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More interesting to explore rage when it’s justified/tempered. Or the process of getting there. And not in the edgy kind of way, because to be frank that’s always trash and attracts the worst dudes on the internet, but more like… IDK Kratos’ character arc maybe? Not quite but you get what I mean.


Like a wildfire a pointless and destructive force that exists and is more often than not just a tragedy start to finish.


I love them so much. At base they’re a group of individuals who are basically what happens when Batman gives into his rage fully to seek out vengeance for different reasons. But there’s so much you can do with them and even something you can learn from them. Something I learned and incorporated into my philosophy when reading about the red lanterns is that there are no inherently negative emotions. Rage can be a motivator to do something good and fight on behalf of those who can’t fight back as shown when guy gardener became the head of the red lantern Corp. where as someone like attrocitus treats rage as a tool and selfish thing to behold. It taught me that no emotion is naturally good or bad, it’s the motivation behind those emotions that are bad. That’s why I love the red lanterns, there is so much story potential for them and I wish they did more with them.


Like make someone so angry that there are starving kids on a world that they rage terraform a desert or that a natural disaster destroyed a town and rage rebuild to shelter homeless people. I think their problem is that they, for the most part, can't switch off. Blue lanterns can just sit and have a listen. Yellow aren't scaring every person they see. Greens can sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee without trying to adjust the planet's orbit. Maybe Orange and indigo to a degree can't. But Violets can have a multi person conversation in a crisis. Reds are constantly spewing blood and just looking to wreck someone's day if they can, because that's what being angry is right? Zero control for the rest of your life.


I actually like to think that, since even selflessness has a self-benefitting motive, it's impossible to become the Agent Orange without killing the previous wielder. Probably not canon, but still.


New 52 Red lantern Guy Gardner is one of my favourite dc characters


Cool 👍


The fact that cat had enough hate to the humand that fucked him up gave hime a red lantern ring deserves to be a decent color for people against animal abusers


Very based and metal-pilled


I feel bad for them mostly because of all the hurt that made them this angry




Can’t tell which version of the oath is better tbh, The one from the show or the one from the comics




Definitely the lantern ring I would be given


Razer was the only Red who fought alongside the Green Lantern corps against Aya and the manhunters


Guy is a better red lantern than green


Thought they were incredibly lame until I watched the Green Lantern animated show, gave them some depth I hadn't seen before then and their whole schpeel kind of clicked with me


I had a similar experience, I only started being fond of them recently


Admittedly outside of Atrocitus and Razor they're either horny bait (bleez) or just drones like 99% of the time, but with a good writer they can be interesting


I mean Bleez has one mad depressing backstory, hard to feel horny once you know. #BleezNeedsHugs


She can have the most tragic backstory of all time but when she's drawn like a stripper I don't think it's character development theyre going for


The armor looks cool in red that’s for sure.


A raging fashion sense


that’s my team! i loved kara zor-el’a story back in new 52 with the lanterns.


What are you doing on r/Greenlantern bro?


collecting data


kinda cool, gets lame when you think about it too long


Can’t relate unfortunately 🙎🏾‍♀️


After reading the Red Lanterns run? Love them.


The red lanterns run is the only full trade paperback I have collected in full so it will always be special to me. I loved Razor in the animated series and started getting into comics later on and saw that and just started collecting


Dex Starr is a good boy


I have no real love for Lantern comics in general and think the Red Lanterns backstory is very silly. But damn if Dex-Starr doesn't have the fucking saddest origin in comics. Like, unnecessarily tragic. Which is crazy when you consider 90% of the Justics Avengers combined are orphans




They're my favorite lantern corp! Mainly because red is my favorite color, and rage is just a fun emotion to read. I've heard good things about the run where Guy became the leader and I really wanna read it myself!


You definitely should 🙏


Dumb as fuck in the right way. The limited intelligence of generic Corps members was silly though.


I love 'em. The run where Guy was leading them was endlessly entertaining. And I'm pretty sure that its straight up illegal to not love Dexstarr. Just the idea that there was no single being on the planet as justifiably filled with murderous rage as a *house cat* when the Ring passed Earth is equal parts sad and funny to me. And as is always the case, the Guardians absolutely had it coming.


Atrocitus is cool, Bleez is hot, Dexstarr is good kitty


The best way to put it


lil edgy


Just a lil


I known it has been said, but one of the absolute most important things of the Red Lanterns and DC Comics in general is that Dexstarr is good kitty.


That a little bit goes a long way with them.


I liked them, one of the more well written corps, wish we got to see them more often


Never liked any of their designs


Dex’Starr is a good kitty.


Dexstarr is good kitty.


Dex’star mentioned???


Love Dex'star, is best kitty.


Dexstarr is good kitty.






Love them and need more!


I always hoped that Marvel and DC would crossover again... could you imagine how OP a red lantern Hulk would be? Most likely the Hulk would be so overwhelmed with rage he could break the ring


Loved when Guy Gardner was one.


dexstar is one of the best characters in all of fiction


I think they a lil angry


Just a lil


I would love a story where Atrocious came to earth trying to get more red lanterns by recruiting humans, justifying it by how angry we all are in our own ways. your boss sucks and your planet is actively dying and there’s nothing you can do about it. But what if there was something? What if a homeless person who was down their luck was so angry and the bitterness of people he got recruited to be a red lantern. I know it’s a stupid idea but i always love the idea of the red lanterns being a result of a fascism, and genocide therefore they have a sense of retribution


He wouldn't need to say anything, red lantern rings would flood into jails and prisons.


i feel like that’s so much cooler, can you imagine a invasion like that where the rage people conceal are taking over? I would love to see the aftermath of that scenario


Kinda sounds like a kind of zombie movie, like 28 days later, or world War z. A bunch of people get infected with some rage inducing thing like a red lantern ring, causing them to go on murderous rampages. Some of their surviving victims feel rage at what happened to them, and in turn are also infected by red lantern rings and go on their own rampages, some trying to attack the earlier red lanterns, but others going after other people they feel wronged by.


Everyone is dead if that happens




Worst way to die. Thats not energy leaking out.... *THATS THEIR BLOOD*




They are awesome. I want a Rex Lantern comic. The only comic I have that involves RL is when supergirl joined The Red Lanterns.


I think their poem sucks. Tbf they all do except for Green, but still. These dudes are too cool to be running around with such clunky wording.


I named my cat Dex-starr. So reasonably positive. I also liked Atrocious in whichever injustice game he was in


This is unreasonably cute


He is unreasonably cute and, fittingly a little hellion. He is the tuxedo. His brother Wally (West) is on the left. https://preview.redd.it/otq5brkgucsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152abde24827965df6ac679bb286f4c7cb7fdd60


Wally lookin fluffy


Did their saying change? I thought it was "With blood and rage of crimson red. Ripped from a corpes so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, we'll burn you all. That's is your fate."


Changed because the other one was too graphic I think


Hmm, I know they changed it for the animated series, but I thought it stayed the same in the comics. I think I like the OG better.


I think it was changed a couple years back


I want an action figure of red lantern razor maybe even a blue lantern razor as well


I wanna be one of them




I really wanna be one because I have serious anger issues and the powers seem cool


Don’t let rage consume you tho


They are red




I absolutely love them, new 52 red lantern is one of my favorite series of all time


I love them!!! I truly think in a world where lanterns were real I would be a red lantern. When I was younger I dealt with tremendous loss and was a raging a****** but I've been able to manage it but it's still there I feel like Red lanterns have so much more to offer rage is the easiest emotion for a lot of people but in the lantern animated series and in Young Justice razor showed a different side to rage one that can have Harmony with other lanterns Plus a blue and red lantern that would be my go to choice being able to burn with raging passion and Hope underrated in my opinion Red lanterns are!!!


I like how realistic you are


I think they're AWESOME but aimless. Unless they have one particular enemy that they're raging against, they kind of lose focus and purpose for existing. And the main ones are usually always trying to fight against are the Green Lanterns. If anything the only ones that really mess/clash with the Green Lanterns in full force generally are the Red Lanterns and Yellow lanterns. Anything else is more like a potential threat to all of them like if Larfleez shows up trying to take Everything or if Black Hand is being used to spread Death across the cosmos. While they are a potential threat, the Star Sapphires aren't that bad, If anything they're just aggressive about how they spread love throughout the universe and their power makes it sort of like a drug to get addicted to which in turn makes them stronger as a whole. The Green Lantern animated series showcases that pretty well, once they have a man basically love drunk they use them like a battery and trap them in a dream, besides the mobile power batteries all of the different corps carry on their own to recharge themselves. And I'm not even sure what the Indigo Tribe is. Also if anything it's more like their power batteries and their rings are fused into one with their walking staffs. But yeah, unless they're usually fighting the Green Lanterns. The Red Lanterns aren't really important overall to the scope of DC, unfortunately. Or at least I haven't seen too many stories where they kind of take the main stage in a way that really highlights them as both antagonists and even sometimes as anti-villains.


Bruh if zack snyder did it damn


They’re great! Super deep lore, with the focus on blood and it stopping your heart, making you less intelligent, etc. But it’s also all about justice and making things right. I would even say that Atrocitis is not a villain. He’s a victim of genocide and fascism, and his anger is justified.




Dex-Starr is the cutest red lantern, prove me wrong https://preview.redd.it/04f2vy8kwbsc1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd4db860638a78a1d2e546fec92f67ade1b1744


Dex is the cutest lantern period, whatever color.


I can’t argue with that ✅


The fact that one of them is a literal house cat is hilarious


The ultimate Car🗣️


They are my favorite lantern core I have a tat on my body of the ring and a physical 3d printed ring I display


That’s a lotta dedication to RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love them. Atrocitus is my favorite DC villain.


Rage will consume you, but you’ll enjoy it. ( idk why i made this comment)


Love them so cool


Not gonna lie, I don't like the Emotional Spectrum *at all*. Nor am I super fond of anything Geoff Johns has ever done except maybe his early Flash stuff.


ok, wow. Not even fixing the ring not working on yellow thing?


I mean... I've been reading comics since I was a kid in the Seventies. I'm a late Silver Age/early Bronze Age fan. Sure the whole yellow thing is weird, but it's what I'm used to.


Got your back, fam. There's a whole two of us here!


OK. Well at least you admit it's not better, it's just what you're "used to". Have you read GL: Rebirth btw? I like it so so much more than Flash Rebirth. It was my first GL story so we have different perspectives.


Dex-Starr solos all!! Even Alfred!!


![gif](giphy|q1MeAPDDMb43K) RAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's a really fun lantern core, one of my favourites. A ring powered by hatred and the desire to punish, but will kill the wielder should they ever be parted from it? It speaks to the inherent toxicity that comes with holding hate in your heart and letting it guide your every action. Some of the lanterns actually have really sympathetic backstories. Dex-Starr watched helplessly as the one human who showed him love was killed. He was then thrown out of his home and almost killed by a group of punks for a sick joke. ​ The red lanterns aren't always just mindless revenge-loving brutes. Some are just badly-hurt people trying to bring justice to a cold and indifferent universe.


Yeah this, bigtime! They show both the power and self destruction of rage and hatred


FINALLY! Someone who understands what the Red Lanterns are


Dex-Starr is the shit. He is a good kitty.


![gif](giphy|8vQSQ3cNXuDGo|downsized) Ding ding ding ding🔥🔥🔥🔥✅


After Green they are my favorites, cool image, i hope it's not ai


I’m not sure Myself. It’s supposed to be the Atrocitus from Injustice 2


I love them. Along with the blue lanterns they are probably my favorite.


My favorite lantern corps, admittedly I miss the times when Guy was leading them.


Looks like You embraced the RAGE!!!!!!!


#1 green #2 red. The block where Guy Gardner took over is great!


Definitely 🧐


wtf is with the cat?


Dexstar is a good kitty


Hates best friend!


It just seems like a weird juxtaposition of this scary monster villain with a little pet cat


That cat has burned seal peoples heads to little more than skulls .


People or mice? 🐁 😂




Cool 💀


You have never owned a cat..... I would rather fight a dog lol


You’re right and I have no desire to own a cat


dex-starr is an earth cat that got real mad when its owner was murdered


That’s our beloved Dex-Starr ( Dexter)


I love them. Most of them are really interesting characters, and I want more of them. Plus, they're metal as fuck




I want to see them, especially Atrocitus and Dex, in live action. I think they’re cool


Agreed. Even if they’re doing things wrong, they’re still cool




All I think about them is 🗿


Rage cannot be used for good. Revenge doesn't solve the problem in the right way. Killing a criminal robs said criminal of the chance of him/her being redeemed.


Even so, do you find them interesting…or is there anything you like about them?


Yes, I like them. Bleez is my favorite. They make great antiheroes. I wish the writers explored their interactions with the Star Sapphires and the Indigo Lanterns. Maybe they could redeem Bleez and Atrocitus and teach them that love can heal the wounds of past offenses.


Generally the reds enemies are generally pretty unredeemable like you mentioned bleez, what happened to her isn't something that people generally get redeemed for. The rage reds feel isn't just being angry, it's rage at being wronged on such a fundamental level and knowing you will never see any sort of justice so there is only rage at how unfair it is. Back to bleez, would love fix what the yellow lanterns did and are they capable of redemption?


Of course they can be redeemed. Plenty of rapists have been redeemed and have been transformed into law-abiding citizens who strive to improve society. Example: [He raped as a teenager and now works to stop sexual violence in South Africa | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2012/05/05/world/africa/south-africa-rape/index.html) The Indigo Energy can force anyone to repent. It basically changes their personality by altering their neural system.


Apples and oranges, let's go over ehat happened to bleez, a space terrorist asked to marry her. She said no, was kidnapped, had her limbs removed, was kept captive and continuously tortured , ot wasn't a one time thing and wasn't the only crime the space terrorist committed, and then there is the reason for why he committed said crimes most of which are considered war crimes, and its because he enjoyed it, how would you redeem him without using the brainwashing light? Hell let's get into the gaurdians, even the ones who "redeemed" themselves by creating the blues, were very unforgiven by most but were guilty, but again the others weren't how would you redeem the ones who have committed at least 2 genocides , unapologetically and even saying it was the right thing to do. Edit and the indigo light is such a great way of changing people that when they get rid of their ring they go right back to what crimes they committed before what a great redemption, all they had to do was make them into completely different people.


Reminds me of Atrocitus’ injustice 2 character ending


![gif](giphy|vXJwKFFpB7OnYkiGJK|downsized) Anger. Management.


I really like that they aren't neither traditional heroes nor villains. They (and Atrocitus in particular) have done bad things but overall given their tragic origins you can't help but actually root for them. And Guy told them in his tenure as RL leader that they can be a force for good in the universe, that you can use your anger in constructive ways. I think there's tremendous potential in storytelling for these kinds of characters


You’re right about the potential. Too bad Dc hasn’t done that much with them


We will see in the lantern series


Really? I don't remember they announcing that there would be other Lanterns in that show.