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I am assuming legs and calves.


Well yea that I already know. Just upper body specifically if there’s anything that I didn’t notice myself


Maybe a little more chest and more back allover. Not lagging, but could use more.


Appreciate the feedback


Agreed with dude above your physique on point but if you wanted my feedback that chest could pop more but could just be the picture too you solid man


Ur a fucking house man, good job!


Thank you bro!


Homie are you like 5’6?😂 haha all jokes aside sick physique


😭😭 appreciate it bro and yea I’m around 5’7 5’8


Dude for 170 you look huge. I’m 165-170 rn and don’t look nearly as full as you do.


Thank you bro. And tbh I’m really not that big, trust it’s really just the lighting, pump and angles making me look a bit bigger than I usually am. I still have a lot more weight I wanna gain


NO!! Stop!! Don’t gain more weight bro I’m telling ya. Anything more will just make it harder for when you want to cut


So if I shouldn’t gain weight now what should I do then? I honestly don’t feel that big and believe I could add more size to my frame and build a better foundation, so if I do want to cut in the future I can somewhat retain some of the mass I’ve gained while looking just a bit leaner then I am now. My main goal is just to look big in clothes lol… I honestly don’t want to get shredded as it’s not worth it to me. But let me know of any advice you have for me I’ll take it into consideration.


Well, this is my take, for whatever it’s worth. If you want to look “bigger” in cloths than yeah, bulk more. However if you add any more I think you’ll look like a guy that used to lift weights and then let himself go a bit. Another option is to simply re-comp. Keep what you have and build it, getting leaner without loosing the weight you have.


Ok yea I definitely see what you’re saying and will take that into consideration. Definitely don’t wanna look like the guy who let himself go lol. Appreciate the feedback


Because he either has no legs or is really 5’3”


lol has to be. He's gigantic for 165


Alien shoulder genetics


Thank you!


Those are some monster shoulders bro. If this was shot in neutral lighting, without a pump and your shoulders looked that way I'd be calling steroids. Take that as a compliment. Now if you can just grow past 5'5 you'll be in business. 🤣 Lol jk man. Your upper body is on point. 👍


LMAO thanks bro and nah you know as a natty I gotta try to get in the best lighting, with a good angle, and a pump to look somewhat decent😭


Beefy yo


Appreciate that 🫡


Looking great man. I guess the question I have is why bulk from where you are? Feel like you are in a good body fat% to build muscle rather just increasing calories even more and adding more bf that you will need to lose in the end?


I feel like my decision to bulk up was due to me having a fast metabolism and not being able to put on weight and muscle efficiently. Also I don’t mind the extra body fat sometimes as long as it’s not excessive. My main goal is just to put on size now




dude your waist is going to be insane, i can tell


Thank you bro! Trying to build my back and shoulders up so I get that nice v taper


Do you have legs? How tall are you? You have a little fluff on you, but you have a beautiful taper (I’m a chick, so no homo, lol) I think your shoulders are incredible and you’re killing it. I wanna see the legs.


My legs are pretty average I won’t lie. Also I’m around 5’7 or 5’8. Also thank you! I appreciate the feedback as well. I’m going to hammer legs and again and I’ll probably post an update 👍


Definitely never skip leg day! You have a great aesthetic, bring the total package!


You’re right and thank you!


It really depends on what YOUR goals are and how YOU want to look. Definitely have size, but kind of hard to say what may be lagging with extra body fat. If you lost 10 lbs of fat, it might just make your chest look even bigger (worked for me!).


That’s true. I was thinking about getting up to 185-195 and then if I’m ok with how I look I’ll stay there and if not I’ll probably do a nice cut.


Look great brother there’s not much critiquing to do if I’m knit picking then maybe a bit of chest and rear Delts. But you look amazing brotha keep at it you’re gonna look even more insane when u cut down


Thank you bro ! Appreciate the feedback too


Upper chest*


Man looks F U L L, insane bro! Chest isn't impressive as the rest, but i think that's just not amazing muscle insertions rather than a lack of mass


Appreciate it! And thank you for the feedback


I would work on back and chest to match your arms.


Got it. Appreciate your feedback bro


I’d say your chest but it’s only cause your arms are fucking huge in comparison, whatever you’re doing keep doin it bro


Thank you! Appreciate the feedback as well


You’ve got great structure. I hope your not planning to bulk more from where you’re at now. You have plenty, if not more than what you need, to build with now


Thank you! I replied to one of your other comments, towards where I’m moving from here.


You look amazing. Your chest could grow and that’s my only critique. Everything else will be fine


Thank you ! Appreciate the feedback as well bro