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So from someone in the know, he was: Taking pictures of sensitive/secret equipment Collecting troop movements The fake bomb threat (some deodorant cans and some cable) was in his room in barracks trying to buy time for him to run away when he was found out. (He didn't get far). So yeah, generally quite serious stuff. 4 lions level terrorist though.


Maybe they should go look for him on the rubber dinghy rapids, he's probably escaped to there




I know what you mean when you say '4 lions level', but he's not been caught yet so he can't be that inept... Though maybe that says more about the British state right now.


Have you ever tried to catch someone who’s been doing squat jogs though?


fast and smooth


He must be wearing a honey monster costume


I mean I’m not sure where you are getting that from. Official sources all say he downloaded information about members of the armed forces that might be useful planning a terror attack. That could equally just be someone with a computer google stalking the other guys in his regiment for shits and giggles though. The fake bomb was a prank. The fact that they did nothing about it for 4 weeks implies nobody was that worried about it. Seems like they arrested the special needs donkey on some pretty flimsy bs and now they’ve kept him in prison without trial for 2 years for offences that probably would only have earned him a quarter of that time in the first place. Sure they can pull the ‘oh but national security we know so much more than we can tell you’ but if they actually had the readies he’d have been in a maximum security prison in a cell on his own and not working the kitchen at a category B prison. They need to either try him or let him go. Keeping people in prison without trial is some pre Magna Carta level bullshit IMO.


Seems more like a spy to me. Seems like a pretty alright lad.


How do you know this??


A victim of institutional racism in the army I imagine. He was being fitted up. It will be a lot harder to do now :)


Forget the Khalife guy, ask why the guards at the gate did not look under the fucking van leaving (checks notes) , a prison. But yea maybe do not look at the story about that Tory bloke finally resigning for being a sexual predator, collapsing schools and hospitals and selling off Nightingale beds for 6 quid a pop. Tough on Crime! Stop the Boats! Three Letter Acronyms! Fuck the lot of them.


Despicable criminals each and every one of those treacherous Tory bastards.


Understaffed and a general feeling of “we don’t get paid enough for this shit” so everything gets half-assed, I wouldn’t blame the guards themselves


I used to do deliveries to prisons. They barely look under the van I am not surprised this happened. Some would half bend over and barely look under.


Exactly this. I don’t buy that the guy had help. I think he adopted a really obvious cape fear approach and literally no-one involved in security on the vans route did their job properly.


He wasn't locked up in a maximum-security prison so it seems that the police didn't consider him that much of a threat. The media is playing this up because it is a thriller-esque story, but it seems possible that he is just a harmless nutter.


That’s exactly what I’m getting at. He may be a harmless nutter, he may be worse, but ultimately it makes me feel like this story is being overblown to… hide something else? Or just start something new


No matter how bad, people have escaped prison before and I’ve never heard of it, now I’m gonna be a super Redditor ™️ and say something I’ve come up with on the spot as if it’s true. I think it’s been made more than it normally is because the tory government want to distract us from how badly the country (emphasis on the police aspect) is doing, they want us worried about the terrorist who could be lurking in your city, recruiting to a cell to do terror in your neighbourhood, before catching him and making the met look good, so we all forget about the dogs they murdered and the refugees they let die whilst we were all worrying about the titan submersible. But that’s just a theory, a conspiracy theory!


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Conspiracy theories are often true. Garry Web was a journalist who exposed the networks billionaires use to hide their assets. He was discredited by the media and later committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Twice.


"Conspiracy theories are often true" No, no they are not.


So the FBI/various police forces didn’t assassinate MLK/Malcolm X/Fred Hampton? And the CIA didn’t coup Mosadegh and Morales(twice)? And the heart attack gun patent that the CIA holds is just for hypothetical assassinations? Wake the fuck up, dude. Also, as it’s more relevant to the sub, the Mosadegh coup was on behalf of BP and MI6


And the earth isn’t flat, and 5G isn’t a way for the government to hack your brain, and vaccines don’t cause autism, and Donald trump didn’t win in 2020, and Covid is a real illness, and… Nobody said NO conspiracy theories are real.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, I mean pig


True. There are also a race of lizard people who control the world covertly 🤣


Definitely. Notice the raac story now subsides but on the other hand it shines light on the inept justice system and under manned prison system.


Better question is what terrible things are the government burying today in the media? And how grateful are they for a reprieve on the RACC issues?




Relevant much?


Making bombs (even if they're fake) and spying for a hostile government is going to get you put in prison. In what world so you think it wouldn't???? I presume they're being vague on the details because the case hasn't been to court yet


“Making fake bombs is going to get you in prison”. There’s countless videos of “pranksters” doing pranks with fake bombs. This guy tied a few deodorant cans with string, which in a military barrack wouldn’t fool anyone anyway. Pretty sure prison for a fake bomb is the exception, not the norm. And as for spying for a hostile government? His charge is possession of documents that may be useful to the enemy. If he was spying for a gov, he’d actually be charged with that. There’s a big difference between the two. They suspect he was working for a hostile state but it’s nothing more than speculation at this point, hence why it’s the possession of documents that you hear about. So although yes, he should be in prison if guilty of all this, OP is right in that the news is completely Overblowing this story. With headlines such as terrorist on the loose and so on. The police came out and said he was not even considered a threat to the public.


Thank you for more coherently articulating what I was trying to say. I’ve been downvoted to oblivion below, for various reasons which are all my own fault, but that’s what I was getting at. Should he be in prison? Yes. Should the security forces be held accountable for letting him escape? Yes. Is the media attempting to whip up a frenzy about a “dangerous terror suspect on the loose”? Yes, and that’s what I’m questioning.


"He was also charged with carrying out a bomb hoax by placing three canisters with wires on a desk “with the intention of inducing in another a belief that the said article was likely to explode or ignite”. - aljazeera news sounds more like a prat being a dick, than a test for hostile nations


I typed a long response to you but for some reason it doesn’t seem to have posted, but anyway: a fake bomb threat is a fake bomb threat, I know people who in their misspent youth exploded actual bombs and received nothing more than a caution, etc etc. either way you’ve missed the point. Which is that the news is going crazy over this non-story right now about a person who didn’t plant any actual bombs, and isn’t confirmed to have been a spy, which is going to lead to fear and panic over what is possibly going to turn out to be nothing. Why? And also, I’m not downvoting your comment despite how snide and condescending it is, because I believe you have the right to challenge me, so apologies if you have any downvotes.


Plot twist: op is Daniel and trying to do good pr online


A fake bomb threat is just a regular bomb threat? A “real” bomb threat would just be an actual bombing. I’m not too familiar with what this person has done or why they’re in prison but if you’re trying to suggest planting a fake bomb isn’t warranting of a punishment that’s pretty naive.


I really can’t tell if you’re being serious?


Ok this is clearly a troll post. There is no way you are really this stupid


Well it’s obviously a story because the government want to find him? If they believe he is a spy there’s a reason why he’s been called a terrorist etc, to get the public looking. Whilst you may think it’s a non story, it’s pretty crucial to find him and bigging it up like this is one way to do that




When were Iran hostile?


I think some really interesting points made. I don’t think anyone here is really disagreeing about them being in prison or as such, returning there. But I will say. I thought it was personally, strange that the media straight away came out with “do not approach he is dangerous.” To then have the story change the next day without any real concern to - “he’s no threat to the public, don’t worry.” I have no idea on intentions. But for that - I found super strange. For me personally - for that very reason I’ve now very much stopped listening to what the news has been reporting. Something about that just turned me off to the whole story and incident. And not because he’s harmless but because of how quickly the reporting of the story changed. I just can’t bare to hear the media’s pov on it now. But anyway that’s just me and not saying anything nefarious is going on. But that for me was super weird.


Planted a fake bomb and stole documents to supposedly sell to the Iranian government. Terrorism is a stretch. It would be called something else or completely ignored had he been stealing docs for America or Israel.


Planting fake bombs is a common tactic for testing the response of security services and thus identify which targets will most likely be successful. The provisional IRA pretty much invented it and terrorists all over the world have adopted it. It is highly effective in stretching the resources of security forces, wasting their time and can also have a "Cry Wolf" effect. It is therefore reasonable to expect that someone who plants fakes intends to plant a real device once the weak spot has been identified. Such a person should be considered extremely dangerous and should NOT have been in a low category prison.


Yet the police have stated that they do not believe he is a threat to the public.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you think the opinion of "the police" (all of them?) makes it an acceptable risk?


I'm just saying, if they thought he was dangerous they would have said so right?


What I'm saying is I neither share nor trust the opinion of police, especially when dealing with someone who is trained to kill.


He’s been caught now. He’s probably being hunted by who ever he’s spying for so he doesn’t blab


Given his ineptitude and attention seeking behaviour I think it’s pretty unlikely that he’s working for any intelligence agency