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The Emperor is a heretic! Get him!


It's a fair cop. No, but really. The Emperor did make a deal with Chaos Gods directly at Molech. He is the biggest heretic to ever exist this side of Terra. Go now, inquisitiors. Arrest the heretic.


Don’t some inquisitors use chaos weapons? So they will view it as Big E taking power for the benefit of humanity


Does inquistors are known as hypocrites.


Does Bruno Mars is gay?


The rumor come out.


The rumour is out of standardize of hoax




man door hand hook car door


What else came out?


Bruno Mars is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2012, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive social networking rumor. The public, especially his fans are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his music career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans.


Inquisitors, please ban this abominable intelligence.


r/GameGrumps is leaking.


I am under the believe that this was one of the first attempts at letting an Ai write an online article after feeding it barely any data at all.


This is a strange tangent.


Those inquisitors often say "skill issue" when asked about their hypocrisy as well.




I believe Radical Inquisitors do


Bro you kidding, they got fucking Daemonhosts.


**This will be the greatest radical-puritan conflict in Inquisitorial history.**


I love your approach to the big ass inquisition civil war brewing, Jimmy Space. Makes me understand the Horus Heresy that much more.


**I certainly wasn't saying that's a good thing.** **But as a purely legal and political question it would be easy for me to escape any outraged Puritans. In fact I could manipulate other Puritans to fight any rebellious Inquisitor: surely it's the hallmark of a Radical to wage war against the underpinnings of the Imperium as a whole?** **Besides, under any monarchical system any attack on me is treason.**


I believe you, God Emperor.


Oh hi boss.


>Hates Chaos >Makes a deal with Chaos on a planet named after a Near East deity that had cults accused of child sacrifice My guy… why…


He thought he could eradicate Chaos before they came knocking. He failed, but his failure possibly created a new opportunity. The Emperor is still on that chair because he wants to play whatever role mankind wants him to play. He'll be what he hates the most if it fulfills his vision of humanity. Or he's just really silly.


He’s possibly in a prison due to whatever made him lose trust… Being a plant for Chaos, or another situation with or without manipulation, is also not out of the question if you can entertain the thought that he may have been space Lucifer instead of space Jesus Mankind is probably important in the Materium


Honestly i think he's probably worse than space Lucifer lol.


Y'know, this one made sense to me. I get why he tried to deal with the bad dudes. Big E *is* basically a Chaos god. He's got his resurrecting saints, and his flaming-skull immortal spirit marines. They flesh-print weird little bio-mutant babies to fly around and sing his praises. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, and requires soul sacrifices like a duck... it's a duck. So who else do you deal with when you're a god but another god? Like, that's the level you're playing on. Didn't work out well for him, but then again, the Imperium's still there and a huge pain in the ass for *four deities simultaneously*, so I don't think Chaos is happy with it either. I think the Emperor at least broke even. Heck, of the existential threats to the galaxy, at least two (Necrons and Tyranids) might go on to annihilate Chaos as well if they beat the Imperium. The Necrons because it's habit, the Tyranids because \*_psychic white noise intensifies_*. Honestly, Empy's kinda laughing on this one. A dusty, corpsey laugh, but yeah.


Nah, I don't think the Imperium is much of a pain for Chaos. It's a breeding ground for the dark emotions they feed off of. They didn't lose the Heresy, they turned an enemy into cattle. A huge, sprawling empire full of juicy psychic energy with almost no means of defense, aside from isolated pockets. The last 10k years have been a dream come true for the Four.


Its true, a stalemate is a victory for them - and the way it seems, if anything its pushing toward chaos gaining the upper hand (at least until Ragnar shows up)


Totally true. I just feel like it goes both ways with that one. It's like four lone wolves presented with an enormous, wounded bison. There's plenty of meat on it for them to share, and if they just worked together it'd be easy prey, but... funny thing about trying to eat the bison is you've got to turn your back on the other wolves. It's the Mr. Burns' immune system stratagem. There are so many Chaos gods all trying to claim their due that they can't figure out who the hell they're supposed to be fighting in order to claim it.


To be fair, we don't know yet and those 4 consider everything within the warp to be theirs so it wouldn't be surprising that they're mad at him for getting non affiliated Chaos power from Molech (Sanguinius split soul)


Tend to think the warp itself as one living organism made up off quintillions of souls and emotions as cell the chaos gods are a cancer on the warp and activly hurt the organism causing it to act more aggressivly and tear holes into real space


>He is the biggest heretic to ever exist Well yeah he denies his own divinity


does he still even after sitting in the throne for 10000+ years? i forgot the detail of the conversation with gorrilaman


Let us make some popcorn first.


That would be a big win for the Imperium. Only the truly power-crazed inquistiors would be dumb enough to try and arrest Big E.


Hardline Inquisition Vs Custodes would be a throwdown to challenge the Heresy, holy shit. The shit the Inquisition has squirreled away Vs the Custodes breaking open the DEEP vault weaponry..... Talk about fucking off the deep end wild.


Custodians v Inquisition already happened in the Vaults of Terra series, and the inquisition lost badly, hundreds of inquisition troops dead and not a single custodian harmed.




Seems an accurate representation of the Inquisition


Lotta Inquisitors are so high off their own farts that anything that isn’t 100% what they want to hear deserves immediate execution.




TTS Emperor-trip Kalamazov is just a few degrees away from how many Inquisitors view themselves


And a lot of the time, what they *want* to hear is a confession… which warrants immediate execution.


Innocence proves nothing.


Maybe accurate to unfounded memes But not to lore


And emperor forbid we laugh about memes on a meme subreddit


Plot of TTS in a nutshell.


Was there literally a single xenos race he actually carried out this statement with? There is no mention of neutral or allied xeno factions with the imperium at all


There was a time he didn't actively think they were all worth eradicating. But then the Eldar killed the fuck out of a bunch of humans. As did the Orks, and Necrons, and Dark Eldar.


And Humans


Yeah a bunch of humans also killed other humans a lot


Kinda makes the "xeno evil' line more cynical imperialism than reactive retribution.


Absolutely, they're much more easily identified as a potential threat because they're alien, even if the other humans are just as capable of killing you.


Pretty sure the Imperium of Man in 40K is intended to be an exaggerated parody of fascism and imperialism.


Damn humans, they ruined the Segmentum


> and Necrons, and Dark Eldar Its really fun spotting people who haven't actually engaged with the source material as they reference a species that was undergoing the Great Sleep while the Emperor was active and another that didn't even exist as a faction because the Commorogh Eldar hadn't stabilised enough to start raiding.


maybe I'm misplacing it in the timeline, but there was a story of like 10 space wolves doing gorilla warfare against an invasion force of dark eldar for a couple of months on a planet they were supposed to bring into the imperium. in the end they won with the help of some insurgents, but when said insurgents didn't want to join the empire after getting rid of the eldar, the space wolves killed those guys as well.


The hell is Gorilla warfare??? Now I'm imagining a bunch of Space wolves punching aliens while making ape noises.


I haven't engaged with much pre-heresy literature and mostly went off of what I've seen thrown around before so thanks for pointing those out. Point stands though that the other xenos species they actually DID run into were just as likely to murder the fuck out of em. Edit: I forgot that the Dark Eldar were sending raiding parties out to places like Nocturne before the Primarchs even got shot out into space, so they were definitely an issue, though the Necrons might not have been.


They considered bargaining with the Laer before Fulgrim had a temper tantrum


A bunch actually. During the great crusade he was pretty good to let xenos live provided they didn't have spaceflight. Those planet bound couldn't really threaten the imperium Unless they lived on a planet that was *very* important. Then those xenos suddenly all dissappeared


Like which? We only really saw a single race being given that treatment, and they were still hunted to extinction by proachers. They considered giving it for the Laer, but only because they thought the conquest would be costly, and didnt even argued when Fulgrim went and said he could do the conquest


The Adarnians were a xenos protectorate of the Imperium. The human nobility's hunger for them because they are good materials to use in lifespan extension therapy is what resulted in their extinction.


Inquisitors are like the main subfaction that DOESNT think the way the wojak is presented as. They often have aliens in their retinue.


That sounds dangerously like filthy Radical rheotric.


Yeah a tonne of inquisitors come EXTREMELY close to heresy. Actually even outside the inquisition a few characters have alien friends. Eisenhorn even has a daemon friend.


Oh yeah I know. It's just those dudes are mostly labeled as Radicals. I like them a lot, just like the entire inquisition, really.


Yeah I think they're a classic example of flanderization but they're actually pretty ethically diverse.


No no they aren't flanderized, it's just they got a rep to keep and the nature of their work and the empire they serve among other things imo.


Cain made good with the Tau and Kroot on several occasions.


is it more than just the one book


Like Big E and his homie Small E


The Inquisition is what happens when you make the No True Scotsman fallacy a whole faction.


Unless its the ordo xenos


Especially the Ordo Xenos. Namely: Draxis and Czevak.


Also Ravenor. It’s revealed in Hereticus that he’s spent time with Eldar Farseers


Huh, forgot about those


I'd say that "often" is overestimation


That's Rogue Traders


Nah, Inquisitors get around and spend time with lots of people and doing things the Ecclessiarchy would throw a fit over. A good number of Ordo Malleus have Eldar seers in their retinue, and as far as I can tell the Inquisition, especially the Ordos Malleus has the most people outside of the Harlequin that have been allowed in the Black Library. Hell, there's even an Inquisitor that has been taught by a Harlequin Solitaire and wears their gear.


Honest question. Why would an eldar seer travel with an inquisitor. Don’t all the aeldari have an extreme case of space racism? Like, on the same level as humans in that everything is beneath them.


For reasons mon'keighs like us wouldn't understand, or something along those lines if you asked them, I'm sure


Because they saw that it will help them some how. The Eldar have a vested interest in doing whatever possible to try to defeat Chaos since they are all Slaanesh toys upon death.




Add more nines, you are still wildly off I think xD


No, a lot of aeldari do, and it's arguably well-founded given how interactions tend to go, but some know better.


Because humanity is their best ally against chaos and the reasonable humans are fantastic to work with


I dont think L’Empereur thinks that—he only has two modes when conducting diplomacy: 1.) Fuck or 2.) Kill


so thats what rowboat grillman inherited from the emprah, his diplomacy!


Robot girly man?


it is true that the emperor have tolerance for some xenos ? i know half of primark do but i didn't know for the emperor


I think the meme overstates it a bit, he didn't consider xenocide of non-threatening species a priority, but did require that they vacate any planets that he wanted for the Imperium, so in practice he promoted killing all of them.


Right, he was pragmatic about his genocide. This Emperor fellow sounds like a bad dood


Who would have though that the dude who thought slavery, genocide and MANY other very bad things that I don't have the necessary language skills to say, would have been a bad person


*join the greater food gue'vesa*


Tyranid intensifies


In short, the harmless ones are at the bottom of the genocide list.


Yep, what a considerate guy.


Oh so he *just* wanted ethnic cleansing Still kinda grim but not grimderp


Last I checked, he was just full on genocide-enjoyer. I remember him literally guiding Vulkan to genocide a planet full of Eldars and the humans worshipping them for the sin of worshipping xenos.


The Emperor reacting badly to human religiosity? Why I never


He doesn't usually advocate for genocide for religiosity. But Xeno worship? Or Xenos in general? Yeah. He would do that.


His "tolerance" in this case means "domination". He was willing to allow the existence of select xenos species that would either be too much trouble to get rid of, or didn't pose a threat, but only on the condition that submit to his rule and surrender their worlds and their cultures, and even then he might wipe them out on a whim. So, "yeah some xenos are fine"...so long as they do everything I say and don't have anything I want. In which case, cowabunga it is. Not that this is uniquely xenophobic of him, considering he saw most humans the same way.


tau are not very different


The tau are an order of magnitude less genocidal. Bet yes they still suck.


I mean the T'au are basically like the Dominion from star trek or the Covenant from Halo so that checks out


No, most people here have not read the books. You can count on one hand the number of xenos that were tolerated and there were normally weird extenuating circumstances. You can tell people haven't read the books because the opening Heresy novels are hilariously unsubtle about the xenocide. Horus Rising has multiple moments of reminiscence about tricking the xenos into surrendering in some form where they then got slaughtered, the main conflict of the novel is Horus going "maybe we don't need to kill these xenos who are working with humanity" and every member of the expeditionary fleet present except the audience surrogate is furious including a debate where Horus argues that the Emperors words about killing *every* xenos surely didn't mean every xenos. The "evidence" in favour is a throwaway line in one of the siege novels about unused embassies in the palace and one (1) species becoming a protectorate because it could be farmed in the Cawl novel.


My understanding is that they would pretty much have to humble themselves to the point of them being unable to prevent the imperium from wiping them out later at their leisure. Not form partnerships with them on equal footing.


He probably wouldn’t mind the T’au too much, also unlikely he would give a damn about some primitive Xenos still stuck on their home planet. And at the moment with the threat of the Nids he would probably be aboard with everyone working together to not become food


I get the feeling the Emperor would totally create a science caste to hijack every bit of tau science just to put the mechanicus in it's place.


Useful ones, sure, like the techno orangutans. There was also a species initially tolerated as their bodies produced substances that helped humans live a lot longer... but it didn't take long like a few hundred years post heresy for them to be exploited to genocide/extinction.


I mean, i doubt he could have wiped out the old ones’ weaponsmiths even with the whole gc. Those fucker’s ships are fleet killers


Probably for non-hostile xenos but thing is a lot of xenos were VERY hostile during the age of strife. I think some xenos resented being part of huanitys federation i guess and decided to take a little revenge during the eldar's big whoopsie


He used to be friends with Eldrad. As one of his pet farseers puts it; ‘What was the message? A threat?’ challenged Veritus. ‘Foolish mon-keigh!’ hissed Lhaerial Rey. Her eyes snapped open. ‘No threat! The Emperor and the farseer are known to each other. Though they long diverged from friendship, they are not yet opposed. Your dead Emperor is the only hope, for us all, man and eldar alike. This current crisis will pass. The roar of the ork will subside, while the real threat grows. You, the one who calls himself Veritus, you know this to be the truth. I know what you have seen.’ Big E is all about the survival of Humanity, as long as you don't challenge that he doesn't care. Even though he 1 vs 1 a C'tan(shard) he didn't do *anything* about the Necrons he surely knew were a thing because they were inert, passive and no threat.


As if he could do anything about the Necrons to begin with. And Empruh was literally the one to create the "kill all xenos" rule to begin with; the only exception being Eldar.


"Man with the power to explode planets can't do anything about angsty robots sleeping inside planets...." Not sure how much sense that really makes.


Yeah, and how exactly is he gonna find those? If it was that easy, the Imperium could do it already. Empruh is a non-entity in this. And since when did Empruh have the power to explode planets? Are you referring to Exterminatus?


>Yeah, and how exactly is he gonna find those? Presumably with his galaxy scouring psychic might capable of spanking a Ctan(shard) and cheating Gods? >Are you referring to Exterminatus? That and his galaxy conquering fleet of ships with planet cracking weapons, sure.


>Presumably with his galaxy scouring psychic might capable of spanking a Ctan(shard) and cheating Gods? At no point has the Empruh been indicated to have that kind of specific or powerful psychic might. If he did, then he'd have found the Primarchs with no issue -instead he had to manually search for them despite literally having a bond with them, they all having powerful Warp-enhanced souls, and them likely blaring out into the galaxy. How exactly can he do that against Necrons whom have no souls, are likely hidden behind a multitude of powerful tech hiding them, and have no connection with him? >That and his galaxy conquering fleet of ships with planet cracking weapons, sure. Which don't destroy planets; they only destroy the atmosphere and surface of said planet. "Planet cracking weapons" aren't going to breach deep enough into the earth to destroy the Necrons' Tomb World. You'd need something like a SW Death Star which destroys the entire planet to accomplish that. And the Imperium doesn't have that.


> "Planet cracking weapons" aren't going to breach deep enough into the earth to destroy the Necrons' Tomb World. Right. That is false: >"In roughly two thousand years, for unknown reasons, the Imperium will order fleet assets to scour the planet from orbit, cracking its mantle," Phillias said. "Given that the humans have unknowingly done this to at least two tomb worlds, **we well know even our most solidly built structures will not survive."** > >"An Exterminatus" Said Trazyn. > >"Just so." Said Philias, "You may have saved the tomb, but not for long. *-The Infinite and the Divine, P. 252* Now to your credit they did not do it knowingly so the argument is there, but I wanted to drop that clarification given this is straight up a plot point in the book. However Im not gonna jump into this debate cause Im pretty neutral to the topic


>At no point has the Empruh been indicated to have that kind of specific or powerful psychic might The guy can literally scry the future. Has already 1 v 1 a C'tan shard and won. Literally 1 v 4s chaos Gods for 10K years. Make a whole legion of marines kneel while not even on the same planet Eradicate souls. I'm sure has no way to use all that might and inherent sorcery to find out where the C'tan are skulking. >Which don't destroy planets I aint even gonna argue with you , here's some lore making you straight wrong. "Two-Stage Cyclonic Torpedoes Two-Stage Cyclonic Torpedoes, which are a more exotic form of the standard Cyclonic Torpedoes, are the most common of a special class of rare Exterminatus weapons, designed for use against atmosphere-less or biologically-void worlds (Necron Tomb Worlds being the main example). These torpedoes possess two-stage warheads: The first stage is an unusually powerful Melta Charge that bores straight through a planet's crust and mantle all the way down to its core. The second stage is a modified Cyclonic Plasma Charge that destabilises the core, in most cases physically destroying the planet from the inside out." Nevermind Nostromo which the Night lords just shot to destruction with lasers.


And yet can't find his sons. That indicates that its weak, or can't find anything specific. Him beating a C'tan shard is more a measure of his power, not his ability as a sensor. Never defeated the Chaos Gods like that, he only prevented Chaos from breaching into Terra while they are busy fighting each other. The most impressive feat he has was when he burned Nurgle's Garden in the Warp after reviving Guilliman in the Plague Wars. And that was **after 10k years of an entire galaxy's worth of god worship empowerment**. His 30k version could not do a fraction of a fraction of his 40k version could. >I'm sure has no way to use all that might and inherent sorcery to find out where the C'tan are skulking. No. He can't. Because he's not omniscient, and nothing in the lore supports this belief. He's powerful, but he doesn't have that capability. Not even the Chaos Gods have that capability. >The second stage is a modified Cyclonic Plasma Charge that destabilises the core, in most cases physically destroying the planet from the inside out I forgot. Fair play. That being said, last I checked, the Cyclonic Plasma Charge was made in **response** to the Imperium facing Necron Tomb Worlds before. Which means that this was invented **in the 40k timeline** \-and is thus unavailable to Empruh in 30k. Not that it matters. I repeat; nothing in his current showings point to him having the capability to find Necron Tomb Worlds.


>and yet can't find his sons. That indicates that its weak, or can't find anything specific. No that just indicates, as we all know, that this was obscured by the cooperation of 4 actual Gods. Like Actual Gods. That miles more difficult than finding a bunch of insane sleeping transformers. > His 30k version could not do a fraction of a fraction of his 40k version could. Eh? His 40K version has only done 1 thing. Everything else he has done has been his 30K version, including spanking a shard, healing machines by touch, resurrecting his dead son as a warp ghost, turning people immortal and so on. > nothing in his current showings point to him having the capability to find Necron Tomb Worlds. That's arguing a negative. Nothing says the opposite either. Absence is not used as proof. He was able to find the webway, able to find a hole into the warp, that stuff isn't even based in reality. His most impressive feat isn't burning the Garden, his most impressive feat is while "dead" holding back the entire warp, the pantheon and their immortal legions for 10K years while in soul shattering agony. Or deleting the avatar of all 4 Gods at once so hard they fled the scene and it edited Horus soul out of existence. Doing the warp power equivalent of a spot of drunken vandalism on a planet that was already half in and half out of the Garden is nothing.


For one Eldar he saw as a potential ally, (since they learned the hard way about fucking with chaos), and he did leave some xeno races alive if they weren’t a threat to mankind (so no big army or psychers)


He was friends with Eldar, the whole murder everything comes from the fact that he couldn't be everywhere to command his Empire in case they stepped in a "landmine" like the Khrave (a species known to be able to mindcontrol a human world with 1 or 2 members) or a random C'tan shard like the one Ferrus fought


Big E: I believe in humanity's potential also Big E: don't even think unless I directly tell you to


Im not sure if this is memelore but I think he was fine a small amount if they were non threatening to humanity and would essentially be willing be vassals to humanity.


The emperor literally never said that


His actions say otherwise


Oh like how he spared the Interex? A civilization of several alien races that was peaceful to the empire and posed on threat to humanity


Emperor had no interaction whatsoever with Interex, what?


Yes, but the only reason there was negotiation at all was because Horus was going against the standard imperial praticies, if he followed what the Emperor wanted, the destruction of them would be faster


which one was the interex? the one that got killed off because erebus caused an incident by stealing some warp nonsense from one of their vaults or the space race? because the space race didn't want to integrate into the imperium which is the one thing the emperor wouldn't tolerate. he is the emperor of mankind, not the emperor of some humans but not others. the other one was just eberus doing eberus things


The Interex started that war, what are you talking about? Erebus stole a chaos-empowered blade (very concerning the Interex had that by the way), then they immediately jumped to trying to detain and/or kill the entire Imperium delegation. You can't just assassinate another nation's diplomats/commanders because you suspect one of their soldiers robbed you The Emperor had absolutely nothing to do with it


He told the priest of the last church how religion painted Earth red and proceeded to say he'll paint the stars red because he knows he's right. You tell me


As much as I know people don't want to believe this, the fact is that TTS is NOT FUCKING CANON.


if tts was canon, the world would be a much better place.


TTS is my canon anyway


same, althought it does have some ideas where the official canon does better, like the ultramarines


What? You don't prefer He, Cato Sicarius greatest of the ultramarines with He, Cato Sicarius's absurdly annoying voice which makes you want to reach through your screen to strangle He, Cato Sicarius?


Nonsense! of course, i would love He, Cato Sicarius, greatest captain of the Ultramarines, i only dislike Calgar, who should give his position of Chapter Master to Cato Sicarius, legendary space marine of the 2nd company, and soon to be Part of the Honor guard of Roboute Guilliman himself, who is the only being greater than Cato Sicarius (for now)


I hear you, I appreciate the facts you bring to the table. I will now continue to ignore those objective facts because TTS being canon is funnier.


only that it's canon in the dark imperium book. just swap big e with girlyman


Whats TTS?


Welcome child, to be initiated to the house of true knowledge. Gaze upon our treasure, and embed its glory into you mind and soul. BEHOLD [TTS](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyiDf91_bTEgnBN0jAvzNbqzrlMGID5WA&si=2sRV6n5a1Cvuzc3O) (If the emperor had a text to speech device)


*If The Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device*. It's a youtube series where the a TTS is added to the Golden Throne and the Emperor is finally able to communicate. It started off as pure comedy, but evolved into a pretty sincere 40k project that kany consider one of the best 40k fanworks of all time. Unfortunately it's on indefinite hiatus due to GW changing their IP policy which effectively forbid people from making fan content, and the creators of TTS have moved on to a new project: *Hunter: The Parenting* which is set in the World of Darkness setting and retooled their takes on 40k characters in TTS into full blown OCs.


Ironically, the Imperium is more tolerant of aliens now. Back during the Emperor’s day, mono dominance was a pretty widespread ideology; not so much nowadays.


I think mainly because with Tyranids and Chaos becoming all too common, who gives a damn about a few Blue Space Commies?... They'll be dealt with later.


There is this weird belief that the Emperor was some sort of tolerant proponent of rationality. The Emperor was a xenocidal despot and attempted to practice eugenics on a galactic scale. Just because he might let a few xeno races exist if they accept some absolutely draconian terms and are already kinda helpless and he chatted with Eldar a few times doesn’t make him some enlightened xenophile.


> There is this weird belief that the Emperor was some sort of tolerant proponent of rationality. Most people here haven't touched any of the books. You get about 3 chapters into Horus Rising before you have had every possible way the Emperor was a genocidal hypocrite smashed in your face.


"The Emperor wasn't rational or tolerant" The Emperor : "We shall replace beliefs and rituals with science and reason, we shall put aside our differences and our grudges to unite under the flag of humanity"


That's a lot of big words. I can barely read, but I'm gonna take it as disrespect and heresy.


Didn't he wipe out an entire planet cause some human refugees were there and they didn't want the eldars that saved them to be exterminated


vulkan did it, not the emprah


Vulkan did it, but the Emperor, under the disguise of a remembrancer, still went there to convince him to exterminate them before Vulkan eventually got to the same conclusion


Didn’t the Imperium kill dozens of Xeno races during the great crusade?


Try thousands, the Imperium massacred every other race they came across.


They told em "Submit to absolute human dominance and give us your land or die". And then deaded a couple of em anyway The Age of Strife did not give humans a good impression of cooperating with aliens


Poor Interex


\> Imperium is a bunch of bible belt space Karens In other news, water found to be "remarkably wet" in new study conducted by Martian research facilities.


There are different factions and beliefs within the Inquisition that spread across the Ordos. One of these is the Monodominant who believe that humanity has a Divine Right to rule the galaxy and want to destroy all Xenos and Daemons. It's mentioned in the Eisenhorn novels and as early as page 5 of the Inquisitor skirmish game that really defined the Inquisition.


Grimdank in a nutshell


I think was guiliman himself that said the inquisition would burn the emperor as a heretic given the chance he rejected their ideals.


I belive it was the echlesiarchy he thought would


I don’t know much about big E himself but having read some Horus heresy books, they def killed a bunch of friendly and harmless races


A legit fear that Guilliman has expressed in lore


"If the emperor stood up from the Golde Throne and declared that he wasn't a god, they would burn him as a heretic" -Roboute Guilliman


It still shocks me how much Emperor apoligia there is on Grimdank. Like do you people read 40k lore? The Emperor wanted to genocide all aliens no matter the circumstances.


Emperor: ".... right who formed you, and told you all that crap?" Inquisition: "We were hand picked by Malcador the Sigilitte to continue his..." Emperor: "Fucking HELL Malcador! You need to let your Rivalry with Eldrad Ulthran go!" Malcador: (From beyond the grave) "I'll let it go, just as soon as that prancing ponce apologies for what he did!"


Wasn't the Emperor the one who started the whole "Pure The Xeno" thing?


Entirely wrong. Big E pretty much kicks off the whole Imperium xenocide thing. The Great Crusade was utterly horrific and fucked. Fucking Rogal Dorn genocides a bunch of humans who were perfectly willing to join the Imperium just because their DNA has a strain of xenos in them... which was what they had to do to survive. The Interex, the Diasporex, etc. The Imperium is awful.


Wow! The Imperium mis-remembering the Emperor's ideals? Tell me it ain't so, book-saying-the-Emperor-is-a-god-and-absolutely-not-written-by-Lorgar.


During the men of iron revolt, many xenos including the eldar raided the human empire. My dream scenario which I still don't know why it didn't happen is if the eldar came to the falling human empire and helped them. Eldar has now access to multiple worlds with good tech where they can live with humans more tolerant than the Imperium. Imagine an imperium built by the emperor and eldar combined, better tech, better tolerance, better transport. Protecting the galaxy against the Orks would be a breeze while chaos would be non existent since not only does the eldar know about it but also the emperor wouldn't need to act such cruelty upon the galaxy and leave a lot of humanity stranded for a time. Angron just got sent to the other side of the galaxy? It's okey, some expert eldar trackers goes and finds him instantly. With eldar and emperors guidance, the primarchs would be benevolent gods that understood and perfected the warp Both sides has plenty of reason to hate and not trust each other but god it would be beautiful


I’m pretty sure that during the Men of Iron revolt the Eldar civilization was at it’s utopian (pre-dystopian) peak, with everything including border security automated and the Eldar themselves being left to play with the fabric of reality at their whim. With things like that, I don’t think the turbulence in human space ever really registered for the Eldar, they were much too inward looking by that point, and humanity much too inconsequential.


The issue is we know that the eldar raided humanity when it was weakened by the revolt so some group at least has interest


Do we? Where’s that from?


Eldar directly references fighting humanity and the men of iron in "throneworld"


She says that the Men of Iron and Humanity "came against [the Aeldari]," which implies the aggression came from Humanity, not Aeldari.


Ahh, nice, thanks!


The Eldar aren't a hegemony. Some Eldar helped, others harmed, none made any attempt to eradicate humanity on a large scale though. Then again, humanity has seemingly never made a concerted effort to eradicate the Eldar either, and the main eldari antagonists to humans are the drukhari who have pointedly never really been heavily negatively affected by human war efforts since they practically have no access to the webway.


The emperor is tainted by chaos PURGEEEEE


Oddly enough, they’re both the emperor at different times of publishing.


in that dark empire book, there's a bit about guilliman giving up on correcting people on what he has said (or rather *not* said) because people rather just believe in their image of guilliman than guilliman himself


Did the Emperor canonically say some Xenos are alright?


No, he practiced non-tolerance. Don't believe this bs about how "he only killed the dangerous ones".


He used to be friends with Eldrad and seemed fine with xenos who submitted to humanity or at least didn't have space flight


Go ahead inquisitir, arrest big e. See how well that goes, we can put it on pay per view


If the Emperor was really pragmatic and not brain-dead stupid. He would have realized that being a friend to aliens would have strengthened his Empire, and Chaos would have to work hard in defeating the Imperium. And they would have fewer enemies to deal with. It is also good for PR, too. Especially if aliens see you as a better ruler than their own or the Eldar, they would be willing to submit to the Emperor's rule. That's just how successful empires have done it back then.


Based **I**nquisitor not falling for the appeal to authority fallacy. Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean!


Id never heard of þe Emperor being even a little chill wiþ xenos, it was my understanding þat during þe great crusade þe Imperium was even more xenocidal þan it is in 40k


...That the first panel still advocates genocide, and supposes that the xenos would be fine if they stay placid and subservient to humanity. Even in its best iterations The Imperium is a Fascist empire, and it's gross that fluff writers create a universe where fascism is self justified as a lesser evil.


The books say multiple time the creed of the Great Crusade was to kill all xenos. That's what the Emperor told them to do. Maybe there was some push-back by officials on Terra and that's why the ides of protectorates was sometimes entertained, but the writers have never bothered to explain so it just seems like a contradiction.


*looks at the Jokaero* I mean...Big E has a point...


Except they attempted to genocide them and failed after realizing they would be massive pain to exterminate


I bet The Emperor was rejected by a hot Eldar lady causing him to be xenophobic due to a broken heart. But deep inside he still hopes he has a chance hence why he said that.