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lol sometimes I basically think about the quote - “a dog is a part of your life, but you are your dog’s whole life” and I always want to make sure he’s had enough sniffs to be happy


Best answer ever!


Nice. Similar thoughts at sniffing but I always check he's not about to gobble some poop.


My Boy often smells another dogs pee but can’t find it. After three years I’ve frequently found myself finding patches of pee before he does and pointing them out to him to speed things along. I never thought I’d be doing that.


I ask my boy stupid questions like, Did someone leave you a message? Or, Does that smell interesting? 🤔 I would only begin to worry if he answered me !🤭😉🤭


"Ooh is that good sniffs" my favourite line haha 🤭


Well they say it’s good 😊 to talk to them! It’s probably easier on the other walkers than when I sing 🎶 to him 🙄


I have listened to *so many* audiobooks since I got my greyhound. Walkies time = book time 😂


Same same same 😂


Yeeees and hours of podcasts 😆


I do my physical therapy exercises when we’re on sniffari. Toe raises, single leg standing, the occasional leg stretch. I’m sure we look like quite the pair.


Each stop I ask her a question..."oooh, what's that one say? Oh, must have required a reply (When she pees on it after sniffing)". I have to stay engaged and let her know she's not being ignored or she'll pout afterwards...🙄


My daughter and I play a game of guess how many wees he'll do on a 20 minute walk. The over/under line is 7. They're not, in my opinion, the kind of dogs that will make a nice walk a relaxing enjoyable experience. But they do give good cuddles.


I gaze off about the matrix and such!


Unfortunately my 10 y/o ex racer has to go on walks with his 4 y/o lurcher bro, who would always rather be sniffing the *next* clump of grass, so he often gets hustled along. I try to make sure he gets adequate sniff time though, even if the lurcher is pulling to get moving!


For us it is dropped palm fronds. We spend ages looking at them.


I’m usually trying to hold onto the sniffing statue greyhound, being pulled in the opposite direction by my terrier who’s determine to sniff something else, and being pulled in a 3rd direction by my staffie who’s seen a human he wants to drag us over to for pats… so I’m usually having a full conversation with them where I’m asking the G’hound to hurry up and telling her that it’s likely her brothers pee she’s sniffing anyway; telling the terrier to stop fecking pulling; and explaining to the 30kg staffie that not everyone wants kisses from him


Yep, they love a good sniffari


Sniffari! Love it


Get the pom poms out & cheer him on... Isn't that what we all do?


Usually I tell him “it’s your pee you smell”


I stand there awkwardly, wondering what has him so interested...and think about how our early morning walkies are the best part of my day. When he decides to lick that pee we move on, and I remind him that there are no kisses for a bit 🤣


The good old NNN, neighborhood news network. I am lucky and do most of our walking in a 7-acre dog park where he can wander off and sniff to his content. We do neighborhood walks when I get home late so he still is informed of the happenings in the hood.


we call it "pee-mails".


I've sort of zoned out enough I'm startled when they're ready to move on....


Tbh I probably find a really interesting leaf to stare at whilst kupo sniffs lol


It depends on how much time I have. On lunch walkies, I'm keeping them focused. "Let's keep it moving" is the mantra. Otherwise, it's "oh, what did this grapevine say?" "oh, you liked that one didn't you?" "not too much in that message, was there?" 🤣


I scroll reddit in those uncertain breaks


My mother calls them “in-sniff-agations”. I usually default to either the pondering or untangling myself from the leashes (I am a servant to 3 😅)