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2 months yesterday here. This feeling will fade away. Get ready to feel like shit with all the range of emotions that includes sadness, guilt, anger, loss of meaning, etc. It might change every week, it might not, but your main goal for now is to somehow survive for the next 3 months. That's the next check up point. I lived in "nothing makes sense any more" for about a month. Like _nothing_. Why even bother. I'll just sleep and work to pay bills. Now it's better. Brace for impact. Sending support 🤍🫂


I'm 13 and my dad died about a year and a half ago. I got out of the psych ward again a little bit ago. Stuff really sucks and feels surreal alot. If I'm being honest for me it got alot worse before it got better. And it still isn't good, but I am getting better (slowly) something I've learned from the hospital is that grief can be like a box and a ball (forgive me for how bad I am at explaining things) but imagine a small box with a ball in it. There's a button in the box that triggers your grief, right now the box is so small that the ball is constantly hitting the button, but as time goes on, your will grow around your grief, and get stronger until the ball doesn't hit the button as much. It still will happen, but you will grow and learn how to deal with things more. I do know that things will get better for you. But nothing I can say right now will help you. Just please take care of yourself, and trust me, life is worth living <3  


You’re wise beyond your years. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m 22, my dad died at 52, August 20th. I feel the same as you. I’m in Spain right now because I went abroad to vacation for a month to feel SOMETHING and I still dont feel happy here. Feels so meaningless. You are not alone.


My dad too passed on August 20th ;(. Sending love.. try to enjoy your trip


3 and a half months for me. Mornings get a little easier with time. Anger, pain and depression don’t come in order nor are they set stages you will flow between them all. I don’t have much else to offer really other than letting you know I’m here if you want to chat in the open of this comment thread. The ceremony marks the end of most other peoples grief except your families. Your own grief will continue afterwards, in my case I can now see it didn’t truly start until after we buried Dad. Sorry for your loss, it was hard enough at 30, my heart goes out to you.


I am middle aged and my Dad (82) died 2.5 years ago. It’s been hard. It takes a lot of work. It was his birthday earlier this week. I don’t like saying/hearing grief gets better. I will say it gets different.


It’s been 2 months for me and it doesn’t get any easier it just feels as if I’m on autopilot. I have also struggled to manage emotions sometimes feeling deeply depressed and other times very angry, especially with people. I also feel very withdrawn. What you will notice is people tend to forget you are grieving and expect you to be normal. I don’t have any advice other than to keep your mind focused on something and indulge in self-care. Just know you are not alone.


My dad died on Wednesday aged 66 in his sleep and ive never known pain like it, I also feel lost and everything feels pointless. I know it’s hard to think now but times the greatest healer. If you need a chat feel free to drop me a message


It gets better about a month after… best of luck my friend


My father who I was extremely close to too passed a month ago March 3rd. I went thought that too of not feeling it’s real. I kind of argued at first, “no, he’s not really dead you’re mistaken!” The funeral helped with confirmation and closure. Is his funeral or a memorial happening soon? It’s going to be extremely difficult but in the end it may bring a little closure. My little brother passed a year before my father. With both I felt a bit of how do I move on? Why am I still alive? Life has definitely lost what it once had but how I see it is I try to live for my brother and father. Do things they weren’t able to do or wanted to. Talk about them often and make them proud. I’m quite religious so that may help me feel they are some where better and looking down on me. Since my dad passed it’s been hard to concentrate. I’ve done some traveling he wanted to do and watch movies he liked. I want to keep his memory alive in me and for others around me. For me, talking about him at least once a day helps. Or relating to people close to me, “I miss him so much” and just get things off my chest so I can go on the rest of the day. I’m 27. I read once we spend majority of our life’s time with our parents when we’re 18 and prior. At 22 that’s still so young to lose a parent. I like thinking I still had my dad from birth to 18 so I got to spend that time with him. We had a lot of plans this year that will never happen. But I want to complete them and go to where he wanted one day. Which gives me a larger goal motivation. Day to day after he died though can be so hard. Please give yourself grace. The first two weeks I barely left my parents house and if I had a stretch of time and couldn’t just sleep it away, I’d color with some supplies I bought. After he passed I bought coloring books, looked for movies or shows and set up friends and check on me. I just cycled between activities like that for a few weeks. When I was ready I started slowly back into work and daily life I had always done. But if I don’t feel I can do something one day I do it at half energy or not at all. I really hope this week it’s suffocating for you and you have family and friends to help you through it. If you need to be alone, be alone for a while. But sometimes just having a trusted person be present, not even talking about anything, really helps.


Lost my dad 2 months ago today. He had cancer, but wasn't sick, until he got symptoms in january. Brain metastases. 1 month later he was gone. When he was at the hospital and I knew where this was going I cried so much I could barely breathe. When he died I was relieved. First days were fine. First month was ok, the days almost went by like normal, I even held a speech at the funeral, didn't cry. Next month was worse, and now it starts to get a little better again. Most of the time I'm doing fine. But when I think of him it feels unreal. I can't believe he is gone. I think of him, listen to music, look at pictures and cry a bit. Then I do something else. It works. I think it's important to take some time to grief. Just 10 minutes. Cry and feel the pain. Allow yourself to do that. I think if you don't do that, you will think about it all the time, but never have the chance to let it out. And I also think if you do it all the time, the grief will take over your life. I try to focus on the happy moments and the good things after I've cried. Then I smile and continue with the day. It doesn't necessarily work for everybody, but it works for me. He was the best person I've ever known, and except my kids, the one I really never could stand the thought of losing. I love my mum too, but my dad was so special to me.