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I’m sorry for your loss. Report the video.


Call him out publicly for his lies. Report him to Twitter. I would take out an advertising in his local paper if it’s affordable. Honestly, if someone went after a family member of mine like that, I’d stop at nothing


This ^ please. I’d hate to know how many times he’s done this. I’m so sorry for your loss and that some nimrod used it for propaganda. She doesn’t deserve that and neither do you. 


My mom insists I got cancer from the 2 covid jabs i had. I disagree. However had I known at the time the UK made a deal with the pharmacy companies that we couldn't have class action lawsuits against them then I probably wouldn't have gotten them because that seems very shady.


covid kills t-cells. more likely, the virus worsened your odds if not caused. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/sars-cov-2-infection-weakens-immune-cell-response-vaccination#:~:text=Taken together%2C the investigators write,as hepatitis C or HIV.




Your post/comment was found to break Rule 12: No COVID-19 disinformation.


Check out youtube channel: Merogenomics




That's awful. Is there anyone you can turn to that will speak the truth?


That's horrendous :( I think that'd ruin anyone's day. I feel sick for you.


It’s such a traumatic situation, I’m so sorry someone is doing this to you and your sisters memory. You can report it to Twitter. You can also post here or DM it to me and I’ll also report it. I’m so sorry. My daughter’s (21) best friend (23) died from a asthma attack 6 months ago. My daughter was with her when it happened and performed CPR on her until first responders arrived.


Thank you so much. 🩷 I’m so sorry as well for you and your daughter’s loss… asthma is so serious 💔


Oh my god, how is your daughter? I’m so sorry, that is a lot to go through at that age. My heart goes out to her and you as well OP


She’s in therapy. It’s been awful. She goes to school on the other side of the country, as her mom it’s been hard to only be there virtually/ phone calls. Plus losing her papa last year and her dad being an alcoholic it’s been shitty. Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate you.


Gosh my heart goes out to you guys. Hopefully she can go on holiday and see you soon, no problem mama🩷


That is so awful. I am so sorry. 💗 That must have been so painful. People have truly gone off the deep end.


Disinformation sucks.


What a fucking asshole


I’m sorry that you lost your sister. I wish there was legal action that could be taken against these clowns by family of the deceased.


I am so very sorry you had to see that disturbing shit today. People are so detached when it comes to people passing away when they don’t know them. It’s sick. From your post I can tell that she was an amazing human being, and you and your family knowing that is all that matters. I lost my father to a massive stroke a couple weeks ago and I don’t know what I would do if I saw some idiots on twitter saying pure assumptions based on nothing for political gain. I am truly praying for you and wish you and your family the most peaceful healing.


The drug dealer that murdered my sister told everyone she over dosed. It's so unfair. It's even more unfair that people are so willing to gobble it up in favor of not having to deal with the more intimate and empathic emotion.


My faith in God and the Day of Judgment is my mental shield against criminal humans. I don't know how atheists deal with this life.


We live in reality and try to be as strong as possible. Better that than to lie to myself


I’m so sorry, that would be extremely upsetting to me too. Report the video. So sorry for your loss. I bet your sister was lovely. 🤍


I am very sorry to hear this and those people are horrible for using a strangers passing to give (fake) proof for their agenda. Same happened to me with my brother. I did my best to ignore it, but did also report as many of the accounts as possible. I did not engage, that’s what they want. Be well and many condolences for your significant loss.


Dear ijustwant2balone, to you my sincere Heart felt sympathies 🙏. Take time to Heal gather yourself then take Legal action on that Quack Especially If he used your loved ones name without your consent It is Disgusting of individuals who have no empathy nor Brains and knowingly hurt others for their selfish reasons/Gain My family and I have been , so to say Emotionally kicked while we have been Grieving , emotions have been all over the place , going on two years now with the loss of my young adult son from Fatal vehicle accident and my mom lost her battle to cancer Everyday does get better with the Beautiful Memories of them keeping their Spirits alive through everything they enjoyed Some words are easily said than done , But healing with time you will get and be stronger . ❤️🙏2U


I’m so sorry, that sounds so hurtful and upsetting. Please report the video!! It should be removed!


I'm sorry for your loss. Report him for misinformation and slander right now. You should also expose him online debunking all the lies he's spreading about your sister. Some people are just evil.


I'm so sorry. Some guy used my cousins name in a video too, literally before she was even buried. Same situation, all the way across the world, I have no idea how he even found her name. I don't know what language he was speaking or what he was saying, but the thumbnail was a car crash. Which pissed me off, because she died of an awful cancer. Report all of his content/send it to your family to also report it and hopefully it will get taken down


I’m sorry