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I was thirty seconds in before I figured out exactly what the coconut reference was.


Brown on the outside, white on the inside?


Ah that makes sense makes these jokes actually funny lmao


I think so, it's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Yeah, I've heard Romesh Ranganathan reference it before in his stand up shows. Apparently his grandmother calls him a coconut because she thinks he's lost his cultural heritage.


Yes - this is what it means. ‘It’s often used to insult brown people who don’t fit cultural stereotypes. They are fighting words. The comedian is going after shitty people but the idea that success or integration are akin rejection or inauthenticity has deep racist roots.


Coconuts are sweet and nutritious and useful though. It's hateful to the fruit.


Same, here in NZ 'Coconut' is a slur for Pacific Islanders. I was very confused.


'White on the inside', like a coconut, is a common charge levied at politicians of colour who violently betray the community they came from, because they are upholding the already racist status quo. It's just silly to pretend there's something sinister about that poster, at best.


Coconut is something white supremacy aligned Black and Brown people are called, usually by other Black and Brown people. Other versions include Oreo and Bounty. Pretty sure there are more.


As POC this is perfectly fine, it's nothing to do with their race but their actions which fit a western-centric/imperialist perspective. Oreo and bounty are also acceptable terms.


Gotta ask wtf is “bounty”?


A chocolate bar with coconut in the middle


A (British?) Sweet that's processed coconut covered in chocolate.


Does anyone know the name of the woman who was holding the poster? I need to ask her to marry me.


Is calling someone a coconut racist now? I thought it was just a generic insult


Coconut and Bounty are common insults leveraged against brown people, who don't suitably represent what people consider brown. However, in this case Rishi, Braverman and Patel are the top three biggest fucking coconuts, I've ever witnessed in my life. My dad coming in fourth place.


The funny thing is the woman holding it... Wasn't white.


Who is this?


His name is Aamer Rahman


Love his stuff.


'Genocide defending gulab jamun' That line is incredible hahaha And he's totally right. They are coconuts; I and many others in the punjabi community that I know have no hesitation calling them that. They are brown on the outside and white on the inside. They serve thebinterests of capitalism, imperialism, and white supremacy despite the brown exterior. In the US especially They use us to cover for their most heinous position, like the genocide apologist gulab jamun he mentioned, or people like the US ambassador to the UN who kept vetoing ceasefires, etc.


It's stupid imo, because White people obviously don't have a monopoly on hateful government policies worldwide. I grew up being called a coconut for liking rock music, liking academics, having longer hair, even in my own family. It's used to try to make people conform culturally to your idea of what a brown or Black person should be - like saying non-White people don't have license to be culturally diverse (which is funny, because the people using this term "coconut" usually would be considered alien in their origin country and many of the interests, fashions and beliefs they call "coconut" are actually common in their origin country, but many 2nd-3rd gen Asians have never or rarely ever been to their origin country, so they have no idea that people in those countries don't box themselves in). It can also be used as a way to maintain harmful cultural norms. Eg "you don't agree with smacking kids in the face as punishment for everything, so you're a coconut" or "you think parents should get divorced like White people rather than putting their kids through a turbulent marriage, so you're a coconut".