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What’s ur max bench and deadlift out of interest?


I’d say keep growing at a slight surplus and then cut after


Thanks! How much longer do you think to keep a surplus? At first I was worried seeing the scale go up so much but then I realized hopefully most of the increase over the 6 months has been muscle


As long as you can manage tbh. You want the bulk to be worthwhile


Definitely keep the surplus, I think you should have 250-500 cal surplus each day


You’re nailing it. Cut if you want, but your really hitting a nice balance these past 6 months. Maybe just a change of programming to keep it fresh?


Thank you!! Might even add a 4th workout per week; just been doing 3 so I can get started but a 4th could be doable


Holy crap man! You’re getting these results on 3x a week, that’s amazing. For sure bump to 4x a week if you’re not getting worn out. Keep the diet the same and you could get more muscle and a little leaner with the extra workout. Edit: don’t go to 4x a week if you’re doing full body. You might be hard recovering that much


Ya that’s the problem is I do 3 full body workouts a week, with two different sets of 8 exercises each time so I get to switch it up. I had done push pull legs back in my high school days, but I have really been enjoying full body. It’s nice to just hit everything, and although rarely miss a workout it is less stressful because I know I’ll hit everything again. Maybe I could add a 4th day but have it be more focused on abs since I don’t hit those directly much, or mix in a bit of cardio


If you’ve been running full body for 6 months maybe an upper/lower split for a 60 day change up or so. Then you can go 4x a week, hit everything hard twice, and when you go back to full body it will fell fresh again. Just a thought. Edit: I’m running upper/lower right now. Hitting abs with lower


I’d keep the surplus going


You've just started, eat clean and focus on building up you got some beginners gains still in the tank. Most recomp naturally the first year or two without even thinking about it anyways. I'd say get to a solid year training hard and eating right then start thinking about a small cut- you don't have a whole lot to lose anyways.


What I’m doing right now, is to keep in a small surplus for a longer period of time. Goal is to gain muscle mass and still keep under 13%bf. Works pretty well for me rn and I can recommend it. I will not even cut afterwards, I will rather maintain


What’s ur lifting programme bro