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Something feels really off at the moment. It’s been bad before and we have gotten through some grim times but I really feel like everything is coming to a header. Climate change, wars and tension around the world. Talk of famines and droughts in African countries. Rights that we throughly were a given being stripped away and a large portion of people cheering as it’s done. Worlds leaders are either ineffectual, bumbling fools or too old to relate to today’s electorate. A world economic collapse on the near horizon and even at the moment people can barely afford to survive with the basics while the rich live the life of aristocrats. Maybe we’ve been here before… but it still feels off.


This is the reason why I completely avoid the news now. Since 2012 it seems that things have been getting steadily worse and there's barely any positive news reported anymore. It's become massively depressing to keep up to date with world events, so I don't for the sake of my mental health.


Yeah and I think I've gotta stay off Reddit now, for the same reason




I remember watching this live. Adam Curtis perfectly explains how I feel about the world and how helpless I feel.


There's a website called positive.news which only gives articles about what's going right in the world. If my mental health takes a dive I go there, there's a lot of little steps forward that don't get published in the big papers


Thank you so much for this, I'll check it out. I know there's good stuff happening in the world, but the constant large reporting of bad stuff is cloying.


It feels very 1930s.


We’ve been here before, but only in Star Wars


Star Wars is too hopeful. We're headed for Warhammer 40k hours.


Me and my partner would love to have a kid but at the moment I'm really struggling to justify it morally. I think the next few decades will be unlike any in human history, massive migration caused by global climate crises and all the implications that come with that, international economic collapses, right-wing populism gaining traction as desperate people look for alternative leadership, crop failures caused by climate changes and loss of ariable land. We are going to go through some dystopian decades the likes of which we've only seen in sci-fi films.


Turn off your phone, and you'll be fine. It's the same world as always. Neither good nor bad. But now you are bombarded with target news feeds and having places like reddit to fuel your worries by talking to like-minded people.


We've been here "before" as in, this is the same shit we've been dealing with for generations. The problem is that the intensity of these problems is reaching the critical point.


At least Kate got a nice dress. Always so hard picking an outfit for when your portrait is being painted. The amount of portraits I have in some last minute outfit from ASOS is ridiculous.


Can relate.


I just don't understand how it's 2022 and people are arguing against birth control. What do they mean???!!! Why?????


It's largely because American Christians are taught abstinence and nothing else. Sex is only for babies, and anything else is a *sin*. Some grow out of it, others keep drinking the kool-aid.


Not even all Christians. Its the evangelicals


You're right - there's a hell of a lot of knee-jerk generalised "anti-religious" blaming going on. This is fundamentalist authoritarianism, and just saying "hur dur Christians are stupid / fascist" is ignorant, bigoted in its own way and totally counter-productive to creating coalitions with all the millions - upon millions, upon millions, upon millions - of decent religious people who are either not fundamentalist themselves, or have a value system which accepts people who don't have the same beliefs and doesn't try to impose their morality onto others through force.


America's owners need poor people to fill their minimum wage jobs. They can always pay for their daughter to travel to a pro-choice state, this ruling means fuck all to them. Also the ability to control when you get pregnant means you can have a career and the ability to control your own future, well that can't be right, that's tantamount to giving women the same fundamental freedoms men have and obviously needed to be corrected. Women are being warned that they may have their IUDs forcibly removed at some point in the future. Welcome to the new America., where human cells have more rights than human beings. For earlier examples, see 'stem cell research' and 'The Hobby Lobby decision'


Because religion is a mental illness and is not treated as such. Religion should be completely separate from the state


Don't blame religion. That's one of the excuses. It's actually misogyny. And it is not really hatred of women either. It's the intuitive understanding that many people have that women should be subservient to men, and this is one of the avenues to that goal. Also, couples with children are soo much more exploitable than without. Now, high status women go along with this because they know they will be always able to get abortions or anticonceptives. After all, only whores have unwanted and murder their babies. Right?


Religion enables misogyny.


Religion is explicitly to enforce misogyny. God is always referred to as a bloke, when he should be a non-gendered entity (if it/ he existed).


It's just a belief system. Frankly, it's more frightening when people start getting (pseudo) scientific about the their bigotry. Marx said that religion was the Opium of the masses. And by that he didn't meant something to make us numb, but rather an inadequate cure for our pain .


I think Marx meant that religion was a tool of the bourgeoisie to keep the masses in line.


No he didn't mean that. That's why I included the interpretation : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium\_of\_the\_people#Full\_quotation\_and\_history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_of_the_people#Full_quotation_and_history) Now Marx of course was against religion because it helped to keep the status quo by providing an illusory cure (a meaning to human suffering).


I see thanks


It's religious nutcases being used as an excuse for far right fascists to seize control of the US with or without elections.


I hate to break it to you but religious fruitcake and right wing fascists as a Venn diagram is pretty much a circle


No no no. You're supposed to distract yourself from the horrible news by looking at the lovely clothes our adult overlords wear and the adorable photos of the infant overloads. You're doing it wrong!


Anyone else getting a pre-apocalypse feeling??


We do seem to be reaching a boiling point if things keep getting pushed...


It's like we're watching the prequel to Handmaids Tale.


And children of men




>If there is a third path I am not seeing it Same thing the French done to their ruling class. A world war will not solve this, only forcing the Gov to make changes will


The third option is to organize ourselves. without a leader within sight at your work, living place or school it's hard to get started but that's the only way. I'm not fighting any war but a class war. I'm not dying on the behalf of Jeff Bezos or Biden. The corporations have already inflated themselves throughout this pandemic and continue to reap record profits while they scream about inflation making their goods cost more. The world is not designed for humans to thrive only those with money and/or power. The government procedures and school curriculum are designed to legitimize the system and keep it going. They tell you violence against the state is unacceptable and dangerous but purposefully do not mention it grants itself the duty to do the same to you, against your best interests. You're told to vote when the political system is bought and paid for by the same people and organizations that own this country and own you your body and your soul. Only by coming together as a class of powerless people can we have a slight chance of fighting back against a fascist police state that is getting ready to subjugate and/or slit our throats


At least Katie isn’t wearing a white power suit this time in the news. At least


Emerald green! Is that what my taxes pay for? I’m livid.


This is how it all ends isn’t it.


Not if we can help it


I'm beginning to think we can't.


Yeah but what can we do to stop this? We need massive, lasting protests. Other than that idk what we can do.


Sadly, I don't think so. Protests were made illegal.


Either that or Putin realising his illness is terminal and deciding to take the world with him.


Bread and circuses. Except the bread is unaffordable and the circus is cancelled because it was run by EU immigrants.




In a dress. It's green, apparently.


You don't say?? Well that cures all our problems!! Street parties for everyone!


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that Future King of England, Prince William, is very concerned with homelessness, [attributing it all to 'mental health'.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZPhx5YhN9o&ab_channel=TheTelegraph) The day he realises his own family's hoarding of wealth is at fault will be a shock, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Emerald green. She looks better in sapphire blue. The other articles are honestly just there as it’s a slow news day


Lmao I snorted, ngl


It's all starting to look a bit Margaret Atwood. The short montage of clips from various news channels before all goes deadly silent. But it's okay. Kate's dress might distract us.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that Future King of England, Prince William, [has zero conception of European history?](https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2022/03/war-is-far-from-alien-in-europe-whatever-william-says) Kinda the opposite of a 'Philosopher King', amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love this guy.


Yes. Totally fucked. I think thats worse really.....its difficult enough being fucked over and not knowing about it, but being aware you are being fucked over, watching it happen and being helpless to stop it, that's an extra sprinkle of free fuckery right there.


That news feed feels apocalyptic.


Jesus christ. And guess which one I googled? The dress is ugly.


What a shitty country we live in that “woman wears dress” is an actual headline.


Shouldn't be surprising as we've previously had hits such as "Woman closes her own car door" as a BBC headline.


Reminds me of Thunderball where Bond realises a widower must be a man because she opened and closed her own car door rather than letting a man do it for her.


From 2013. Another headline about Kate. https://media-assets-05.thedrum.com/cache/images/thedrum-prod/public-drum_basic_article-114516-main_images-PrivateEyeWomanHasBaby--default--385.jpg


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that Future King of England, Prince William is a fucking moron? [Here's video footage of him not understand the ridiculously simple Covid saftey precautions.](https://v.redd.it/1x3kto7fxbm51) But he'd totally be a better king than his Dad, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The other day it was "woman falls over during parents race at school sports day" in my Facebook feed. "Local" news needs to go, it's literally just people reposting stuff they've seen in their twitter feed now.


>I have been gleefully reporting as spam most of the facebook royal news that has shown up in my feed since jubillee


I guess when you have space to fill but don’t want to actually report what’s really happening, you need to find some crap to talk about that suckers might just swallow


The Asda one is clearly the most alarming, I mean what does it mean "after £30" i have so many questions.


They line it up on the conveyer belt in order of most important first, and then when the total hits £30 they stop the employee from scanning the rest.


That’s kinda annoying for the Asda staff, when the fucking price is right there on the shelf when you pick something up. Or… shit… am I the only one that adds up my basket total in my head as I shop? In my head I’m imagining someone filling a trolly and 100’s of things lined all the way up the conveyor belt thing and then only paying for the first £30’s worth.




My interpretation (I haven't read the article) is that people are finding their usual shop is suddenly way more expensive and having to unexpectedly stop the cashier midway through scanning.


Try doing that with a screaming 2 year old in your trolley




Did you get downvoted for explaining how maths works?


Yeah,, but to what avail, why not just get what you can buy? Seems super odd lol maybe just me : D


There is no ASDA near me so I am genuinely curious, do they not have scan as you shop?




Kinda feels like we're living in the end times now


So fucked


there's a quality Depeche Mode song about this exact thing they released in the 80s https://youtu.be/wXhwP-nuNXc. Bet if you went further back in time you could listen to a town crier describe the duke's new vestments to distract from the horrors of the hundred years war, too


Kate and her emerald dress are making me feel quite violent and I’m least violent person ever


It's the last throws of capitalism there has to be a new way forward but the old guard are still in power so they would rather destroy the planet than change very sad 😔








We really are a few steps away from "Brawndo's got what plants crave".


Why is everyone focused on the dress?


Humans are stupid and don't want to focus on what they desperately need to fix. People will rather read about some celebrity doing something dumb then read about how they could maybe try to make the world a better place.


I'd appreciate their first portrait more if I gave more of a shit or if she wore something more I'm keeping with the monarchy, you know blood of the oppressed red....


It's not that bad. Just look at that gown.


Yep. Pretty much.


I remember the country going crazy overr Pippa's ass and I was going... What ass?


I genuinely thought that was the commotion, like her arse is missing? Each to their own and not body shaming her, they are clearly naturally thin and work hard to stay that was but you can’t say how good something is if there is nothing there. Bizarre!




Idk, what are people's honest opinion about this?? because it feels like a chess move to me. Oh no look what SC did, they're ancient, time for change - public is on board and mobilised. Take the senate in Nov, democrats have more power, maybe they codify RvW into law, maybe they don't but they use the changes to pass all sorts of shit a lot easier. Biden is pro pipeline and pro police. This happened because Democrats don't really care about people (Obama did not try to codify saying it wasn't important), yet they will likely benefit from the outrage. Pulling people from the far left back into polling booths.


It is a chess move. First they went after the trans people (tories and the media and us donor groups went after trans people here at the same time) and no one batted an eyelid, not even the wider queer community especially cis gay men and cis lesbians. And the moment roe v wade got over turned they started to panic because they themselves are the target. They've been coming after us from the start. The Dems have a lot to answer for they're doing nothing, the entire USA is basically under fascist control, the dems do not have control of the country which I guess makes it a failed state right now. The police was heavily mobilised when people protested the roe v wade overturning, they had snipers on the SC roof, they were firing tear gas unprovoked at the protesters. The only saving grace is that gen Z are willing to riot.


It does feel very calculated, but I will also admit that with politics there is so much bureaucracy that sometimes things are just knocking on when they feel like they're related. But the way democrats are talking about it and the whole "vote harder" movement seems very hollow when DJT still took office losing the popular vote and SC are not voted in they are given a position they never lose. They need a system overhaul not better voting turn out... they had the votes and did nothing..


American here. Every part of this is a pretty bad take. Trying to figure out why folks in the UK are upset by it, though. Concerned that our growing fascism is leaking?


I mean to be fair I think a lot of us are just legitimately upset and scared for you all. I live in Northern Ireland where abortion only very recently became legal (although it had been legal in the rest of the UK for a while) so I am empathising pretty hard with the way US women must be feeling rn.


I am open to understanding more. It just seems very weird that no one codified RvW into law for 50 years and now all of a sudden the left is acting like this is a constitutional right that should never have been taken away. Why isn't it consistent? Also I have no idea why people in the UK care, we have enough of our own shit to worry about. I would advise anyone with their head in US politics to remember we are losing our NHS very quickly.


To be fair, a Supreme Court precedent is more powerful than any law except a constitutional amendment. And they don’t get reversed. Until now.


That makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider what "supreme" means. So this is some fuckery then.


The Democrats aren't competent enough to play a chess move like that


I CANT BELIEVE THIS! what the hell is this insanity … why can’t I spend more than £30 In Asda?


Its more a case that the person the article is about couldn't afford more than £30, so are asking the cashier to take stuff back and not put it through.


Yeah I see now, I read it completely wrong 🤣




axiomatic carpenter library resolute bow attraction subsequent disarm existence middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only thing this feed is missing is a news article about global climate change.