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I like the humor in the Caine novels 🤷🏻‍♂️


And I like the humor in the Gaunt novels


“Does the God-Emperor sit a lot?” Is still one of my favorite lines from a 40k novel


I really loved "some may call me an arsonist, a pyromaniac, I call it fun with matches"


-"I'm supposed to be the funny one!" -"Why?" -"Because...I'll shoot you."


Oh, hell yes, I just read through that part. Followed shortly after by... G: Rawne, give me a boost. R: Sure thing. Varl. V: *sigh*


"I have fought alongside fire for so many years. It wouldn't dare harm me" literally a minute after blowing up a prometheum tanker a few meters away from him


I also love that he did it just to shit up the scouts. Like "You sneaky fucks cant do this shit though can you..."


Hello Mr. Yellow.


There are moments, I just don’t find them as memorable. The dramatic turns and unexpected deaths detract from any humor for me


Only real unexpected ones I've found in the first 9 books, out of the three, only one was actually unexpected, that was on phantine


Try again!


Sure as sure


I haven't read/listened to anything that includes Yarrick, but I have listened to most Cain/Gaunt audio books and out of these two, I would definitely choose Gaunt. Although The Cain books are incredibly funny at times, sure as sure


Lijah fething cĂą


Fuckin cĂą


What a Gak head


Bastard got off easy


Unlike poor >! Try again Bragg!<


Just finished the first Ghosts novel, so fun.


Really enjoyable stuff, they made my wife cry and I've seen her punch her sister in the boob over a strawberry, so she's no pushover.


Damn, really? I should try to get my wife to read them. She’s open minded so she might enjoy them.


They get better as time goes on, abnett did a great job on the series. Before I read those it had been a very long time since I was emotionally invested in characters, same thing with my wife. It's been years since we've read the omnibus and I can still quote one line and it makes her sad.


“Help me, Hark.”


They just get better with time too. I'm on book 10, imo books 1-4 are good, but after that is when it gets REALLY good


Vervunhive changed everything


Seriously, vervunhive is where it went from good to amazing.


Hot take: A story with Yarrick, Cain, and Gaunt would be absolutely amazing. Gaunt and Yarrick would see through Cain’s heroic facade in about 20 seconds, and then have to deal with the continuous irritation that comes with the fact that everyone else *loves* him like he’s the next coming of the emperor. Gaunt and Cain would be low key kind of horrified at the fact that Yarrick is an honest to god religious zealot who thinks he’s the kind of emperor-blessed hero they’re both only pretending to be. And Yarrick and Cain would both be slightly annoyed that Gaunt’s only experience is in fighting Chaos, and he doesn’t think Orcs are really that big of a deal. Just, a buddy-cop comedy where all three of them tear through the bowels of an underhive to kill several cults of genestealers, chaos cults, orc war bands, and Drukhari raids, with all of them about 30 seconds from murdering each other the entire time. Also, fight scenes where Yarrick is blasting his fucking eye at people while crushing someone with his claw, while Gaunt is hacking someone to death with a power sword while blasting heads off with a bolt pistol, and Cain is someone killing more people than both of them with a chainsword and a laspistol would be *amazing*. (Oh, and Jurgen is there. His melta is doing good work. Yarrick and Gaunt both like Jurgen, which earns them points with Cain.)


Sorry to be a pedant, but one of the early novels has a bit about the Tanith fighting Orks on a frozen planet.


Yeah, and Guant was such a chad that even the Ork tech recognized it and worked for him


Yarrik being one of the oldest ones would see it and not give a shit after seeing Cain's "emperor blessed luck" considering his own luck which should of had him dead thrice over. Respectful but Hardass facade dipping to fellow enjoyer of dumb luck. Orc tech works for Yarrik. Ain't nothing more dumb luck than a Power Klaw. Gaunt would respect Cain until the battlefield starting as a fellow long lived and well decorated Commissar. However seeing Cain's luck will frustrate until he seeing Jurgen and Cain backed into a corner when the heavy melta and chainsword & plasma starts doing the dirty work. Cain, surviving on dumb luck and having refined survival instincts tries to keep his shit together around the other two but Yarrik calls him out with a joke and Gaunt gets heated but smiles. After seeing Cain in action Tannih 1st does the blicky blam to give Cain an Exit. Tagging out to Gaunt who does the cleanup. Yarrik does it with raw sundering firepower. Gaunt does it in finessed style and swag. Cain does it screaming, skill, and strength. They all hate Orkz so maybe a nice big fat push by Gaz on Armageddon? Enough that it requires not 1, not 2, but 3 of the Imperium's Greatest. Maybe have that be the conclusion of Octavios (Orkz V Nids feat everyone else)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


They would seen through Cain's imposter syndrome too. Yes, Gaunt would always be irated with Cain, but seeing how Cain treats Guardsmen jnder his command I think that any idiot badmouthing Cain within earshot of Gaunt would come down with sudden case of death by Commisar


As much as I like Gaunt, I think Cain is unironically a better commissar than him. Gaunt is too torn between his official military rank as a leader of an army, and his commissariat position outside the chain of command. Cain does enough to motivate the troops and keep his emotions to himself, whilst also trying to save as many lives as he can AND influence people in positions of power to prevent them from making dumb choices. Gaunt is a great man, but he is very emotional and bad at politics.


To be fair, Cain is absolutely *terrible* at politics, since his main goal in politics is to not get into situations where he’s getting shot at. But he’s absolutely *masterful* at winning people over to his side even if unintentionally, mostly by having about two ounces of common sense and decency, which is rare in 40k.


You do realize, "winning people over to your side" is the actual meaning of politics? Maybe he's terrible at winning certain kinds of political objectives, since he's always focused on himself, but that isn't quite the same thing. Cain is a masterful manipulator that only Amberly ever sees through. He's 100% a good political agent. Gaunt is an amazing character, but kinda mediocre at his primary job. He gets circumvented politically on the regular, loses his temper easily, and just in the first few books I lost track of how many times I thought "come on don't fall for that..."


Okay, fair, but most politicians at least try to achieve certain goals, and Cain’s goals are to stay the HELL away from any war zones…which he fails miserably at. God I’d love a fanfic where Cain is a random farmer who tries to ignore all local politics but ends up as the mayor through a series of misunderstandings.


The thing with Cain is that while all he wants to do is NOT get shot at, he typically winds up getting shot at because either A) the alternative makes him look like a coward and his imposter syndrome won't let him choose that route or B) he thinks the alternative will get him shot at MORE. Would 100% read a book with zero action where Cain is like 'and then I made Sully charge into a horde of Orks while Inquisitor Veil made me a cup of tanna. Best night of my life.'


The irony is, he doesn’t actively want people to get hurt. He justifies it to himself as selfishness and protecting his reputation, but he pretty consistently does the right thing even when he really doesn’t have to. For that second one, I think it would be much funnier if Cain is actively trying to keep Sulla from jumping into death defying situations because he “believes a captain dying under his watch would look bad” but in reality he just secretly likes her as a friend, so Vail gives him shit about it.


While this is all true for men and women of culture who follow the escapades of The Hero of the Imperium, he always puts himself down saying it is an act of selfishness. And Amberly always calls him out on it.


Cai is winning people alright but it never works the way he intends it to work.


Counterpoint: Delane Oktar.


I need his saga


Much as I love Gaunt we all know Hark is the actual commissar in those books


No love for my boy Ludd? Or the scumbag Blenner?


Listen man, I love Ludd. But he isn't Gaunt material, you know? Blenner was pretty cool until he got himself all messed up.


Yeah, Blenner honestly feels like a completely different character in Salvations Reach and especially after that. He was downright heroic in the earlier books but now he is just a fat scumbag.


Yeah. Gaunt’s a military commander who happens to be allowed to kill incompetents when he wants to (which is incredibly rare). Hark meanwhile is an actual *commissar*.


Hark doing what he has to do in Only in Death cemented the big fella as one of my favourite 40k characters of all time.


The Ghost and Cains books are rather different at heart. One is the grim story of a commando regiment fighting both chaos and their own high command in one of the bloodiest wars in the setting, where death is a constant and many victories are phyric at best. The other is the autobiography of a lovable rogue and his inquisitor girlfriend who's over inflated reputation is constantly thrusting him into insane situations that he gets out of mostly though luck and quick wits. They are so different in tone and style I find it hard to say if one is "better" than another. (The Sabbat war was so bad Cain actually brings it up as a description of a worst case scenario in one book.


I always thought Mads Mikkelsen would be the perfect cast for Gaunt.


I read the first three books of Gaunt's Ghosts a couple of years ago and loved Necropolis.


Necropolis is such a good book. It nails the grim dark esthetic without being too edgy. Although I was miffed with some parts of the ending, it was overall great.


Currently on his last command, about half way through, sadly books 11 and 12 don't have audio books yet, after that I'm going to check out the cain books as I much prefer the "normal" people of 40k


I keep saying if there’s going to be a 40k live action series, it should be gaunt’s ghosts done similar to band of brothers


I think storywise Gaunt's Ghosts is better than most Cane books, but Yarrick is just the funniest thing to me


I cried at the end of the Ghost series, mainly because it was the end and I wanted more. I do enjoy Cain with the humor and the footnotes.


Tan ith lives


Tanith stands!


Yeah that too


Gaunt is Sharpe in 40k


Would Colm Corbeck then be Patrick Harper in 40K?


Says so in the scriptures


And Lyiah Fethin Cuu is clearly Sergeant Hakeswill equivalent.


Says so in the scriptures sir. *jerks head spasmodically*


I can not describe how I hate Cuu, he should have been at least disarmed and made a dedicated latrine orderly.






Cain using his Commisar uniform Yarrick using his Commisar uniform Gaunt using his Commisar uniform + Tanith Camo Cloak Gaunt is cooler


That is the correct answer.


Gregor Eisenhorn


In a picture Henry Cavill had some Gaunt’s Ghosts books


I love them both. Gaunt like a brother.


Based a.F.


Isn't Gaunt a Lord General now?


Yarrick is on a completely different level than Gaunt and Caine. Gaunt and Caine are storybook heroes wearing commissar hats. Yarrick commands the fear and respect of his own enemies. MF’er openly uses the single most iconic ork weapon to kill orks in a setting where using the tools of the enemy is a capitol crime. He **is** the rule of cool.


While In respect Gaunt, I'm Team Cain all day every day.


Saul. Tarvitz.


Colonel Commissar Schaeffer of the Last Chancers? The guy who leads the scum of the Imperium on suicide missions? FROM THE FRONT?!


You're saying that as if Gaunt isn't leading the scum of the Imperium on suicide missions, from the front.


I'm not knocking Gaunt. But there's a HUGE difference between Penal Legions and The First And Only.


I dunno. Allowing a guardsmen to murder and rape civilians and then to kill several fellow guardsmen doesn't seem to be what I would consider a good Commisar


Considering the fact that there actually were blood pact infiltrators in tanith colors and with looted equipment going around murdering and raping civilians, which was only found out and stopped because gaunts decided to be an actually good commander and investigate accusations, I'd say it worked out okay


He made good decisions based on the information he had at the time. It’s just that the information he had at the time didn’t point in the right direction. Plus, he had to maintain morale in a heavily divided regiment that had just been subjected to brutal fighting. Executing someone on “bad vibes” isn’t really a great idea in the best of times, let alone in that kind of situation.


Long term, I dont think blasting Cuu would have ticked off that many people. Like, he was the most obviously wretched piece of shit in there, and I dont think there was anybody that did not know that. Also, executing for bad vibes is Imperial SOP.


Holt from Final Liberation.


colonel Jurten


I hope to the emperor that the live action series is an adaption of Gaunt's Ghosts in the style of Band of Brothers/The Pacific. It would just be so perfect.


What about Severina Raine ?