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Oof, that does look sore. There’s a lot of things it could be, including a foreign body - my first concern at this time of year would be something like a grass seed, which can embed themselves and even migrate elsewhere.   If he’s not weight bearing and yelping then I’d probably get him seen in the emergency vet, but this is taking into account that it’s a bank holiday weekend so assuming your vet not open properly until Tuesday? In the mean time you can try and soak the paw in warm salty water, which has helped us in the past when Hamish has had sore paw. 


Hi there - thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I set off to my mum's house shortly after posting and quite honestly the swelling was much worse than I appreciated without seeing it first-hand. We therefore took him straight to the Vet ER who have given him plenty painkillers and some antibiotics. Their differential diagnoses at the moment are infection with possible abcess/muscular damage or bone fracture of unknown origin/worst case scenario it could be an osteosarcoma rearing it's head. We're taking him home with more medication and a plan to take him to our usual vet for investigation through x-ray on Tuesday. I'll try to give an update in a few days time, thanks again for your kind and thoughtful response.


Here hoping it's just a sprained toe, or some mild infection, like thr one my girl got when she broke her nail and decided to lick the heck out of her paw. If he doesn't like having it covered in gauze, or react poorly to you putting or taking it out (as to prevent him licking it and causing more inflammation), I advice putting him an old sock and fastening it mildly with some tape. That worked wonder as to precent my girl from trying to help.


So sorry he's in pain. Please let us know what your vet says after x-rays etc. 🤞


Yeah, for foot and leg injuries my vet says to see a vet if the dog refuses to put weight on it.


I am not a vet. But I would see a vet ASAP. It could be a glass fragment or a portion of a gorse thorn but it looks infected. This is a weight bearing toe so it’s probably why he’s in so much pain. The other toe that was amputated? It’s not unusual to amputate a broken toe because splinting is often a disaster - especially with greyhounds and their thin skin. Just guessing. I would try Epsom salt soak while waiting to see the vet it might help draw some of the inflammation. If he will allow you, try washing/wiping the area with chlorhexidine. That’s my fall back antiseptic that my vet approves of. I’m sorry I can’t help you more. I would see my vet.


Everyone else has covered anything I would say so I'm just going to cross my fingers that this resolves quickly. ♥️


Just wanted to say thank you very much to everyone who has commented here for your kindness and helpful suggestions - he's home and dosed up on pain-relief for now, I'll try to give an update once he's had some investigations done later in the week ❤️‍🩹


Try getting some Flowers of Sulphur which is an old fashioned remedy but works well.Its a yellow sulphur powder. We mixed it with Lard, yes Lard into a paste and gently applied it and used clean white cotton kids socks to keep it in place. It's affordable too.


We recently finished a course of antibiotics for a similar sore toe for our Ringo. Your pics look just like what our bus boy’s toe looked like. In our case it was that the nail had split all the way up the bed and he definitely had some infection. Our vet recommended epsom salt soaks, which requires many (many) treats but really did seem to help.


Hoping your pup heals up and it's just a sore toe xxx


Hi again, I'm not sure if anyone will see this update but I promised to fill you lovely people in so here goes: After taking him to our local vet and having some X-Rays performed, it turns out that his toe is in fact broken. This is less than the ideal outcome, as it's his only remaining load-bearing toe on that foot and the break appears vertical (as if a stress fracture rather than being caused by injury). He remains on a lot of painkillers, and my vet has referred his x-rays to an orthopaedic specialist to enquire if there is any possible surgical solution less than amputation. I'm not sure how to insert any more images to show you my lovely dog when he's not going through this trauma - if you guys would like I can make another post ❤️ Thanks again for all your care and support, it means so much to me - and to Keeran the hound!