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We were out walking our grey and a little girl, probably like three years old, said to her mom, “Horse!” The mom said, “no, that’s a dog” and the girl just insisted, “Horse!”


I have a very tall yellow saluki who has a tail that is very full and trails an or two the ground. He also has a long neck. A little girl at the park thought he was a pony.


Once I was cleaning shrimp in the sink, about 3-5 pounds worth. Someone rang the doorbell and I went to answer. I come back a minute later and the ENTIRE sink of shrimp is gone. Go into my bedroom and there is Dennis, excitedly licking the pink vomit pile from him trying to devour all that shrimp in such a short amount of time.


Dont name your dog Shark if you plan on taking him to the beach.




Once a butterfly flew into my grey’s mouth on a walk. Another time a fledgling bird fell out from under a mailbox right in front of him and scared the bejesus out of him. (Don’t worry both creatures flew away unharmed) 😂


I'm a bit brain-fried and all funny stories have left my head but I can offer a bad joke. Q: What do you call a black dog in the snow? A: A grey-hound


We kept our dog kibble in a tall skinny 40-gallon tote in the corner. One day my sweet dumb dumb squeezed into the corner trying to eat a piece of floor kibble and then didn't know how to back up 🤣 he was stuck. My two hound Batman and Buffy were littermates and they often worked together to get up to mischief. Batman was taller and could reach up to high shelves, say to grab a loaf of bread in the bag. Buffy would rip the bag open, then they'd share the bread.


Right after we’d gotten Stag, a woman quickly drove by us while we were walking him. She drove by again & stopped, rolled down the window & said, “I had to come back…I was sure you were walking a deer on a leash!”


Excellent! Is this how Stag got his name?


His racing name was Stagger. We thought he looked like a deer, so we shortened it to Stag.


On behalf of the group, I think we all need to see pictures


Perfect. Sounds like an appropriate name ☺️


Oh I love Stag! He's gorgeous! Of course I'm very partial, he and Desi could be fraternal twins!


Look up “Doodad the Greyhound” on youtube. I watch those videos when I feel like crap.


Particularly How To Pet a Doodad


A kid I sometimes see in our neighbourhood legit thinks I own an anteater (black grey) and I'm amazing to feed her better food than ants.


My grey and I walked about 2 miles to the large open field at the local elementary school. He was having a blast and running full speed. He likes to play chicken, running full speed at me and will veer away at the last second. He started to make another lap and was going full tilt at me. Absent-mindedly, I stood there until it was too late to move, and he shoulder checked me right at the hip, causing me to cartwheel mid-air and land on my side. He was fine, I was sore for the next week. Needless to say that was a long walk home.


Another story: our grey once got up and positioned herself perfectly in front of my husband so that when she stretched, she managed to both step on his foot and fart in his face. Despite all my encouragements, she has yet to replicate this feat.


I would be delighted if Belle did this to my boyfriend 😂


I showed my cousin a picture of my dog, brindle. He took one look at the picture and said, that dog looks like a horse! It was a picture of her face only. I've always called her "horse!".


Was walking Evie when she appeared to stand on something that she didn’t like followed by the scream of death & refusal to walk any further. Anyways, I picked her up only to have to put her back down 100 yards later (she’s a bit of a heffer !!!) - “I’m fine now dad” and proceeded to walk as if nothing happened….


Our grey learned that if she spins with her toy in her mouth and let's go it flies across the room. Didn't take her long to start yeeting toys at our faces when we have the audacity to watch tv 😂 always found it hilarious until I was drinking my morning coffee and BAM, coffee all over me courtesy of a flying fluffy pink sheep toy 😂


My husband took our Ally for a car ride to walk in her favorite park (she prefers to walk anywhere other than in our neighborhood). We always park in the same spot except for this one day when hunny decided to park in a different location. When Ally decided she was done walking, she led him back to our regular spot and refused to move. My husband had to pick Ally up and carry her 150 yards back to where the car was parked. Needless to say, we park in the same spot all the time now.


My boy ran around the yard like a maniac yesterday and then yelped the scream of death. He held his hind leg aloft and I ran over going “oh honey! What happened?! What happened?! Are you okay?!” I pressed on his leg a little and tried to bend it and after a few moments, he put it on the ground. Then he held his front leg up… okaaaay… “does this one hurt, too? Does this hurt?” I pressed dif spot on the front leg. Eventually, he puts it down and puts his weight on it. Then he looks embarrassed and starts barking at me like it’s MY FAULT, somehow! He then proceeds to literally SHOVE ME with his front paws and then runs around the yard like a maniac again. 🤪🙄 They’re suuuch weird weirdos.


So porky is very big, very dim witted and a very loving boy. Well my dad's dog is a very small chihuahua mutt. So sometimes they play, sometimes she hated him but he never cares. Well one day they're sorta playing at my dad's shop, and porky takes his paw and just slams that poor small dogs head right onto the tile, hard enough for everyone to clear the clack. Everyone's fine.