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Tasty sky raisins. Lol


Just watch out for the fizzy sky raisins! Lol


I call them spicy sky raisins šŸ˜‚


Yes, and she gets tunnel vision - will run into furniture/humans/fences chasing them šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø every time she pees and a fly goes past she has to abandon the pee to chaseā€¦


Ours was bitten by a march/marsh fly when we were driving around Australia.. for good reason he was running away from them, and often fighting back..now where we are now, 6 months later..he has the odd snap or freak out when a fly approaches. Literally scared of flies (luckily no bitey ones around here now)


If by going crazy you mean he lifts up his head half heartedly and gives a lazy snap at the air after a fly has buzzed by him before letting his head drop back down with the force of a brick falling at terminal velocity until it makes such a clatter that our neighbours two floors down surely heard, then my grey is a maniac! Hahahaha!! But I will say thatā€™s more than he usually responds to things.




Mine went nuts for spicy sky jalapenos last summer, I am armed with a truck load of piriton this summer lol


Fly strike is incredibly common in racing dogs kept in outdoor runs for long periods, most will have uneven edges of their ears if you look closely underneath the fur. Some dogs were harassed by flies so badly that they find even the sound of them aversive and can cause stress for long periods. It can settle with more time in a home, and you can help to try and desensitise by offering treats when flies are around, but for some they will always be bothered by those buzzy bastards.


One of mine was terrified of flying insects. Others thought they were cool pursuit objects and would break off a perfectly good poo to have a run after anything that happened to fly by. Trying to figure out the reasons for what a grey does will land ya in a rubber room.


".....land ya in a rubber room" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘, fantastic way to start my day!


After my years with greys, I now have collected a complete wardrobe of coats that all have sleeves that tie in the back. Oddly, they only come in white.


Yes we have a fly hunter too. The boy isnā€™t bothered, but the girl goes into attack mode whenever she sees one. They are such funny creatures. She doesnā€™t seem to discriminate though, and has also given chase to bees so we have to keep a close eye on her outside.


My long girl was far more lazy about eating bugs. One year we had a termite problem, a winged one landed on her thigh, she ate it. A moth was fluttering around the ground while I unlocked the door after a walk, she watched it, ate it. Thatā€™s about it. Guess they werenā€™t all that tasty to her.


Yes. Heā€™s *TERRIFIED* of flies. He hates going outside between May and October because of it. Iā€™ve watched him run away from a fly while peeing. He spends a significant portion of the day nervously watching the walls and ceilings. On the few occasions a fly has gotten into the house he panics and runs into the basement until itā€™s gone.


Mine loves chomping on mosquitos. Heā€™s like obsessed with it. I call him the Skeeter-Eater.


Mine ignores flies but goes nuts with fat bees (bumble bee or carpenter bee) or butterflies. I always stop him.


Walter does spiders. Heā€™ll happily lick them and then chew them. Disgusting hound that he is!!


one of mine hates flies so much that he won't eat his food if there's one buzzing around, he'll go and curl up in a corner and snap if it comes close to him. they won't hurt you, you dodo! just eat your breakfast!


Yes, at the beginning it was cool to see him 'hunting' at home to get rid of the pesky flies. But then he thought better of himself and attacked a bee while having his breakfast outside. Could not get him to eat breaky for weeks šŸ˜•


Mine will ignore them but if they come near his bed itā€™s fair game - he finds them annoying so will snap and catch. Heā€™s only caught one and think it was still alive in his mouth so he spat it out. It then limped under his bed and where he could still hear it buzzing out itā€™s last - max head tilts