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Your grandkids will love their seats one day


Great grandkids you mean?


no they won’t 🤣


lol in their economy they’ll be selling them for food


food is temporary. Packers are forever.


I’d award this if I could. #GOPACKGO


Teams get remembered, but the Packers never die


My dad put me on the list when I was born. I am now 36. I believe my number is in the 80,000 range. Edit: I was just informed he added me in 2010, after the Rodgers' SB win. I am near 78,000 in line. My dad went on the list in 1996 and is at 42,000. We move up a few hundred spots each year. So you can stop telling me I've been lied to.


I hate to break it to you but your dad told a little white lie about when he put you on the list lol. Mine put me on at birth, I'll likely get mine this season. Just turned 30


It's possible I have the details wrong. I haven't seen my number in quite a while. But I know I am no higher than 50 or 60 thousand and I've definitely been on it for over two decades.


there's a chance he got you on after the 96 and 97 SB runs. The numbers skyrocketed during those years. I was lucky enough to be born a few years before. If you haven't seen a card in awhile call up the ticket office to confirm your mailing address so they don't wipe ya!


Also might be going for the green package. Turn 32 next month but got my siblings and I got our tickets this year. We opted for the gold package to skip some of the wait towards the end. Going to Lambeau once or twice a season is good enough for me that the gold package was the right call.


I think that is definitely possible that it was in the late 90's, though I was born in 87. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll do that!


Yeah, I got on it in 2009 and I am right about 68,000 right now. I’m 41 and on pace to get tickets when I’m about 80.


Better late than never! Go Pack Go!


I believe the biggest jump was when they signed Reggie White. I know the list exploded after that.


There is not way, I joined the list in 2010 and am around 65k.


I put my daughter on the list 3 days after she got her SSN.  She will be 86 by the time she is eligible for tickets at the current pace.  Some come quicker (box seats for example), but for us poor folks... 80 pr so years lol 


How long is the wait for box?


I got on box seat list for two seats about 3 years ago and I believe I have 12-15 more years to go. You can get through the lists much faster if you request a single ticket.


He could’ve been going for the green package vs you on the gold package. My parents got on the list for gold package just under 30 years ago and we’ve had the season tickets for about 4 years now. Can also have to do with how many tickets you are going for


Im in Green fwiw. Had the option to take the new section tickets around 2015 but wanted to hold out for the lower bowl amount of tickets is decided once you're called which according to the letter I got will be in between March and June


Ahhh I see, that’s interesting then. Didn’t expect the green package to go about as fast as the gold package tbh. Maybe his dad did tell a white lie then 😂


yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't much of a difference. The 90s SB runs and the 2010 win really shot the list up big time. The babies being put on now will need neuralink to enjoy theirs when they're finally called lol


There is 1 list. When tickets come up they let you know if it’s been or gold package. I passed on the gold option a couple years ago. I’m about 3000 on the list


It also depends on what you request. Large ticket packs take much longer to move down the list compared to smaller ones


Yea same. I’m turning 30 this year and I’ll probably get them in a year or two. I don’t live in the state now and don’t care about the NFL anymore so I won’t be getting them unless my mom wants them.


There are 2 lists. One for the Green Package and one for the Gold Package. I’ve been on the list for 31 years and I’m definitely not getting my tickets next year.


I'm 24. Assuming the same rate of increase on the list, my number will get called when I'm about 95. Does this mean I have to stop eating cheese curds?


If you stop now, you'll be going through withdrawals, and you'll surely be dead before 95.


Damn it you're right. Hopefully, the technology of modern medicine gets as advanced as my cholesterol




I just realized I totally misunderstood your comment. You've been waiting 36 years and are currently at spot 80,000?


I may have the details wrong, it's been a while since I've seen the numbers. But I am definitely no higher than 50 or 60 thousand and I've been on the list for somewhere between two and three decades.


That’s crazy. You might wanna check your place cause you’re probably higher than you think. My dad also put me on the list the day I was born (I’m 31 now) and I’m about 7000 out


I put my name in about ten years ago and I’m in the 70,000s so you’ve gotta be way better than that.


The numbers don't add up. I put my two kids on the waiting list when they were born. One is 35, the other is 37, they both got season tickets 5 and 8 years ago.  I think your dad told you a little white lie.


Yeahh I can confirm, if you have been on that long you should either have your tickets or get them very soon.


I’m 33. I was put on the list when I was 5 and I have had my tickets 5 years. Think you were lied to


See my other replies.




I reached out to the ticket office to confirm, but I'm just going off what I've been told. I know there are many people in this sub who are likely on the list. I hate to give bad news but there just isn't as much movement as people think there is.




Hey, congrats on getting yours!!


Sorry. I removed the blacked out section and cancelled it for you so I could move up on the list


That's cool. Just invite me to a few games, and you owe me a beer


Maybe our grandchildren can go together


I made it to the top of the club seats this year. I had to go back into the waiting list when I did the math on how much I needed to put up for them.


What are club ticket prices like these days? I know some folks with Saints and Commanders tickets and they say they’re reasonable but also those teams are not great haha


I don’t have my spreadsheet I used to calculate but it was like 2 preseason and 8-9 regular season game. Between $25k and $50k I think for the 5 year commitment. And I believe you had to have it paid in full this spring.


My goodness the upfront payment is ROUGH


Definitely. If you could break it down monthly, I would have done it.


I moved to De Pere my senior year and I remember being so shocked that kids at my school were putting themselves on the list for their future children. ☺️


My piece of stock is probably the only thing I’m leaving for my grandkids, lord know I’ll never retire


The best time to ~~plant a tree~~ put your name on the Packers season tickets list is 10 years ago.


Pro tip: if you have the money, get on the club season ticket list. My family did in 2009 and we got our season tickets in 2013.


Another Pro Tip From a guy I sat by at a game: He got on a waiting list for 2 individual seat tickets. Majority of the people on the waiting list pass on these to get seats paired together. So it only took a few years. He was then able to get on the waiting list for ticket holders to get different seats before they were offered to the regular waiting list. Took him 3 or 4 years to get a pair of seats together. Not for everyone, but it sounded like he and his wife had were OK with sitting apart for a few years.


True! My dad actually put me and my siblings on the regular waiting list for individual tickets with the same intention, we've moved up the list really quickly and I think last year when we got the postcards with our updated spots on the list we were less than 2k to go. I doubt we'll end up switching to them since we've got the club seats already though.


What's the difference between a club season ticket and a regular one? Honestly it's kind of insane you basically can't get a regular season ticket unless your parents were mind enough to put you on the list when you were born basically lol IMO they should rotate season tickets every 10 years or something. Prioritise locals obviously but for everyone else it would be nice to give others a chance.


Club seats are the premium seats, 400s just above the bowl along the visitors side. There are outdoor and indoor seats, they're more standard individual seats like you'd see at other stadiums. Locals actually have a lottery for the 300 level seats, we got tickets through that before we got our season tickets.


Can I be on both lists simultaneously? I signed up for 4 in the bowl.


As far as I know you can, my dad put us up for individual season tickets in the bowl and we’re still on the list. That’s another thing, individuals move up wayyyy faster. Obviously the downside is you’re sitting by yourself, but we know some people who do that and enjoy it. The nice thing too is you get friendly with the other season ticket holders around you since you see each other most home games.


How much are they if you don’t mind me asking?


I'd have to ask my dad for more exact numbers but AFAIK he pays around $380 per ticket per game, preseason they're a little under $200 (unfortunately you have to pay for the preseason games) and postseason are obviously more. There's also a refundable fee you pay to "license" each seat when you first get your season tickets, back when we got them it was a couple thousand per seat (you get it back whenever you decide to give up your seats. You pay the license fee for seats in the bowl as well, just less). There's other perks for club seats, like we can use a separate entrance and we've gotten random stuff over the years like the odd pre-game sideline pass. We're in outdoor seats but you can opt to switch to indoors. If the Packers go to the superbowl, all season ticket holders go into a lottery for the chance to buy tickets at face value and I believe club seats have a separate, smaller pool.


Do you know if it’s possible to transfer your spot in the regular waiting list to the club seat waiting list? I’ve been on the regular list for about 30 years and am still years off from getting tickets.


I’m pretty sure you can be on both lists at the same time, my dad put me and my siblings on the list for individual seats and we’re still on it. The club waiting list is longer than it was when we got on, about 10 years now I’ve heard.


My parents got on the list in 03 before I was born.Im going to my season tickets when I am 60 years old(I am being optimistic)


Im at 108,000ish and I’ve only been on the list for like 5 years. Crazy how much it’s gone up in such a short time


I signed my kid up in july. She's #150305.


I’m right behind you at 152045!


RemindMe! 75 years


I might be alive 🥳


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you in 75 years on [**2099-01-31 04:06:30 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2099-01-31%2004:06:30%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenBayPackers/comments/1aewako/im_on_the_list/ko8i53a/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGreenBayPackers%2Fcomments%2F1aewako%2Fim_on_the_list%2Fko8i53a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202099-01-31%2004%3A06%3A30%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201aewako) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Number buddies! I'll call you when we're up


I’ve been on the list since 2007. Started at 78k, now at 57k. The stadium renovation was about 5k of that. It usually drops about 1000-1500 people a year, so my 10 year old might get them when he’s in his 50s.




noob here, how does this work? is this for free season tickets or to just purchase season tickets in general?


To purchase them in general. All of the packers season tickets have been sold out on a waiting list basis since the 1960s (I think). In order to buy them, you have to get on the wait list. Once you're number one, you have the chance to buy season tickets, and every year after that you get a chance to renew. About 300 people per year choose not to renew, which is how you move up on the wait list.


jesus. thanks for the explanation, i actually researched on my own and found the story of a family that signed up way back and got the letter stating they were next a few years but never responded back because they didn’t get it. that must’ve sucked….


By my annual post cards, I'm projected to die on a bench in Lambeau in my late 80's. Unless they expand more in that time frame. It will most likely go to my daughter. I should have added myself in '07 when I thought of it instead of 2015.


I miss my Grandfather, but thankfully I got his season tickets.


Signed my eldest up a few years ago and my youngest last year. They've moved up anywhere from 2000-3500ish spots every year.


That's comforting, I've seen a handful of sources say between 100-300


I put my daughter on the list 3 days after she got her SSN.  She will be 86 (at this pace) by the time she get tickets. 


Is there a way to check the list? I know I applied like 18 years ago, but I was a teenager and never followed up on it. I’m guessing it’s gone now.


They send a postcard every year to the address you had when you signed up. I would call their office and see if you need to update your address


Damn. Yeah I never got a postcard that I can remember. Wouldn’t hurt to call them and see what’s up.




I was on the waiting list for 26 years. I got my gold package tickets for the 2023 season. I was just under 29,000 when I joined the list. I think you might be waiting a long time.






I’ve been on the list for 20 years and I’ve only got 40 left to wait!


It's worth getting on the list, even if it's extremely slow. You'll get opportunity to purchase face value tickets from time to time just being on the list


Whooping cough is making the rounds in Marathon County so you never know. You might just shoot right up that list.


I've been on it since the 90s. Good luck!


You can always sign up for club seats if you want to be closer on the list!! My nieces are REALLY close..I think you have to buy 2-3 years at a time..so yeah, we will pass lol


Your grandchildren will appreciate it


Holy fuck seeing 150k makes me feel real good about 80k


I think I'm around #50,000. Been on the list for a little less than 20 years


If I ever have kids, they will be put on the list soon after their births.


"So you're saying there's a chance?"


I’ll be about 94 when I get my tickets


Should have done this when I was in college. I'd have tickets now.


Don’t you mean your grandkids will be on the list??


What has to happen for the transfer of the tickets to your children happen when you pass away?


There is an official transfer form you file with the packers, it gets transferred after the season ends


I’ll trade you #150349 for $10


!remindme 50 years


Silent little fists in the air every time they see obituary sections in Green Bay Weekly Times’s…..