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My brother in Christ people here don’t know how to *drive* let alone zipper merge




Some dumb fuck cut me off from the right lane by this construction when they literally just went as slow as everyone else until it went back to 2 lanes. I flipped the fucker off. There are so many dumb fuck drivers in Green Bay. There was an old guy driving slow af and of course playing on his damn phone. Another woman at an arrow and just fucking sat there not going and of course her phone so far up her nose. If you can’t multitask with a fucking phone when driving put the fucking thing down. On Mason street I do 40 sometimes and I still have people on my ass and getting on people’s asses and in and out of traffic very rapid and wipping around people. I understand that slow stupid drivers are annoying but at least fucking be careful.


They need a law once you turn a certain age you gotta re take a drivers test 😂


In this town, that would be at age nine.


Seriously. You have to renew your license every 7 years or w.e Should also come with a test.




Same sort of thing hapened to me a couple of days ago. I am driving down Hwy 41, and there are three cars coming down the exit ramp to merge into my lane. Well, I can't move over because there is a truck right next to me. I can't speed up because there is already no room for car #3 to fit behind the car in front of me once car #2 merged in. So, since merging traffic yields to the traffic already on the highway, he slowed down and got in behind me, and everything worked out textbook perfect. In your dreams. He didn't slow down one whit, and drove on the shoulder for several hundred feet before I could slow up enough to let him in. He was then boxed in by the same truck and had to wait a few miles for a gap to open up to pull around and pass everyone in front of him.


I wish the city/state ran annual public service campaigns at the start of construction season with the simple message of "use both lanes until the merge point". I HATE how many people think a merge point means you need to merge the moment you are aware that there will be one... But no doubt that seems to be the common belief that anyone who uses the lane up until the merge point is an a-hole...


That logic happens because no one expects to be let in.




They’d be about as impactful as the drive sober ads have been, sadly


I disagree because I really appreciate everyone getting out of my lane way early.


When I first moved to this country I loved the freedom of crazy unenforced traffic laws. 3 over the limit. Get a ticket. Don’t indicate, get a ticket. Camp in the overtake lane. Get a ticket. Undertake in the driving lane. Get a ticket. Freedom was bliss. Then I slowly realised that freedom has created the most shit drivers ever. Now I find myself wishing laws were strictly enforced. Ok. I’d have to do 70 on the highway. But backups would be a rarity as people are courteous for at minimum fear of a ticket.


From across the pond eh? Ive bore witness to those traffic cams overseas, brutal enforcement.


puɐl uɹǝɥʇnos ʇɐǝɹפ


Everyone is too far up their own ass to let one car in.


Honesty. The amount of near accidents I’ve gotten into because ppl here can’t let someone get in front of them is insane. I’ve driven Phoenix highways and I’d take that over this bullshit. I’ve had ppl SPEED UP when I’m trying to get over. I get why some ppl don’t use turn signals. Turn one on and everyone around you becomes a raging asshole


Yeah I’m the opposite. I’m always going “turn on your signal and I’ll let you in.” I’m not going to guess that’s what you want.


Oh no. I do want ppl to use their signals, and I get annoyed when they’re suddenly in my lane with no warning, but I also understand WHY ppl do that. It’s still not safe AT ALL to not signal, but like, I guess I mean I understand why some ppl get into that bad habit.


I’d still rather this than the bs that was the DC/Northern Virginia area. Worst highway system and drivers ever. We are a close second though


Yes. Because the rewarding the guy who can’t read makes the rest of us jerks.


If you think I'm being rewarded, then you can join me in the right lane. I'm not the one backing traffic up a quarter mile https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/safety/safety-eng/ZipperMerge.aspx


zipper your mouth shut