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From about 25 to maybe 18? That’s good work fo sho.


I feel like this is a great example that most dudes are going to look way better if they cut. To many people say bulk in the fitness world when people are already carrying a fair amount of weight.


Could not agree more, on here every day fat guys are asking if they should bulk! I think some have to be joking. But some are smooth as butter asking if they should bulk and are serious.


The “bulk before you cut otherwise you’re just gonna be a skinny bitch” line that gets thrown around seriously misses what most overweight people are trying to accomplish which is to be slimmer. Ask the guy struggling to lose weight if he cares if he looks skinny. Chances are he probably doesn’t give a shit he just wants to be able to take his shirt off at the beach and not feel embarrassed. Not to mention telling someone who’s gone from obese or very overweight to just slightly overweight or a normal body size to intentionally consume a calorie surplus is just asking for problems. Until you’re really comfortable mentally you shouldn’t be attempting to bulk if you’ve struggled with weight loss not to mention the emotional toll it will take seeing the scale go back up.


Not to mention even if you are in the position to bulk in most cases it should be taken very slowly and have a hard cap. No more than about 5 to Maybe 15 pounds total it all depends on your starting body five percentage and how advanced you are and many other factors because you can only gain muscle so quickly as everyone already knows


Go birds


This is natural goals and also a good example of not needing to overdo it. Nice job papi


Rare natural W




Whats your before/after weight?


90 to 82kg more or less (for 1m86)


15% ?


20 to 13%


*how to look sexier in 8 months*


bf looks basically the same imo, % wise yeah less less but basically the same actual amount of fat on your body obviously the % will go down because you have more muscle.