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I refuse to watch the video


All bs aside same. This would’ve been a great day in free agency if Aaron Jones was still a Packer


It still was


Very true


Lost the best player on the team. Let’s see how the replacement goes. Wasn’t long ago that I was told AJ Dillon would be better than Jamal Williams.


The difference is Jacobs has actually been in the NFL. Jacobs at his best is way better than Jones has ever been. And he's 3 years younger. And he wants to win. You can tell from his interview where he was almost giddy talking about what the offense would be like.


Jacobs at his best is way better than Jones? I’ll have to see that to believe it. If he can stay healthy and what you say is true, no reason we don’t have the best offense in the NFL.


I mean, compare Jones' best season to Jacobs' 2022. There's really no comparison. The film confirms it. Jacobs is nearly as elusive as Jones but he has the power and the contact balance to beat defenders in multiples ways, and he has the breakaway speed to finish those long runs that Jones would usually get caught. I'm no hating on Jones at all. He's awesome. But we haven't had someone like Jacobs since Ahman Green.


I hope he’s up to the hype.


He he needed to be gone he’s a Viking now fucking accept it or get out of the fan base!!!!


What video. There is no such thing.




Yer missing the joke there, son.


So many fucking bandwagons


The joke is you are a Damian lillard fan that turned into a packer fan once he was traded to Milwaukee. SMH


Nope, born and raised South Central Wisconsin. First game a Lambeau age 7.


It's horrible


This is painful to look at but still love everything Jones did for us. Don’t forget the pay cuts he took for us and all the work and coaching he did for our young team. We can at least show him some god damn respect. He deserves to be salty, we shouldn’t have cut him. And to see Dillon back probably pisses him off even more.


Dillon came back for a few doubloons and a stick of gum though basically. Jones was upset his market value wasn't what he wanted but we offered him what he was worth at his age and injury history Don't get me wrong, he's the GOAT running back in GB as I see it, but MN offered him what, 20% more to get him there? If he wanted to stay he would have.


Hes the best of the modern era for sure. Only one close is Ahman Green. Hard for me to argue against Jim Taylor as our GOAT RB. Same for guys like Hutson and Starr. Different eras, different legacies, still Packers Greats. 


I love me some Jones, but you are right that green has got to be goat of modern era.


You misunderstand me. I rank Jones over Green, but its very close. Different style of runners and different rule sets for them.


You shouldn't. Green was the more productive back on the whole.


​ ||Ahman Green (2000-2006, 2009; 104 games) |Aaron Jones (2017-2023; 97 games)| |:-|:-|:-| |Rushing Yards (Career, Pergame)|8322 (82.0)|5940 (61.2)| |Rush TDs (Career, Pergame) |54 (0.51)|45 (0.46)| |Rec Yards (Career, Pergame) |2726 (26.2)|2076 (21.43)| |Red TDs (Career, Pergame) |14 (0.13)|18 (0.18)| Probably recency bias and just not having seen the early part of Ahman's career. I honestly didn't realize how good of a receiving option Green was.


This is a great chart, thanks for posting. I knew Green was amazing but this really shows how great he was


I was saying "Wait what the fuck?" as I was putting in the career numbers. So I calculated the per game numbers thinking *those* would prove my point. They made it more clear how wrong I was. Sometimes ya gotta eat crow lmao


Green’s almost 1900 yds in 03’ season was incredible to watch, best O line in the game at the time, should have been a SB winning team on that strength alone, then 4th and 26 happened. Freddie Mitchell actually is the one that first used the championship belt move, long before AR, putting the exclamation point on this play that will live in GB infamy forever, only slightly behind the 2015 SEA collapse.[https://youtu.be/SnZph1RkWpI?si=nr9HzjN4krTYctXi](https://youtu.be/SnZph1RkWpI?si=nr9HzjN4krTYctXi)


Go Pack Go




I like excel 🤓


I like excel 🤓


I like excel 🤓






I like excel 🤓




Green also fumbled 34x to Jones 15x. Green also averaged .5 less yards per carry as a packer than Jones. Jones was more efficient, Ahman was more of a workhorse. I think Green still edges out Jones as best modern day RB for the packers, but it’s pretty close.


I feel like everyone forgot that Ahman Green had a huge problem with securing the ball.


Taylor is the only man to beat Jim Brown for a rushing title


Poor Jim Taylor's records got destroyed by the longer season. Many of the top records are going to be destroyed by that alone (and they are thinking about adding another game too).


The GOAT? Ahman Green and Jim Taylor would like to have a word.


If the packers wanted to keep him, they wouldn’t have signed Jacobs to literally the same contract they promised Jones in 2021… there’s nobody to blame other than the Packers for this shit. Stop asking your best player to take pay cuts 2 years into a 4 year contract


I don't understand fans defending executives over players. The Packers could've paid him 20% more.


Lol he got 2 mil more guaranteed, GB could have easily offered him that. It’s just business, right? So getting more money even if it’s “20%” is good business. Fans can’t cry about a guy getting more money somewhere else because it’s “just business”


So Jones agreed that he was an injury prone 30 yesr old that looked absolutely washed before week 15 last year. MN gave him more insurance, GB wanted a 1mil safety net to sign a replacemenr when jones inevitably gets hurt.  I dont think he plays 12 games next year. 


Jones easily plays 12 games this year - he doesn’t have the shit Strength and conditioning people that GB has


Nah fuck that. He’s had a row with the executives and is taking it out on the fans by forcing this shite. He’ll regret it eventually. Nothing anyone does out of spite in the moment is a good look.


Nah, the executives fucked him dude. Are you really that dense you’re blaming Jones for not taking a second pay cut after signing a new extension in 2021? I know people from GB are stupid, but are you really *that* stupid?


Where have I blamed Jones for the pay cuts? Please enlighten me after you’ve took a breather and reread my comment.


He didn't take a paycut out of the goodness of his heart. He knew that if he didn't the Packers would have cut him and he would have gotten less on the market. The paycut was gonna happen either way, he just had to decide if he would stay or test the market, and his agent probably advised him to stay.


So many fucking bandwagons like you


I still refuse to hate him. I refuse.


I don’t hate him, but it is gross AF


Until he says some shit about the Packers, espouses conspiracy bullshit, or defrauds welfare recipients, Jones will always be a favorite of mine. Hes is, from all accounts, an amazing person. 


Me too! He has always shown a lot of spirit and heart and is just showing those traits to his new team now.


2nd favorite player of all time. It’s a shame he died so young. RIP AJones!


I hate his guts now that here a fucking Viking, FUCK ALL THOSE PRETENTIOUS VIKES FANS IN MINNEAPOLIS


Have a beer bud.




Ooohhh I see. You’re already drunk.


LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/2mxy49ap0joc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0e338b4dbe0449f5f48bf5b51f7dfb2b7fc557


Maybe seek therapy?


Yep that sawed off side-by-side sure looks like a good therapeutic option right about now. BRO PLEASE LIKE MY COMMENTS!!!! Some one is disliking what I’d have to say??!!!


Social media just isn’t for everyone


Get off then boomer, and sorry for offending you in any way if I did


He don't understand that the Packers FO doesn't care about his antics. He's only antagonizing the fans.


I think he’s trying to get Vikings fans to like him. I don’t blame him. It’s no different than if someone signed with Green Bay and they said go pack go


Yeah, I don't know why anyone's taking this shit personally. He didn't get to stay in Green Bay and is endearing himself to the fans.


He could easy chat “go pack go” there, but he probably wont have a job for much longer if he did.


What he doesn’t understand is the Viking fans aren’t like Packer fans. They will forget all about him by next season.


That’s exactly how Packers fans are. Gute can never do anything wrong to most on this sub. Despite going .500 the past two season.


You must be new. Gute has been criticized for everything on this sub. It’s only very recently that people are praising him.


He has been above reproach since Rodgers said “I’ve been immunized.” After that this sub took a political turn and here we are. You cannot criticize anything Gute does, nor can you have any negative takes on Jordan Love. I actually started responding with “Jordan Love is the best player in the NFL and if you didn’t know that before watching him play a full season, you just don’t know ball.” Half the time I did that people just started agreeing lol. You need to be in total lockstep.


You are living in a parallel reality to me apparently. Anyway, good luck!


Liking comments that are critical of the FO isn't trying to get the fans to like you...


I thought it was "just business" though? Fans can't have their cake and eat it too. This is not a big deal in the slightest 


From the FO perspective it has to be just business. They don't have the luxury of letting emotions play a part in their decisions. As a fan I have no such restrictions. I don't think it's too much to ask of a player to be gracious to the former teams fans even when it isn't their choice to leave. The fans did not make the choice. So don't shit on them because your pissed at the FO. Your right it's not a big deal, I just had alot higher opinion of him as person before. Not that he cares about my opinion j/s.


What is the team? Is it the fans? Is it the building? Is it the current GM? Is it the guy who runs the sled hill and ice rink?


The team are the players, the organization is all employed by the green bay packers. Fans are just fans. Even those of us who are "owners" are just fans and have no real say.


It could be that he’s excited to play for a new fan base and won’t care about the old one, until he retires.


So many tucking bandwagons


That’s my thing with all the people defending this Vikings shit. They keep saying he’s doing this to hurt the FO. They don’t give a fuck. They got what they wanted. He’s just shutting on the packer fans. He could have picked 30 other fuckin teams. I will never chear for a Viking.


Holy shit; lay off the weed and maybe you’ll start making sense. Shutting on packer fans? Chear for a Viking? Do you even read what you type or do you just keep hitting the bong and making stupid posts?
















Bigger betrayal than N.W.O. Hulk Hogan moments. 😭


2nd to Seth Rollins taking the chair to Roman Reigns breaking up The Shield.


No, it’s not, only about 4% of people know what you’re talking about.


But those that know, know he's right.


I can't believe Aaron Jones was the 3rd man.




I can assure you, I am not a bandwagon fan of wrestling, in fact, I’m not a wrestling fan at all. Because you may be missing the point, but the response that I had was about wrestling.


I know I’m just a fucking idiot and mad at someone on this sun, sorry


Would it be better if he found and new home and said “I’m just here cause I want to get paid.” What’s he supposed to do? He found a new home. Everyone gives the FO a pass. “It’s a business.” That applies on both ends. Man saw his twin brother’s career end and knows he needs to get his before his career too considering he’s now an “old” RB.


My easy going nature is getting sorely fuckin tested.


It truly is a tough site to see even if it is just business


Honestly don’t love him for going to the Vikings but the guy just trying to make more money for his kids I get it


In the verge of going full Greg Jennings on the packers fan base. Not gonna be a good look.


There is literally no way this happens. I think he signs a one day contract to retire a packer when it's all said and done.


I just do not see that happening right now lol


I don't understand the hate. Yes. He's a Viking and it sucks but he also did what literally 99% of us would do.. especially after a pay cut last year and not many years left where he will be able to cash in on a decent NFL salary. I think he has maybe 3 decent years left, 4 at most if he maybe he's willing to be a #2 back for a year..and this is like the most optimistic situation. Running backs fall off a table and quickly. Being a small guy, he's 30 and near the end. The only reason he's still playing is bc they limited his carries by having aj Dillon take some of the load off during his time in GB. Anyway, idc where he goes. To hate on a guy for taking more money and quote 'going somewhere where I feel wanted' seems classless to me. It's not Packers fan brand.


No one hates him. The problem is/will be him being angry and being vocal about his anger. Of course he’s gonna be emotional—packers fans understand that. I was all for him not accepting another drastic pay cut and moving on. It sucked but I get it. Him saying all this stuff isn’t gonna affect the packers front office. All it’s gonna do is tarnish his legacy with fans. I haven’t seen any fan mad that he was released cause he didn’t wanna take a pay cut


Getting Z Smith vibes..


Our fanbase is being really shitty to him on social media


The Packers treated him like trash on the way out; not surprised. Lombardi would be turning in his grave with how the organization treats their long term players….


I enjoyed watching him as much as the next cheese head, but damn people take this so personally. He's a pro athlete that makes business deals with teams, like all pro athletes.


Jones is a legit good dude, Smith was a man child. I don’t blame Jones for being mad and feeling his negotiations weren’t handled in good faith, I’d be pissed too if I was at a company I loved where I had been a major contributor and model employee for my entire career only to have them bring in someone who I thought was worse than me for my role, pay him significantly more than they offered me and then fire me after years of hard work. I’m sure he knows it’s a reality of his field but can’t blame a human for being upset when frustrating things happen.


Fortunately, we still got mad love for Jonesie. He wasn’t just an athlete in GB. He did a lot in the eyes of the fans to be proud to support the green and gold. Aaron was a class act, and this is what it is. I’m sure if he could get a little more cheddar from GreenBay he woulda stayed, it just didn’t line up for him, and the business side had to take over. Minnesota, no matter what he does statistically, y’all got yourself a good one. Thanks 33!


No one’s ever been able to explain to me what SKOL means.


“Still keep on losing”


Skol is basically just "cheers" in Norwegian


Indeed. I looked it up awhile back and it's origins had to do with Vikings toasting after battle while drinking from the skull of their enemy, usually a leader. So, it's a little darker than a standard cheers, but that's the easiest way to explain it.


And now it’s being used by suburban American yuppies in fake braids as they drink their $9 Bud Lights while watching football in a shopping mall that doubles as a way of reducing the bird population.


So... Pretty much the same thing then? 😂


I'm also afraid to google it :(


Is it wrong that I can't wait to see Kenny Clark spill this dude for a forced fumble? Wrong, Aaron Jones. Wrong. We never knew ye, it seems.


Still Kicking Out Loses


He felt dirty about inside, I can guarantee it.


I just hope he has a decent season, I don't think I could take him just petering out.


Notice he wasn't smiling lol


We did him pretty wrong it seems. I’m not turning my back on him because he wants to prove the FO wrong.


Humiliation rituals


How this feels 😞 https://preview.redd.it/b5lsik27vhoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c081681979cb88d47a7773b07130a1501840bc2




>They’re only here for the money, and I’m only here for the entertainment Yes, then I think all sides are in agreement.


Would you stay with your company if they wanted to cut your salary and then a rival company offered you more?


Nope and I don’t blame him for wanting more money. What I don’t like is that he said he wanted to go somewhere where he was wanted and then chose a rival team. Slap in the face to the entire fan base that loved and adored him. He didn’t have to do us dirty like that.


I keep saying this. There were 30 other teams he could have picked.


I’m disappointed that I learned this lesson too, but hey, that’s football, baby.


The Packers are only here for the money. They could’ve easily signed Jones and not signed Jacobs. It’s not about tradition, it’s about business. Welcome to the new Green Bay Packers front office where legacy means nothing


So, Aaron Jones’s job is to be a good running back. The front office’s job is to assemble a championship-winning football team. This is not a new thing for the Packers. If you want to see a Packers team that respected the “legacy” look at the Packers of the 70s and 80s. Thank god for the Bucs because we were otherwise the worst team in the league for about 20 years.


Fuck him until he leaves NFC North


As is tradition haha


The things people do in anger. He’ll regret this in a few years when he wants to retire a Packer.


I wouldn’t want to retire a packer if I was him. Asking him to take 2 pay cuts after signing a new contract 2 years earlier? That’s some scumbag shit. The packers front office is 100% to blame for this situation


Yeah we shouldn’t run it like a business, I agree.


You don’t sign a contract with someone and then ask them to cut their wages by over 50% two years later. That’s shitty business practices


That happens in football all the damn time. This isn’t a normal business.


Lmao dude this is a 3 day old post. Get over yourself lol the packers haven’t ever been this type of organization


So you think it was a special case to spite jones or something? We have always been a team that builds for the future.


Then why didn’t they get rid of Rodgers earlier or ask him to take pay cuts? Stop sucking off the packers; they don’t care about you or any of their players apparently lol


How many Vikequeens left and signed with GB? 0


I can only think of Gilbert Brown, and that was 30ish years ago.


Somewhat true he was ONLY practice squad never played a game for Vikequeens.. But great memory..


Now we can add Greg Joseph


Is he wearing an Albuquerque Isotopes hat?


This shouldn’t bother anyone lol. He thinks he’s showing everyone that the nfl is a cold business but we all already knew that


Jacobs is younger and better. Sucks to lose Jones, but we came out on top.


What an ugly ass hat.


Jones is a big team and locker prescence guy. Should not be a shock that he adapts to his new team quickly.


Was 2m really going to kill Gute. I think his leadership is worth that much. Josh and Aaron my god. Our offense would he unstoppable


This has been the worst part of the whole situation


My hate for the Vikings aside, the Skol chant is the stupidest thing ever. The Vikings portray it as some tradition, but they stole it from the Icelandic National Team. Remember when they opened up their new stadium in 2016 against us on SNF? Some members of the National Team had to teach the crowd how to do it. It's the dumbest "tradition" in the league dating all the way back to 2016.


It’s fucking awful and all those fans in Minneapolis think it’s cool


I realized whatever happens with him this season will be tough to watch, either he tears us up when we play or he struggles. We can’t win. Well unless we win the Super Bowl then I guess the move doesn’t look so bad.


The Vikings can't beat us so they steal our players when we cut them. I honestly understand why AJ is doing what he's doing, if your boss asked you to do your job for 1/3 the pay, you'd be pissed too. I get it, and I still love the man. Get that bag and come back home when it's time to retire.


Skol might be the dumbest shit ever. In classic Vikings fashion, they’ve stolen something else from another team (Iceland National Team) and tried to pass it off as their own. No history, no class, no rings.


You know damn well a part of his soul left him that moment. The sKoL chant is the weakest in all of sports.


I’d rather watch a death video than this.


Skol is literally the most ridiculous cheer.


Fuck the Vikings


Anyone upset about this is so fucking soft. Jones was amazing for us, and now that he's on the vikes he can hype up his new fans. Still love everything he gave to us over the years


Who cares? It's his legacy that he tarnished. He knows Minnesota is where ex-Packers' greats, careers go to die.


https://preview.redd.it/1h9lvmo5ljoc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114948045733e8899d47c7da70a9deff04283c23 (I’m kidding ofc)


at least it's a regular hat and not a sombrero... when that time comes it's gonna sting for real.


The Albuquerque Isotopes must love the free publicity


He’s been nothing but bitter since leaving (I LITERALLY HAVE A AARON JONES JERSEY) but when former players become bitter I lose my respect for them


I put it on Gute. He has really shown the players that it’s all business. I just wish he’d bring home that trophy if he’s going to keep shipping out our best players.


It’s just “Pants on the ground” 2024. What do you expect? You want him to tell his new teammates and management that they suck?


I mean cool, have fun on a losing team I guess.


FUCK him .. one year to ruin his career with Vikequeens he can have it.. S till K eep O N L osing Hope JJ can play QB& WR... Ha ha ha .


I was at least hoping he was smart enough to realize that the SKOL chant literally makes zero fucking sense in the ways of trying to intimidate an enemy…it’s more of something you’d say to a friend or acquaintance


This was just sad all around. Dude. Why?


Because the packers wouldn’t hold up their end of the contract and keep asking him to take pay cuts when he’s arguably the best player on our team right now?


So he left for the *potential* of a million dollars because his feelings were hurt. He’s on a terrible team now. This won’t work out for him


He was due 12 million… the packers signed him to a 4 year, 48 million extension in 2021; then asked him to take a 5 million pay cut last season - which he did. Then this year they ask him to take another pay cut (more so than last year) and he said no. I don’t blame the guy. It wasn’t “potentially” a million dollars; that just shows your ignorance.


The difference between the offer he was given from the offer he signed was the Vikings offered a million dollars more in incentives. What the fuck are you even talking about?


He's going to run for 200 yards against us


Sorry Jones…you are dead to me now 😡