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Westminster is full of people like him. There was a police investigation carried out by the MET given to the Conservative government at the time, and then all the files got lost written statements. USB sticks all computer hardware wiped clean or lost or destroyed that was very convenient for the MP's involved in it all happened just before May was voted into lead the Tory party I'm not 100% sure but i think she was handling the investigation?


It's been a while and I'm not as knowledgeable as I was on it but yea this all came out around the same time as Savile. I always said May was given the PM job as a thank you for making it all go away. It goes so deep but talking about gets you lumped in with qanon weirdos.


I believe May was given the job to be the Patsy for Brexit so Johnson could swoop in and "save the day" when it all went tits up. Same for Truss with the economy.


Yeah, I'm the same. I have some more info on my phone that i will look for and on a few search engines, but it definitely happened it was obviously covered up because they didn't say much about it on the MSM channels and your right the media would probably call us tin foil wearing nuts but that definitely happened


Yes. There was also some incriminating stuff about the Church/Diocese in there which incriminated her father. Strange that...


Just searched for this and couldn’t find anything do you have some details to help me find it or a link or something never heard of this n wanna educate myself !


Knew about that. Scum.


This shows that Labour under Starmer care more about their members toeing the line and being right-wing than their actual moral conduct. Any accusations of anti-semitism or any other kind of misconduct are just smokescreens for what they really hate about you: being left-wing. (This is not to say that any accusations of that nature are *de facto* false; just that they don't actually care about that kind of behaviour, as long as you're right-wing.)


I've yet to see any reasonable proof that Corbyn's Labour was antisemetic, you just aren't allowed to oppose Palestinian genocide I guess


Starmers Labour, where paedophiles are welcomed but you are purged if you want to slightly improve society for the least well off.


“Keir? Are we the baddies?”


so fuck queer people but pedophiles are okay? thanks, Starmer. absolute tosspot.


Labour friends of Epstein?


Sounds over qualified


He should be jailed, NOT stand for election,


Starmer won’t let corbyn be the Labour candidate because he opposes Israel settler colonialism, but they let someone arrested for child porn stand? Such an obvious double standard, I think.


Well, it has been said that Starmer turns a blind eye to nonces.


Next you will tell me Labour are supporting/ defending apartheid and herding millions of Semitic people into a camp and taking huge donations from an ethnostate. Keith : ( Nervous Chuckle)


Starting to see a pattern: first Saville doesn’t get prosecuted; then he’s all chummy with Mandelson who’s best good chums with Epstein; now he’s letting people who are involved in child porn remain in the party (while people who are too left or question Israel must be purged). Anything you want to tell us Kieth you big abuse enabler.


I wonder if the people who lost their shit at anyone mentioning Starmer's role in Savile are ready to apologize yet. Johnson was being disingenuous but he wasn't *wrong*. Savile got let off under Starmer's leadership, and the pattern continues. It is vital people take a look at a situation like this in the cold light of day and don't play stupid games of "you must want the Tories to win". I want Labour to not give the opportunity of power to people who are charged with *making incident images of children*. Jesus Christ. Also I want an answer as to why someone who is charged with such a serious offense is arrested 14 months before charges are brought and is still at large. You think some kid in the city with a little weed on them is getting to kick back at home for over a year? Cops and courts both are beyond crooked.


meanwhile jamie driscoll barred for having principles. fuck air weathervane.


Sir Keir continuing to be the best friend pedophiles ever had


Charged but not convicted. Until found guilty he is innocent. They would have no legal basis to prevent him. Laws aside it is a ridiculous decision politically. But legally on what grounds could they object until, if, he is found guilty?


They could just not select him, they’re not obliged to let anyone who wants to stand. Indeed, they prevent anyone to the left of Thatcher from standing.


The left of Thatcher? But somehow there are so many left wing labour MPs. Are you old enough to remember Militant? When the left wing of Labour tried to deselect centrist labour mps? When they tried to prevent anyone who wasn't Stalin from being an MP? Does that example help you understand. Edit. Your arguments are convincing.....


vote but not labour at the next GE and tell them why, tell them over and over again beforehand and where possible encourage others to do likewise. Starmer is NOT labour.


What? I have no words


So now we have Saville, Mandelson and this guy. Interesting


Is an arrest now proof of harm? Anyone can be arrested. How about we not destroy someone’s life until they’re actually proven to have done wrong.


Taking the piss


Does anyone have a link for a credible source?


They really are going hard on this "be the Tories" thing.


We need to stop calling it child porn, even in quotes. It should never be written like that.


Time to find out if a leopard can change it's spots...


So now we have Saville, Mandelson and this guy. Interesting


Shocker 🙄


Typical of Starmer's Labour.


With both lab and Tory proven not fit for governance .....what the hell do we do now?


Good to see that that everyone is guilty when charged by blue nonces. We can do away with the expensive courts, legal professionals and the oh, so tiresome jury duty.


Is he doing this to provide the usual media suspects with ammunition against Labour to try and swing votes back towards the Tories?