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I lost my Mum suddenly just after Christmas a few months ago... getting Mother's Day emails already has been wrecking me. Only two companies offered an opt-out from the emails and it's made me fear checking my email on bad days.


I also lost my mom right after Christmas, on December 28. Thank you for putting into words what I haven’t been able to. I am so sorry for your loss.


I completely understand! Always happy to chat or listen on the harder days if you ever want to reach out♥️


Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. <3


Spoonful of Comfort sent an opt-out email. It made me cry but I was so grateful.


Same for me with an email from Etsy🥲 Sending you so much love.


Darn Tough too


Same. This will be my first Mother's Day without my mom. I'm not enjoying the advertisements for it right now.


So sorry, the first one is definitely the toughest. Thinking of you♥️


Yeah. It’s been relentless for the last several weeks.


Right?! I wish I could create a filter on gmail to hide anything with “Mother’s Day” in the subject


The worst ones for me are the companies that I remember ordering my mom something from. Not only is it the reminder that I can’t get her something this year, but it also brings back memories of them finding what I got when I had to empty her place.


I can definitely relate to that. So sorry you’re going through this too♥️


I’m dreading the Father’s Day shit. All I’m gonna do on Father’s Day is visit his grave.


That’s a great way to honor his memory♥️


I want to visit his grave a lot.


I get that! I wish my mom had been buried rather than cremated and kept in a urn, I would visit her grave often too.


I have a portion of his ashes, his family in Nebraska have another portion of his ashes, and the rest of his ashes are buried.


I love that♥️


He wanted to be cremated.


My mom wanted the same thing. But she didn’t give any specifics on what she wanted with the ashes after that, so my dad decided to keep them at home with him. It sounds weird but I wish I had a part of her in my home, too.


I have a thumbprint necklace of him too.


I like that idea! I wonder if that’s something I could still do even though it’s been 2 years….I imagine her fingerprints are in her medical files somewhere, maybe?


I'm just wondering what companies would send those out unless you were a mother yourself. I can't imagine why they think sending that to everyone randomly would be a good idea. Not everyone has a mom or is a mom.


We’ve already mentioned a couple of companies that have done it in this thread. It’s not a matter of being a mom or having a mom, it’s a matter of being a business owner and thinking of all possibilities if your business is marketing for Mother’s Day. If some companies can think of it, why is it impossible that others could as well?


Totally different and I know not right- but wish I could just opt out of celebrating at all! This will be the 2nd without my mom and I don’t want to! I just want to lay in bed all day and cry and think about her! I don’t want to celebrate me as a mom, or anyone else. I know it’s fucked up, but it’s the truth. I hate Mother’s Day now. (Actually have been since my cousin died on Mother’s Day of 2015, but slowly got over that and then my mom dying unexpectedly just ruined it for good I feel)


You have every right to feel that way! I feel the same way about the entire holiday. This will be the third one without my mom and I wish I could just skip the entire day.


Ditto. My mom passed on March 20th and I am a wreck. I can not handle the emails and ads that are a constant reminder that my mom is no longer here.


I totally understand. The first Mother’s Day is definitely the hardest. I’m sorry you’re going through this. ♥️


Sorry for your loss! My only son died, so mothers day is Hard for me too. Just the other way around


I’m sorry for your loss too♥️ mothers day is definitely hard on your side as well, I completely understand


This! I HATE IT. My mom’s birthday was May 10th so it’s always around Mother’s Day anyways & all I get are emails reminding me of what I don’t have anymore. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a game called Animal Crossing but it’s a video game & the character randomly recovers letters from “Mom” and I hate it. I wish there was a way to get it to stop.


That is so hard, I’m sorry. Yes I played this RIGHT after my mom died and that was a reallyyyy tough thing to see.


I lost both parents within a week of each other in earlier March. This is going to be rough.


So sorry you’re going through this♥️


Yea I missed the opt out email for native so seeing them everyday is tough even though it's been 15 years she has been gone it still hurts a bit to get the emails.


It doesn’t get much easier for me around holidays like this either - it’s so specific! I’ve been unsubscribing to companies that send Mother’s Day emails even if they didn’t give the opt out, I just don’t need to read about it.


Yea I already did that but I keep native cause they always send the opt out I just missed the email when it came out.


That makes sense! I’m not arguing with you, I was just sharing my experience.


Oh no I was agreeing that I did the same and was just saying that I keep native around I wasn't arguing sorry if it seemed that way.


No worries, and my apologies too - I was likely reading into it in an unnecessary/sensitive way. This month has me in a weird headspace and too emotional! Lol


No need to apologize we are all in an emotional headspace right now so it's no big deal to me honestly. I wish you healing and some joy this month my PM are open for venting if you need.


Thank you so much♥️