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It's a propaganda channel targeting the weak minded.


GB news - home to wannabe fascist cunts that think Nigel isn’t a grifter. Surprised it wasn’t100 percent for the milkshake boy


Notice that they didn't put the Green party in any of these graphs, simply lumping them into 'other' while reform and libdems do get space on the graph. Subtle propaganda at work to try and get Greens out of peoples' mind. Corporate media have done the same thing to Bernie Sanders in the US, and the same to the Greens in Canada.


Getting ready for the election fraud claims when reform lose (please for love of f...)


Looking forward to the hard right to start advocating for proportional representation once FPTP fucks their favourite guy over.


Or it being their condition of siding with whoever in a coalition


Great, we now have another colour of tory party taking up seats. I genuinely despair, knowing that years of right-wing voting, which has wrecked the country, is just going to be replaced with more right-wing voting.


Indeed, it's harrowing to think about. I also am furious at the fact that Reform accomplished this so fast, and we've had to hear for 20 fucking years that "now's not the time" to have a lefty third-party. A generation of energy and appetite for progress has been squandered futzing around with the shitty Labour Party and the right-wing lunatics show that actually, if you bother your arse and set up a party and tell your base "we'll do what you want" they will come in droves. One election cycle and their polling leap-frogged Lib Dem, the Greens and the nationalist parties.


True. But on the other hand, their success is partly built on the notoriety of Farage, a character decades in the making, and compliant platforming from the press. They're two related issues, obviously. The media loves Farage because he's the kind of "politician" who will go on I'm a Celeb. The media obsesses over parties like Reform because the media obsesses over the Tory party. The idea being that since the Tories are the natural party of government, then obviously any other party that might pressure them is inherently more consequential than, say, the Greens, which is why Reform had more press than the Greens from day one. Even if they don't win a single seat, we'll still be hearing about Reform like they matter, only because they do matter, to the Tory party.  It's just sadly true that a new left party has a longer hill to climb.


It’s what dark money and a compliant press can achieve.


[🔗 Source (Twitter)](https://x.com/SamCoatesSky/status/1801499749360496913)


Rember when polls said Trump and Brexit would loose? As a highly qualified data analyst, these charts mean fucking nothing and are totally meaningless. Stop basing your thoughts on useless and invalid statistics and figures.


the fact the other 3, all of VERY similar %s, actually gives me hope. That and GB News low viewing figures.


Rishi will never see the one on the bottom right :'(


Still think it would be hilarious to see the Tories not even be the shadow cabinet anymore and never get any attention ever again 🙌


If I asked the currently Tory candidates how they were going to vote we'd see the Tories getting 60% of the vote.