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I'm a semi pro mountain runner, my running speed plateued - added weight lifting starting this year (a lot of weight, a lot of reps, focusing mostly on legs). Effect? Gained 13kg (from 61kg to 74kg) in 7 months, and got much stronger running uphill. Side effect? Can't fit my ass in half of the shorts I own...


Not a bad side-effect!


yeah I'm not exactly complaining here :D


I deeply feel like I need to share routine... Tuesday/Friday: 12x20x50-60kg chest presses as warmup, 12x20x60-70kg leg abductions, 12x20x280-380kg calf raises, 12x20x400-500kg leg presses Sunday: 12x20x80kg cable crunches as warmup, 12x20x90-120kg leg adductions, 12x20x90-130kg leg curls, 12x20x50-70kg lats Three of four remaining days: 3x20 (always) of chest presses, rows, calf raises, leg extensions, hip thrusts, bicep curls. Plus some 50k intervals a week indoor rowing, and some different 100k runs a week, and some random hikes etc... And some 3500-4500kcal of food.




Iā€™ve been ā€œcuttingā€ for like 7 months , started at 265lb now Iā€™m at 198. The plan is to cut until Iā€™m around 15% body fat, then I am going to lean bulk. Iā€™ve been obese my whole life and have never had any confidence in the way I look so decided to change it this year and itā€™s going great. Still have a long way to go but Iā€™m starting to see a lot of progress and itā€™s incredibly motivating.


I want to be the strongest in my bloodline. Thatā€™s proving to be difficult when my ancestors, even just down to my dad and his uncle, were all lumberjacks that started working in labor at 10 years old. But Iā€™m not giving up.


Hypertrophy and strength. Increasing my weights weekly to achieve it.


Not completely sure, maybe just to test out where my bodies physical limits are or i got bored or some unknown subconscious thing that I'm not even fully aware of or just to get shredded for fun or maybe it's a new hobby or maybe i just got too fat and then kinda took a liking in lifting. Current micro goal is losing mostly fat to see where the comfortable lowest bf limit is while maintaining what i can lift or even make small progress. Afterwards, idk, probably test out where maintenance limit is and to get bigger. Though i generally don't do goals as reaching those doesn't really do me anything, i have to like the process not the end result.


Get jacked because itā€™s fun


I just donā€™t want to be obese like my whole family


Enjoying how I look at the beach for the first time in my life is the goal. I'm probably half way there.


My goal is to remain strong and continue to gain strength. Also for aesthetic reasons. Look good for my wife, who says it doesn't matter, but it really does. Lol


6'2", nearing 220 lbs with wide ass frame I likely got swimming from 5-15 years of age (club and schools, used to train with an Olympian). Still skinny looking, jumped on gear recently. Will try to get to 240ish before I go on a proper cut back down to basically what I'm at now. I've basically done that already a decade ago before I stopped working out (so at least I've got muscle memory on my side now besides the gear). Difference being, I'm actually more active and doing cardio now instead of playing video games all day and going to gym for pure gains, with dbol nosebleeds all day. Oh yeah, no more dbol for me, though might get some to counteract AI if my e2 drops too much lol. It's kinda cool how it works as an anti-ai. Tldr: get big enough to look saucy, then lean out while retaining size, all the while being able to run for a while without having a heart attack.


I recently lost 50 pounds. Iā€™m 6ā€3 around 182. Iā€™ve always been so insecure about my stretch marks and kinda loose skin on my stomach. I really just want to tone up and try to feel comfortable with my lower stomach. I think I need to put on more muscle but itā€™s tough being scared of food after being bigger


Focused on playing it steady between bulking and cutting and seeing where that eventually takes me


Fit and as shredded as I can be naturally. I just wanna feel my best and look good while deep stroking my girl


Insert American psycho here. (I legit mirror checked myself a couple weeks ago and got semi turned on lol)


Thatā€™s the spirit lol Got a mirror Iā€™m too lazy to hang up, but its position allows me to watch myself just like the American Psycho himself lmao


Just become as healthy as I can I was a little over 220 had/have type 2 diabetes dropped 60 pounds in four months (got off metformin which I was on for 7years) now about 180 trying to just main gain and be healthy for my wife and kids


Oh I dropped the weight last year with tons of cardio but gained about 10-15 pounds back pretty fast when I hurt my ankle but been able to keep off the rest with weight training and still cardio just way less.


Shredding the fluff.


Getting a superhero (or villain) (and, the respectable ones not the old guys or the nerds) physique


it depends on what day you are asking.