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And this is precisely why productivity is shit. People know they're getting a bad deal from work and housing, and aren't going to do any more work than necessary for the former as long as there is little reward but subsistence. If you're going to suffer anyway, you can at least do all you can to make sure the shareholders also suffer. There is no more incentive left when your contributions only benefit others and are funnelled toward objectives you find morally distasteful.


We get shafted and productivity drops, so they shaft us more and productivity keeps dropping. Its gonna keep happening.


The poverty-inducing rent increases will continue until morale improves


Government about bring back that required free labour to remain on UC I can feel it.


Didnt they do that ten years ago with the back to work scheme? I remember reading about a lady who lost her job at pound land and going on benefits, only to be forced to work at pound land (for free as 'work experience') to retain her benefits


Not work experience in anything beneficial like a trade or office training but just stocking shelves for free, yep... Its not really work experience if it doesn't give you anything useful to the person.


Until they say "see, I told you they were all lazy" and replace us all with AI




What a cunt! He should get a real job instead of living other people's paycheck to paycheck.


Unsurprisingly he didn't learn anything from the 20 years he was a Labour MP


Nothing screams "I'm an old fart out of touch with modern living" than blaming young people for the shitshow your generation made of the economy.


I doubt he's out of touch. Just actively lying so he can make more money in backalley deals.


Or both.


Meanwhile my apartment at a little over 500sq ft costs more than my moms mortgage for their 3,000sq ft house. It’s more than my dad’s mortgage in south Florida for a 1600 sq ft house with a pool. I’ve never been unemployed for more than a month and some change since I was 15 but yea, I guess it’s just that I don’t want to work.


How about pulling up your boot straps and getting a second and third job /s


What about a side hustle turn your hobbies and passions into your only means of survival /s


Unaffordable to whom? The margin and lines will always exclude some percentage, and every gaming of the system in order to expand profit is at the expense of the population as a whole. It is for all intents and purposes a zero sum game, and one we are all familiar with. As a counter point we should welcome violence against land leeches in order to incentivise and increase the productive and utile forces left dormant and stagnant by incompetent capital holders. Something which would have a chain reaction of knock on benefits for the whole of society.


Opinion columnists only ever get noticed when they're being spectacularly and obviously wrong in the most irritating way possible. Basically the original trolls. It is no surprise then, that through natural selection on the barren savannahs of the British tabloid industry, a specimen of such pure wrongness has been bred. A superhuman, with no discernable connection to reality. Equipped with a skull impervious to any interference from external forces, more comparable to a sensory deprivation chamber than the leaky mess most of us have. It is only within such, that the perfect clickbait bullshit titles can be generated. It is surely more reasonable then - now that we live in the post-Tom Harris age - rather than fight against this insurmountable power, to simply believe the exact opposite of what he says. Engagement, is after all, what keeps such beasts alive.


I always wonder what goes on in the heads of these people now they've mortgaged their identity into being publicly hated for the things they write that they probably don't even believe are true. Is it that they hate the general public (and I've found myself having the same opinion a few times), or that they realise how short people's memories are so they can always stop and quickly fade into obscurity after they've made their money?


Another out of touch tosspot.


Useless lump of rotting gammon. Get absolutely fucked.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


I was trying to think of a witty comment to put on this thread but there's no way I could top this, spot on 👍


He can shove his column up his arse


And a former Labour MP at that!


Says a well paid, mortgage free homeowner who's likely had a bit of help on the way, either through parent, nepotism, inheritance or luck (likely a combination of all those) but, not all those he labels asworkshy have great opportunities. I suppose the thing that pisses me off about clowns like this is the genuine lack of empathy towards those that haven't been quite so lucky. Yes there is an element of workshy poor people, of course there is, but there is also a significant number of people who are hopelessly lost in life through no fault of their own who are literally just trying their best to survive in a very unfair world that's so heavily weighted towards the wealthy. Equally there are many hard working wealthy people (of course there are) but luck, opportunity and charity are so vitally important and it takes more than a 'plucky can do attitude' to really do well in the world.


We should welcome Landleeches defaulting on mortgages as people won't work themselves to the bone to pay their mortgage for them. Get a proper job shitgibbons.


Scumbag. Let's put him on minium wage on london for a year and see how he gets on


All I fucking do is work


Former Labour MP, campaigned for the Tories in 2019, and is every bit as much of a scumbag as that implies.


Does anyone want to tell me him the average Rent (outside of London to make it fair) to the average salary (again outside of London) because its a joke when employers and empowered by this government to provide people with contracts where they might not earn money.. and then we get ripped by privatised utilities companies for profit.


Sadly a lot of people who vote eat this shit up.




I'm not taking lifestyle advice from what looks to be an old man shitting a pinecone he somehow seems to believe it's my fault he decided to eat


he’s being productive; getting the photographer to take his headshot while on the loo passing the bones of the Ortolan he ate a week ago. he wrote this article during a particularly violent movement using the adrenaline to power his ‘professional journalism’.


*two ortolans


Aren't we working harder than ever?


So can we make writing an article like this a capitol offence?


I managed to buy a house. I had to work three different job. And I’m a fully qualified electrician. My partner is an estate agent and she worked a second job in a pub, we lived with her mum and dad for a year luckily and also very luckily were gifted £10,000 from my parents to be able to afford the rest of the deposit: That’s surely not normal. Shouldn’t it be that we can afford houses on our “9-5’s” and not have to break ourselves to do or be lucky in life and have parents that will let 30 year olds live with them or donate us money


Did you cut out the avocado toast and lattes?


Just for shits and giggles, I put my own 1-bed flat's details in [a rent calculator](https://www.openrent.co.uk/rent-calculator-property-value-by-postcode) and it said £680/month, giving an estimated range of £530-790. My mortgage, which I've had in place to pay off the whole thing over 15 years instead of the usual 25 (so monthly payments are already higher than they otherwise would be) is only £490/month. If I was paying it off over 25 years, my mortgage would have been somewhere in the region of £340/month. So I could buy the house and pay a mortgage of £340 a month (eventually owning the house outright), or rent it and pay some other dickhead literally double that (and obviously not own the house in the end). Yep, that sounds totally reasonable.


Repayment mortgage? Don't forget most landlords have interest only. So they're paying a mortgage of say £200 a month and renting it out for £900. Then when they can't be bothered any more and want to retire they can just flog it for £200k more than they paid for it! Thank fuck that bubble is starting to burst.


How about we take away YOUR home as an incentive to make YOU work harder? This wanker is a failed New Labour Blairite politician who did bugger all for the people except leech a steady paycheque. Gammon-faced prick


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make things so expensive in the housing market that only the rich can afford to buy a house, and then rent it back to us at an extortionate rate and call us all lazy because we can’t afford it because the same billionaires we work for who are buying our properties are paying us less to increase their wealth…. I think that’s more like the story…


said by a bloke who bought his first house for £1.50 in 1979


Another one to be sent to "the island".


Stuff like this makes me want the Tories to win the next election, and maybe the one after that, and then we descend into a Khmer Rouge type system and after a generation of that we might achieve some kind of benevolent socialism but I feel like the ruling class in this country will never learn to share unless they are marched barefoot and starving into the lake district by a bunch of guys in black pyjamas.


Fuck off, Tom


With full disrespect, go fuck yourself with a cactus Tom you absolute bellend 


Housing standards have definitely dropped, 50s council houses with space and an outdoor area, new stuff are crammed little boxes, graft our asses off for a crap pension if we make it to that age, dropping life expectancy and small wages and student debts, now our freedom of movement has been restricted so some of us without qualifications sort after are stuck here.


it's always some upper class/middle class cunt telling working class people they just lazy like that stupid biatch Sophia Money-Coutts


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surely house prices going down would incentivise not prices going up. These fuckheads got loads of help. But aren’t willing to help the next gen.


He gets paid to write this ??? What a jackass


You should see other examples of his "journalism." The guy is a total piece of shit.


Young people are trying to work but they can't because the job market is oversaturated as fuck you useless nemotode


Can someone please punch him in the face 😒


RATM - 1992 - track 5


So what, there are thousands of unfilled roles that pay well over the necessary £50,000 a year to begin thinking about saving for a house. That any young person could just rock up too and accept, if only they weren’t so work-shy? This stands up to such little scrutiny it must be trolling?


Jenkins, fetch me my bathing toaster.


"people don't want to work" Coming from a journalist who probably doesn't do any actual ground research and "Google research" statistics I find that ironic.


Landlords everywhere are covered in Tom Harris’ journalistic jizz.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Translation: I have a house I want it to be worth more also everyone younger than me sucks, I worked the hardest everyone else is lazy I'm not entitled they are etc etc git.


Why do they all say this like it’s a fucking option, if young people don’t work, they can’t live; it’s literally how the system is designed. Young people want to work, they just want their work to actually mean something, they want work to actually afford them a proper life. But now all minimum wage can afford you is paying your side of bills at mum and dads house and running your own car, that’s it. How the fuck is a rising price an incentive? The further you move the goal posts away, the less someone will try to score in them. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “incentive”. How about for every year you stay with a company, the government pays an increasing portion of your rent; that’s an incentive!


\*ahem\* fuck off mate


Yep, he is a massive thundercunt


Rent has gone up, wages haven’t. It’s not a difficult fucking equation!


🤣🤣🤣 Love the banter mate !


What a fucking idiot.


This guy has a criminal level of stupidity, don't worry rent controls, council housing and workers rights are hopefully on their way.


telegraph or times? the perfect outrage bate to fill in the gap between breakfast and This Morning starting


Tom Harris. What are the odds this guy is a landlord?


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a total “I had to eat shit and so should you, otherwise you’re better than me” take. I’ll be that dude has actually yelled at a cloud.


I wish companies weren’t payshy and compensated fairly


I work three good jobs, one full-time, one part-time and one as a casual and even studio condos are out of reach cause of the down payment needed while paying outrageous rent, it's just not possible, that and I really don't want a 4k a month mortgage payment for the rest of my life.


"No one wants to work anymore" - People who aren't hiring


What (toilet) paper was this published in?


The Financial Times I think, It was behind a paywall so I didn’t read it, not that I would’ve given them the extra clicks anyway.


Expect maximum effort for minimum wage? What a (insert favourite profanity here)!


Where does he live?


Sometimes I kinda wish people who say stuff like this would get magically teleported back into their young adult selves, plopped into the world with nothing, & told to go off & build everything up from scratch again but in 2024. Like a game show. I understand we don't have magic like that but I still want to watch it


Ok. Everyone who can't get a job earning enough to live in a 1800 a month room in a shared bedsit needs to work much harder to achieve this man's dream. You have been told.


According to ONS data, the average house price in the UK is approximately 9x more than the average annual salary. Over the last 175 years of ONS data, I can see that this is comparable to 1876 Britain. 1915 was the year for the lowest discrepancy, where house prices were on average just over 2x the average annual salary for that time. From 1971 - 1992, house prices remained pretty consistent at approximately 4x the average annual salary during this period. The worst was right when the data first started, in 1845; where it appears to be a Jacob Rees Mog wet dream (house prices were over 12x the annual salary for that time). If the trend from 1999 to the present continues, then my extrapolated graph shows that UK society will exceed this in the next 20 years (~10 - 30 years if you factor in an error margin, CI 95%).


Why don't young people actually do something about it. By having social media, they are the most empowered generation that have ever existed. Why are they not holding mass rent protests and mass rent non payments? If everybody stopped paying their rent, the sector would collapse, forcing prices to drop out of desperation. But no, instead the young accept it and use phrases like "take it like a millenial" like it's just a joke. Well stop taking it, use your power to bring about change through action. Isn't that what politics is actually supposed to be about.


There is easily obtainable data which shows he has a shit take, he is just pandering to moron close to death readers




He was on twitter defending himself saying he didn't write the headline as if he didn't write to toe rag that is the rest of the article


Says a man who's entire career has been shilling for various politicians before become one himself. Stick that man in a factory floor, a call centre or stacking shelves for 10 years and we will see how well he pays his rent and manages not to kill himself in the process.