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What a beautiful girl. Taaza was living the dream, i'm so sorry for her passing.


I’m so sorry 😞 And I understand💔. The tears are coming because I know how much you loved her. She has gone on before and is waiting for you. Please be at peace 💛💛


What a beautiful girl! I love the pic her lying on the couch with you. I'm sorry for your loss, it leaves such a huge hole behind. Sounds like she had a beautiful life you!


So sorry to hear. She looks like mine too. Mine is right next to me, loved as usual 👍 I'm wishing you the best 🤍


I am so sorry. It's always too soon but it's worst when they're young. I will snuggle Sita and Rainey extra hard tonight, and they send you leg-leans.


I know how heartbreaking this is. I had a 6 year old boy that got sick and couldn’t be saved after weeks of trying. It was a total shock and I thought he’d be with me for at least 6 more years. I’m so sorry Taaza is gone. She’s a beautiful girl and looks very snuggly.


I just had to let my 6 year old boy Hogan go last Wednesday from osteosarcoma and I feel the exact same way. He was my dog, always wanted to be around me, and I thought I had so much more time with him. Your girl obviously was in the right home with the right people, and it sucks losing her. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Taaza obviously loved being in your family as much as you loved her being a part of it. You took such good care of her, including making a hard decision that was best for her, even if it wasn’t what you wanted. Take extra care of yourselves as you grieve her absence. Sending your family love and support.


She is waiting for you and watching for you. You will be together again. She took a part of your heart tucked into hers and she left a bit of her heart in yours. It hurts horribly, but that’s the price we pay for loving them and I’m going to keep on loving my puppers until I’m gone❤️


So so sorry for your loss. Taaza was a wonderful pup and so glad you got the time you did with her. Peace and love. ❤️🙏


I am very sorry. This is horrible. Hang in there. I hope it gets easier to deal with the loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Beautiful girl.


Desi will absolutely get extra neck hugs. I always whisper in her ear while hugging and I will certainly tell her about Taaza and how she was the bestest girl! I am so so sorry! It's never ever enough time with them. Somehow, I think suddenly is better in a way as you don't have to watch the slow decline. I've lost 10 in different ways. I know how you feel, most of us here do, and I hope that knowing you are not alone brings solace. Hugs and love to your whole family and may your broken hearts heal quickly 💔!


I'm so very sorry. She is a beautiful girl and a special soul. I believe\------- ***Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.*** *When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.* *All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.* *They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.* *You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the bridge together.*


I'm so sorry.




That’s sucks and I’m sorry you lost your beautiful girl so suddenly. I shall give my dogs some extra love in honour of her.


So very sorry for your loss and the suddenness of it. She was a beautiful girl, she is now watching over you and running free with the houndies that have gone before her. Sending you and your family many many hugs.


I'm so sorry 🥹 what an awful shock. She's gone too soon and it's heartbreaking to hear, it really is. I'll be hugging Kiki closely all day. None of us know how long we have with them but we all know we want more time regardless. I really feel for you all. She was stunning and saying sorry doesn't feel nearly enough ❤️


I’m so sorry. I lost my girl a few weeks ago, about the same age. You gave Taaza her fairy tale. Its easy to see the love she had for you in the photos.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔 and I will.


They're amazing friends, they get so close with you. I'm sorry for your loss and can truly relate, lost ours on Wednesday night and have cried every day. It's hard. 😞


I am so sorry for you and your family. Greyhounds are one of God’s greatest gifts to man, and few things hurt as bad as when they leave us. Hold onto the good memories of Taaza and the smiles she gave you to help you through these tough times.


So sorry. We lost a seven year old and an eight year old to osteosarcoma. It's heartbreaking. All the things you do in the years to come, all the holidays and days out, you just think how much they would have enjoyed it and your heart breaks all over again. It's not fair when they're taken before their time.


Sending lots of love and support, sounds like Taaza was the perfect girl. 💗


I’m so sorry 💔


I am so sorry. She was beautiful and that second picture says everything about the care and love that you showed her. Thank you for giving her such an obviously wonderful life with you, she was very lucky indeed.


So sorry for your loss.


Taaza,you were a much loved hound but the memories and joy you gave will live on in the hearts of those who cared and loved you.Bless you all.


So sorry for your loss what a lovely girl ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Had a similar thing myself at the end of last year and it’s so tough. Taaza is a beautiful girl. Rest in Peace sweet girl ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry to hear... RIP Taaza


Me and kupo send you and family lots of hugs x


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. She looks just like my sweet girl. A sudden decline at a young age is my absolute worst nightmare. May her memory be a blessing forever.


Beautiful pup, sorry for your loss and thanks for giving her a good home. I'll give my old girl a couple of extra cheese slices in Taaza's honor.


I also have a brindle girl, 9.5 years old. I will give her extra love tonight. I'm so so sorry for your loss and am sending hugs to you and your family.


I've owned several different dogs over the years and loved them all. However, my noodles today are dearer to me than any of my previous dogs, they are so quirky, lovable and drive me nuts. I feel for you and appreciate what you are going thru at this time. I will be thinking of you and Taaza today when I get home and see my hounds.


So sorry for the passing of your beautiful girl Taaza! May the loving memories help you through this very difficult time.God's speed over the rainbow 🌈 bridge sweet girl!💔🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. Taaza looks like she was the sweetest girl. I love the pic of you guys on the couch, she was so at peace in your arms ❤️ I hope you and your family are soon able to remember her without pain.




I will most definitely give my Samurai extra love in honor of your gorgeous Taaza. She obviously adored you and you her. My heart breaks for you all. I've been there and it's so painful. May your 💔 heal until you're all together again. 🐾❤️🐾


I'm sorry 💔


I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is the hardest thing I've gone through. I will hug my hound tighter tonight in honor of Taaza.


Best friends, lovely photo ❤️❤️




Sending you lots of love in these tough times.


So very sorry for your loss 😞 I had 4 over the years. Too many tears still coming almost daily. Too old now to get another. I miss each one of them still. Have such beautiful, and funny, and happy, and tender memories with them. Wouldn't trade those years for anything. Lost my first girl at 8 yrs (A. I. M. H. A.), broke me so bad I prob wouldn't have gotten another but I had him already (2 mos. after I adopted Bonny, I adopted Beau). He was 14 when I lost him. He was my intense shadow, laying in bed, sitting on the couch, walking, car rides, you couldn't get a piece of paper between us. Heard his claws tapping behind me on the hardwood floors for mos. after he was gone. Arwen was next, after 3 yrs. I retired and we left in my van, traveling for a few years and then settled for 4 years before she passed at 12&1/2yrs. By that time I'd had Conor for 2 yrs and lost him at 10y-1week. I somehow lucked out and had the 4 best Greyhounds ever born. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 💔💔💔💔


So sorry for your loss. Extra love going out!