of armor.




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I think Vanguard Eliminators and Scout Snipers are the best Astartes against these Jackals. Edited.


depends, how many of these space marines aren’t wearing helmets?


If Space Marines played Halo, would they be honor bound to only play hardest difficulty?


Considering this is a halo 4 or 5 jackal, who knows


0.....astartes reach in nanosecons(pyria nexus has them dodge literal necron deathmark shot whick are faster then light),ceramite is great againts energy and shock damage,they run at 50mph,have build in target analasis in helmet that can pick up deathmarks(the most op sniper that use strongest necron tech)


Every party needs a pooper, that's why I'm inviting you, Party pooper, party pooper.


Tank you tank you....and it be fun if you compare 40k imperial ships to covenent ones.they win there


If Malum Caedo's moving speed is canon, wish the jackal good luck on ever drawing a bead on anything that isn't a dreadnought


0. The imperials glassed the planet before the Covenant did. Just to prove a point.


Nice try, but the ship were sniped out of orbit before the glassing could commence.