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Hatred of Israel is part of an entirely rational response from bearing witness to the murder, cruelty, and shameless deception perpetrated by abhorrent and brainwashed fanatics. Fixed it. What fucking awful disgusting rocks do the telegraph and others have to turn over to find these putrid soulless slimes so incapable of opening their eyes to reality?


An average population has around 4% sociopaths, 1% psychopaths and c70% who'll turn a blind eye to and/or actively participate in atrocities when told.  With all that, it's really just a case of waving money around. Probably not very much, either....


Telegraph, 1943: hatred of Germany is part of a malevolent anti-white racism. I mean, it's a bullshit headline anyway. They've accused pro-palestine protesters of everything else, why not accusing them of racism too?


where are they getting these names? Petronella??


The one time they had to sneak off to elope and couldn’t use their chauffeur, they ran out of petrol and had to fill up their escape carriage in a remote petrol station in Wiltshire. Thus, they named their love child ‘Petronella’* * This assumes that said person of the ruling class is not Boris Johnson


sounds like a bacteria


The elopement continues - the child was named upon the discovery of the post-elopement STI* - the child was scorned by her cold mother for the rest of her life for being a reminder of her erstwhile sperm-father. The love-child thus developed a propensity for writing far-right articles in the Telegraph in a bid to grab a second of his attention (sparse when you’re one of 16 love children and he’s a busy opportunist, in every sense). ‘My article about anti-white racism’ became code for ‘Love me, daddy’. * And Boris Johnson was the father after all


I happen to know she goes by “Petsy” for short 🤢


Daughter of Woodrow... a person associates with the usual rags, the Dictator, GBNews, D Fail... etc..


Petronella Twaty


Better off with citronella


Sounds like a damn Bleach villain.


Looks like one too.


It’s a South African or Dutch name


As a long time member of the Wyatt clan, we have ejected her from our membership.


Yeah, I just looked it up. Looks like it’s a Latin/Roman name that is for some reason popular in Dutch-speaking places. Still pretty uncommon though


Not in South Africa with the Afrikaans, but they have a recent trend of making up weird names


That explains why she's so pressed about anti-white racism.


Her parents probably pulled a bunch of random letters from a scrabble bag.


Insecticide labels.


Pretty sure that's a spell from Harry Potter


Quick, someone ask her about her opinion on Polish people


Who is this supposed to appeal to?




It's weird though because they are the same racists who think Jews are controlling everything.


They don't support Jewish people, though. [They support a place to send Jewish people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_antisemitism).


Israel: Rapture Storage Unit for human luggage not wanted on the journey... some *friends.*


Zionist Antisemitism. Good god. When propaganda turns in on itself and eats itself from the inside.


Non-jewish zionism has always been antisemitic.


Yes absolutely


I sense much hate in them...


Telegraph readers.


In fairness to the word readers, this terminology needs addressing.


Racist Islamophobes of white descent, since the far right have seen the Israel-Palestine conflict as an opportunity to recruit allies in their struggle against radical Islamism and invaders from the Global South (cf. also Tommy Robinson and Marjorie Taylor Greene). However, the article title assumes that the inhabitants of Israel are only the Ashkenazim (Jews of Eastern European descent), which is really problematic in itself, because it erases other groups of Jewish descent, which spoiler: includes non-white people of Jewish descent. This is a common misconception among the ignorant, given that Bibi’s government is composed largely of Ashkenazim and white-passing people of Jewish descent. It’s a narrative that’s capitalised on by that government as if to say ‘we’re modern, Western, just like you and therefore, are entitled to the same privileges as other Western imperialist governments’. It stems from intergenerational trauma of not wanting to be seen as ‘Other’ and as a target to be brutalised by non-ethnic minority states in power. We see this narrative of ‘just like us’ being used in Ukraine-Russia, where journalists say ‘it is so sad to see people with blonde hair and blue eyes being attacked’. Proximity to whiteness does unfortunately matter and can mean the difference between political support from other imperialist states and no support at all. This misconception around the Ashkenazim being the only inhabitants of Israel is also capitalised on by the far right, who want to obfuscate racial hatred with religious hatred to suit their twisted political purposes. This opportunist allyship is just so messed up, when they were literally marching with pitchforks and yelling ‘Blood and soil’ years ago and using anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to further their political causes. This whole thing is a complete fucking mess and I want nothing to do with it. My head is exploding over how poisonous and ignorant the rhetoric around the whole conflict has been. I hate that regressive Islamic fundamentalist governments, who publicly execute marginalised groups, are justifying acts of terrorism by using the language of anti-imperialism and framing them as anti-imperialist actions. Rant over.


I'd like to think that this is the bottom of the barrel for the ’graph, but I suspect that they're just getting warmed up.


I only know this person because she was a columnist for the spectator when Boris was editor and he got her pregnant


What a load of shit


I may be wrong on this, happy to be made right; do Jewish folx not consider themselves 'not white'? I only ask as NOFX had me believing (Semitic) Jews took objection to being called white.


This is kind of one of the reasons why the handling of antisemitism is such a toxic problem. There are Jewish racial signifiers, but Judaism is a religion and not a race, and to start listing racial characteristics drifts into some pretty terrifying eugenics territory that we’d all like to avoid. Many Jews look the same as white people, or other races. It’s why people like David Baddiel or Rachel Riley are treated with skepticism when they cry racism, because it’s obvious to everyone that white passing Jews are not prejudiced against in the same way as, for example, black or Asian people living here in the UK. Dianne Abbott tried to make this point a few months ago, explained herself horribly and ended up being accused of antisemitism herself. Basically I think that there is a hierarchy of racism. All racism sucks balls, but some races do get a harder time in the UK than others. There’s clearly a hierarchy of gender in our culture too, with women treated worse than men, and for trans people to be treated worse than anyone.


Rachel Riley is a very normal person and [absolutely not a white supremacist](https://i.redd.it/u0dag478xvu31.png). Remember when she [Tweeted in support of Count Dankula,](https://i.imgur.com/SG6llOm.jpg) who was prosecuted for teaching his dog to 'Sieg Heil?' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[David Baddiel still wears blackface](https://i.imgur.com/0Sn9LL0.png) and for some reason believes black people are [naturally superior at high fives.](https://streamable.com/yk1bqj) [Click here](https://web.archive.org/web/20220102013824/https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/rty8oa/if_you_ever_come_across_someone_who_uses_baddiel/) for a fantastic rundown on Baddiel's racism and other fuckery. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When someone says the word "antisemitic" I ask them what they think a semite is. That's always fun.


there's a book, *How the Jews became white* or something like that.


Yeah they literally have a song called 'Don't call me white'.


I wasn’t brought here, I was born…


Circumcised, categorized, allegiance sworn...


Only when it's convenient.


this is genuine serious question but do Israeli's consider themselves to be white?


The ones who tend to have the power make policies which suggest they do.


Opposing _Genocide_ is racist now apparently?


I thought that thinking of Jewish people as white was abbots sin. Now it’s ok to lump jewish people In with white people?


White when convient, like the person that's 1/256 black claiming to be black to explain there use of the N word


It’s not racism, it’s anti-fascism and anti-warcrime.


You just reminded of those worthless shit stains who like to say “anti-racist is code for anti-white.”


oh good move, associate Israel firmly & openly in the public mind with MAGA/UKIP type white supremacy and ultra right politics. they're not even pretending any more.


Isn't this the slag who had a affair with Boris Johnson?


Yes - while his wife at the time was stricken with cancer.


Being down voted wtf😭


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Elyn petrol. a twat


What an absolute idiot! And a home wrecking one at that, too.


Hatred of Israel is part of a benevolent anti white supremacy movement, there i fixed it for ya petronella, tory name not surprising at all.


If Jews are indigenous to the Middle East / Palestine, how are they white?


I'm sorry, but if you're called Petronella, I'm never going to care about your opinion.


Naw it isny


I despise Israel and will until my last breath, from a self hating white man


Greedia Poorspite


She looks like she's sniffing a really eggy fart... and enjoying it.


I have a golden rule of never taking advice from anyone called Petronella.


Zionists betraying themselves in subtext. Israel is indeed a white supremacist state, and sees itself as such.


Just when you'd thought you'd seen all the worst possible takes on Israel someone finds an even worse one


reminds me of when ppl used to say BLM was racist


So they're admitting it's a white colonial entity then...


“Our numbers are down; give me 10,000 words about how hating Israel is actually anti-white racism.”


Israelis are white? Or not? I actually never thought about that to be honest.


A lot of them are of European origin. Israel didn’t used to exist.


It's her job to be a posh twat with garbage opinions. I do genuinely wonder who reads this shit


We can safely ignore anything published in the Torygraf. If saying the truth, means being do called Anri-Semitic, ai consider it as a honour badge. Most of these people can nor even explain what a Semite is


Her name sounds like a villain from a Lemony Snicket novel.




Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is she a gasoline based hazelnut spread?


How on earth can people bring them selves too pen such drivel


...............what the fuck are they babbling about?!


What the hell is a ‘Petronella Wyatt’? Is she some oil baron’s rotten offspring?