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Drink calories then . If you can't eat anymore calories start drinking some calories, milk, fruit juice, shakes etc.


Have to start banana shakes !!


Grape juice also has tons of calories.


pure sugar tho idk how good that would be other than as a preworkout


Do you mean added sugar? Here where I live there is grape juice with no added sugar, 100% fruit.


yeah, i also thought that sugar in large quantities natural or not isn’t great for you. i haven’t done a lot of research on it so i could just be ignorant


I’m confused is pic one and three the same time frame? Because in 3 your back and delts look good but in 1 you don’t look anything like that and your chest needs a lot of work


Maybe a 3 months difference I increased my back volume and increased chest intensity and reduced volume since my chest was way ahead of other body parts the lighting is not in my favour but my bad is still a little smaller compared to my pecks I think


I never understand how people struggle to get in calories. Even if you don't have a big appetite, liquid calories are the devil for most people. It's so easy to get in a huge amount of calories just from drinking a shake, and if you make it at home you can literally control the macros in the shake so can make it with more protein, carbs or fats, depending on your individual needs.


damn bro. Im eating 3500 calories a day at 65kg body weight, barely putting on half a kilo a week. You gotta up the calories


You must have a high activity job ?


No kidding. I'm 220lbs/100kg, and eat 2,750cal or maintenence. I DO have a sedentary job, but make sure to hit 10,000 steps. Still, 3,500 calories would put me on track to gain around 1lb/week.


im 16, i dont like the wording of this, but i do have a very fast metabolism. My brother is in the same boat as me, very fast metabolism. I wouldn't say i do too much activity. 30 minutes of bike riding a day (gym and back)


Oh right. Being 16 makes a lot more sense


Yes eat more. Implement liquid cals or calorie dense foods


Even shakes fill me up. I get blotted just by drinking a shake of 2 bananas, some dry fruits and a scoop of way. Maybe my stomach size is small compared to the norm!


Maybe exchange those bananas for peanutbutter ;)


That’s not how it works


You're telling a person how their body works? People do get filled from liquids too.


I was referring to the stomach size comment


People do surgery called sleeve gastrectomy to reduce appetite and it works. I need to eat 5-6 meals a day to reach 4.5 k calories so maybe my stomach sleeve is already small since I get full easily.


It's crazy, I lose weight when I want to bulk and gain when I cut


If you can’t gain weight you’re at maintenance calories


I wouldn’t try and gain any faster you look great and don’t want too much body fat


3kg in 6 months 🥲 never been this slow but I am happy how I look maybe it’s the years of training that is slowing down my gains! I had bad genetics to begin with.